ULTRAGUIDE | Core Mechanics and Core Sniping

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the core eject is a powerful and versatile tool at your disposal not only can it be used defensively but it's also got applications for movement i've covered a number of these different functions in other videos and this time around we're going to talk about the other properties of the core grenade and core sniping let's get into it the core grenade is a physical object that's affected by explosions and shock waves meaning that they'll send it flying in other directions if you're in a chaotic fight with lots of explosions this could potentially interfere with where your core will land if you're not paying attention this also applies to the knuckle blaster shockwave cores can also interact with each other but only slightly if two cores touch they'll simply bounce off one another you can also launch cores off of jump pads or juggle them on one until they despawn the core itself has a lifetime of around 30 seconds it's also the primary target of a ricochet from the marksman as long as it has line of sight coreyjet grenades will also bounce off of malicious faces these can lead to some interesting setups for combo potential one thing you might not notice initially about the core grenade is that they do not share the player's momentum like coins do this means that if you're in movement the core will not follow with you and will instead launch along its path from the exact spot where you let it loose since the core will essentially move towards the spot where you are aiming at you'll be able to easily predict where it'll go this does take some practice to get the hang of and different charge times will give you different projectile arcs this is incredibly important to understand when you want to lob the grenade or more importantly go for horse knives if you're not aware of what a core snipe is it's when you shoot the core jet grenade with a hitscan weapon like the revolvers or the electric rail cannon you can also snipe it with a malicious rail cannon but we'll get to that in a moment coarse sniping increases the range and damage of the core explosion now called a super explosion doubling the damage in doubling the range the core at the center or zero point does 3.5 damage with a falloff of 2.3 so sniping doubles that damage to seven at the zero point with the falloff being 4.6 now remember how i said you can snipe with the malicious rail cannon this results in the largest explosion in the game currently and the community has taken to calling this technique the nuke something else you may have noticed is that yes you can actually use the malicious faces beam for an assisted nuke i've covered it briefly in my p1 guide and my easier ultra boost video but there's some things i neglected to mention on it since i last covered it there when you perform a new the damage at the zero point is 13.25 almost double that of the normal course night it has two falloff ranges fall off one does 10.85 damage and falloff 2 does 4.6 note that using the electric rail cannon does not result in a nuke and will instead produce a normal super explosion from a chorus knight so what are some ways to make core sniping easier well first thing i would say is to set custom key binds and then get used to using your keys to swap your weapons the key to faster sniping is faster weapon swapping you should also practice sniping the core at different charge levels so you're more easily able to predict the path of its arc typically speaking the longer the charge the faster and less of a curve to that arc you'll get if you give yourself some space you can ignore needing to hit the core directly by using a ricochet from the marksman this is probably the easiest way to hit the core if you're moving around a lot and if you're good at hitting your coins for myself i typically like to approach core snipes from the air while i'm moving i like to move either forward or backwards drop the core then snipe it i usually try to dash two so i can avoid the explosion since i typically detonate the core fairly close to myself there are some additional movement options that you can utilize as well with core sniping first is the vertical ce boost it's very simple aim up toss up a core and shoot it to gain a decent amount of height next is the d the core close by and as you snipe it you want to dash through during the hit stop if done correctly you should get a decent boost and take about 23 damage there's also a mid-air version of this tech that was discovered by debatable while on the air dash and drop a core hold the s key and swap to the revolver the core should be in front of you now snipe the core and dash through during the hit stop again to get a 23 damage mid air ce boost so there you go i hope you all learned something this lesson and i'll have more advanced courses arriving soon specifically a follow-up to the coin mechanics guide for now class is dismissed and i'll see you all in the next lesson [Music] [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: HerbMessiah
Views: 168,514
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ultrakill, retro, shooter, fps, indie, hakita, core eject, shotgun, newblood, game is good
Id: tUTv9aEeeX8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 14sec (374 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 29 2022
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