How to Use Kali Linux on Raspberry Pi 4 As a Remote Network Access and NMAP Discovery Audit Tool

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tommy air from lawrence systems and this is a raspberry pi 4 with nothing on it so it's not interesting yet but we're going to make this a much more interesting raspberry pi 4 and the goal of this video is to show you how to get started with cali lytics as a reconnaissance tool now the business use case for this is you want to be able to take something that's relatively inexpensive i mean i could just drop my laptop off out of clients but i'd miss it and i like this laptop and it costs a lot more than this raspberry pi and if you have a client where you need to do some assessments you need to do some discovery you need to be able to access their network easily without modifying viral rules because this is kind of an initial when you're working with clients or sometimes you you know don't have access or have not changed out the firewalls and got everything set up so you want something fast and easy to deploy that's what this is we're going to show you how to load cali linux we're going to show you how to set up x2go on a raspberry pi 4 running cali linux and we're going to top it off for remote access with zero tier now i've done some in-depth videos with zero tier but i'm gonna cover the basics here and how to get it set up how to join your computer to the network and once you have it joined to the network with zero tier it doesn't really matter where it is that's kind of the whole fun part of how this works is no matter where you deploy this it doesn't need any extra firewall rules changed on their network as long as the raspberry pi can get internet it'll go out to zero tier it'll get connected and then you can connect it even if their ip address changes it doesn't matter it's going to work and that's what we're going to walk through today so let's get started but first if you'd like to learn more about me or my company head over to if you'd like to hire sharp project there's a hires button right at the top if you'd like to help keep this channel sponsor free and thank you to everyone who already has there is a join button here for youtube and a patreon page your support is greatly appreciated if you're looking for deals or discounts on products and services we offer on this channel check out the affiliate links down below they're in the description of all of our videos including a link to our shirt store we have a wide variety of shirts that we sell and new designs come out well randomly so check back frequently and finally our forums is where you can have a more in-depth discussion about this video and other tech topics you've seen on this channel now back to our content now as i mentioned raspberry pi is relatively inexpensive we're doing this on a raspberry pi 4 4 gig starter kit this technically would work probably on a raspberry pi 3 but hey the four is out and it's relatively inexpensive and this whole kit including the sd card and a fan and the heatsinks that i put on it is all of 99 so this is a pretty expensive pretty inexpensive box especially compared to my laptop and it does run kali linux perfectly fine now what is or where do we get kelly linux kelly linux by offensive security is a really great linux distribution which i'm so happy they've really got well-maintained arm versions of as well not just x86 but arm versions that work on things like raspberry pi's it's basically an all-in-one linux tool kit with lots of great tools on here we're really just going to scratch the surface when it comes to doing reconnaissance and just show some of the basics on here towards the end of the video but at least it'll get you started if you look for any other things on kali linux you'll find it's a really amazing tool set on there for doing not just some basic reconnaissance but even some advanced vulnerability scanning remote access and maybe some you know real pen testing you could do all from this box but this at least will get you started with it now we have here the different images you should be able to modify my instructions here to work with one of these other systems if you want specifically though we're going to download kali linux for the raspberry pi the 64-bit one right here now how do you get it on there that part's pretty easy and basically if you're running it on linux like i am you can just get this image file and copy it to the sd card now this kit that i referred to comes with 32 sd card that's actually plenty for what we're going to be doing here it really doesn't take up a lot of space to get this loaded now in case you're running windows i'll leave instructions on this right here there is an instruction for making kelly bootable on a usb drive for windows and it shows how to use this tool here called etcher which is free so all of this doesn't cost anything in terms of the software wise once you have the hardware everything else is just your time it took to learn this uh so that's only you know expense so to speak that you're going to be putting into this so you can get the free edger tool burn it to or flash it to i say burn because i think of cds but you could just flash it to the drive and they have the instructions here now one of the first steps though once it logs in is going to be this right here and we're going to talk about that because housekeeping is important especially when you drop these things off and what you don't want to do is load this up with just the default image and drop it off because it's got the default username of cali and password of cali along with pre-defined keys on it which would be easily accessible by someone else if they wanted to take it over so when i talk about the housekeeping part don't kind of skip over it because you want to jump ahead do take the time to do that because sometimes these get dropped off by clients and maybe you're trying to do a discovery and maybe they have a threat actually on their network and now you just gave them a tool in the middle of their network with default credentials so before you ever deploy these in any environment please do the little housekeeping steps we're going to jump into those next now assuming you did everything right and you flash the system flashed a little sd card this is what your boot screen should look like if you have an hdmi plugged into your raspberry pi so pretty straightforward it can go through it boots up and we're going to get a login prompt and a graphical one at that in just a moment all right now we're at the login prompt now from here we're going to type in k-a-l-i and we're going to type in k-a-l-i again which would be the default password i already changed it so yes i did type in a longer password and now you'd be into the ui now that's fine and from here you can open up a terminal you can look up your ip address i already know what the ip address is i seen it register on the firewall and looked at the dhcp table so i know what the ip address is and we're actually going to go and ssh into the box that's the way i'd prefer to do it from here on out and manage it and we're going to show you how to get back to the graphical ui because ideally if you're deploying this at a client's you're not going to have an hdmi and easy access to it so we'll switch over to ssh and show you how to get back into the graphical part from there now as i said i already know the ip address so we're going to ssh in kelly at that was what my firewall handed out as an address to this through the network interface well technically before i sshn i usually do ssh copy id now this is another assumption and you can you know pause right here i don't have a video on this but you can go look up how to generate ssh keys if you do this with ssh keys you're going to be that much more secure this is something i recommend doing but if you didn't want to just use username and password to log in that is completely possible and you can kind of skip this step but if you do ssh keys it's that much more secure because no one can brute force an ssh key the same way or as easily i should say as a username password combination so we'd copy our id it would prompt us for a password it copied my ssh keys over to the kali linux install because i already had them on here it didn't prompt me for the password again but once you've done that you can just go here then and ssh in and you're in now housekeeping as i had mentioned right here sudo rm etsy ssh ssh host then sudo d package reconfigure open server and restart service now the reason you do these is so you can go in and delete those static keys that were generated that come as the default keys on all of these instances so back over here i'm not going to run those commands as i ran them but just take the time to do those right there the next little bit of housekeeping is provided you installed your ssh keys is sudo vim or your editor of choice if you prefer nano i highly recommend learning vim it's worth the time ssh sshd config don't forget the sudo and right here the default is password authentication yes and we added password authentication no please note that p and a are both capitalized what that means is that only keyed authentication can occur so we can log in with a key but there is no way to log in with username password before you do this and before you change that setting do make sure that you can log in like i did and that it can be passwordless login through the keys like this so ssh kelly and it logs in do that before you set it once you know you have the keys working then set it and away you go so that part is done as far as ssh keys you've cleared the old ones you've now if you've done this properly you have your ssh keys installed so you can easily just log right in to like it just makes your life a lot easier when you're setting this up next step zero tier and zero tier is a really important piece of this i'll leave a link to this because if you go to the zero tier download page you won't see listed exactly the different compilations for the arm processors but they do have them they're just specifically right here and this is the one specifically you want to use that will work with kali linux this is something i've covered in a previous video but i wanted to make sure was uh you know it's important that you get the right one this is the arm64 and i'll leave a direct link to this in on my forum post of each of these commands so any of the commands i type in here i will make a list of in the forum post so you can just copy and paste them in so you can get this file but this is the zero tier one arm 64. so we'll just do a quick copy link address and then we would just do a wgit and install it now i've already downloaded this file but that's all you got to do is to get that file then you would do sudo d package pk g dash i and you would do zero tier 64 dub this will install that particular package because this package is not available through your normal apt-get repositories that's what we had to download specifically to dub package but once it's installed we can jump right into zero tier matter of fact put sudo in front of it because it's controlling things at the network adapter level it does need sudo access zero to your cli put in the that and now we can list the display so let's say info it is online and ready so how do we join in network that's actually pretty simple so we're going to go over here to zero tier and this is my zero tier youtube testing network id and i have an entire video which i'll link to where i go in depth of all the amazing features that zero tier has but essentially it uses what they call udp hole punching so you do not have to open ports but you still get access to your devices that are all on zero tier even when they're on separate networks which is obviously an important part if you want to take this to a clients to do some reconnaissance so we go here to a network id and we're just going to copy it and we're going to go down here and we see my laptop is already in here and it's actually the only device in here so then we go back over to the terminal and we want to zero tier we just type in the word join so sudo zero to your cli join and paste that in join okay that's really it so now if we go here zero tier appears we can see it's now joining some of the network that's exactly what we want so we can go back over here to zero tier again wait for the page to refresh right now it's showing up so we're going to go here check the box and we'll give it a name of cali pie and this one's actually going to go to my house for the testing so uh tom's house whoops there we go that's where it'll be for testing just go in here type it it's saved now here is the new ip address of it and what this does with zero tiers it adds another network adapter so now that we're joined and we have an ip address we can go to ip space a and we can see that ip address and the zero tier adapter now from here on out we're going to start accessing this from this ip address if we go over here and we type ipa on my computer we see that my laptop has a zero tier ip address of this but that means we can go here ssh cali at and now i'm logged in via that ip address so no matter where i go with this raspberry pi or my laptop as long as they both have internet access they will start talking to each other over zero tier so even when i move around my laptop i don't have the vpn back to the office or anything like that i can just take this my laptop is internet and then i'll actually going to take the raspberry pi for the next part of this video we're going to take it to my house and get it over there so we can access it or anywhere else we take it and i'll always use that ip address zero tier statically assigns an address and id to it so it becomes unless you change it the address it always receives whenever it gets internet so matter what i p address is handed from whatever network it's on it always has a backup so to speak a secondary address that matches that zero to your address now one last thing we're going to do though before we get rid of this raspberry pi and put it on another network we're going to sudo apt-get install x2 go server now i've already got it set up on here but there's really not much setup you just do apt-get install x2go server that was it that's all you have to do to get set up now i have a previous video there were a lot more instructions the new version of kali linux here in august of 2020 is a lot more updated and didn't have to have any extras and that's going to give us the ui access we're looking for so we're going we'll go ahead and test that right now and we're going to go over here we're going to go open up x2 go now i already added this as a new session with that same ip address but we're going to edit and show what the session looks like is you create it i call it kelly pie there's that i p address because we're going to access it from its zero tier ip which is static login username is kelly ssh port is there try auto login via ssh keys now the reason that box is checked is because with the auto login it's going to use my key files to automatically log in if you previously didn't have your ssh key set up and you skipped that part earlier in a video then no problem you if as long as you didn't disable password login you could put a username and password combination to log into this the last little piece you have to do is right down here the desktop that's installed is xfce you can install other desktops if you want but i found it xfce works perfectly fine so there we go xfce hit ok there's really not anything else we need to do in here but click it for connection it's going to use my keys my ssh key so it's not going to prompt me for a password and it's going to connect here in a second here's x2go and it's loading up a desktop session now i can even leave i can open up things and leave this desktop session running something i can kick off utility i can open up a browser uh we'll actually open up a browser right now and i'm browsing from that machine it's you know basically a terminal or remote access to it so here it is because some of the kelly training docks and if we were to close this he'll take a second to close but we didn't log out then we go back over here go back in again and you'll see it'll be right where we left off so if you do kick off something you can use the ui to be inside that network now another advantage of using the ui because this is remoted into another network well right now we're on the same network but the next part of the video we're going to put the raspberry pi somewhere else i'll still be here in the studio but i'm actually going to drop it off at my house and when we do that we're going to still be able to get to the ui and everything we need to do so we still have access to any graphical utilities we want if we wanted to especially things like wireshark i find wireshark is a whole lot easier to use through the ui at least you know if you want to do a lot of uh filtering and stuff like that it's great to do it here oh and if you're wondering why it's so small don't worry we can fix that i just left it at the default 800 600 but yes it will go bigger so we'll close that now we have wireshark if you wanted to use this yes you can use wire shark from the command line i know someone may point that out but we have full terminal access but i'll admit since you are looking at a terminal through graphics right here which is okay i still prefer the command line here um when you're in it because well you can use things like tmux and then start a session start a process leave disconnect close my laptop and still resume that session later i've got a video where i've talked about tmups as well but we're gonna go ahead take this over to my house drop it off show you how to get it connected and then we're gonna do some scanning on it to show you how to create a network enumeration report and kind of start diving into how this actually works and what it looks like in practice now that we've gone through the setup so it's the next day for you it's just a jump in the video but for me it's tomorrow and i have my coffee because it's the morning and i have the raspberry pi installed now all's i did when i took this to my house plugged it into the network now a couple little things make sure you have permission to scan a network before you go dropping off a raspberry pi that has not gone well for people who have without permission plugged into random networks so it is important you have permission of course i have permission to do this because it's my house second the only thing i did was plug it in i didn't look at the ip i didn't plug a screen into it i just turned it on with a network jack plugged in to a switch so that's it i don't care what ip address it gets because we have zero tier installed and probably within only a few minutes it popped up in zero tier from the time i turned it on to the time it was active and connected so as long as it gets an address and can get to the internet it'll then get to zero tier and then we can access it so we're going to switch over here and look at the zero tier control panel and we see my laptop is online and i've got my office ip address blurred out but i'm leaving public my home i p address which is 69 14 103 125 so this is the cali pi at tom's house and once again even though it's at a completely different location it still gets assigned the static address of 10 147 17-94 so we'll switch right here ssh into kelly at and we're in so let's look at what ip address it does have now we can go in and look not that we need to know except we want to do some reconnaissance so we see the eth0 is plugged into 192.1681.124. so we have nothing on the wlan we could always start scanning the wlan and start messing around with that if we wanted to as well if we wanted to you know see what wireless networks we'll see that for another video but in terms of here's our zero tier connector has that same ip address which allows us to get in which means even if my public ip at home changes because well it is dynamic i don't have a static one at home and if i move this to another network to do another reconnaissance well same thing i just keep logging into the same ip address this is kind of the beauty of how that works so now let's actually enumerate my network so we're going to go ahead and do that with tmux first and why am i doing the tmux well let me close my laptop and move on i've got a whole video i'll link to about how to use tmux but what tmux essentially allows you to do is detach and reattach from sessions and so we'll go back here tmux i think it's ls and it shows us that we have one team up session running in the background and watch this if we exit and go back in that session still exists and let's reattach to it and the reason that's going to be important when we have here is because when i kick off this command it's going to take a little while well not a little while for you i'll skip ahead in a video in terms of waiting for the enumeration to occur but i do recommend that you run this through some type of terminal session that way if you're waiting two or three hours if it's a large scale network for something to complete that you're not you know just hold on i gotta keep the session open because if the session breaks and you kick it off it may not complete but if you have it spawned in something like a t-much shell it's going to have no problem you can disconnect for it even if i abruptly disconnect from it it will automatically go back in and i can reattach that session and pick up where i left off and the processes i kicked off will keep running so i can see the results from them so let's go ahead and use nmap to enumerate my network and i'm going to leave these commands once again as i said over in my forums so that way you can just copy and paste them because there's going to be kind of a long command we're going to put in for this okay so here's the command we're going to use and there's a lot of different ones you can use with nmap but this is kind of a nice basic discovery script that we'll go through and as long as you have both nmap installed and the only thing you have to add because kelly comes with nmap is this xlst proc tool apt-get install it no big deal there and what this allows you to do is nmap dash dash script discovery is the script you're going to run this is built into nmap we knew the network because we typed it ipspace a and we seen it was a 192.168 network so we'll say 24 which means scan all hosts on that segment of the network dash xo report.xml and then we have this what this says is once that's done and we generate report.xml then we want to run this tool against report.xml we're going to stick a date in front of it we're going to call it the dot tomhausreport.8 and what this is actually going to do is take a little while to run and give us a nice html report of all the hosts that discovers ports open and this is a you know real important step is the discovery of what hosts are on a network especially when you're doing this for business purposes and you go hey i got to start enumerating what is on this network what are all the devices what are all the things that need to be taken care of or what are the random things that are open and beyond scope of this particular test you can take the same end map and this takes a little bit longer and map has some basic vulnerability scanning abilities so it can then take after you find all these ports then you can maybe do a more intense scan on a couple devices for vulnerabilities and cves if you want to kind of keep drilling down into a network for discovery and you can all do it from this raspberry pi i forgot to put sudo in front of it so i kicked that off and here's what i'm talking about so if i were to close this and we'll just go ahead and close it real quick then go back open up a terminal session make the screen a little bit bigger here for you ssh back in list out the sessions for tmux and we'll just do there's only one session so we'll just attach right where we left off it didn't stop this from running so it's still digging through finding the mac addresses uh doing some multicasting if there's anything ipv6 under so this script is going to take a little while to run but we're going to go jump ahead here in a second to it being finished all right it took about 15 minutes for this to run and now it's complete so we now have our report xml and this right here which is important the tom tomhausreport.html because while we can go here and we're going to go ahead and open up the report and it's got lots of data and it's all a nice xml format so you can import into something it's still not pretty if you wanted to just easily have something that could be presented to a client or just for you to look at to get a nice pretty report now a couple things we can do one we could just grab that report and bring it back over to my computer and view it or as i mentioned earlier we have x2 go installed and same ip address the kelly at 10.147 1794. we're going to go ahead and just open this up with x2go and part of the reason i put x2go on here so we can get to the graphical ui if you want to run tools like wireshark also to show that it does work across internet connections and works quite well so gonna take a second to get connected and spawn the screen it's actually not an internet speed connection it's how fast a raspberry pi can spawn a session because this hasn't been spawned before so it's not reconnecting to existing one there we go and we're going to go here there's the tom's house report we'll open it up in a browser and show you what it looks like and we'll find all the devices on my network and there's a lot of things on my network well a decent amount of them i should say i know a bunch of them are chromecast so let's scroll down the report a little further ports that are open flags that found uh oh this is interesting it dug into quite a bit this little device that i have here which is another raspberry pi i've talked about that project running the mi so it's a raspberry pi camera system i have on there so it went explored all the different things you can do on there to tell me a lot about it 192.168.106. what's this http chrono request times interesting so there's some of the ports that are open on this i'm going to guess that's a chromecast but you have a lot of detail that you can start going through you have a good understanding of what's on this network now and what might be interesting to further investigate now among these and let's actually scroll back up towards the top because we're on that network we can also start logging into them so let's see what else do we have here or what else is there wow a lot of stuff well 192 68.1.8 let's see what's on that one okay we got ssh open we got the ssh host key it found a lot of different assets that were publicly somewhat publicly available to start identifying what this is and it's a free nas i already know because it's my network but you can see how it really goes through and takes the time and starts diving into these then from there we can launch further intelligence reports and start digging further into everything on there and of course because we're on that same network and we can start logging into things from this network so now we can start digging further playing with uis et cetera et cetera so it's really nice having the ui start really pen testing something and it's all easily available here and the same thing with the sessions if i kick something off that's going to take a while and i well i want to close my laptop and move on we'll close this now that the session spawned we'll just go ahead and close that go back over here to actually go and open it back up actually you want to change the resolution to something a little bigger this looks a little bit better quit opening up at 800 600 reconnect to it and we're right where we left off we have the login screen that we left it off on and i can pick up wherever i left off or if i had something like and we'll pull up wireshark for an example again maybe you want wireshark to keep doing something in the background authentication is required put the authentication in and maybe we want to do some sniffing on this particular network or there is the option here so we have the a bluetooth monitor so if there's bluetooth devices in the area you want to look at there's a lot you can start pivoting from and doing here and it's all facilitated of course because the zero tier connection allows us well wherever this is or if their ip address changes no worries this will always essentially have that same static ip address we can go into and even if it changes mid session these sessions will always end up at that same place so i can always reattach later even if it's a week later it doesn't really matter now the couple final things that you may want to consider that goes a little bit on the scope of this but it's something you can load on here are things like sync thing and you can use that same ip address and maybe you put a fleet of these out there and zero tier does allow for free up to 100 devices so you could have a handful of these raspberry pies give them all nice names for which site they're at then set up something like sync thing on there for each one of them and what that would do is anytime these reports are done you could then have it tied to whatever internal device you want this tied to such as my laptop and those reports can just show up here it's also handy if you have scripts you want to deploy that are common across all these you could always set up same thing drop that script in there and then log in remotely to execute them and if you want to make this more automated i have a video on ansible as well where you could set up all these in a list with ansible and then you can maybe run the same scan modified of course to match each network and build out different functions that way so you could say i want to run this command against these group of raspberry pi's at these particular clients or just kick those scripts off at some type of interval that you want and then have sync thing drop all the reports back over here when they're done you'll just see them show up and you'll have all your reports and you can even go further and automate you can see how this can keep building into a pretty well rounded tool set for relatively inexpensive building out these sensors and having a dedicated sensor on a network like that such as the raspberry pi is obviously just helpful in general when you have to do troubleshooting because being able to pivot into the network like that or have your browser at the ready because so many things you know whether it's a phone system or really any other device is either going to be accessed by ssh hopefully not but telnet's still out there somewhere and of course web browsers many things have web interfaces on them but that is easiest access from inside that network now the last thing i'll mention and i have another video i'm going to link to all these different spots i talked about so you can start with this and then pivot to all these other extras is using a proxy chain so proxy chaining allows you to pivot into a network and we're gonna do this over ssh and then bring your browser as if it's acting inside that network so we're gonna do ssh my mine is capital d 9050 that's my proxy chain port and it's the same port i used in my video and then it's just the same kelly at 10.4147.17.94 then from here this is tmuck so i'm able to split the screen proxy chains and we're going to pull something and what you're doing when you kick off something with proxy change you're wrapping it in that proxy chain so we'll open up firefox so open up firefox in that proxy chain and then we're going to go to 192.168. um we'll go back to 8 for example because now we're inside the freeness that's not my local ip address so if we go back over here we'll even show my computer's at 3.18 now that we're local on my computer and i want to do something like ping 0.21681.8 i can't do anything like that just doesn't work and if i were to open up a regular browser it also won't go there proxy change allows you to be inside that network but then pull it through a proxy chain back over to yours so now i'm at my local browser on my computer but it's chained to that particular raspberry pi which pivots and puts me inside that network and one of the other things that i have inside of here and i've covered this before i mentioned mi which is something else that the discovery tool found at 192.168.111. i can get to there and it will load this is actually my sump pump viewer this is what i'm actually using that camera for nothing too exciting but it lets me know if my sump pump has water in it or not when it's the rainy season and then if we want we can do an https one of the other discovered ports on that list was my pf sense whoop i'm going to add http s colon slash there we go advanced acceptors can continue and now we found my pf sense inside my network now the last thing i'm going to comment on is with zero tier this is not a noise-free clean way to get into a network now whether or not it gets noticed on a network is a different topic but zero tier one is persistent we'll figure out ways to get on the network but this is the host host 192.1681.24 and these are all the connections it has and more specifically and port 9993 that is the initial zero tier connections that it did and these are all the zero tier ip addresses it connects to and talks to to make those connections so first they're all udp and unless there's specific outbound udp filtering which is usually not on networks except for extremely locked down ones and even then um it has some other ways that it may try to get around these but for the most part udp escapes pretty much unnoticed on most networks and if you block it you may have problems but there for the most part it's not a noise free is what i really want to bring up so if this goes on a network if you think you're being anonymous by being on there well granted they will know that you're probably if someone reverses this and takes the time to look at these ip addresses they may correlate that this is on zero tier so as i said please make sure you have permission to be on the network and it's not like the cleanest noise-free way to get back but it generally works i've had this work on a wide variety of networks with a wide variety of firewalls without any issues at all and i have no ports open on my firewall for this this is all what they refer to as udp hole punching where it just goes out finds those zero two servers and then my computer here my laptop went out and found those same co2 servers and brokered the connection between there so like i'll leave a link to my zero tier video where i dive in depth in the network engineering of what makes that work but it's a great tool great product and it makes doing this type of reconnaissance work just so much easier because like i said it generally just works all the time out of the box you don't have to go fiddle with anything you just plug the raspberry pi in and have a great day or even mail it to someone provided obviously they know she should be plugging it in mail it to them have them plug it in because you want to do reconstance on a network but you don't have to have a ton of pre-existing knowledge of their network and especially if you're sending this to a remote client who's well they hired you to be their network engineer because that's not their task this makes it easier for them to plug in now they don't have to tell you a lot of stuff they just know that hey i got a switch here and i know i get internet when i plug it in that's all they you know get me internet and this will get online within a few minutes being plugged in so once again thanks for watching i have more in-depth discussion questions comments concerns head over to the forums is the best place to interact with me and discuss that i'll also leave links to some of the commands i used and of course a list of all the other videos will be in there as well so you can pivot through you know learning each one of these different things i talked about in more depth thanks and thank you for making it to the end of the video if you like this video please give it a thumbs up if you'd like to see more content from the channel hit the subscribe button and hit the bell icon if you like youtube to notify you when new videos come out if you'd like to hire us head over to fill out our contact page and let us know what we can help you with and what projects you'd like us to work together on if you want to carry on the discussion head over to where we can carry on the discussion about this video other videos or other tech topics in general even suggestions for new videos they're accepted right there on our forums which are free also if you like to help the channel in other ways head over to our affiliate page we have a lot of great tech offers for you and once again thanks for watching and see you next time you
Channel: Lawrence Systems
Views: 78,983
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lawrencesystems
Id: ksTHrJBihLM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 56sec (2216 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 19 2020
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