Ultimate VR Gaming Guide Top 10 Must-Have Quest 3 VR Games | The VERY BEST of 2023

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the very best of quests today I'm going to show you 10 games that you definitively need to try on your quest now 2023 has been a huge year for VR honestly proving why stand alone has finally reached that point where it really holds its own ground we're no longer getting like watered down versions of things we're getting fully-fledged amazing games so without further Ado let's dive into this list smash like subscribe all that good stuff as it helps support the channel and of course let me know that you want to see more videos like this in the future so let's do this the very best of quest in 2023 let's kick this off with a huge game Assassin's Creed Nexus now the world was waiting for this for so damn long we had it announced oh my God feels like 10 million years ago at this point and eventually this game did come to fruition and it was amazing this game is still way up there on my top games just in general that I've ever played in VR because it really does give you the feeling of being an assassin and jumping into that Universe whilst getting to experience three different assassins throughout this game it's phenomenal but this is a must have in my opinion definitely check out Assassin's Creed if you haven't before and if you're new to VR there's definitely going to be other games on this list that are going to build you up to the point when you're ready for Assassin's Creed next up we have one of the biggest games in length that we've had possibly in VR but certainly in Standalone and that is asgard's wrath 2 this is an RPG at heart and honestly it's one of the best games I've played this year in the sense of its scale and the amount that you can do in this it has 100 plus hours worth of Gaming in there and honestly I would say this one you can probably get away with it really an early stage of being new into VR there's a ton of options in here to really sort of cater the options to you to make you as comfortable as possible in virtual reality and on top of that it's quite slow moving Pace anyway so it should be okay for everyone to jump into this game is just amazing it's got some really fun hacking SL combat and on top of that it's just got huge vast worlds that you can go and explore and it really does just send you down a path of like this is the best of what you can have in virtual reality right now an amazing game highly recommend it to anyone and of course if You' just bought a quest 3 or been gifted one for Christmas you actually have this game for free for the moment so make sure you download that and get it in your library regardless if you're going to play it or not because hell it's free right now so do it next up is Light Brigade this is one of my all-time favorite Rogue light games as cuz it's just so it really captivates that Rog like part of the gaming World in a nutshell see in this one you get in as a World War style Soldier and you're going to go in earn weapons do your different classes work your way through a different game and have an absolute blast while you're at it it also has an incredible mix reality mode just been added to this as well so if you're new to Quest 3 this is going to be fantastic for you or if you just own a quest 3 at this point anyway get in there check out the mixed reality uh honestly this game has got a ton of replayability to it being a Rog Light Of course that lends itself to it cuz you need to die and repeat a lot in this but it's super fun so if you're looking for a Rog light High recommend from me this one is visually really pretty it's got its own unique style but on top of that it just plays so damn well and as you sort of go through the levels and get better and better at the game it also challenges you more as you go through it as well with the different boss fights and the fun stuff you're going to come up against an amazing game drop dead the cabin this has been one of my top games I've had so much fun in this because it is not only fun as a single player but it's an absolute flipping blast as a multiplayer if you can get a group of you together to go in and defend The Cabin in the Woods against a bunch of different zombie types I mean a ton of different zombie types you have to get the batteries to De generate you have an absolute blast but not only is this game great for that and something I have covered on a channel a couple of times at this point is home invasion their brand new mixed reality mode so if you're a quest re user this is something I just couldn't recommend enough or a quest Pro and this just is phenomenal in mixed reality it really brings the worlds together of your world and mixed reality smashing it together into one just to make an amazing experience so if you're looking for a VR game or an MR game this is really a 50/50 of Amazement on both ends so make sure you jump in there and check this out it's been one of the top kind of games like this that I've played this year next up is dungeons of Eternity oh my god this is my favorite multiplayer game hands down that I have played this year it's so much fun to get in there with two of your friends you can go in with three of you and just have an absolute blast dungeon running going in there getting Keys unlocking chests getting all the Collectibles whilst fighting a ton of insane different monsters and having a sort of procedurally generated dungeon each time that's going to feel just a little bit different honestly this has a ton to do in it it's going to keep you occupied for an incredibly long time and regardless of whether you're going to go in Solo and you absolutely can play this game Solo or with a couple of friends that's when it truly shines in my opinion as if you can get a couple of mates in there with you this game is phenomenal make sure you check this out next one is a guilty pleasure of mine it's power wash simulator now I put a billion hours into this in flat and when it came into VR I've put just as many hours now into this in VR it is my guilty pleasure my go-to game when I just need to chill out relax and get some stuff done of course you can go in here with a buddy as well if you trying to catch up have a chat and of course clean some stuff with the O So satisfying yes that noise and I have that Dinger it's amazing whenever I complete a task it's done for real though this has a ton to do in there there is there's so much to this game you're going to have so many hours worth of cleaning fun honestly on the surface you look at this game and you think why the hell would you want to do this but once you actually get in there and experience this you're going to totally agree with me I'm sure of it and you're going to absolutely love this there's a bunch of DLC that still to come out for this as well there is a ton that was already released for flat and they've said that they're going to slowly start trickle feeding that into the VR game as well so it's going to keep us occupied for so much time and honestly most of the DLC that's in this game is free so it's going to really keep you occupied it's kind of like an investment for the future of game that you enjoy Arizona Sunshine 2 this is a must have if you're into zombie games or if you just again want to play some fun Co-op this is an amazing game you go in there you have a good old Buddy the dog who's going to join you your companion and it's probably the best companion we've ever had in a VR game full stop buddy is an amazing companion to have with you taking down Z's and of course just being an awesome dude to be with you that dog man I had mad love for it and the story really revolves around it making it just such an enjoyable experience on top of that you have a fully story-driven campaign that you get to go through as your main character and enjoy every single second of it it's also got some fun DLC planned for the future so it's again an investment for the future looking into a game that's going to keep you entertained for a hot minute Justice vampire masquerade genuinely love this game it's so much fun if you're looking for something that's very Saints incy something that's just going to keep you interested for a little while and grab your attention vampire masquerade is just way up there for me it's such a fun game it's really stealthy very dark and gritty get your teeth into it because you're a vampire and drink some God damn blood but this game really has a lot to it in the sense that there's a bunch of upgrade systems you can do in there it's very satisfying to get in and get your kills and oh my goodness just next up is stride Fates oh my God I love this game it's so much fun made by Joy way for a longest of time stride was a game that I just adored and now they finally brought the story mode to it its own independent game now this game has been worked on and worked on worked on the studio is continually releasing updates to make this as perfect as it can be so high praise to them for that they have stuck to their guns and they've made this game something very special if you've ever wanted to just do parkour but you don't want to break any bones this game is going to be for you if you want to shoot fight and have some fun this game's going to be for you if you ever want to grapple hook across buildings then this game is going to be for you honestly I love every second of my time in this game it's an absolute absolute bloody blast so if you enjoy this sound of this then yeah you're going to enjoy yourself so jump into this for some mad good times now this isn't one for the faint of heart as there is a lot of movement in this so I wouldn't recommend it as your first game that you're going to go into but definitely have it on your list to work towards because it is incredible next up is the seventh guest now this is a game for anybody coming into VR brand new or not this is going to be ideal for you this is a puzzle solver with a tiny bit of spookiness added into it but at its heart it really is just a puzzle and clue solver where you get to go through one of the most uniquely designed games that I've seen this year honestly I fell absolutely in love with this game it's one that I was not looking forward to at all really didn't care about but the second I got into it it just won me over it's a beautiful game where they did all this volumetric capturing to capture all the different actors and I actually had the honor of meeting all the actors in This in real life when I went to the opening ceremony for this game and it was amazing just to see the real people after I'd seen them in VR as themselves looking like themselves wow it was a pretty cool experience genuinely really rate this game it's If you're sort of into that mystery puzzle solving type game then this one is definitely going to be for you and that pretty much wraps us up for my top games that I've played this year honestly no matter which one of these you pick off of this list you're going to have a crack in time and not just that but I also try to pick things with some serious substance behind them that if you do invest in one of these titles you're going to be locked in for for a long time enjoying yourself and getting your money's worth back out of the game not only that but a bunch of these have multiplayer in them and as we all know virtual reality really comes to life when you get to go in with a friend because you get to interact and sort of get to see why it's so important to like get in VR with some buddies it's when it really just shines uh anyway guys and girls I hope you've enjoyed this a bunch of these games are currently on sale until like early next year so make sure you go check these out right now you're going to get like 30 33% off of most of these games so it's a rate for me as in like save some money get some Banger of games and uh fill up that Library real quick and uh work your way into some of these games as I've said throughout this video some of these are not going to be for new users because well they're high intense but try and listen to what I've said also on the app itself when you buy a game you can check what its Comfort level is make sure you always check that if it's nice and comfortable it's going to be for everyone and it's going to be options to make it comfortable for you keep your eyes on that my last little tip and other than that man we're about to go into 2024 so thank you for an amazing year on the channel if you've enjoyed this video and you're new to the channel then hey stick around subscribe cuz there's going to be a ton of content coming your way in 2024 thank you so much for watching catch you in the next one bye
Channel: Rhys Da King VR
Views: 21,589
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rhys da king vr, ULTIMATE QUEST 3 GAMES GUIDE, VR, VR Gameplay, VR Games, Best VR, Best VR Games, Best VR Games 2023, Best Quest Games, Best Quest 2, Best Quest 2 Games, Best Quest 3, Best Quest 3 Games, Quest 3, Quest 2, Best Quest 3 Games 2023, Best Quest 2 Games 2023, New VR, New VR Games, New VR Games 2023, Upcoming VR Games, New Quest 2 Games, New Quest 3 Games, VR Games 2023, Top 10 VR Games, Top 10 Quest 2 Games, Top 10 Quest 3 Games, Best VR Games for Quest 3
Id: uQmi9p6JWMU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 49sec (649 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 24 2023
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