ULTRAGUIDE | Shotgun Tech Quick Guide

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i wanted to do this quick guide for you guys because these techniques are important to learn when improving at ultrakill and they'll be a big part of the p1 guide when that comes out these are shotgun swapping projectile boosting and shotgun parries i want to clarify something here real quick when you punch your own shotgun pellets that is called a projectile boost not a shotgun parry shotgun parries are a totally different mechanic and we'll discuss that later projectile boosting also called pro boost or key boost or shotgun ticking makes one of the pellets you fire explosive this explosive pellet will do 3.5 damage in an aoe and is always centered which means you can essentially snipe a target at a long range with this it's a pretty simple technique but when first learning it the timing can be a bit difficult to pull off the easiest way i can explain and show you is that you first fire then punch quickly after you don't do it at the same time but it's pretty darn close shotgun swapping is very basic and easy to do but it's also very powerful you can output a lot of damage on a big target by simply holding down the fire button and tapping the swap variant button after you fire the shotgun you can also tap whatever button you have bound to the shotgun for this as well which is what i do i use custom binds from my shotgun because i use it so often it's easier quicker and more comfortable for myself to put it on another button swapping is so fast because you cancel the cooldown animation of the weapon you just fired by swapping to another weapon this animation cancelling can be done with various other weapons as well but we'll discuss that another time so what happens when you combine pro boosting and shotgun swapping this is the triple pro boost it works just like a normal pro boost but you have to swap immediately after the first then perform another and swap then perform the last one this can only be done if you haven't been pro boosting or punching for a short period of time this is because the feedbackr and the knuckle blaster have a global cooldown timer on them to prevent parry spam and well infinite projectile boosting the most you can get consecutively is three the timing for a triple pro boost is tough and it took me a while to get it down but like anything else it takes a lot of practice you gotta be quick it's very quick consecutive shoot punch swaps after the triple you can consistently get a pro boost on every other shot so you can pro boost swap fire swap pro boost swap fire swap pro boost as long as you want these techniques may take some time to develop but they're very powerful and really fun the last thing i want to talk about is shotgun parry this is exactly how it sounds you parry an enemy with your shotgun by firing at the right time this does not work for projectiles and only works at point-blank range the shotgun parry will always do 7 damage with the blue and 6.5 damage with the green the timing would be the same as if you were going to perform a normal parry against the target but you fire the shotgun instead this is very useful technique to use against source machine because you're in close range and essen has a lot of parrible attacks it also helps that sm takes extra damage from shotguns you can parry schisms drones malicious faces and even corpse menace's fists with this speaking of malicious faces they actually take the damage of a shotgun parry at any time as long as you're firing point blank into them you can easily take them down in three swaps or two swaps and a kb punch if you're not right up on them however you won't be dealing any of the parry damage and it'll take a long time to kill them shotgun pairing can also be done with the over pump explosion though you'll want to learn how to dodge that so you don't take the self damage from them and there you have it relatively simple techniques but very powerful and like i said they will be important for the p1 guide which should be coming out soon sometime this month for sure thanks to locked as always for the damage chart and thank you to bgb heck tech and mac for the information to use in the ultra guide as well i'll see you guys next time take care
Channel: HerbMessiah
Views: 209,845
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ultrakill, quick, guide, quick guide, retro, shooter, fps, indie, arena, game is good, projectile boost, shotgun, parry
Id: Kvx15KQmaJU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 52sec (292 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 01 2021
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