WOTLK Classic Fury Warrior Guide

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hey guys here's a quick video on how to play fury Warrior and wrath classic uh we're gonna go over our rotation the priority of our abilities and how we can do the most damage we can in different scenarios so we'll start off by going over the abilities that our class has to offer we have Whirlwind bloodthirst heroic strike cleave slam and Rend the first two abilities I want to talk about is Whirlwind and bloodthirst would be your number one priority bloodthirst will come second with Titan's grip being a new town in Wrath we can now dual wield two-handers and whirl1 hits with both weapons and Wrath the rest will be situational heroic striking cleave is used when you have extra rage but you need to understand how fast you generate rage based off your gear and if you have cooldowns as well as heroism active slam is only used when you have a blood search Brock and Rend won't be used very often but it can add up to 200 DPS or in some cases more but it's important to know when to use it before we get into it I'd like to get into the talents so you might notice that I have two points in Rend instead of two points into deflection this is not a massive DPS increase but it is more of a DBS increase than getting two points in the Parry um and on the right I I do have a screenshot of the talents um so you don't have to uh follow my scrolling here um and in the fury tree uh mine is slightly different than you might expect I do not have Rampage um because I have a bear in my RAID if you have a bear or a cat or even if you're running two Furies when one of you could not get Rampage because they don't stack so there'll be no point where did that point go well that point went to five out of five unbridled Wrath next I'd like to get into the glyphs uh for the major glyphs we have Glyph of Whirlwind Glyph of heroic strike and Glyph of cleaving Whirlwind and heroic strength are not interchangeable with anything however Glyph of cleaving is and that would be with Glyph of execution now these two cleaving and execution depend on what boss you are about to fight if it is a single Target you know such as patchwork or grobulized glass um daddy is things like that execution is gonna go here because there's no cleaving so it's a waste of a glyph for the miners we have battle blood rage and command all right now that we've gone over our talents and gliss we can get into it so it's important to understand that heroic strike and cleave can be used while using other abilities such as Whirlwind bloodthirst and slam um so if you have enough fridge you can use um both at the same time so for example I can use heroic strike and bloodthirst or Whirlwind or if there's two Targets here or three with Cliff of cleaving I can do cleave and bloodthirst or Whirlwind here and as you see right here I have a weak Aura for slam let me try to get that to Brock here so I can throw a strike and slam at the same time and that goes the same for cleave all right now it's time to talk about Rend of when and how to use it so when you use Whirlwind and bloodthirst there's a four second window of both of the abilities there on cooldown so when they're both on cooldown in that four second window you should be either looking to slam or Rend so we'll do that again we did both there slam did proc so we slam we'll try that again we'll do whirlwind bloodthirst it didn't so I'm going to rent go back into Berserker stance and continue my rotation and I have a little recovery here that tracks my rent so one thing I forgot to mention is this ability heroic throw it's not used rarely ever but there are a few cases that you can use this ability so let's say that this target dummy is a boss and I'm dpsing uh and let's say I need to get out of my position or I need to move from a whirlwind or something like that it's never Worth to just come back and just do nothing and then you know while you're waiting for the ability to happen and then you go back in So if something happens where you have to disengage from the Target and just stand there use heroic throw it's not much but it is free damage for cooldowns we have Death Wish and recklessness a few ways to maximize our DPS with these cooldowns is to make sure we have Death Wish active before we use recklessness to get the most we can out of our crits and secondly with recklessness you should never just press abilities while it's active to get the most out of recklessness you want to bloodthirst heroic strike then Whirlwind for the third and final charge even though Whirlwind itself will consume all three charges if used on the last charge recklessness will apply it to the entire whirlwind ideally you would use an indestructible potion one minute before pool and a potion of speed one second before the pull both potions can be active at the same time please keep in mind your kill speed and in some cases boss strategy will have a massive impact on your parse kill speed can be the difference of a 95 and a 99. engineering and Jewel crafting are your two best professions in my opinion the rocket boots alone make it worth it uptime is everything getting from point A to point B as fast as possible is key the ability to use sapper charges and serenite bombs will make a large impact on your overall performance in the raid your glove Tinker gives you 340 haste and when stacked with your cooldowns and heroism your rage regeneration and DPS will improve greatly Jewel crafting will give you more stats than blacksmithing and if you're trying to do as much damage as possible you need every stat that you get your hands on make sure you apply sunders and keep five stacks on the boss at all times I will link a spreadsheet in the description showing when Sunder or exposed armor is better and that you can take a look at I will have some weak ores and macros in the description for you to use this is also my first guide so please let me know if you think I missed anything or if you have some ideas that could have made this video better thanks my name is Wiens and I play on Pagel if you play on Pago as well feel free to send me a message
Channel: Weens Academy
Views: 95,309
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Keywords: wotlk, furywarrior, naxxramas, wrathofthelichkingclassic, wowmacros, furyparseguide, weens, wowguides, furywotlk, wotlkparse, howtoparse99wotlk, how to parse 99 classic wow, fury warrior, fury parse guide wotlk, how to parse 99 wotlk, wow macros, weens wotlk, fury parse guide, wotlk fury parse guide, Fury warrior guide wotlk, WOTLK Fury Warrior Guide, wotlk warrior tutorial, warrior wotlk 99 parse, warrior pumper wotlk, warrior wotlk pumper, pumper warrior guide wotlk, how to pump on wotlk
Id: dR8vtqQpoeY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 42sec (402 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 17 2022
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