Install the latest TrueNAS in Proxmox now

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greetings get ready to embark on an extraordinary Journey exploring the world of trass to install in your prox MOX we get to install the newest version of trass fresh off the press you will need to use this for the allocation of Docker and kubernetes volumes when speed is important you may want to use pcie technology for your storage especially for ssds for better performance well we cater for that when you need storage speed you can rely on true Nas so buckle up and prepare to be amazed by the Brilliance of this video now without further Ado allow me to introduce you to our proxmox expert Nico please note that Nico has a Charming dokin European accent but fear not he speaks the queen's English fluently over to you niiko thank you Josh hi there as Josh has mentioned we're going to be installing two nests into BRB if you follow this link it takes you to the true Nas website and then you navigate to find the software over here to save your time I've already found the Community Edition now you will notice that there are two flavors of true Ness there's the true Ness core and the true Ness scale the difference is tress score is an old version of true Ness it's built on BSD it's very stable businesses prefer to use this however this is built on Linux it's more modern and we are going to use this version to save your time I've already found the the link to the ISO file which is this one so what you need to do is you need to open your prox marks select which storage device you want to install it by default you will have local but you may have added other storages to your proxmark server I have two here VM data and ZZ data so you choose the one you want you click on ISO images you click on download from URL and we copy this copy link [Music] address paste it in here and query and then all you need to do is click on download I'm not going to do this as I've already downloaded it but that's what you need to do now that we've downloaded true Nash let's follow the instructions on our Blog Page we will provide a link down below to this blog page and we recommend that you that you follow us and do the same in our case we have not added a PCI storage device to our server as this server is used merely for experimenting but if you are serious about using an ass we recommend that you do that the reason for doing that is to get better performance for those of you who are going to do that there's some commands you need to run go to proxmox click on the proxmark server open the shell and we are going to run these commands here you'll also need to open the note pad so that you can write these results down the First Command you're going to run is this so copy paste take the results that you get here and save them into a notepad we have already done that in our blog for our server so that's what we got the next command you need to run is this copy I'm going to clear the screen paste likewise you're going to also copy Cy the command with the data into your notepad or text editor we have put in the blog what we expect to get this is what you expect to get obviously it depends on your Hardware we've got three diss we have a SSD disc as the bootup disc we have a 1 tbte drive and a 2 tbte drive on our server finally you need to run this command so let's clear copy paste and save all this information also into your notepad now we can create our VM please note immediately after creating the VM do not started if you have a PCI Express device you need to follow these instructions and create this on the VM before you start it now let's go and create the VM it is important that you have 8192 megabytes or more so let's go now and create our VM the first thing I like to do is to find the place for it I'm going to use 350 as my VM ID so now click the right button create VM otherwise you're going to get frustrated 35 Z let's call this tress next you now need to use the normal storage device where you create your VMS as I mentioned earlier with like to use z z data for our VMS as we have allocated 2 tbte to that so let's use this one and in there you will find the true Ness ISO next select the quo agent next allocate enough storage I'm going to allocate 100 GB obviously this depends on your environment and you probably want to put a few terabyte drives or at least a 10 tbte drive or what whatever floats your boat the allocate enough storage next this is not important you need to have two Calles or more I've only got a single CPU on mine so one socket is fine next as I mentioned earlier this is important if you do not allocate enough memory you're not going to be able to get this to work so 8192 gigs is what I'm going to allocate next leave the networking as isas and confirm and finish and there is the VM being created there's a pad lock and you can see it's busy creating the VM we need to wait for this if you did have that device then you would click here you will click hardware you will add and then you will go and add the PCI device and then here you will look for the device unfortunately I don't have on my server so you can see it's not giving me that option but in your case it would give you the option and you would follow the instructions as I have here I am now going to use the 100 gab I've allocated on my dis you can see that if you're serious about adding a Nas to your proxmox environment you definitely want to add its own disk storage now with that I'm going to continue so I'm going to click on this I'm going to assume assume that you followed those instructions and now we click on console and we say start now that we've done that we press enter we are going to select the first option so press enter now here you need to hit the space bar to put a Aster risk here and then press enter and we are confirming that we are going to erase yes press enter this is a new feature that's come out in the past when you install through Nas it only allowed you to log in as R now they don't recommend that and you see they're going to use a user called admin just remember this admin so press enter now we need to give the admin user a password a strong one please press the down key and type again press the down key and press enter yes we will create a swap we are using new technology in the past you needed to tell it to boot from bios but in this case you can just press enter I'm assuming that you are running prox Marx version 8 if not please upgrade before you do this this is going to take a long time we will pause the video after a very long wait we got to this point now we can press enter and now we need to tell it to reboot so we're going to go to option three and press enter now we're going to wait for the server to restart we will pause the video until this is completed and now we have completed this and if you look at the top here they give you the URL there's two URLs I'm going to put put a notepad on the screen so that I can type the IP address as you can see we have two URLs we will try the second one open the browser I usually is admin and the password we created and we now have succeeded to install through Ness there's different things that you can manage from here you can manage is your network so if we go here we see our IP address this is running DHCP I'm not going to make changes but you can to do that you would hit the edit and change that and add and then you need to give it the IP address you want 1054 2.73 and this must be 24 and save enter the Gateway 10154 do2 do3 and you can spend time going through this you can create users you can manage users at this point in time we have met our requirement we have succeeded to install and to get through Nas to work in our proxmark server we hope you added an additional dis drive to your server and followed our instructions to do that and with that we hand you back to Josh over to you Josh thank you for watching this video exploring the world of trass to install in your proxmox we got to install the newest version of traz fresh off the press use this for the allocation of Docker and kubernetes volumes when speed is important we showed you how to set up and use pcie technology for your storage now when you need storage speed you can rely on trass if you have not given us a like please do so your dedication to exploring prox mox's capabilities is invaluable stay tuned for more insights Automation and empowerment through its incredible tools for your home lab please like and comment comment to share your feedback and suggestions for our Channel if you found this video valuable consider subscribing to stay updated with our latest content and tutorials ensuring you never miss out on informative videos your support is crucial for our Channel's growth for those eager to deepen their knowledge consider becoming a patreon supporter for exclusive access to upcoming training courses enriching your expertise and supporting the channel we genuinely appreciate your support and look forward to sharing more enrich content with you stay curious keep exploring and continue harnessing prox mox's remarkable potential in your home lab and devops journey thank you for being part of our community [Music]
Channel: DVP Development Best Practices
Views: 362
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: java, k3s, kubernetes, training, tutorial, how to, mastery, beginners, advanced, intermediate, ex, IBMer, learn, full, course, k3s-ha, truenas, install, installation, proxmox, latest, version, docker, nas
Id: T0n4hdmHwMo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 56sec (956 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2024
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