Everybody told me to play THIS Ultrakill Custom Map...

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this is the first time I've I've talked about this on stream but I'm going away for two weeks um starting at the beginning of March essentially and I was like well I don't want to just have like nothing on the on the VOD channel so what I'm doing is I'm taking all my like weird old like unlisted Ultra kill vods that are hard to find and I'm just re-uploading them um so I've been like rendering those out so that uh they're actually ready to go when I leave so uh that'll be fun if you've never seen like the full unedited VOD vods of my first playthrough up through like Minos Prime PR rank um because they've they've been unlisted on my VOD Channel then uh now will be your opportunity um okay anyways custom levels I have a bunch downloaded now but today we are doing where the streets have no name challenge beat the secret encounter oh Lord um I do need to available online can I just update yeah we're good okay I was like sometimes I uh I get scared when it needs like dlls and [ __ ] what is going on here I like the custom terminals it's it's always kind of a nice uh a nice touch let's see make sure play with music and Screen Shake on I always do be aware that this level has a lot of moving parts so expect lag in some areas I will attempt to fix somewh possible actually okay in that case let me do something right quick hopefully that will help my performance and uh I think I'm probably good here yeah we'll figure it out oh [Music] well hello is this lore time this is why the level's so long so much reading text scanned unique passage this has been an utter disaster while lust and its inhabitant above are living in luxury under the grace given by King MOS us Below have fumbled the opportunity to improve our own conditions resources from lust have been pouring in but our efforts in urbanizing gluttony has been nothing short of disastrous okay so this takes place in gluttony interesting um this is where the streets have no name is the name of it nature lar buildings are swallowed and assimilated by fleshy terrain Gutter and sewage systems overflow and break with a surplus of blood rain and acid even the serpents have taken notice and help hell itself prevent our attempt of building a better livelihood for ourselves our chance to escape our torment has been Twisted in on itself and now maintaining this constantly crumbling city has become our new punishment most of the workforce is given up and returns to their places in the piles of writhing bodies it won't be long before all this city gets absorbed and digested into the very ground itself this has all been a grim reminder that no matter what we will never find peace remaining text irrelevant oh see you it's good thing guy I didn't have more reading to do [Music] okay witness the Folly of man hey yo this is very dusk looking yet again is this that really cool one I mean honestly a lot of them have been pretty cool okay hi all right we've begun oh my all wa let's you're way up there huh here come down here there something the the scale of this level is is kind of I don't want to say awkward it's just unique so far oh hi um wait I just realized I have no HUD I must have been taking screenshots let's fix that quick oh my [Applause] god did you die hello thank thank you and you when you actually okay don't don't spoil please I know it's a custom level I'm not going to go crazy against spoilers and back seating but like I still am I still trying to fly blind here don't spoil anything please and thank you I have done [Music] fraudulence oops not what I wanted we good I really like oh okay I guess we're not I guess we're not done what the [ __ ] are you okay what do you do huh oh he's shooting is he shooting tracking orbs do it again okay he he has like a variety of attacks it seems like do it oh he's dead that's crazy I have so many Maurice heads to crush see is there anything the ceiling sure does go up a ways man the music is [ __ ] awesome hyd drink oh my water is far away whoa woo that is weird I don't know if there's anything else here is anything down uh-oh uh-oh give me back I need a uh I need a check point is what I really need there it is okay we got oh boy I'm dead no I'm not where' you get down there oh it's just one guy all right I forget it hello oh boy me out of there okay this is broken that really blows oh my God hello oh and that killed all of the drones too very nice do you have Rockets I do have Rockets I just haven't been using them really okay nope not quite there you go there's Rockets hello please are you like not on Solid ground or something what's going on here thank [Music] you the textures in the hallway Are From Dusk oh that's [Music] funny yeah it reminds me of like episode two of dusk like the city parts do this looks very like conspicuous but there's nothing here and the ceiling is lower than it looks like it should [Music] be okay skull give me yeah the the Brick texture as well I I wasn't 100% on that but it does sure look like it ah skull must be over here this looks like it's going to be an arena maybe halfway where's the other one where is the other one I didn't I didn't even see it okay oh [ __ ] I'm back here that's funny I suppose I could have just shot you to cancel you huh oh this is isn't actually that far back well that was my first death too uh-oh I'm dead dude [ __ ] okay that room is uh a bit of an escalation [Music] huh I want to I want to launch you okay get out of there God damn it yeah if only they had just named their streets that's so true I just need to kill this where's the other one there we go God there's so many there's so many mannequins I I holy [ __ ] um hello oh hey pretty sure you can't launch a planted Sentry yeah no I was trying to launch him when he wasn't n planted and then he planted [Music] so that is my favorite way to kill sentries this's this spawn here how about this oops not what I wanted oh my God I'm I'm freaking out here where was the blood oops dude it is taking me a second to get uh to get used to the like separate keybinds did he die I guess he did no he didn't he's stuck plus Perry dies anyways that's what I'm saying that's what I'm saying what hey [ __ ] off oh boy okay I'm seeing where the P2 comparisons come from okay not what I meant to do is that one coming to me okay no it's not whoa what the uh the Sharpshooter really isn't as effective against them as I thought it'd be okay we're good oo uh-oh goodbye oh he actually isn't dead oh there is there three of them oh I'll spawn here oh no this [Music] they're both doing it there we go floating Maurice head can I still squish it oh please there we go what's up here this is like a dusk looking secret spot if I ever saw one nope you can't go up there [Music] unfortunate ah is this loot [Music] back oh what the [ __ ] are you okay you're flesh prison I see and you enrage your flesh prison with Mobility that's a cool enemy wow I like that that's from the carcass mod okay yeah that was the one I installed then oh that's where I came from I want to go this way I was like [Music] wait oh no okay woo what oh you do mortars too huh hi wouldn't mind it if you died okay okay hey qu it oh my God uh hello how about that wish you would die honestly there we go the Whiplash killed him very cool was not expecting that and what is this oh okay don't die to mines don't die to mines that would be bad Jesus Christ all right I need a sip of coffee you missed a book where the Red Skull was really I did not see that is this water safe it is um I can go back and look at that book assuming nope it won't let me in oh whatever I should have made it more obvious if you wanted me to read it just kidding I don't even I have no idea where it was are we back out here oh uh this Loops back out here you're didn't expect you to play Ultra kill today what did you expect me to to play today I I play it these days about once a month this is probably my one time this month was on the table in front of the bookshelf oh yeah I didn't see that is it is it boss time like what what's about to happen no this just feels like more Arena hey okay that's fine apparently I just can't hit you that's much better oh hi dude I've gotten so much better at mine players because of P2 like it's actually kind of hilarious how much easier I find them now hi oh no hello what huh what did where was I that was I think I clipped into something goodbye low okay no she has the last laugh I didn't kill you bummer mind flares were pretty underused before P2 yeah exactly that's exactly what I'm saying oh I also feel like the uh the keep binding change helped too because you can now like still punch him to do extra damage with the um with the knuckle Blaster but also Parry them without having to swap between them so much are there any new enemies after 72 not really no I mean not really there's like there's like a setpiece enemy that you only fight in 73 but I would be shocked if it okay cool I would be shocked if it appeared in this level cuz it it would have no point what all the way back here okay that was too early H I love it when the M player does my job for me okay or that and then I hate when they do that there we go yeah I use uh I use an electric shaver to trim my beard and then if I want to like if I want to like shave my neck I just use like a regular [Applause] razor works out fine all right time to not die in this room he's still here oh hi hello Maurice okay we're still gaming here huh come down here with me huh why don't you and then a soldier got me gotcha gotcha okay yeah this level's pretty hard I think a distinct lack of checkpoints is kind of the defining feature of many uh oh hit the wrong one still there was one more drone oh my God how about this it's just that there's so much fight between here and there yeah like I'm okay with dying a few times in fact I I would prefer it I would prefer if a if a like custom level that's meant to be hard kills me a few times uh what I'm not sure about however is the distinct lack of checkpoints being the source of difficulty although it hasn't been too bad on this level so far there's been some other ones that have been like more egregiously that way by far what are we doing here a mauce go right into that saw I dare you dude they're hard to see like hey there buddy okay we got some [ __ ] up here like the visibility in this room is deceptively bad do it I [ __ ] dare you okay oh my God I think he kind of had the last laugh there a little bit fraud fraud fraudulence is that the one we're talking about here see and I liked that level but I felt like that was one of the worst in terms of checkpoint placement but I think it's been updated actually since uh since I last played it I did like it don't get me wrong but okay another Red Skull deal here what is this level called it's called Where the streets have no name uh suggesting the calm sereness much like its namesake uh by the band you two not I don't know what I'm doing in here I'm kind of just exploring at this point is this yeah I think if I fall down there I take damage and it respawns me up here if I'm not mistaken so I don't want to do that it's not safe water although I mean there's nothing up here well I don't know I don't know I'll I'll be on the lookout I guess for a Red Skull although it seems like I'm not going to be able to go back from there unless it Loop Loops back hi okay that's cool it's fine it's fine it's fine okay it's fine that could not have gone worse nope oh [Music] hi okay what everyone's waking up oh man how am I okay wait I have the sauce come on up and die wait where'd they go are they all dead okay I wasn't expecting that oh they're stuck okay goodbye God this is really cool is this doesn't work I okay I oh no um I don't know how he enraged already he's stuck over there is that another one that spawned or what's going on here like there it is that's a cool enemy it's like a super mind fler what's over here hello oh I'm actually going to turn up the music cuz I really like it it's kind of quiet though oh it's actually fading out it is actively fading out right now this city bleeds for you but in the end checkpoint what a sentence uh you will bleed for her oh God uh okay holy [ __ ] okay not what I wanted to do how about this nope too early what's up who's left oh just you and last no wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait get me up there oh my God my dual wheel juice is going to wear off bro honestly rude that Hita would let this happen to me are you going to recharge I don't see my there it is I couldn't see it because of the dual wield and a fairy man um you woo okay where are the blue orbs coming from oh it's you okay no I was like it feels like you should be dead what happens if I do this do you get hurt oh no screw it dude we're screwdriver in something just broke the audio we do it that was the first try on that Arena I think right sheh um yo was that was that actually the whole level someone now it's it's in my head that it's uh it's not going to end when I think it's going to end time is running I don't care I'm not going for a p rank I'm just exploring yeah I don't think that was harder than P2 the the only Arena that had the potential to be was this last one uh but they give you dual wield like dual wield pretty much offsets the difficulty of it no I I don't think bro Cerberus X is a short level and I would say that is harder than P2 by a landslide I don't think it being long is really like the mark of it being harder than P2 yeah claustrophobic is really the reason like just how tight those Arenas are that's really the reason that uh that P2 is so hard I forget the orbs uh or the um grapple points make like the orbs sound okay it's just credits thanks for playing thanks for making it yeah damn that was uh I can't lie that was really good 32 minute clear and I don't even feel like I did that bad the level is just [ __ ] long 10 restarts and it still took me 32 minutes bro who did this [ __ ] in a minute and a half I'm sorry it's my face cam is blocking it who did that [ __ ] in under two minutes what about that one room with the fairy man and the stalkers listen bro I've gotten better at the video game but until until an arena kills me a 100 times it's not harder than P2 like I'm sorry um okay it did take it did take a long time but uh I think I I can squeeze in another one U the other one I downloaded was mini hell uh and this one was requested by a lot of people as well let's see how it goes if I understand the premise of this one correctly um it's basically that there's like little pieces of all of the like all of the layers which I think is very cool oh now there now of course when there's no filth I have the idea to do that I'm really smart and good at the video game guys oh hi I didn't even see you there [Music] morce where we at do it it actually didn't work but it still worked [Music] out disagree with your disagreement it's just wrong it's a matter bro it's a matter of opinion like what what equates to difficulty if the level being long means means difficult to you that's fine but it doesn't mean someone else is wrong it's such a dumb thing to be like that pedantic rude about what the [ __ ] hello I am inside okay what I'm noticing this a lot in custom levels is that uh things tend to get a little bit l lost okay what what's like the progression here oh this is like a whole part of this room that I didn't explore it just seems awkward and claustrophobic though I'm not sure why I would go over there and I need a green skull like hello oh it's up here [Music] so this is It's a platforming gauntlet to get the skull it what the [ __ ] is this thing hello very cool I like that what where' everyone go see you bean box is that a stay's head it like kind of looks like it oh not what I meant to do dump D I'm not going to lie until that developer commentary stream I didn't even realized that there were dumpsters in P2 now everyone in everyone in chat was like not everyone but a few people in chat were like it's a dumpster man reference and I was like it's definitely just a dumpster but that that is kind of funny especially because that level tortured me so this this one of the best tracks in the game yeah reum is definitely grown on me it used to not be my favorite but okay I definitely hit my f key there and nothing happened but that's fine there's the first death okay that's fine my sound got very crunchy there no yeah you're done yeah I like one-shotting the mine players I just never think to do it do it oh little too late oh this is going to get me killed huh am I crazy or when you see their health bar does it feel like they have less health no no no no oh we're good we're good we're good right it's Bridge burer it's Bridge burer boing come here no I definitely went too early that time it's different skull I kind of like him though all right on to gluttony where is everyone I can't see you uh-oh I'm hitting artery start nothing's happening no dude can I do this what I gu I guess I'm just restarting it it it [ __ ] broke oh hey dumpster man acclaimed Ultra killer and recently bald man that's right I'm wearing this hat to disguise the fact that my hair is currently Orange yeah the bosses yeah they're definitely just the normal variant but wow that has quite the range on it how about this I'm like stuck on a tree trying to get away from your ass oh hi mace God damn it yet again I forget about the mace come at me wow not all of you died can you can you die this time yeah I'm just playing with my food now whoa that was not what I wanted to happen we're fine oh my God I was like that should get all of you right [Music] I get why soldiers don't appear until uh until later because um well especially now with the explosion resistance but before they had explosion resistance uh they they definitely just felt like almost the same as Strays aw do it again that was not the one I meant to hit yo that [ __ ] knocked me back that [ __ ] knocked me back to the limbo layer you're [Music] dead oh [Music] hello there was a period of time where I was very unhappy that the uh hello that soldiers were explosion resistance uh explo explosion resistant ah what the [ __ ] because it made no sense to me but now I kind of like it cuz it sort of forces you to get more creative with them where are you at one of you do it good enough all right try not to I guess clip out of bounds and not be able to respawn here where's the Maurice look at that Hard damage bro bro we make only good decisions with our Whiplash uh-oh cool I'm dead well I'm I'm at 1 HP oh it spawned me back here which is [Music] actually I I'm not playing this level I'm sorry not if I can't respawn at the checkpoint I might come back but I I don't want to keep replaying that over and over again um did I have other levels I don't think I do yeah that that that sucks I don't know what's causing that but I wonder if it's like punching you to a part of the map where it's unloaded and the checkpoint like doesn't load you know what I'm saying like it seems like each Zone like listen not a not a developer here not the person who made the level but I it seems like it loads each Zone individually and I'm wondering if because the checkpoint is in the last Zone if it just unloads and like you can't I don't know either way it seemed like a really cool concept um I'd love to play it if uh if that bug gets ironed out because it's not very fun having to uh start from the beginning every time I think that's it I don't have anything I could do more serverus X attempts but I don't think I will um really today I just wanted to play where the streets have no name um and I did that
Channel: Dumpster Man Extra
Views: 10,577
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch
Id: LeYeW7Qql00
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 8sec (2948 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 19 2024
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