ULTRAKILL Technique Guide: Railcoin

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foreign if you've played Ultra kill and you've seen a few speedrun videos you'd probably recognize them it's just one of the few insane techniques available in this game with your given Arsenal so what is a rail coin in short it's a technique that maximizes the potential the rail cannon with the help of the Marksman revolver its most effective on bosses so that there's a great amount of damage to them and you'll get a nice style bonus afterwards in addition it's just really fun and cool to do this is the Marksman revolver as you can see pressing alt fire will toss out of the coin but you can shoot to hit an enemy's weak spot if you toss out multiple coins they will Target each other for hitting the enemy also coins ignore enemy Collision meaning that you can toss coins through enemies which might not seem so useful at first since your revolver shot doesn't Pierce through enemies Until you realize what the railcan can can do the blue electric rail cam fires a high damage piercing shot the shot can also Ricochet off a marksman coin which also increases its damage so you have a coin which can travel through enemies and a gun that could shoot their enemies I wonder what would happen if you toss the coin through an enemy and then shot at it with a rail Cannon and there you have the basics of a rail coin let's go back and break down step by step what you need to do to perform this technique first we need to approach an enemy with the marks and revolver out then we need to toss the coin through the enemy and the easiest way to do that is simply walk towards them and press all fire when you're close then take a step back and while walking backwards take out your round cannon with four or whatever else you have a bound to and shoot you'll want to aim at where your coin is through the enemy the timing on hitting this can be tricky so don't sweat it if you miss it a few times if you're successful then the rail Cannon shot should Pierce through the enemy hit the coin and then Ricochet towards the enemy playing it for a total of two times which is double the amount of damage it would deal normally if you just shot them with a rail can also a note don't attempt this with the red malicious rail cans and shooting it so close to an enemy would yeah so now you know how to perform a basic rail coin great but what if I told you that there was a way to hit your enemy not only once not twice but three times it's true and accomplishing it is as simple as adding another coin to the method so like before we walk towards the enemy toss a coin and then take a step back but instead of immediately switching to the rail can we toss another coin then we can start moving forward so we don't hit the coin we just tossed and then switch to the rail Cannon aim for the coin through the enemy just like in the first method and then shoot the first coin might hit the ground before you'll be able to shoot it if that's the case aim higher when tossing the first coin also don't forget practice makes perfect and even I can't hit a double rail coin every time I attempt it if everything works correctly your shot should hit the enemy once Ricochet out the first coin here's to the enemy again and hit the second coin then it will redirect towards the enemy hitting it a third time that's a lot of damage and you also gain a whole lot of style for doing it you can also take it further with coin adding that's beyond the scope of this video for now I recommend Herman messiah's Advanced coin tutorial for a more detailed look of its mechanics anyways I hope you learned something from today's video I thank you for watching
Channel: LycaFruit
Views: 36,451
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: MPM0sFRl1sA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 19sec (199 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 27 2022
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