Ultimate Proxmox Homelab for DevOps by Installing Ansible, Semaphore and GitLab

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greetings it is time to create your own devops microv VM in proxmox we would like you to use this to learn devops skills how you will do this is to use this infrastructure to do devops training and get certifications we recommend you do certification training you should consider UD to me training and use this to do your practical with this so buckle up and prepare to be amazed by the Brilliance of this video we kindly ask for your support by giving our video a thumbs up now without further Ado allow me to introduce you to our Docker expert Niko Michael please note that Nik has a Charming dodkin European accent but fear not he speaks the queen's English fluently over to you niiko thank you Josh hi there in this video we are going to create what we call a devops micel VM in proxo we normally start by clicking this button create TT and that is how we create the micro VMS why is that a microv VM a fully installed auntu server you don't get it for less than a gig of dis space this takes 300 mbes so it is a VM that's small smaller than the normal VMS that we create in prox MOX or in any other hypervisor and yes these are also type one hypervisor VMS enough said if you don't know how to do that please watch our previous video and the one before there we did full installations and we showed you how to create this the instructions for this video can be found in our blog have a look down below for the link also if you haven't watched our previous video where we showed you how to create the micrum or what proxmox calls its container have a look for the link down below for that video as well you need to go through that procedure to create the micro having done that let's open it after starting it as you can see it's already started you click the console button and let's expand [Music] this and now we are ready to start you will need to use a DNS service to give the VM IP address a DNS name that's the DNS name now if you don't have a provider you can get this for free from Dino DNS Google Dino DNS two words and uh you you follow the prompts you sign up for the service it's absolutely free and they give you four so that's what we created in our Dino DNS we will be using these DNS names for VMS that we are going to create in the future video where we are going to use anible to create a micro VM kubernetes k3s cluster for now this is all you need is to create one you may notice that we use the IP range 10.15 4.2x and in this case it's 85 so let's start with our instructions to install ansible you need to be a a root user if you connect to the terminal I am root so I can skip that step and then update and upgrade and upgrade to make it convenient I have placed all the instructions here so we can copy and paste from here to the server past enter done now we run the upgrade this is going to take a while so we are going to pause the video and resume when this is complete well that completed now we can continue these are the prerequisites we need to install we will pause the video and now we add the repository for anible after adding a repository you need to do an app get update or app up that now we can install anible we will pause the video we now need to create an anible user we give it a good password and you can just press enter for these and enter for that and now we want to make this user a sudo in other words that this user has got pseudo access we now need to start the remote hosts so that we can connect ansible to them it's as simple as clicking the start button now that we've done that we can continue we always add this to our commands to ensure that the user that's doing these commands has got root privileges in my case I am already root so that's fine we've now created a group called ansible already exists when we installed anible that's fine now we want to add the anible user to the anible group so copy this command so let's just do this command to become the anible user now we can create our certificate press enter for all the options these were the three VMS that we had started these three here so now we want to copy our certificate there so that an can control these servers I've already created the ansible users on This Server what I what I'm going to do now is I'm going to SSH to these servers from here we are now going to create the user anible on the remote hosts now there's two ways to do that if you're are lazy you can go here and just open the console now that we've done that we do a sudu Su Dash and then we do a add user and we do a add user and we call it anible it will tell me that I've already got that user but that's fine once we've done that we exit and you can sudu to become root that's perfect pi and then you can close the console and you repeat this process for all three of these VMS in other words all the VMS that you want anible to control now that we've created those users now we need to do something different now so we go back and open the console and let's go back to our instructions so you see we've done these commands here for creating anible users on the VMS we want to communicate notice we created a group called anible we created the user called ansible we gave the anible user a sudu access and then we also gave the user access to the ansible group so the add group ansible ansible would now give that user anible and that's all we need to do for each of the remote VMS that we want anible to connect now we're looking at these instructions and here we need to start with a sudu because we want to be root I'm already root so that is fine then we add user anible it should be here on this server already cuz I was testing in your case you just follow the prompts it will ask you for the name name you give it a full name like in my case it would be niik Michael and yes I'm not related to George Michael and then uh uh you follow the prompts and you just till you've created the user you can just say enter enter enter for all the prompts that's good enough it'll work now that we've added that user we need to also add it to the anible group remember the anible group was created when we installed ansible we're now going to make the anible user a sud this is the command there's a step missing we also want to make this user a member of the anible group so do this right now that we've done that we want to switch user to the anible user so this is the command we will run sudu Dash and then anible and this will switch the user to anible and you can see our user is now ansible having done that you then run this command I'm not going to run it as I said I've already created the user but you would run this command and press enter for every prompt it gives you after we've created now this is the important step we want to now con connect to all the servers with the passwordless access so we are basically running this command which is going to copy our certificate to the remote server in my case it's already established so it's not required in your case the minute you run this command It'll ask you if you want to connect you must type yes y s and then the password that's the anable user password note I keep the user password the same on all the servers this makes it easier after we've done that we do the same for the other servers copy paste I'm not going to run this command but that's what you do and then finally the other one and then we need to get back root access so we must exit from this user and that will give us back root access right we've done that now I've already created this directory in fact I didn't create it myself Andel created it for me so if I try to run this command it'll tell you it exists you'll see now it'll tell me this directory exists that's fine and then you need to edit this file now my file already has the information in your case you will copy this and you will go here and paste it and then when you've done that you will save by saying crl s contrl X and let's clear the screen and now to verify that anible is correctly installed we can run this command and it'll also show us that we have the inventory set there we are the what we expected we found this is what we expected this is what we got now that we have installed anible we need to install semore and with any installation on a auntu server you always have to run the update let's face this command in here enter and that was quite quick now you run this command and it tells you here that you need to run up update so let's do that you see the old command was app get update but app update is fine I am the root user so that means I don't need to type sudu and that is because we added the repository what I failed to mention is we are now creating the Maria DB sem 4 needs a database after that we then run this command I've already created the database so I can just say contrl C you will press enter and create and run that command and then you will run this command now I don't want to make changes because I already have the database so I'm going to just St control C but I've given you instructions here as to these are the responses you need to give it we select this option because we want the password to reside in the database and not in the operating system but it's a a matter of choice uh this is important you need to change the root password remove Anonymous users this allow root in our case we are going to say no we want to be able to remote access the database that's my choice but you could leave it as yes that's fine do this definitely reload the Privileges after you've done that and then there's two ways to log in you can either say sudu Maria DB or this one it depends on the option that you used here you can try it out you'll very soon see now that I'm connected to the datab Dev we want to Grant privileges to the admin user copy poast need to run flush privileges if you don't do that my SQL or my SQL will lose this setting so paste this in and we're done now we can say exit and that's what I have here in my comments now that we've done that we can start or let's use this one I prefer to check the status because that saves you time so let's see paste enter in my case it's running and it's also enabled so in my case I don't need to do any anything you may need to start it and you may need to enable it now we need to install the prerequisites for semore so copy this command you need to press Q to exit now you can paste the command and there's some software that we want to install here the software properties common the dou you get and the curl you need these to do this installation so paste this in it'll tell you that I've already installed it so that's fine in your case it will install it after we've done that we should now have get installed it's one of the prerequisites so let's to paste and check the version that's fine this is the latest version at the time this video was created now when you go to the anible website the anible SEMA 4 website you will see this is a a g repository now we're looking for the latest version here it is this is the latest version to save your time I have already done the exercise and I've got the latest version here so this is the URL for the latest version there it is that's the version there's two ways to do this we prefer this way you see here you going to search for version and then install it by version but since we already know the file we've already edited this so that's the command you need to run copy and that's just going to download the file file so let's just paste this in here done and then you run this command and what it is is the file that we've downloaded that file there if you say pseudo DP kg- I it will install this as a package and it is a package it's AEP file so that's the command you run I'm not going to run it contrl C we need to verify that semaphore was installed run this command and it tells you that it's at the user BN semore folder so that's where semor is installed we expected it to be there so that's fine and then you can also run seap for version right that's the version we wanted that's installed that's great now we have installed seop for th this step that we are going to do now is a step that you can do again and again when you run the step if you have a problem and it doesn't work you can run the step again so so you typee pseudo semaphor setup I'm not going to do that because I've already done that well let's try and let's try and run it and stop it pseudo semaphore setup I'm going to mock that I'm doing this just to show you you select number one for my SQL or my SQL now this one leave it as is the DB user keep it as root and the [Music] password and the DB9 keep that there and keep that there now here you press enter you don't want to change [Music] this and then you follow all the prompts I'm going to exit out of here you will you will say no for the alerts and if you have a problem you can run these commands you can list the users with this command remember we created a user or set up a user called admin and that is the user that you're going to log into the server with so let's run this and it's told me there it is admin with a password for my requirement this is fine you then run this command and it's going to configure the server based on the settings that we did here I don't want to make changes on my side so I'm just going to say contrl C but that's what you would run you would run that command and then you would be ready to log in and if you had a problem that you couldn't log in you would go back and look at these commands here or you would go back and you would run this run this command and then experiment with the settings it will now create a semore with the URL Local Host and a port 3,000 since I am running this on this server in my case I've already created the link for that that's the micro VM server IP address and Port 3,000 and it brought me in so I should now be able to say admin admin let's open our micro VM from the console expand the terminal and let's open our instructions you'll notice that for all our instructions we always start with a sudu SU you dash but since I am already logged in as rout this is not required you will also notice that when you work with the bu you always have to do the update so let's run this command now we can start these are the prerequisites notice that I have got two sets of instructions cuz I looked at two sources when I was doing the research and we found this one to be the better now we are going to download the gitlab package copy this command past enter since it was a repository we need to do an update again and now we can install gitlab but guess what we have already installed it so I can skip this step but this is what you would have to run we now need to edit the configuration file copy this command to edit that file enter now near the top somewhere we will find a URL it's over here notice I have commented it out and I have put a link to our Ser our server I just want to explain earlier we had mentioned this that we had used Dino DNS two words Dino DNS and we subscribe to them for free and they gave us four free DNS names these are for these four servers and this is the one we are referring to now which is our micro VM so you can say copy and there it is save this crl srl X and that was this step here after completing this change on the file here we can now check the status copy this command when you've made this change you need to run the reconfigure command we don't want to run this command because our server is working and we don't want to break it but that command is what you need to run after we reconfigured git lab we need to run this command and it's telling us that these are all running and these are the pins you need to run this command to get the password which will be deleted in 24 hours time so run this command I'm going to create a gitl read .txt file and I'm going to paste the password in here and save this crl srl x now we can open gitlab press control when you click this link in your case you will log in with a user and the password the admin as there is a great demand in the industry for devops we recommend that you to do training courses and get certified I have done the udemy training courses and found them quite good and having the infrastructure in place now that will give you an advantage to do that please give us a like please consider subscribing to our Channel we have not reached our Target yet and with that I hand you back to Josh over to you Josh thank you for watching this video exploring the world of devops after watching this video we now have an opportunity to set up this infrastructure and do training using your proxmox HB server finally there is a great demand for people with devop skills in the IT industry your dedicate to exploring prox mox's capabilities is invaluable stay tuned for more insights automon and empowerment through its incredible tools for your home lab please like and comment to share your feedback and suggestions for our Channel if you found this video valuable consider subscribing to stay updated with our latest content and tutorials ensuring you never miss out on informative videos your support is crucial for our Channel's growth for those eager to deepen their knowledge consider becoming a patreon supporter for exclusive access to upcoming training courses enriching your expertise and supporting the channel we genuinely appreciate your support and look forward to sharing more enriching content with you stay curious keep exploring and continue harnessing prox mox's remarkable potential in your home lab and devops journey thank you for being part of our [Music] community
Channel: DVP Development Best Practices
Views: 381
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: java, k3s, kubernetes, training, tutorial, how to, mastery, beginners, advanced, intermediate, ex, IBMer, learn, full, course, k3s-ha, proxmox, micro, vm, microvm, container, homelab, ansible, install, installing, semaphore, semiphore, gitlab, git, lab, certification, how, to, howto
Id: opDtJoSJplw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 25sec (2005 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 26 2024
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