ULTIMATE WOTLK Classic Fury Warrior Guide

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hey guys I really hope you enjoyed this video and learn a lot from it we'll be going over our talents professions gems consumables stats such as hit expertise and armor penetration macros weak auras as well as our rotation also I recommend you down on the two add-ons lvi and weak auras if you join the Discord I will have my interface profile in there for you to download I'll have the Discord in the description subscribe to the YouTube channel and like the video let's get into it all right we can get into the talent tree so first for the arms we're going to get the improved row strike improved rent tactical Mastery is going to be really nice with with the Rend here as for stance dancing so we're going to try to keep as much rage as we can just getting two points in Iron wheels so we can move down anger management and pale defense deep wound scales the higher the better gear we get the more this becomes more powerful two-handed weapon specialization obviously because we're going to be dual wielding two two-handed weapons armor to the teeth the more gear that you get uh down the phases the more armor they have on them so this is going to improve our attack power as we gear right get the five crit here I'm on bridled wrath now you're either going to get four or five I'll get into that in a second improve cleave I would grab this here I would not get too many presents as we use blessing of Might from Paladin if you don't do not use battle chat anymore um except for maybe tin mans or five mans but dual wheel specialization do more damage with our offhand get improved execute I do not recommend getting in Rage as you have to be directly hit from the boss for this to proc aoes do not trigger this obviously get Death Wish Precision very good okay we're gonna need the three hit now if you're if you're ever in a situation where you don't need the hit even if you had no points in this I would still take it okay in a full best setup in Phase One we're gonna need this plus there's nothing really to get if you don't take these Talent points so uh flurry the more crit you do the more flurry procs the faster you're attacking on average very good talent obviously getting bloodthirst intensify rage it's pretty good um if you have a fight that's short enough where death wish or wreck doesn't even come back up then this Talent point doesn't really do much the blood rage is nice I suppose but this is for an overall perspective this is nice for trash and things like that and it's just a good town overall um it does shorten the the boss fight requirement for it to come back up again um so you can use it later on for longer fights improve Whirlwind one of our main abilities okay we're gonna increase our damage let's take that one improve a circular stance uh this is one of the major reasons we scale so much is increases strength by 20 anything percent based is going to be fantastic for us okay uh for example if you have 100 strength on your gear you get 20 strength from this talent you have 200 on your gear you're getting 40 from this Talent the more gear we get the more strength we're getting from this talent and we just scale harder and harder Rampage only get if you have a pharaoh in your raid or if you're running two furies um only one of you need them okay I personally do not have um another Fury but I do have a pharaoh so I do not take this okay so I'm going to take that out and that is the fifth Point here so that these two here is going to depend on your raid comp lexurge uh heroic strike blood through so Whirlwind have a 20 chance to make your next slam Pro instant take this it's our most prioritizability from 100 to 20 on a boss very good unending Fury increases the Damage Done by your slam War one and Blood Thirst by ten percent super solid and obviously we're gonna get Titan script so we can do a dual wield our two headers for glyphs all right our majors are going to be Glyph of Whirlwind heroic strike and rending okay this is for like a single Target type deal uh if we're going to Cliff of cleaving okay this is going to be an overall uh higher performance if you're including trash um trash there's a ton of cleaving going on uh so this is really going to excel now this could also excel in some boss fights if there's a boss and two adds or more that last a long time then cleaving would be an option Glyph of command battle and blood rage will be our miners these don't really matter these two Glyph of command I definitely recommend as this is going to be the shout that you'll be using during the raid Glyph of battle is really only good for 10 mans and five mans um unless entertainment you have two paladins then you get Kings and might and blood rage is very eh you could get enduring Victory which increases the window opportunity where you can use Victory rush though Victory Rush isn't used a whole lot so it's really up to you but I just chose blood Ridge and that's really it for the glyphs and the talents professions are going to play a big role in your performance engineering and Jewel crafting are going to be your best two professions that you can get engineering is extremely powerful because of the movement your rocket boots allow you to have getting from point A to point B as fast as possible uptime is everything the glove Tinker gives you 340 Hayes that you can stack with all your cooldowns and it's going to be an amazing DPS increase as well as the ability to use sapper charges and saranite bombs which can play a big role in your overall damage the cape Tinker is nice also because the agility and the fun parachute who doesn't like having a parachute Jewel crafting and blacks I think are similar but Jewel crafting will give you more stats and in the long run will allow you to do more overall damage as well as far as higher all right let's go over the gyms and enchants as well as the consumables that we'll be using so here is full phase one bits I've got uh the jewel crafting string gems the regular string gems in here so here's what this setup is going to look like I've got the chaotic Sky flare diamond as well as a tier in there so let's go ahead and Sim that now this is a two and a half minute fight I've got all the settings here filled out correctly and then here we've got the same build except this is the strength and crit gems with the jewel crafting crit gems um let's simulate that now [Music] 70 19. so you can see it's about 65 DPS better or so if you use your strength gems now the shoulders do have an exception it is better to use the strength and crit here but it will be better to use strength overall and this goes for pre-raid all levels up to phase one um and for the consumables we'll be using a flask of in this rage and a Dragon Fin fillet now you could use a fish feast but you see that it is actually lower in DPS it's a little bit more expensive these Dragon Fin Flay is usually guilt Supply the fish we spent it's up to you so you might be wondering why am I not using armor pen armor pens insane for warriors well it is but that's only if you have enough so if you look at the bottom left says I have 253 armored pin with this set up here you need about 400 or so for it to start taking over okay so we're going to be seeing that in the future phases as we build armor pin gear we're going to start slowly transitioning to armor pen now a few things to note is there's a hard cap and a soft cap the hard cap is 1400 so if this said 1400 right here I could not benefit from our event but you need to look at things like grem toll you see it says increasing my armor pin by 612. so that's where we get the soft cap so we'll take 1400 which is the hard cap the minus 612 so if I have 788 armor pen on my gear and I get a grim toll proc I am completely capped on Armor pin if I had 1800 iron pin 2000 armor pin anything past 1400 is completely wasted it doesn't do any benefit towards us so you have to keep that in mind with your gearing of procs and things like that and as well as is we'll be using uh Hardy Rhino at some point I would imagine so that would be minus 40 that we get from the uh from the food there so our soft cap would become 748. so you really have to understand your gear how much armor pin you're getting from procs things like that so that's how armor pin works now I don't want you to confuse armor pen with armor reduction debuffs okay so just because you're at 1400 armor pin doesn't mean that you can't benefit from like Sunder armor exposed armor very fire shattering throw those are separate and they always benefit together so for your melee hit You're Gonna Want eight percent this includes your Precision three out of three maybe any food that you have that gives hit your gyms your gear if you have a drain eye in your group if you're a drain eye things like that it's always going to be eight percent so you always need to know what your situation is for expertise it's going to be 6.5 this expertise is your chance to be dodged okay so if you're at 6.5 assuming you're behind the boss you cannot get dodged anything past 6.25 you start to get into the Perry section which really shouldn't matter for us because we should never be hitting from the front but that's how expertise works and I believe it's 15 expertise which is not really achievable at least worth anyways um to be not parried which again we don't have to worry about alrighty let's get into the macros uh so for every attacking ability that I have let their stroke strike Whirlwind Cleaves uh slams under um I have the pound or hashtag show tool tip space name of ability next line slash start attack next line slash cast space name of the ability now why do I do this uh well the show tool tip part there is just so that I can have the image and tooltip uh like on the right where you see my gloves uh it shows what it is okay it's not required but I like it slash start attack that allows me so here's an example right I have bloodthirst directly pulled from my Spellbook okay this does not have start attacking it if I go up to this target dummy and I press my bloodthirst see it targeted the target dummy but I'm not attacking it I shouldn't get an error message not enough rage but heroic strike does have a built-in to start attack and it starts attacking even though I didn't have enough rage all right so why is this beneficial well if I go into a pack of trash and I start cleaving mobs or I start attacking one of the mobs in the Trash Pack and it dies and I end up with not enough rage to press another ability my character won't start attacking the next trash mob unless I manually right click that mob uh it's just it's an uptime thing right it just allows you to continue up time up time is so key to overall damage the next macro is for my serenite bomb I have show tool tip serenite bomb slash cast uh brackets at player uh space ceremony I'll have all these macros in the description so you can copy and paste into your into your Macos um but what this does is if you see if I go into my my bag and I right click I have this green circle okay and it's going to choose where I want to throw it but if I have that macro at player that will make it like a global sapper charge where sapper charge just goes off right at your feet so you can see if I click it it just throws it here okay why is that good well if I'm doing my rotation do I want to go down and use my mouse when I'm gonna throw it at my feet anyway or can I just press it and it blows up right at my feet okay it's the little things okay and for my last macro is my Rend macro got show tooltip rent slash cast weakens sequence reset equals five yada yada all this nonsense okay basically all it does is if I go in and I'm in Berserker stance let me get rage here um so now that I have enough rage to rent I can hit my shift R Which is my keybind it applies it and then I hit shift R again and it puts me back in Berserker stance you don't need this okay you can manually go to to Battle Stance Rend and then go back manually in a berserk chance it's up to you okay but that's just all I do all right now we can get into the weak horse so starting from the top I have a Rend Notifier what this does is when Ren is able to be used um this will pop up in the middle of my screen this is very helpful for people that are learning when to use Ren so I'll have everything in the description for you to take and then I have the helders arms PVE pack and this is what I use for my UI in the center there now I've edited this to my liking so you will have to do the same but you can feel free to take what I've done and and make it your own or change it up however you like next I have Run Tracker this is extremely important okay this will tell me how much time is remaining on my Rend and I have this just to the left I have slam proc which I've scaled down uh to fit into my UI see if I can there we go um now I have both showing at the same time just so it fits cleanly into my UI then I have Sunder border um or sorry Center no border which is just a thunder tracker that goes above my enemy nameplate so I can keep track of my senders and I'll have to you know dig through it through all the debuffs extremely helpful there and then I have this under reminder which just puts a giant Sunder image on my character when I have five or less seconds remaining on my sender next I have time to kill um which if I hear let me do this it is right above my name plate here the enemy nameplate this just shows me how much left is long on the boss what it does is it calculates how much DPS is going into the boss and lets you know how uh how much time is left next I have trinkets procs engineering stuff this is all um awesome to keep track of it also has my gloves and my face speed potion so I also implemented that into my uh my UI which is these two gaps I'll show you there you see there right there and that is it for the week auras okay now we can talk about a rotation and how to prioritize our abilities correctly so we can do as much damage as possible as well as talk about how and when to use our cooldowns if you are a solo Fury Warrior you should look at your Rogue using exposed armor but that will depend on if your fights are 2 minutes and 15 seconds or faster if you have an arms in your raid as well you should share the responsibility I personally have an arms so I help put centers on and I will refresh the five Stacks before it falls off if you have a prop warrior in your raid you can help with one or two but personally I wouldn't do three or more and I would let the pro Warrior refresh the stacks so we have two phases of our rotation that being 100 to 20 percent the second being twenty percent to zero our first number one priority is do we have senders on the boss you have yes then you can move on to our actual abilities one being slam two being bloodthirst three being Whirlwind four being Rend and five being heroic strike and cleave in that order okay twenty percent below we're gonna drop slam and Rend and it's going to be first priority is bloodthirst second Whirlwind third execute and fourth heroic strike and cleave if there's multiple ads now it's important to understand that you can pair heroic strike slam and cleave with bloodthirst and Whirlwind okay so I can use heroic strike here with butt thirst I can do the same with Whirlwind I can do it with slam let me build some rage I can do it with cleave and bloodthirst cleave and slam and Cleveland Whirlwind also guys a huge tip is never just sunderer by itself you can pair heroic strike with thunder so make sure that you're doing that don't just sit here and just Thunder Over and Over you're doing nothing you're doing no damage all right so anytime that you get a blood search proc or a slam proc you should use it immediately okay you should treat it like you do not want that proc on your screen so it should be gone as fast as possible okay you don't want these procs overlapping with each other [Music] oh so there's a slam if you notice I use slam over my whirlwind so we'll do that again okay I didn't get a slam so I'm gonna rent go back into the circumstance okay now my next priority is going to be bloodthirst then we're going back to Whirlwind slams up so I'm going to slam and I'm just repeating this okay blood thirst over whirlwind we didn't get a slam so I ran back to bloodthirst now if you saw right there Whirlwind and brothers were coming up at the same time just hit which one everyone comes up first [Music] right there slam is up and so is bloodthirst but I'm gonna slam and then I'm gonna bloodthirst and then Row one and so on so you might be asking when is he using Rend I don't know how to use Ren so how to do that is every time you do bloodthirst and then Whirlwind you're going to be left with two options you're either gonna have a slam proc or you're not if you do you slam if you don't you Rend so I'll do that again I do my Butters before I went I did not get a slam so I Rend and I just continue my rotation also we want to make sure that we don't overlap our wrench so let the duration complete if you're watching this video before the release of older you should pop an indestructible potion one minute before pull and a potion of speed one second before pull if you're watching this after the release of older don't worry about the indestructible potion as it's been nerfed [Music] all right so ideally you would start building rage in the Trash Pack before or like on Critters or something in Battle Stance so that you have enough race for shattering throw so depending on your patch when you're watching this you'd have an indestructible potion ready so I'll have a countdown to be three two one you'll pop your potion to speed and then you would shattering throw and then you'd Rock a boot in you start getting centers going let's just say two is is done here or three I'm done with my job now hero should be popped so I'm gonna pop my cooldowns would be Death Wish in the gloves and a sapper charge okay from here I would use recklessness Q heroic strike and then I would hit bloodthirst and now you see right here I have one charge left you always want that last charge to be on whirlwind you can see my entire crit was uh had Rec applied to it now when you're doing that three button order after wreck make sure to never use cleave always use Rogue strike even in a cleaving situation because Cleveland eat two charges of your wreck and you want you want it to be heroic strike bloodthirst and then the world went on that final one so that wreck is applied to it all all right now here's another important thing you see that my my potion of speed is ready to go but my gloves still have time on it okay do not pop your your potion of speed just be patient and wait for your gloves okay now they're ready so now I pop both together my serenade bomb is ready I'm gonna pop that get that on cool down and just go back to my rotation thank you for watching I hope you enjoyed this guide if you made it to the end hit the like button and subscribe to the YouTube channel take care
Channel: Weens Academy
Views: 63,221
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wotlk, furywarrior, naxxramas, wrathofthelichkingclassic, wowmacros, furyparseguide, weens, wowguides, furywotlk, wotlkparse, howtoparse99wotlk, how to parse 99 classic wow, fury warrior, fury parse guide wotlk, how to parse 99 wotlk, wow macros, weens wotlk, fury parse guide, wotlk fury parse guide, Fury warrior guide wotlk, WOTLK Fury Warrior Guide, wotlk warrior tutorial, warrior wotlk 99 parse, warrior pumper wotlk, warrior wotlk pumper, pumper warrior guide wotlk, how to pump on wotlk
Id: GmqEG5rLYlo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 45sec (1305 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 18 2022
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