Who Is REALLY Topping DPS In Ulduar? | Wrath Classic

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today we are just over a month and a half in Two phase two of Wrath classic and older the dust is very much settled and Raiders of all levels have given the new content a good go so I thought why not do a little update on the state of DPS for wrath classic across the board as the reality of a buffed ulduar with buffed item levels met expectations when it comes to which DPS will be topping The Meters so I did a video similar to this for phase one of Wrath classic which looked at the state of how DPS were expected to do pre-launch as opposed towards the end of the phase and there were a few standout differences notably that Unholy DK was completely busted with their ability to snapshot major cooldowns I'll be including all DPS on a tier list kind of format for two reasons firstly to compare to phase one and see how things have changed as well as to provide some kind of visual reference for where we started and where we will end up I'll put them in order too so top of each tier will be on the left and bottom on the right for this I'll be using data from Warcraft Vlogs so we can see the full range of the bottom end of performance to those right at the top and I'll be throwing in some comments along the way and shedding some light on why classes are where they are we've also had some minor class changes unexpectedly thrown into the mix for ulduar too so let's see how things are going our Warriors finally starting to scale isn't holy Still The King and have any surprise results happened let's see how DPS is shaping up in Phase 2 of Wrath classic before we go on I want to do a quick shout out to today's sponsor hellofresh if you find your wallet is taking a hit and your bills are going up you don't need to economize on your healthy food choices hellofresh is 70 cheaper than eating out and 25 less than ordering takeouts it can even beat some of your local stores too this month's offer has a huge discount of 60 on your first order on top of free shipping so there's never been 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you know what you're looking at here the line on the left for each spec is the bottom 25 of performers the bar to its right represents the 25 to 75 percent Mark with the middle of that being the median and the dot on the far right is the maximum DPS achieved some specs will have much higher variance than others there's reasons for that and I'll talk about that when we get there I'll also say for ulduar that Casters in general are a little bit over represented due to the mechanics of two of the boss fights odia takes 50 extra magic damage from a debuff on top of casters gaining a 135 crit modifier and on General vezax casters get 100 bonus damage and 100 reduce cast speed from standing in the shadow crash debuff melee on the other hand in this raid get uh well no special treatment when it comes to specific boss fights I'll go over which classes benefit the most from these special mechanics too when it's relevant there's one or two in particular which stand out a pretty huge amount let's make a start with a plate DPS death Knights are in a fantastic spot in Phase 2 as a DPS overall okay well apart from blood I guess I'll give it a mention fast it's still not really a thing if you want to try it be my guest but make sure you go and tick the Box on details to always show yourself on the damage meters otherwise you might forget you're there Unholy got targeted Nerfs at the end of phase one it's the first spec to ever have been nerfed in classic 2. essentially blizzard were concerned that if it's as far ahead as it was in phase one it's just going to be crushing even harder once they gain access to better gear so they implemented the following changes which in short say your summon gargoyle's haste will now match the dks at all times instead of inheriting whatever value it was when it was summoned this was a sizable Nerf chopping a few hundred DPS off the Unholy DK's incredible burst however more recently Unholy and well DK's in general I suppose but especially Unholy now benefit from army of the Dead resetting on encounter end this means DK's and Unholy will have access to this cooldown every single fight instead of every other Pole or whatever it may have been depending on the bus length and your raid speed this pushes them back up the meters once again and whilst for me they were the clear best overall in Phase One in phase two so far there's still absolutely an S tier but they just need to move down the category a little Ross death Knights have been powering up the meters this phase with tons more armor pen gear being available buffed item level weapons and many more cleave heavy fights they're starting to make big improvements moving up from Midway through eightier two towards the bottom of s for me and as more armor pen becomes available they should continue to climb the main problem on the DK is making a choice on which spec you want to play as their stat priority and some key pieces of gear are quite different I'd say arguably DK is overall in a better place than it was in phase one since the two specializations are much closer together now either way the hero class keeps doing hero class things you really can't go wrong on a DK next the Retribution Paladin well if Unholy was the first spec to ever get nerfed in whale classic red was was the first to ever get buffed and it needed it Brett was kept some water floats in naxramas due to the whole place being packed with Undead which allowed their exorcism to crit and holy wrath to Stone Audubon is a little scarce on Undead for demons for that matter and rat was expected to naturally drop down the meters in this tier and they couldn't exactly have dropped much further looking at where they were in phase one here's the Buffs that blizzard gave them what this means in short is the damage over time effects from seal of Vengeance or corruption can now be applied by Divine storm or Crusader strike this makes your target swapping and getting set up on your main target quite a bit faster as well as a new glyph that makes hand of Reckoning do damage but no longer taunt in practice this all translates to around a 10 DPS increase more or less a macro in Hand of Reckoning into your whole kit and looking on the meters here it's definitely an improvement rat is still not there to top their meters by any stretch of the imagination but I feel okay moving them up for a Midway through seatier to the bottom of B and I'll always say it but Paladin utility is op whatever damage or healing they are doing next Warrior Is the Nightmare finally over will it be a return to the Glory Days of classic of seeing nothing but Brown across your meters uh yeah not quite yet no arms first have a rogue play Combat that's kind of all I want to say for arms the spec was not looking hot in knax and at Shoring to norduar either the only reason arms isn't with the meme specs is because of the four percent physical debuff it brings of course the only other spec that can do that is the Combat Rogue and I think one Fury in one combat will beat out one arms and one assassination most of the time as for Fury you know what they are starting to scale if you look at some of the top passes for bosses with heavy consistent cleave Yuri is up there bosses such as your XT or color gone Yori just kinda needs more than one thing to hit all of the time on pure single Target not very great still but the inevitable is starting to happen the warrior Fury scaling ball is now in motion oh also commanding shouts on bosses that can just one tap you with mechanical overlaps such as forever or algalon is really useful though Fury gets bumped up to Midway through b onto the male classes let's begin with Hunter you know one of the things I was hoping for in odua was better boss hitboxes if you didn't know survival Hunters always want to dip into melee to drop an explosive trap overcasting Black Arrow because they share a cooldown explosive trap does more damage and has a greater chance to proc Lock and Load and you can glyph it so it crits during phase one there were a number of bosses where the hitboxes were just absolutely terrible your trap would be inside the boss's red circle and it would still not go off and if you miss your trap your DPS absolutely just disappears and in ulduar well hitboxes are arguably even worse unfortunately there's bosses that move around a lot or bosses where you don't want to really go into melee at all it just feels more annoying to pull off than it already was all the same if we look at Warcraft logs survival has notably jumped up a few spots from where it was in phase one so it's definitely staying in the a tier for me though moving down a bit as I think other specs have improved a bit more as for Marksman again I was kind of expecting to see some life for this Speck in Phase 2 and this hasn't been the case unlike survival Marksman really cares about having a good weapon and with 252 weapons and tons more armor penetration in the raid I thought once people start getting their Skyforge crossbows Marksman will come online either it's just a case of not enough top end players have tried it or survivalists just clearly this far ahead but Marksman seems to be lagging behind at this point and remains a low end B spec Garmin next first up the class has seen a large buff across the board as their fire Elemental totem now resets on encounter end if they had this in phase one I probably would have put at least enhancement in estia as phase one had so many short boss fights moving into phase 2 both specs I think are in a good spot enhancement is still playing the more spell focused variant of the specialization using flame tongue weapon instead of wind fury on their weapons and now with fire Elemental resetting strong cleave good single Target the totem utility and interrupt and even off heals from Maelstrom weapon enhance continues to be a specialization that would be a good addition to pretty much any raid team the only problem could be the very fast paced rotation which may not be for everyone so for Phase 2 enhance stays in atfme as for Elemental I think it's actually better than people give it credit for and it's in a weird spot where it's seen as a not very good spec so none of the best players are picking it up and taking the specialization to the limits that it's capable of and this kind of reflects their overall performance on Warcraft logs too I'm gonna say it again fire Elemental resetting is a big deal for Shaman DPS and also Shaman have this little ability called her tourism or bloodlust and you want one Shaman in every single group you make without exception that's quite a selling point Elemental moves up a little bit in B for me I think it could even be on the lower side of a but there's not quite enough data to support it right then on to the people who enjoy wearing leather Rogues first sober remains with the memes no changes there combat sees a small bump up in the atier higher item level weapons have gone a long way to improve an already good specialization on top of this the fights in order have a lot more Cleveland adds where Rogues can get huge benefits from blade flurry they have way better Target switching than assassination and are set to improve more as more armor penetration becomes available on gear as for assassination it was just behind Unholy in phase one for me and overall the second best DPS it's fallen down just a little bit but is still an easy s tier for me it's very straightforwards to play and offers some of the best single Target damage in the game I can see Rogues looking this kind of State for the remainder of Wrath by the way combat should overtake assassination eventually but it's gonna have to be pretty amazing to do so Druid did you know back in order in 2009 Pharaoh was considered a top DPS specialization I mean here's Insidious world first algalon look who's at the top of that meter today though paint's quite a different picture final patch class balance is treating some better than others and Farrell has always been a very high effort class to min max DPS this expansion's no different but the feral enjoyers are lower down on the meters all the same and know in case you're wondering this data doesn't include Druids that are tanking Warcraft log separates them out based on the amount of damage taken during an instance this goes for both off tanking and Main tanking as shown here by Warden and guardian Druid specs it just seems as though this may not be the expansion it was expected to be for cats if they aren't making progress on the meters this far into ulduar I put them in to see here down from B this might be a bit much but that's kind of what the data is showing balance has also seen a bit of a drop off compared to phase one and I put them at the top of B I have a feeling as though in actual rage your balance is going to be showing better than this a lot of the time because of Starfall Warcraft logs filters out damage which is considered not relevant for the boss such as these Stone Shard ads on collagon after you kill one of his arms or the cleave damage on iron Council I think boomi's heavily benefited from faster fights during phase one and fights where its huge opener was fully accounted for on fights with ads I think there's less of this now so I've moved them down a little finally let's touch some cloth Shadow priest has moved up in the DPS rankings on Warcraft logs but I'm keeping it exactly where it was near the top of B Shadow is one of two specializations which I think is a bit overrepresented due to hodir and vasaks where it can realistically top DPS with a solid pull on more or less any of fights with a raid of players of equal skill this isn't very likely to happen still they remain really solid they are by far the best and safest option for soaking big bangs on algalon and they contribute to Great bits of utility to the raid too you could put a shadow priest in almost any raid and it's a good addition the Mage is next and it's kind of in a similar spot to DK and Rogue there are two specs to play here and both of them are doing great Arcane is still towards the bottom of a for me it was expected to be the go-to Mage specialization for the first half of Wrath roughly speaking however aldoir bringing bus to item level has meant that fire is starting to ramp up faster than expected Arcane also benefits hugely from shorter fights too and during progression and indeed recluse on ulduar that aren't a huge amount of short in a fight for it to really shine fire however has come a long way from being not bad in Phase One to now add saving towards the top of eightier instead however I'm gonna say I think this is the most over-represented DPS spec in the game because of how disproportionately hard fire scales with bonus spell damage fights if you look at the all percentiles page for Warcraft logs fire has the most amount of variance between the top end and the bottom end for dps's the top end passes in the world for hodia at the moment are just above 35 000 and there's even a frost Firebolt spec that's being used due to being able to pick up extra crit modifiers in the frost tree to put into perspective how much 35k is already the world first 2009 pre-nurf two-minute hodia Kill by insidia use some creative game mechanics where they pulled trash over from freya's room and had major spell steel 10 Stacks that pollinate this gave them 250 bonus damage for the entire fight you can't spell steal this buff anymore for rather obvious reasons and if you look at their video kill here I know it's kind of scuffed about their top Mages somewhere around 38k DPS compared to today if we give it a few more resets people will be beating what needed a 250 percent damage buff to do before the point is fire is really good on the bonus Caster fights and has very high variants due to needing crit for ignite to get going that's why if you look at 95 percentile fire is nearly always going to be near the top but for me I'm gonna be a bit more conservative and keep it in the a tier for the time being finally the Warlock kinda like phase one this class is spoiled for Choice with an argument to be made for playing all three specializations being totally valid the odd one out for me is destruction and I put it in the C tier here and that doesn't really reflect the damage that it can do it's just well the other two specs exist and destruction is a utility pick there are fights in all the while which are not the DPS checks even on hard mode which can hugely benefit from somebody going destruction on Freya you can Shadow Fury the small ads after they're knocked away and on mimron it helps control the bots on top of that your imps pact is another extra buffer of Health to help people live damage overlaps destruction isn't bad but you wouldn't really play it aside from the utility most of the time demonology continues to do really well I think it's still just about in s as somebody who maims the spec what happens as demo is a new raid comes out you get prioritized on gear because demonic pack benefits the whole raid meaning your DPS shoots up at the start of a new tier and you look really good then in the following weeks the other people start getting Gear 2 and they start catching up and eventually they will overtake you I think this is gonna happen every tier by the way Elder spec is super good to play it's great AOE good execute amazing on overall damage and as an added benefit is probably the most hard to die on spec in the game for Real on my hunter I actually have to pay attention to mechanic demonology just takes 25 percent less damage by existing and has a big Health pull it's a big benefit which you don't really realize is there until you play something that's more squishy finally Affliction I've saved The Best For Last yeah I have this spec is just straight up busted in order it's the best in the game and it's just not even close huge damage at all points rather fight best execute phase in the game Affliction can even drop infernals to benefit from heroism during executors and extra added bonus even though infernal doesn't reset when encounters End come on blizzard sort it out warlocks need the help this shouldn't even be affliction's final form either they should continue to scale up as we progress onwards locks are just taking straight wins in this expansion so far and I don't expect that to change anytime soon the only problem if there was one is castelute is really contested you might technically be playing the best DPS class but 10 other people want the same items that you do it's kind of like the vanilla Warrior experience all over again and that's how I think things are looking in urdua about a month and a half in I think that fire Mage and fury Warrior stunks are gonna keep going up as they get more gear and maybe things could be moved around a little bit within each tier where I put them other than that I'm pretty happy where everything is all in all if you think about it warlock Mage DK and Rogue each have two DPS specializations to play which are pretty close to one another in performance they all play differently bring different benefits to the raid and are just straight up good additions you couldn't really say this about prior expansions and I'd say I'm pretty happy with how class balances in ulduar would you make any big changes to this list then kind of thing is just way out of place and are you happy with how your main has turned out so far in this expansion and in this tier let me know below and as always thank you all so much for watching and listening in I'll see you on the next one very soon [Music] [Music] thank you
Channel: WillE
Views: 144,363
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wotlk, wrath classic, wille, ulduar, ulduar guide, ulduar hardmode, wotlk best dps, wotlk dps, wotlk pve, wotlk leveling guide, wotlk leveling, wotlk pvp, dk, death knight, paladin, warrior, warlock, mage, priest, rogue, druid, hunter, shaman, toc, icc, dragonflight, wow, warcraft, mmorpg, mmo, best mmo, free mmo 2023, best mmorpg, best free mmorpg, best mmo 2023, mmo 2023, eso, gw2, ff14, osrs, ashes of creation, riot mmo, role playing game, rpg, dungeons and dragons, tabletop, gaming, pc, console, ps5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 9sec (1209 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 03 2023
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