ULTRAKILL Custom Levels Are Ridiculously Cool (3 Maps)

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water fall AB bomin what the [ __ ] okay what do we got going on here a little little robot what heaven piercer mark one what is up my friends today we're going to be playing the agony custom levels it has been pretty highly requested so we're going to check these levels out I believe there's four levels in total but we'll see what actually there are maybe some of them are not complete or something like that but hopefully they're all four ready to go and we got a okay this is the pre dude called Heaven's Gate by Luca and we got a little plushy up top here never seen this PL oh wow must be like a custom made one look at the flhy man all right let's do this [ __ ] oh Heaven's Gate holy [ __ ] okay yo I like how people do this [ __ ] how they reuse stuff from from other levels and like just put their own little touch on it am I hearing a secret or oh I'm hearing one of those slingshots whoa my goodness oh a secret we're going for the secret it's like a garden you mean like a garden one of these days one of these trees are going to bleed watch what the [ __ ] is this like a barrier or some it's like a portal to heaven right here that's what it looks like yo this tree has little apples on it or something let Eden near this thing oh my [Music] God okay hello yo what the hell little dementor looking thing what is this like a freaking Sentry virtue can't move okay that's cool so we got virtues that can't move now it's like a stationary boy come here oh [ __ ] I'm flying y did the barri you just fall oh no it's was like out of range got some Cerberus going on oh more enemies [Music] okay oh oh oh oh oh everybody's flying oh [ __ ] that oh my God he's idled okay I didn't realize that okay there's the idol there we go where's he at now come here boy you're filthy casual Goodbye Oh Holy frame drop okay I think we're good more barriers okay perfect more Idols More Everything music's pretty lit map Design's pretty damn cool how these barriers come up and down which is pretty cool it's like reflective a little bit too I think this is another reskin of like the flesh prison eyeball which is very sick oh hello I didn't even see these guys [ __ ] I can't pay the toll sorry boys line them up and knock them down okay who is shooting me okay these guys are like hard to see where you at goodbye goodbye okay that one wasn't so bad are we like deactivating layers of this barrier or something that's what it seems like huh the pillars look pretty damn cool got some of the limbo layer going on here these are like the trees from the dev Museum I recognize this thing it looks like he the person that made this map used parts of the limbo lay the dev Museum and wrath oh and then clearly glut me right pretty damn cool okay that doesn't sound good neither does that take care of the big boys first okay he's dead catch and it's a fountain of blood there we go holy frame drops okay every sometimes these barriers cause frame drops but that's okay oh yo now we got the cispus eyes holy [ __ ] did I just yep I did collateral nice okay hit one hit them all just about oh [ __ ] another eyeball I don't understand what these Century virtues are doing are they even shooting at me I can't tell come here boy where's he at oh there he is what did those guys do I can't really tell oh maybe they dropped the barriers okay what's this red thing in this tree over here oh it's just like an aura yo that looks so cool that kind of reminds me of whenever like the Elden Beast came out of the game out of the ground not the game oh we got a skull is it going to do anything oh machine you must go you come unprepared are we about to fight Gabrielle the Angels created this barrier with a purpose you seek to destroy everything in your path but even some foes maybe too never mind you seek to destroy the barrier your fate is sealed [Music] Stargazer what the [ __ ] okay holy [ __ ] this thing looks like a star itself okay so wait a minute this is like literally a flesh prison reskin it looks like so I'm going to guess we have to defeat it in the same manner yo it has like a giant ass eye that's sick no you don't what happened to the music there's like no music now no healing no healing that's not good okay I need to so it seems like the eyeballs spawn faster on this one or he heals more frequently and slide to the left oh [ __ ] there we go big Damage Big damage this is so weird that there's no music I'm not sure if that's like a glitch or what there we go I'm about to defeat his ass think I'd get him in this burst there we go holy [ __ ] nice holy crap whoa what the heck random saw blade just going crazy all right what now I have a strange feeling I'm supposed to go inside this thing but watch it just kill me and I have to restart at the beginning wait what the heck they're like all funneling down [ __ ] it Meo oh oh sweet okay nice not too bad time was a little slow but other than that it was pretty good all right agony one the Prelude is over and holy [ __ ] I am still in love with the opening areas of these new custom maps like I wish the real game had opening areas like this I know wrath has a few of them but for the most part these are like way cooler just straight UPS say pain can relate Agony just random books submit to his domain his domain who the hell is he in the first place what do we got going on here another book special thanks to oh okay this is like a credits type one cool cool oh alert fatal air layer Agony room status fatal hell elevator broken method to surface unknown all hell hell energy levels dangerously High souls are boosted oh [ __ ] okay did I read this book his domain okay so there's like some person going to be here I think hell energy levels dangerously High I wish more levels had like destructible environments like this I think it's really cool who okay voice acting a device a creation of entities with Souls yet with the ability to destroy much more than what your creators could dream of whoever thought you could ever retain powers that could ravage hell a place of Eternal punishment I knew something was wrong when I sensed men's energy depart from ah he knows the min's death oh well who am I does not concern an object like you but what should is that you are my domain an object like you Soul or not requires discipline and I will make sure you will pay for your sins and your quest for eternal life my pools of Agony will be the last place you B holy crap okay so this is like Prime sanctum type [ __ ] going on here y this is cool it's like a river of blood it almost looks like holy crap giant ass eyeball staring at me we got another book here let's see what's going on here is this Hank Hank's just getting [ __ ] up everywhere isn't he pain torture agony me all what is left of my body feels I craved the power the blood now I see I we were all naive we should have known that too much power destroys whatever Abomination lurks in these destructive Waters must be one of the strongest creatures in this universe Abomination lurking in the waters okay what the [ __ ] how I wish nobody reads this farewell Traveler okay so we got like a massive creature lurking in these freaking rivers of blood or Agony whatever you want to call it this area looks very ominous but at the same time absolutely amazing all right whoa Le okay hello we got like a waterfall of blood blocking our path oh no and eyeballs just eyeballs are a common theme in these custom levels it seems like I do actually like to see them as a custom as a common enemy is kind of cool instead of just having them exclusively in Prime sanctums why not reick oh goodness oh I thought I heard a uh one of the sniper robots I always forget their name oh wow we got the freaking cispus Prime eyes too pH Opticon eyeballs holy crap that's cool like a freaking waterfall of blood just blocks our path whoa my goodness what do we got going on down there we got some like turbines a secret bunch of those little slingshot things oh my god oh a secret another one I think we got to go this way it looks like yep there we go oh hello hello okay yo those are not the standard flesh prison eyes I don't know what those are look at that what come here boy secret mine okay oh can I pick up that skull probably not nope yo this is crazy looking holy [ __ ] let me do a little bit of surf in here oh okay there's invisible barriers noted okay we got a terminal with a checkpoint we all know what that means at this point right boss fight hit scan weapons like revolver okay standard one checkpoint reached what do we got wait a minute oh wow okay holy [ __ ] destructible environment love it got to love it and now now we're just sailing on down the river let's go this is interesting looking waterfall aomin what the [ __ ] okay what the hell catch oh he just ate it what the [ __ ] are these things little eyeballs oh little pockets of eyeballs yo okay so those are the creature eyes that was saw earlier y this Arena oh my all right so noted he leaps and he eats let's give this another try here let's focus up and kill his [Applause] ass where is he [ __ ] oh [Applause] goodness where'd he go ow so that's like undodgeable apparently yo goodness yo having these little slingshots everywhere is so much fun holy [ __ ] let's make it to where you just can't track [Applause] me [ __ ] oh he's dead hell yeah yo using those slingshots like that makes you like impossible to kill holy [ __ ] you sure didn't spawn very many guys that time around can I pick up this skull yo it's a little hakita doll what hey hey paying homage to the creator of the game got to love it he scares me aita it's okay just because this is a custom level and it's almost as good as one of your levels actually it might even be better than some of your levels no offense but it's pretty lit okay stay calm all right here we go where are we now is that the end of the level or oh I think it is let's do a quick look behind this thing for any secrets okay invisible barrier so odds are there's no secrets what is going on feedback is greatly appreciated be on the lookout for 10 2 the city at the bottom of hell so I actually think that that level is already out so we're going to be checking that one out overall this map's pretty damn cool so far these levels are sick in the fact that every single one of them has a boss fight at the end which is something I super enjoy and it's like this Arena very cool loved it let's check out the next map hopefully we'll see things just as great up ahead special thanks to the musicians and the voice actor nice all right let's go 10 two here we come all right so 10 two actually is out and we are here and we have another Luca doll it appears the city at the end of Hell by Luca thanks Luka okay let's do this [ __ ] okay okay okay oh holy [Music] [Applause] [Music] music looks like honeycomb o Red Skull no oh my goodness this is a whole vibe right here yo this is crazy oh [ __ ] okay we're already fighting oh he's idled I think is he I think he is oh he is okay I see the idle go oh my goodness oh I thought that eyeball was one of the enemy eyeballs I'm stuck in a tree what do we got going on here a little little robot what heaven piercer mark one what the hell oh my goodness this is the gun from the death Museum but instead he appears to have given it a model and an actual weight of fire holy [ __ ] okay wonder how deadly this thing is is let's let it charge up really [Music] quick huh oh look a little flarp I can't pick him up oh hello trial one the weapon seems to be functional by concentrating hell energy and storing it into a capsule we can fire it at will with the use of the gun the weapon appears to be effective at neutralizing Angels but does also pose harm to demons and husk as the concentrated hell energy overloads areas of Flesh and burns it off trial 12 with the new upgrades to the weapon the beam can overload after discharging a certain amount of Hil energy into enemies a meter has been added to show operators when they can overload the beam trial 18 weapon seems to not be powerful enough to break through the barrier created by the heavens upgrades to utilize higher concentrations of Hell energy are planned okay so this is like some researchers trying to develop a weapon to cut into heaven cut through the barrier to get into the Gate of Heaven this is pretty cool okay let's [ __ ] around with this thing a little bit let's go conduct some research it [Applause] [Music] says yo holy crap are we in De Rock Galactic now we working for drg got to go mine some stuff what is this a sign City entrance jump pad ahead okay oh oh are we in the [Music] city oh we got bad guys let's see how this gun does now what the heck yo he's bleeding that's cool okay I'm not going to be able to rely on it it looks like oh my god get absolutely lasered yo I'm not used to having it in my weapon combo so it's kind of messing me up a little bit or my weap what is blowing up around here holy crap it's like meteor okay it's probably one of those guys [ __ ] cispi and insurrectionist die boy okay I think that one's dead I think there's two though oh never mind he's not dead I can stomp on the ground too dude nice catch all right let's let's uh do more research it yo that's pretty cool there we go where'd he go is that everybody I think that's everybody still have my Combat music on see if we can find this enemy really quick oh no way we got [Music] another okay apparently he was way over there shout out coins what do we got here nope no secret this [Applause] [Music] time I have a strange feeling that this gun is supposed to be used on these or something like that conducting resech got a book here to do go to the Town Square visit family take boat to his castle huh pray for the end of his oh my God hibernation the end of his hibernation so we got like some type of creature maybe or a person is hibernation so probably a person what does this say I love you live love laugh live oh my God all right let's figure out where we're supposed to be going here okay based off the music I think we're on the right path okay well here we are literally melts them no fun intend what did I just somehow reflect by not even looking at it apparently yo why can't I jump there we go holy explosions this is like the agony City this is pretty cool so now we got the lust City who is shooting at me show yourself coward going him out coin your way out okay I hear big people moving mildly concerning we Ultra killing it conducting research head shot and one we in the stars in the trees okay where the hell are we now have I already read this yes I [Music] do okay so we need to go to the Town Square we were on the right path going this way so let's just continue on this way I see a checkpoint there we [Applause] go whoa [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay what is that nope oh I was hoping it'd like make it fall from the ceiling oh hello Idol did I just fall to my death I did holy crap okay there's somebody mad this time let's try not to fall to our death okay maybe it's a good thing I didn't get get that shot off Oh I thought I fell again where the heck do we go place is a [Music] labyrinth what we got going on over [Music] there okay maybe we don't go that way that seems like a jump to my dead type of area maybe we go this [Applause] way this looks like where we came [Music] [Applause] [Music] from I think we took a wrong turn oh wait I just saw a [Music] [Applause] checkpoint okay [ __ ] maybe that is the right spot maybe we just let ourselves fall down okay yeah there we go perfect where you at boy shoot time to do more research okay that gun's not very powerful still fun to use nonetheless holy enemies I heard you boy that's right okay nice can we go up here nope it's blocked okay that like the base of a massive Mountain it looks [Music] [Applause] like little house we can go inside so funny that these little signs are in these buildings like what the hell what do we got going on over here and see if there's anything [Music] special yo a sailboat no way we're about to have to sail across this River okay let's see what happens oh that was the end hell yeah the city at the end of Hell well guys I appreciate you guys watching the video let me know if you guys enjoyed me playing through the agony beta there's still like a fourth level that has yet to come out that I'm definitely going to be playing once it's actually finished luuka I most certainly appreciate you making these levels and I most certainly appreciate you guys for watching this video hopefully I'll cut you guys in the next one and comment a another level down below if you want me to check anything else out all right guys thanks for watching [Music] peace [Music]
Channel: Chroma Prime
Views: 93,328
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Chromasky, gaming, streaming
Id: PybE-kBmhMU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 36sec (1836 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 25 2023
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