Ultra-Cheap Action Figures: Wrestlers etc

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hello it's time for some more cheapo action figures for some reason yes people have been sending them to me and saying you should review this because i like looking at the last few bless them i don't know why they were horrible and these are as horrible or even worse first up a very kindly chap has sent me a complete collection of bizarre wrestling figures hmm want to see what they look like if not you'd probably better turn the video off because i'm about to shove them in front of the camera i present to you that not quite fitting in the camera wrestle king six no versus wrestle king six yes were there five other wrestle kings somehow i doubt it but this is the newest action series so you know don't worry and remember to collections them all i'll be sure to do that myself a quick look at the pretty artwork shows several freaks involved in a bizarre goings-on with a giant golden chainsaw we like it already okay here's the wrestler he looks a bit unwell he's showing us his tongue um or maybe he's licking some soup off his beard who can say interesting tattoos of a tiger trying to eat the light bulb that appears to be in his chest yang symbol some sort of red thing and more graphical pictures what have we got i don't know what's going on there some sort of altercation in a hospital hitting with a crutch or something somebody recalling in horror from a ladder and uh yeah i don't know what's going on there and frankly i don't want to know but it's power superior wrestle light impact so you know we should get some enjoyment out of it pleasingly he also comes with a hat a folding chair and as you probably noticed earlier a giant neon snake is this a reference to uh classic wrestler jake the snake roberts who knows and certainly who cares okay have a quick look at the back well so we got going on more in keeping with several children plays together yes i agree with this statement i think battery safety oh dear it's got batteries in i suppose that's to light up the led in his chest not suitable for children three years intriguingly the sad onion on this is very jolly hang on oh come on focus it's out into what it's all about here we go yeah it's got a jolly onion this is a very happy child i'm not three years old and therefore don't have to play with this figure i'm so happy right let's open her up and uh take a look at jake the snake here right here's jake he's very very cheap and flimsy astonishingly hollow and horrible bless his heart what happens when we press the button his back yes he's got a red led in his chest is that leftover from iron man or something without making knockoff figures of uh the latest action marvel entertainment film hmm suspicious also makes it more suspicious actually if you look at the arms they're clearly from something else because it's got weird lines on them and sort of are they supposed to be gloves or metal hands maybe the arms are from an iron man as well who knows yeah the camera doesn't want to focus on his face i can't really say i blame it actually that's genuinely frightening anyway you sit over here for a minute mate you'll be all right while we look at your chair and snake actually why don't you sit on your chair there we are this is a playset of a man who sticks his tongue out whilst looking at a strangely hollow snake it's what every child's been asking for for decades and finally it's been provided marvellous where's the tongue out for just keep licking the snake or something look i've told you before don't do that it makes me feel uncomfortable but you taste of strawberries there we are that's the most fun we'll have out of these away with you jake the snake roberts because here comes the new boy in town oh dear well if that was jake the snake roberts this is jake the giant metal centipede roberts yes for reasons i have absolutely no understanding of rather than coming with a snake he comes with a giant metal centipede you know i'm no expert on wrestling or wrestling but uh i'm pretty sure very few wrestlers have ever entered the ring with a giant metal centipede also amongst his crap is the comedy chainsaw and a crutch is the crutch for the centipede he's got a lot of legs to break quite possibly the wrestler himself um much more of a pretty boy in the last one the last one was a heel this one is a face i suppose he's also got the uh wwe logo or a close approximation anyway and a distorted yin yang symbol and a silver thumb in fact he's got silver paint all over his hand presumably been trying to stop the centipede from attacking him or maybe he just painted the centipede for his own amusement either way i'm very confused anyway time for jake the giant tree frog roberts i think we can safely assume that basically the manufacturers had a lot of animal toys left over in a box and decided to just stick one in the wrestling figures to add perceived value and also perceived ludicrousness um this chap very serious expression on his face and a really crap goatee um bizarrely he's decided to have his tattoo not only on his skin but also on his leotard which is slightly bizarre maybe he's just got that bit and has to line it all up carefully before he goes out fighting who knows his crap involves a big dumbbell neon tree frog as previously mentioned and some sort of horrifying golden billy club with nails in or something that's a bit worrying maybe you need one of those to keep giant tree frogs in order i don't know and hopefully i'll never find out next up we've got mr piercings yes he's got a scorpion uh tattoo which goes with his giant metal scorpion pet yes it is like a really twisted version of pokemon isn't it with sort of semi-naked men running around with bizarre animals and fighting each other uh we've also got small dumbbells and a gate uh maybe he's a bouncer on the side it looks like he might be actually yep very serious expression on his face far too many piercings funny tattoos you're not coming in mate you're not on the list except of course rather than asking the list he asks a giant metal scorpion it's all a bit odd really just have a quick look at the pictures on the back are these any different camera looking at them before actually what we got uh yeah some sort of a horse play shall we say smacking somebody with a ladder all sorts of tats going on at the bottom they're the ones from the front actually aren't they uh what's going on that's interesting look at that yeah mate you should definitely grab a beard you'd like it i don't know if i like the feel of it have a feel of mine would you think that was quite nice actually yeah somebody's taking the bin out and somebody else is lying on the floor presumably pretending to be ill so he doesn't have to take the bin out next there's two more of these things would you believe this one is uh yeah interesting uh the vibe here is a kind of ginger jesus being menaced by a giant metal spider which is a distinctly unpleasant image um yeah it's a bit unfair really having sort of jesus of nazareth in the wrestling ring the ultimate good guy wrestler perhaps i don't know but you're not gonna win against him are you really in fact you can see that because look he's got the belt he's the champion i'm the son of god you cannot beat me at wrestling uh also i've gone ginger for some reason i've got a scorpion on on my front and yeah i've got a giant metal spider and a step ladder which i use to retrieve the giant metal spider when it's hiding in the corner of the room and that's my life really right last one oh dear he's had a bad accent cut himself quite badly he's absolutely plastered in red something or other and oh man look at this this is a face that has seen the worries of the world oh actually looks like um if you haven't seen the uh ancient uh superhero comics of fletcher hanks he looks like one of the bad guys a sort of strange wrinkled creature mind you look like a strange wrinkled creature if you had to carry around a bizarre two-part golden dust bin and a giant silver gecko with you everywhere is it a gecko is it just a normal lizard i regret calling it a gecko now i don't really know what constitutes a gecko and what's a sort of normal lizard that could be a komodo dragon or something for all i know well there we are we've gone from cheap wrestling figures to attempting to recognize reptiles it's like something of a particularly insane educational channel oh well that's the end of that but hey the fighting's not over yet do you remember there was a film out called kung fu panda it was about a panda and i believe there was kung fu involved yeah i didn't see it however the manufacturers of cheap action figures did i present to you pound land panda yes he does kung fu by wearing his funny little shoes he's got hooves actually uh big holes in his back for the screws to go in your sign of quality bizarre articulation and uh very jolly and frankly slightly menacing look on his face yeah there we are so i suppose the kids see kung fu panda at the cinema and then mum buys them one of the figures in poundland and nobody lives happily ever after but wait because you didn't just get one figure they came in two packs and no they didn't come with a giant tree frogs they came with another kung fu panda but this time dressed in bruce lee's jumpsuit from game of death something which is repeatedly referenced in various media i think uh didn't want to count as in tech and wear it uma thurman doesn't kill the build part one and now kung fu panda does and very dynamic and nifty he looks as well it's also very good of him to actually paint his hands yellow in order to go along with the jumpsuit although looking more closely at the texture of the said jumpsuit he's clearly just painted himself yellow yep kung fu panda lost his mind and died of paint poisoning a bit of a tragic end for a children's film anyway last ones you're going to love these he lied these have got to be the laziest toys i've ever seen produced i think they're based on gundam wing or something that looks suspiciously like gundam wing and they're sort of just lumps of plastic hardly painted at all and uh if we look around the back you can see the arms are hollow yeah articulation is limited to uh waving their arms around a bit and basically no child is going to derive much enjoyment from this unless they're throwing it at their sister yeah i think we've reached something given the deer on the cheapo action figures and depressing me just looking at them if i'm going to hold them at the wall listen one came back when i hurled something at the wall i want it gone that's why i'm holding it at the wall in the first place curse you fake gundam wing anyway that's the end of that then hang on i've just realized there was an extra accessory for tongue man wrestler he came with a little hat like the undertaker look there we are marvelous now he looks very dapper to go out on the town intriguingly the hat comes with what appears to be some sort of resting logo upside down so maybe it's not a hat maybe it's actually a shoe
Channel: ashens
Views: 701,544
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fake, cheap, action, figures, toys, wrestlers, wwe, wwf, jake, snake, roberts, kung, fu, panda, gundam, wing
Id: sH1X2UmSt4M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 2sec (722 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 02 2010
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