Ultimate Raspberry Pi 4 Server

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[Music] hey everybody this is Mike so I've been using a Raspberry Pi as a home server for about three years recently the Raspberry Pi 4 was I just had its BIOS updated to be able to boot via USB I'd like to make some updates to my home server and I wanted to share them I wanted to share what I was doing this server is being used for four primary purposes I have a network management server I have it running a unified network controller I use it for piehole which helps with ad blocking on mobile devices or really your entire network if if you'd like to set it up that way and then I also have some ocean ice security cameras that I wanted to monitor and record video to so I put this guide together we're going to go through today we're gonna make the Raspberry Pi boot from USB and still all the necessary software command for command and yeah if you like this maybe you can do this project at home on your network what I've done in this guide is I've tried to cite some sources if I get some help from other people so ETA prime did an excellent video when I was putting this guy together the USB boot firmware was still in beta mode the Raspberry Pi foundation has just moved it to a stable release as leap covered in his video and that's what we're going to go through today we're going to install the stable version of the firmware I have not updated that yet then we're going to delete this existing server it was put together just as a proof of concept and a way to get this guide put together and then we're gonna go through this guide and get everything installed and working ok let's go now as you may have noticed I'm working from a Raspberry Pi this is not the PI server this is a separate Raspberry Pi that I have running and I'm going to do all of the work while I'm SSH into the Raspberry Pi server I could do this work on the server directly but it's a little bit easier for me to show this guide and also show you what I'm doing on the server at the same time okay so the first thing we want to do is update the firmware okay so the first thing that you want to do is run these commands here sudo app update updates all the repositories and then we want to do a sudo apt full upgrade this is going to upgrade all the software on the pipe next sudo RPI update choose Y for yes and then next we're going to update the file that controls what version of firmware is downloaded so su nano let's see default rpie EEPROM update now this is set to critical so we need to go ahead and change this to stable hit control X to exit Y to save and enter to overwrite the file and then this command here is going to upload the new firmware to the PI if you're not familiar with using the terminal I'm making heavy use of the tab key tab is an autocomplete key and as I am NOT a perfect typer it helps me a lot at typing what I mean to type so pseudo rpie EEPROM update - D - f Lib firmware raspberry raspberry pie bootloader stable PI EEPROM zero 615 bin that's what we want okay so it looks like it applied it says please reboot to apply the update so let's do that now reboot we'll give it a few seconds to come back up and then we'll check the version with this command here okay so the PI came back up let's check the firmware version VC gen CMD bootloader underscore version okay and we have the new firmware as indicated by the date here and let's check one more thing VC gems MD bootloader underscore config okay in this command I almost didn't need to run because the PI did reboot successfully but here we go if you're running off an SD card you can check that USB boot is enabled and if you see this that means that USB boot is enabled okay so the next thing we're gonna do is move this USB drive over to the PI that I'm working on this Raspberry Pi 8 gig and image load it up so we're gonna blow out all the work that I'd done that's okay and we're gonna redo it so you guys can follow along too okay now we're ready to move on to step 2 which is to create the bootable USB Drive so this could be an SSD this could be a USB disk or it could be a micro SD or anything like that in a USB reader USB hard drive will work as well so what we want to do is use the Raspberry Pi imager to flash the Raspberry Pi OS to the mass storage device then we're going to copy some firmware files to the boot partition of the drive now this is necessary when the firmware was in beta mode I don't if the step is still necessary but we're gonna do it anyway and we'll learn to see if it works or not under the accessories menu I'm going to open the Raspberry Pi imager software this is something that I installed manually I'm going to choose the OS now this list is a bit crowded it's because I'm using larger fonts on this Raspberry Pi I'm going to choose Raspberry Pi OS other and then I'm going to choose Raspberry Pi OS light this does not have a desktop environment or any other software installed and this is what I prefer for use on a server I don't need the desktop environment on the server so that's the version I choose to use next we're going to choose the SD card it's a crucial MX 500's SD so there we go crucial technologies and x500 SSD so that's the SD card in this case that I want to flash and the last thing that I'm going to do is click right need to enter my PI password on this raspberry pi to proceed now I'm a fast forward this part of the video but I almost don't have to because it's working so quickly this is a USB 3.0 SSD so we do achieve speeds around 300 megabytes per second I believe the size of the image that we're writing is around 400 megabytes total for those of you who may be concerned about my temperature this is temporary I have a case for my Raspberry Pi 8 gigabyte in the mail at the moment it's running on top of the Raspberry Pi Box in open air no heatsink no nothing and honestly I'm quite impressed with these temperatures [Music] okay writing the software was successful and it looks like it had already each acted the USB boot drive so I can go ahead and click continue now I'm just going to unplug and replug the boot drive because I need to also add the file called SSH so I can get back into it okay so here we are in the boot partition so new file SSH click OK and what will happen is when this when the Raspberry Pi is booting it's going to look for this file no extension and if it's found it's automatically going to enable the SSH server for me so now we will eject the device plug it back into the Raspberry Pi server and turn it on now one thing that you might need to do at home is spend a little bit extra time trying to figure out the IP address of the Raspberry Pi what I had done before starting this video is I set a static IP address via DHCP so every time this pi server boots up my DHCP server will always assign it the same address so let's see if we can log in okay we may need to give it a few more minutes to do its thing on its first boot it will resize the partition and reboot and that does take a few extra seconds okay so booting didn't work for me and it's likely because I skipped this step I ran the imager but I did not download the updated firmware files so let's go ahead and give that a try now we'll open this link and the updated files are located here so I can just clone or download this entire folder [Music] and while that's downloading we'll get to pie windows open this will be the boot drive and then this one will be the download [Music] to extract this file you can just right click and extract to here [Music] so I'm going to sort this by details and can I sort by kind [Music] yes I can sort by extension so the guide says that we need all L and dot debt files okay so here the dot dat files we do a copy [Music] and a paste and we can overwrite these files [Music] okay next we need to grab the DLF files copy and paste apply to all over right last we need to make sure the SSH file is still in here and there it is okay now we should be good to move over to pi/4 server and boot it up [Music] okay we can see that the PI was assigned an IP address and it's now communicating on the network so let's see if we can ssh back into it okay now I'm getting hosts key failed because when it generated the new key or the secure connection for the SSH server it's different than what I have already for the server and that's because we blew out the operating system and created a new one so of course it has a different key so what I need to do is to check this file here known hosts and probably the easiest thing to do is just delete out that old key so sudo nano home PI SSH [Music] did you see my typos [Music] all right we'll just clear this file out save it and now we should be able to get back in here we go it's asking if I want to trust the authenticity and just say yes and then ask me for the password of course it's raspberry this is a brand new install and let's continue on with our file before we start up the server the next thing we want to do is prepare the raspberry pi operating system there are a few things that we want to do in addition to software updates that will get the Raspberry Pi operating system ready to go so the first thing is sudo apt update then we do sudo apt upgrade [Music] okay the next step is optional I'm going to do it it's just for fun basically and it's going to check the speed of our SSD this could be important because if the speeds are lower than expected it could mean a bad USB 3 connection and that could be something that you want to look into so we need to install the agnostic software so sudo apt install agnostics [Music] you okay next we're going to run step two to check the speed of the SSD okay so the sequential right speed is about 300 megabytes per second target is ten thousand so that's awesome we have about twelve thousand input outputs per second for right and seventeen thousand for read so this is definitely faster than USB to speeds so that means we're running at USB 3 and the performance looks excellent compared to an SD card so let's keep going next we're gonna run RasPi config to set our language timezone and also change the host name and password of the server okay so the first thing I'm going to do is check the language okay I'm in the US so I'm gonna pick en-us CTF eight okay next is the time zone okay next is to enable SSH we can skip this step because it was already enabled by default with that file that we put in so next we can change the the hostname and the password under network options is where we can change the hostname I'm going to call mine our pi/4 server will say finish the mask if will like to reboot and then we can change the default password for the raspberry pi this is an excellent idea even if you intend to keep this Raspberry Pi on your internal network only just in case somebody were to get onto the network they don't have the default password potentially to your home server okay so we change the password for the Raspberry Pi by typing passwd we have a little message that pops up every time we log in right here so we'll type passwd it'll ask us for a new password for the current password which is raspberry and then our new password I'm going to use admin okay how about some password some password all right there we go now our password is updated successfully the next thing that I like to do is disable the Wi-Fi what we'll do is sudo nano boot config dot txt so we'll go ahead and add that down here under the all section because I'm not always the best hyper control see right click and paste when working in a terminal exit yes to Save Changes and when we reboot the Wi-Fi will be disabled next step we're going to install Z RAM this is a tip from Nova spirit he has a youtube channel I recommend checking it out basically what this is going to do is set up a compressed area of ram memory and it's going to disable the swap file on the SSD or the USB Drive I recommend doing this on all raspberry PI's especially if you might get close to approaching the memory limit just because I think it helps the PI run a little bit faster and it also reduces some of the wear on the micro SD card ok so let's get to it we're gonna burn through these commands now I have to right-click and paste in the terminal you'll know that the control and different characters do different things control V often doesn't work copy the command right click paste and hit enter okay next we need to change the mode of this file so that it's executable so copy right click paste do we need to sudo nano at CRC local and we're going to add this line just before the exit and what this is going to do is are see that local is a list of services that start up every time the pie starts and this is just going to launch our script for us so copy right click paste exit yes and reboot okay good so I use this command here to check my work and as you can see my Z Ram swap file did not work properly and what I found is that I got auto corrected the user folder was was autocorrected to use which of course is not a real location so to fix that we just do sudo nano Etsy or C dot local me right here it is used that's not a real directories or Azir am script did not launch let make that say user exit save enter to re rewrite the file or overwrite the file it'll do sudo reboot ok let's check our work again so sudo can't procs swaps ok there we go we can see all of our Z RAM partitions now this step here I would say is optional I followed some of the advice in this article though I made some of the values less extreme I've been running it for a few days it seems to work well so I'm gonna go ahead and set these values now so sudo nano Etsy sis CTL dot all right at the bottom of this configuration file we're going to add these lines of text so copy right click and paste everything looks good so control X Y to say enter to overwrite and then we can set these values by typing the command sudo sissie TL - - system ok and there we go those values are set ok the next thing we're gonna do is install piehole now of course you can skip this step if you don't want to run piehole on your server but the order I think is slightly important and the reason is because some of the services share the same port and we'll have to work around modifying the ports that these services use so they run correctly ok so the next thing we're going to do to get PI whole installed super-easy we're gonna paste this command here okay next we're gonna do sudo bash basic basic install SH and this bash script will go ahead and install the software this is somewhat risky if you don't know who the publisher is of the script or of the software I trust the team at the piehole corporation so I'm just going to blindly trust what they're doing I'd recommend you do the same but of course do so at your own risk okay so as we're running the script it's going to walk us through some install screens piehole is a team of individuals like you and me they donate their time to get the software running so if you use it if you enjoy it I encourage you to donate to their team now this warning says piehole needs a static IP address this is extremely important I set up a static IP address in my DHCP server so I am covered if you don't know how to do that or if you can't do that maybe your routing doesn't have those settings then you will need to set a static IP address on the Raspberry Pi the next thing you'll need to do is pick your DNS server you may want to pick one of these with EC sec s means that it supports the en DS client subnet basically what this technology is is if their server is distributed throughout the globe or throughout your country ECS is going to give the IP address of the server closest to you so that way you're not reaching out to a server all the way across the country of course the longer the distance the longer the latency and even though it's in microseconds that time does add up and it can slow down your experience so choose whichever DNS server provider you prefer if you're not sure what the differences between them then I recommend doing some research some are more privacy oriented than others also some of these provide some level of content filtering so if there's some areas of the internet that you want to filter for small children some of these DNS providers can do that automatically without software for the sake of this example I'm going to choose open DNS and then this screen here asks you which ad blocking packages you want to have installed generally I choose all of them and click OK this screen is going to ask you which protocol to block ads over again I recommend both even if you don't use ipv6 on your network and then it's going to show you your static IP address information if you don't know what this information is you may want to write it down and set that IP address in your router I'm going to choose no here because I have my router setting the site IP address for me next you wish to install the web admin interface I recommend doing so do you wish to install the web server Lite TT PD yes that's fine do you want to log queries probably select the privacy mode show everything I think that's fine after everything is configured and you get to this screen make sure that you write down the password I have a note of my password here so I'm going to update that D okay looks great password is case-sensitive make sure that you get the case and the installation is complete now if you plan on installing Libre and MS which is a network management server then we'll need to move on to step C I do plan on doing this so I'll run through these steps if you do not plan on running Libre NMS then this step is probably irrelevant to your configuration the reason we need to do this is because both piehole and Libra MMS want to run on the same port which is port 80 so we're gonna modify piehole to run on port 81 so we do sudo nano Etsy light TTP D Lite TTP D config and then we're going to look for port right here it is server that port we're gonna change this to a t1 if you get lost the other thing that you can make use of is the where is command so control W you can type port you can see it moves my cursor right here to port so control X to exit yes save the changes and then to apply the changes we need to restart the service so sudo system CTL restart lighttpd service and next we can go here and check if piehole is running so let's see if these numbers change yeah and here we go only 19 19 queries if you want to login for more details then we need the password that it gave us okay and here we go so pie-holes working that's great okay next if you use unify in your household you'll probably want to install the unify controller if you don't know what this is look it up basically it's a company called ubiquity they make high quality Network gear focus towards small medium businesses they make excellent wireless access points I've had one in my house for several years and it's worked absolutely flawlessly so I'd highly recommend it so first step let's go ahead and run through these commands first we're gonna install the open JDK JRE or Java runtime environment and the unify controller does run on Java okay next we're going to install RNG tools and we're going to make a modification to the config file sudo nano Etsy default RNG tools and we're going to uncomment this line here that says hwr ng so just remove the hash that uncomment s' the line control X yes and overwrite next we can restart that service so sudo systemctl restart our ng - tools service next we're going to echo the path of where the unified packages are stored into the apt sources list so copy this command paste done next we're going to grab this repository [Music] okay done next we need to do sudo apt update and we need to do this because we added the unify sources list and then we're going to do su app install unify now if you're watching this video over several days each new day I would recommend running sudo apt update and that's because the packages are constantly changing [Music] okay now the unified software is installed we can actually check if it's working so type the IP address on your server colon eight four four three and then here it is we got a response your connection is not private this is normal just click advanced and proceed chrome or chromium says it's unsafe because the SSH certificate is not signed next what you would do is either set up your controller fresh for the first time or if you have an existing controller like I do on my old PI server you can restore backup let's keep moving with the install next we're going to install mou shinai if you have any security cameras or Raspberry Pi cameras around your property mou shinai is my preferred software to monitors cameras it's maintained by this guy secret sin so if you enjoy the software or if you use it yourself I'd recommend donating to the project okay there's multiple pieces of software that need to be installed and we can install each piece of software by separating it with a space so let's get to it we'll copy this command and get the required software installed okay now that the dependencies are installed we need to to install the motion eye software sudo D package I for install PI buster enter okay next we have a few more packages to install so we'll run this command next we can use this in this command to install motion I and next we're going to copy and rename the motion I config file into the motion I directory next we're gonna make another directory and we're going to copy over the service then we're going to do a daemon reload and it and enable the motion I service okay this is the last command so motion I should be started so we can check that here we'll hit enter on this command eight seven six five should get to a login screen yep and we did so our install was successful now this next step is optional you could have your motion hi cameras save to a USB Drive or saved directly to the microSD card what I want to do for speed is have motion I save directly to my PI server so we're going to install Samba server and I'm installing this specifically specifically to support motion I now if you wanted to run a network share for example if you had a large drive connected to your Raspberry Pi and you wanted your Raspberry Pi to be a a Samba server for Windows networks you could use the same method it will work or you could use other packages which I'd probably recommend like open media vault okay so let's go ahead and start with step 7 to get the Samba server installed so first we need to download the Samba software if you have other samba servers on your network or if you're not sure what to do and I recommend choosing no and that is the default option now that the software is installed we need to make a directory which will be our shared directory so if you have a larger drive like a USB Drive that you want to share make this directory on the external media if you do have an external USB Drive one that you're not booting from I recommend mounting it in a way that it always mounts in the same way with the same name to the same location that is not covered here but there are ways to do that so make sure to look into doing it I'm going to recreate this directory because we're using it specifically promotion I I just renamed the directory so there we go now we have a folder in our home directory called motion I next we need to modify the config file so sudo nano Etsy Samba SMB comm we can scroll down to the end and what we're going to do is create a new section of this file whatever name is in this brackets is what the share is going to be called so regardless of the folder name that that you created this is what that folder is going to appear on the network so I created a motion I folder I also want that folder to appear as motion I on the network and make sure this path is correct so if you called your folder something different or if you put it in a different location then make sure that you modify this past to reflect those changes everything else can be set as is this controls the permissions and public equals no if you do want guests to access the media then change public to yes next we need to set up a user and password so sudo SMB passwd a motion I it's asking for a new password I'm going to use this password called admin ok and the password failed because I we don't have a user promotion I so will follow these steps down here to create that user so sudo add user motion I ok new password admin full name motion eye room number none none it's information correct yes and we can change the owner of the folder so sudo oops town for change owner and then it says user folder so the user we want is motion I and the folder we want is motion I not confusing it all right and now let's rerun our password sudo SMB passwd today and motion I and we'll put the new password in there ok and this time we were successful now we need to restart the SMB service so that the our changes are applied so sudo systemctl restart smbd ok now i'm not going to run through how to add cameras to the motion i there are plenty of videos on the internet that do that if you wanted to do like me and use your network share then you would type the IP address of your network server the SMB protocol 2.1 works well for me i have two cameras a driveway camera in a garden camera then the username and password that we just programmed so I used motion I and the password of admin the root directory could probably be forward slash next we're going to install an FTP server this is going to be used for any network device that might want to upload an FTP copy of log files okay so next what we're going to do is CD squiggly line till dave is that what it's called basically that's the shortcut for our home directory and we're going to install pure eff TBD so let's get into it sudo apt install pure FTP D now similar to samba we're going to need to create a group and an FTP user for the sake of the video in these examples I'm going to use the FTP group and the FTP user sudo group add FTP group and then sudo user add FTP user G for group so FTP group or whatever group name you choose s Espen no login and d dev null okay and this is going to make it so that FTP user does not have the ability to log in to the Linux operating system next we're going to make a directory for FTP so sudo make dir P FTP and you could name this directory whatever you want it next we need to change the owner so sudo chown capital R for recursive and we're going to use FTP oops user an FTP group or whatever you called them and then we're going to type the folder name which was FTP okay next we're going to set the password so sudo pure PW user add FTP logs so that's my password to user FTP user group is FTP group and the directory just located home PI FTP and the EM flag now it's asking for password so I'm going to set the password as FTP logs next we need to apply our changes of sudo your PW make DB sudo symbolic link to Etsy pure FTP D comp pure DB Etsy your FTP D off 60 pure DB and finally restart the service to apply the changes sudo service to our FTP D restart and we're done your FTP server should be up and running ok let's try to connect to our newly created FTP server so we type our IP address and let's log in as our user which was FTP logs and our password was also FTP logs going for only the highest security here on the server ok it looks like we're mounted so let's try to create a file we'll call his file test file dot txt okay there it is zero bytes we go over to our terminal and we CD into the FTP folder here we can see our test file I would consider this as success ok next part 9 we're going to install Libre NMS this is quite an involved install so make sure you have enough time to do this let's go ahead and get started first what I'm going to do is change back to my home directory and then what we need to do is install a bunch of packages now if you're following along with the libre NMS documentation there seems to be a small typo right now all instances of PHP software need to be updated 27.3 the first time I went through I did not make this update I hit some weird errors and took a little while to uninstall all the old software and reinstall all the correct software so I probably recommend doing a copy and paste of this command just to make sure you have the right version of the software this video is created in June of 2020 so if you're watching much later than that this software might be updated to a new version so just be mindful of that so first we're install software properties common then we're going to run sudo apt update now because we're doing this all at the same time we can probably skip this step but we're gonna run it to be safe and then this is quite a long command so we're going to copy this into our terminal now the first time I went through this file I didn't change the port of piehole so I did run into an error if you chose not to change the port of piehole you might run into the same error no problem just go back into the config file and make the update okay now that the software is installed we're gonna add a libra NMS user will copy these commands so we're adding the user and then click Next we're going to download Libra NMS so we're going to CD into the opt folder for optional software and we're going to run this command get clone Libra NMS next we need to set the permissions so we're going to change the owner of the software to be Libra NMS and we're going to change the mode of the folder then we're going to set access control okay next we're going to install PHP dependencies so to do to clear an MS we're going to run this script now the script is run we can exit okay next we're going to configure MySQL we'll use these commands this is going to set the password for MySQL so I'm going to use the password admin for this example and then we can issue all of these commands so I'll highlight the block paste it in everything queried okay so we can type exit next we need to make a change to the configuration file so we're looking for the MySQL D sections which is right here near the top and we're going to add a couple of lines in here I'm just gonna add it in here right under the section we're gonna add these two lines so copy right click paste and then we can control X to exit yes that we want to save enter it over right and we'll restart MySQL sudo systemctl restart MySQL okay next we're going to configure the timezone if you're not sure which time zone you're in this link here will provide some examples and I'm going to use ctrl W and search for timezone ok right here it is in fact let's open this link and have a look here's American New York and as you can see I made a typo so there we go American New York let's exit and save and configure the next file again I'm going to ctrl double ctrl W for time zone right here it is so America New York we need to uncomment this line so remove this any : next we're going to enable and disable some mods I could probably highlight in face entire block but let's just go one at a time okay next we're going to configure Apache so we'll copy this line to open up the Libra NMS configuration file or well create the configuration file we'll copy in these lines is about all we really need if you wanted to change the port that Libra NMS run off of rather than piehole this is where you could do it now only execute this step if this is the only Apache 2 site it is because pie-holes running off of light tt PD if your raspberry pi server has other sites running on it then do not execute these steps this basically just disables the default website ok and finally it keeps warning us to restart Apache 2 so here we go done next we're going to configure SNMP let's move into this configuration file we're going to copy the example and then we're going to use nano to edit and where it says random string goes here this would be your community name hopefully you know a little bit about how SNMP is working most SNMP controllers use the community name public so that's what I'm going to put in here so we'll exit saving changes and we need to grab this distro update the folder mode and restart the SNMP service now we're going to set up a cron job and we're also going to set up log rotation okay next we should be ready to log into the interface I am NOT working on the localhost I'll need to type the IP address and then we'll need to enter our database password I think I forgot to mention earlier this password was set in the DB configuration file earlier in the instructions I'll make a highlight of that so you can set a more secure password when you do your server setup okay so we still have some steps to do for the install we'll go to the next stage the password is mentioned here so the password is password next we'll add a user you can call this whatever you want I'm just going to use admin and admin and for the email me at local should be fine and then we'll generate the config file and finish the install next what we'll need to do is validate the config and fix issues so we'll click this line here I'll login with admin admin or whatever login you just created and this first login should take a few extra seconds because it's going to run the validation file down here are a few things that we need to fix and what's nice is we can just copy these lines into the terminal okay now that that's done if you also want to set up a syslog server which I'd highly recommend that's gonna happen here in step number 10 otherwise we can go home home to the dashboard and leave our NMS is up and running back let's just go ahead and install the oops let's go ahead and add the localhost so we can keep an eye on its statistics okay there we go localhost is added so we should have some information for this device when we come back later your two pieces of documentation a YouTube video by CW any I believe eighty-eight you did a great job installing a server and also there's some information on the Libre NMS documentation about how to get syslog to work with Libre NMS so the first thing we're gonna do is install the syslog server software and then we're going to modify the config file and Libre NMS recommends that we replaced the config file with this information so I'm going to go ahead and do that but as you can see there's a lot of information already in here so we're going to create a new blank config file so first we're going to to use the move command we're gonna move it from that name to Etsy syslog-ng syslog-ng Kampf dot o r IG for original and then we're going to do touch a new file and at CSIS log syslog-ng get rid of that dot o-r-g oops got sudo and that basically created a blank configuration file with the same name so now we can sudo nano Etsy syslog-ng syslog-ng Kampf now our configuration file is blank so copy all this text and paste there we go now we can exit and save our changes and then we run sudo system CTL restart syslog-ng and that will apply our changes and load our new config file last we need to edit one more config file for PHP and we need to search for this line and double check that it is set correctly so I'm going to ctrl W for where is and I'm going to type naval this log ok and it says not failed so that's fine what I can do is copy this line zero down here and paste and now we have it and that's it there are some Libra NMS optimizations that Libra NMS recommends that you run it seemed to break the ability for Libra NMS to pull devices okay so it's been about 20 minutes now and Libra NMS has been able to collect some data on my device so I know that it's working so that's it that concludes this video go ahead and give this a try if you need a server at home or if you're using a higher power device consider giving Raspberry Pi a try I've been running a PI 3 for about three years now it's been perfectly stable now that the raspberry PI's have more RAM I'm going to step up the game a little bit libra NMS does use a considerable amount of system resources but we're not touching anywhere swap space we may in the future depending on what happens but we should have plenty of space we have another three three point eight gigs of swap space to use which is just compressed memory that's it's not swapping to the hard drive or anything like that so let me know what you think let me know where I could improve if there are things that I did wrong put it in the comments if there are things that are insecure let me know let's all learn from it thanks guys [Music]
Channel: Mike S
Views: 112,073
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Raspberry Pi 4, Pi-hole, unifi, unifi controller, motioneye, rpi, network monitoring, server, usb boot, raspberry pi
Id: pWM4PCqrVc8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 53sec (3293 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 20 2020
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