ULTRAKILL | Tech Guide | Slam Storage (reupload)

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[Music] [Music] [Music] oh first a quick shout out to hectech mack and bgb and the ultrakill discord for putting all this information together in a single document i'll provide a link to it in the description for those who would like to read it over more everything i'll be going over is covered in there and i'm simply giving a visual example of how to perform these techniques and minor visual spoilers ahead all right before moving into the main technique you need to know what a slam jump is it's really simple you perform a slammable in the air jump when you hit the ground and you gain an even greater height on your way back up your slam jump height will be even greater from a higher fall but if you store a slam from any height and jump as soon as you reach the ground you can gain some insane verticality this is known as slam storage so what is slam storage it's a technique that essentially tricks the game into thinking you're in a constant slam state allowing you to build up potential speed the speed isn't infinite and has a cap to it but it's still much greater than anything you'll ever really need is this trick hard to perform no not really it might take you a few tries to get it but once you have it it's easy to pull off consistently to perform the trick you need to jump at a wall and stick to it what you then need to do is hit your slam button and immediately after perform a wall jump a very quick one two if you perform the trick correctly you'll see the slam particles around you [Music] jump as soon as you touch the ground to see the fruits of your labor you can even slam back down to the ground and perform a normal slam jump to maintain that insane height i uh i also think it's especially funny to do this [Music] oh man i don't know what it is about those screams just crack me up every time i hear them slam storage can also be transferred to a slide giving you an insane velocity boost i'll give a quick demonstration but i'll save sliding and dashing for a future video [Music] this technique has its uses in speed running the game too most famously at the start of three two the final level of act one or at the start of zero three [Applause] so go try it out it's really fun to use especially in the cyber grind and who knows you might want to try speedering the game a bit yourself after you've mastered this trick thanks for watching and take care folks [Music] [Music] you
Channel: HerbMessiah
Views: 131,421
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ultrakill, fps, shooter, guide, retro, technique
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 46sec (226 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 16 2020
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