10 INSANE VR Games Coming In 2024!

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what is going on YouTube it's Tyler from Mission VR where it's my mission to bring you guys good quality VR content today is an exciting day we are going to be going over 10 insane VR games that are going to be coming out here in 2024 and if unless you've been sleeping under a rock and you have no idea what going on 2023 was a really really good year for VR we got some absolutely incredible titles and some of those titles really blew me away on Standalone which was pretty impressive because I have not been a standalone person I been a pcvr first person for a long time but the quest 3 has changed that for me and now I do believe that good VR games can actually be made on Standalone that are full titles not that there wasn't some but most of them I felt like were shorter experiences that lacked the graphical power that the PC can provide divide with a quest 3 The Gap has been significantly reduced and some of these games I really have kind of gotten immersed into and enjoyed a lot more than I did on my Quest 2 that is for sure however this list contains some games that are Standalone some games that are PC and a lot of these games will be coming to all platforms because you know that's kind of the modern way of doing VR you have to get it on all platforms so we're going to be going over 10 insane VR games coming out here in 2024 this list also is in no particular order because we don't know anything about these games so I can't ranked them unless it was just ranked on what games I'm most hyped about but I tend to have a certain genre so like the top five games would all be the same genre so that's not an entertaining video for you guys you guys want to see a bunch of different games that are coming out that look really really promising overall in VR um with that being said guys do drop a like on this video subscribe to the channel and do check out our sponsor kiwi designs the link will be in the description and we're going to hear from them right now before we hop into this video if you guys are looking to upgrade your VR Gaming experience then look no further than the Kiwi designs full Suite of VR accessories these accessories are absolutely incredible and very high quality made they make everything from Quest 2 to Quest 3 accessories including battery straps to increase your play sessions Comfort straps just to increase the comfort of the headset controller grips to prevent you from throwing the controllers and much much more if you guys are interested in upgrading your VR Gaming experience please do check out the referral Link in the description every sale does help the channel so I do appreciate it and I hope you guys found the accessories you're looking for right here okay guys so with our first pick on this list game that I am super super super excited about because this is my genre this is what I've put the most time into in VR and that is Battle Royale games and here we go we have gravity Royale this game can potentially replace population 1 for me and that's saying a lot considering I have almost 1,700 hours on population 1 it is my game and gravity Royale certainly looks like it potentially has the ability to maybe unseat population 1 as my primary VR game just because because the graphics look beautiful the Gunplay looks fantastic I love the way Battle Royale is play I think that it creates a lot of replayability it's competitive it's fun there's a lot of strategy involved it's constantly evolving and every game is definitely different so really what's going to come down to whether or not this game is what it can be is going to depend on what the developers do with it and in my opinion I think the movement movement in VR is so freaking important and how this game handles the movement is going to be kind of everything it's going to really determine whether or not this game sticks or not and whether you know some of the trailer the flying and stuff you look a little slow in the flying I hope that they increase that because you know I definitely don't want to get farmed while I'm trying to move across the map as well as of course we have to see what the Gunplay and the characters is like that's one unique thing about population one is that they do have a quite a bit amount of characters there's a lot of that personal feeling of you get attached to skins and certain play Styles and I'm really hoping the gravity Royale can replicate that on their own level in their own way for their own own game so this game looks really promising and certainly going to be one that I am going to be picking up and reviewing on the channel so next up on this list another game I'm really looking forward to and this is going to be Aran age now as far as I know this game is only coming to PC and Playstation VR um I'm sure that they're going to eventually work on an iteration to get it onto the quest platform but the graphics look absolutely beautiful in this game stunning to say the least to be honest and the gameplay itself looks really smooth and what they're kind of touting here is a story- based adventure with exploring crafting and physics based combat that the combat from the trailer looks pretty solid I think this is kind of everything that you know we want in a Sci-Fi kind of VR World here and this game definitely has its own Spin and uniqueness to it that I'm definitely looking forward to getting my hands on now this could be one of those titles quite frankly that you know looks really really nice in a trailer but plays terribly and I've seen some of those in VR games and this is kind of one of those ones that I'm going to try to also review it's coming out here quarter 1 so we will have it pretty shortly but it definitely looks like a game that has you know some beautiful environments you know a cinematic story they're touting to be able to climb wherever you want in the world it looks it's not open world but it definitely looks like it has some exploration aspects to it and certainly the combat just looks really smooth again it could be you know one of those things where it's the game plays terribly I mean I've seen that before in VR games but certainly based on the trailer this game looks like it could be a real Contender for an epic VR game this year next up on this list we have the burst which is looking like a Mad Max Fallout you know stride mix of you know gameplay here with some Borderlands you know aspects to it it's kind of got a unique art style and a unique um gameplay perspective from what I can tell from the trailer it definitely has some of that Mad Max Vibes as you know there the world is basically a prison planet you're going to be on and you're going to be you know going throughout the world and completing various objectives and story based missions it looks kind of like it has an open world I don't know it doesn't say anything whether it's open world or if it's just levels but the gameplay and the Gunplay as well as the free movement looks really good and like we were talking about in previous games here movement is very very important in VR it's actually become one of the most important essential aspects to a VR game right how good is the movement and how smooth does the combat or how smooth does the environment or interactions feel and based on the trailer this looks like it's going to be one that is definitely going to have some of that smoothness to it um you know again without playing it it's going to be hard to say but it definitely looks like a really promising title and I certainly cannot wait to get my hands on it next up on the list here we have Wanderer the fragments of Fate which is actually a remake of the original Wanderer VR game that was on Steam um that came out in 2022 but this remake looks like it is a lot more smooth and you know compared to 2022 VR technology has come a long way it's touting full body avatars fully you know movement as well as a a massively improved Graphics system to really improve immersion throughout the game this game it definitely looks like a good story based game um I didn't play the first Wanderer game well really this game but you know the first version of it that came out um I never played it um I just wasn't really my thing this game however does look really smooth and looks like it's a much improved experience and that first game had very very positive reviews on Steam so I can imagine that the Remake um with all the improved graphics and the improved level design as well as the improved controls is going to be an epic adventure through time which you know story-based games in VR can really really set the stage and take you to a multitude of places I really enjoy story based games in VR they they hit different they stick with you for a long time and you'll never forget your experiences when you play them all right with our next pick here coming in we couldn't ignore this one this is going to be one that if Done Right is going to be absolutely incredible and that is the attack on Titan VR game official Attack on Titan VR game there has been several mods over the years that um have allowed you to kind of experience what it would be like to play or to be in the attack on Titan Universe however there is an official Attack on Titan VR game coming out um for The Meta Quest platform and based on the concept trailer you know again it's a concept trailer it's not actual gameplay but they're able to mimic um this kind of in VR and actually make it you know much smoother than the modded experiences well I mean we all know what this could be and if you're an attack on Titan fan or you know have ever watched the anime I'm sure that you're very excited for this title as I am all right with our next pick here we have another battle royale game coming out from a very trusted developer and that is contractor Showdown now what intrigues me most about this game is cont contractors is kind of like the Call of Duty of VR and of course contractor Showdown is going to basically be the war zone of VR so of course that's going to probably be a pretty popular title as long as they get it right and the dev team of contractors has had a lot of experience in the VR space now so they certainly do know how to do shooter games and I'm definitely looking forward to experiencing what a full-fledged Battle Royale is like in this environment um I don't know for me personally if it'll replace the Battle Royale that I currently play population 1 just because um again movement is everything for me and I love the way the movement's done in that game this is probably going to be a little bit more realistic compared to that so you know again everybody's going to have their taste but this game looks really really good and I loved contractors I did play a lot of that for a while so I'm certainly looking forward to the Battle Royale version of it next up on the list here we have a game I'm very excited for and I'm very excited to see more about because we don't know a lot about it but it is being developed by a Prett pretty good developer and that is Behemoth VR now this is being developed by Sky Dan interactive which certainly does have some experience in the VR space and they have developed some pretty good games in the past so I'm definitely um intrigued to see what they're going to do with a full-fledged kind of action RPG game which is basically going to be what Behemoth is now what this game is actually going to entail whether it's open world whether it's just you know action adventure with level design I do not know and I don't think anybody currently does but it certainly looks intriguing and a game like this you know coming out from a you know a basically a AAA Studio at this point or I should say a AAA VR game um obviously going to be a hyped up title and if they do it right and they get the movement in the combat down I think this could be one of the best games of the year and of course this isn't a genre currently in VR that we just don't have a ton of great games for we finally did get a big one with asgard's wrath 2 on the Standalone platform we had some on PC over the last couple years but this is is definitely still a genre that is hurting for games so I'm really excited to see what Behemoth VR can bring to the VR platform and here with our next pick we have a game that is a remake that you know you've probably heard about at this point coming out but I couldn't leave it off this list because we all know it's going to be really good as long as the VR mechanics that they've added are smooth and effective and that is Bullet Storm VR of course this is a port from the original Bullet Storm game that came out that was very beloved years and years ago but it's a port that adds fullon VR mechanics and it's not just like a flat screen port with a mod this definitely looks like a full-fledged VR title that has been remade for virtual reality which of course is going to be super exciting because me personally I never played the Bullet Storm game so and I love VR and pretty much only play VR games anymore so I'm looking forward to playing this game for the first time in VR and of course you know it's going to have all those uh great VR features that we know and love which is you know weapon interactions and pulling levers and just being in the environment as well as some of of the large scale boss fights certainly look intense and you know something I've never really experienced in virtual reality before so this game is definitely going to be one on my list I cannot wait to play it it looks really really fun next up here we have a game that kind of took me by surprise in the sense that it's grown on me over the last couple months as when I first saw the trailer I was like yeah we'll see and then as I started to read more and learn more about it and just kind of see some of the speculation about it I think it could be a game that could actually really do really well this year depending on a couple things and that is Underdog's VR now this is a physics based Mech brawler game and it definitely looks like it could be a lot of fun as well as give you that feeling of you know smashing and and bashing in mechs now what I'm hoping to see from this game is obviously it's not going to be like an open world game or anything like that at least I don't think so it would be incredible if it was but um this game kind of is supposed to have like a story and it definitely has some World building aspects just built into the trailer and built into the descriptions of the game so what I'm definitely looking forward to is you know how much customization um you know around your mechs is there going to be you know is there going to what's the story is the story going to entail just you fighting in arenas or is it going to be actually like moving around and you know exploring Hub worlds and different things like that that's going to give you that extra sense of immersion when you're outside of combat I think that's going to be the determining Factor whether this game is like a banger or not is if there's more than just Arena fights right like if all you do is go in and you just fight some dogs and then fight a Mac and then do yeah it'll be an okay game you know might have some fun maybe they'll add some PVP which will be interesting but I think the biggest thing for this game is you know how expansive into the world is it going to get because so far by the trailer and by the World building they've done I'm certainly intrigued to maybe step into this world all right and with our last pick on this list here a game that I've had on my radar for several years now that has continued to develop and continued to show some things that you know looks like it could potentially be a next Generation virtual reality game if they nail a couple things now and that is lowii this game really looks detailed as all hell and what they're touting in this game is an open world kind of RPG experience where you're going to have this entire cyberpunk futuristic city to go ahead and explore and there's going to be a lot of different story options as well as you know a lot of different environments and different things that are going to be going on throughout the game World this could if done right this game could be absolutely incredible and what I'm really hoping that is added to this game is it's not just single player and that's the biggest thing is that I want to feel that presence and it may not be right away it may not be you know right at launch whenever it's multiplayer but I certainly do want to experience what you know going on some missions and stuff could be like in a world like this where I can do it with friends and I think that that's the biggest thing but there seems to be a lot going on in this game in the ability to hop in your own you know hover spacecraft car that flies around the city and go to different locations in an open world VR game I think it's going to add a ton of immersion to um to just VR in general and this is the type of game that I definitely want to see I've had this one on my radar for a while I cannot wait to get my hands on it it looks like it's going to be a real Banger and hopefully it doesn't get delayed again but honestly I don't care how long it takes for this game to come out I just want it to be good and that's the biggest thing all these guys try to put these these time limits on their games and you know instead of putting a time limit on the games that come out I just want to see a good game right like don't rush the game or put it in Early Access and then pull a title out that you know is okay that has potential and then you know it ends up being good after like 6 months of updates but at that point the game's gone you know nobody's talking about it anymore and so few games are able to reclaim that initial launch hype and it's just like it should be important to bring the game out in a really good state from the get-go um the biggest thing for this game is going to be performance you know the graphics look absolutely incredible I have a super PC well I have a super graphics card my CPU definitely limits me a little bit but my GPU is pretty highend but you know what's the optimization going to be like you know if I'm able to get in there and it's laggy and the frames are dropping like that's definitely immersion breaking in VR now and I certainly like a good smooth experience so I'm excited for Loi it looks like a really good game and hopefully it does finally come out this year in a really really playable State well guys that is it for today's video I hope you guys found one of these VR games and you're going to add it to your wish list for this year again a lot of these games are coming out for both Standalone and PC some of them are only coming out for Standalone at least for right now we haven't gotten the word or not whether or not they're going to be coming out for PC as well and then some of them of course are only coming to PC and like PlayStation VR2 and maybe coming to Standalone later um I can imagine that almost every single game that's only coming to PC that has any type of success will eventually get onto um Standalone because like Standalone accounts for most of the VR market right now so you definitely got to get it on Standalone if you want any chance of like real you know financial success as a developer and we understand that but yeah long story short hope you guys found a good game on this list today and I um I appreciate you guys watching please do drop a like on the channel subscribe and I will see you guys in the next one peace
Views: 66,287
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: new vr games, best vr games, quest 3, new quest 3 games, new vr, new vr games 2023, upcoming vr games, meta quest 3 games, meta quest 3, best psvr2 games, psvr 2 games, quest 2 games, best quest 3 games, top 10 vr games, quest 3 games, 2024 vr games, best vr games 2024, best vr games coming 2024, top vr games 2024, upcoming vr games 2024, vr games 2024, vr games, most anticipated vr games 2024, epic 2024 vr gaames
Id: fYfOOzM64I8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 17sec (1037 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 06 2024
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