Install Droppy a Self Hosted Easy to use File Cloud Server in Proxmox

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greetings it's time to drop Dropbox in Google Drive get ready to embark on an extraordinary Journey exploring the world of Docker containers to provide you with droy we will do all this in a proxmox container running Docker in your proxmox home lab server droy is a self-hosted easy to use file Cloud Server we install droppy using a Docker compose file so buckle up and prepare to be amazed by the Brilliance of this video we kindly ask for your support by giving our video a thumbs up now without further ado allow me to introduce you to our Docker expert Nico please note that niik has a Charming doanes European accent but fear not he speaks the queen's English fluently over to you niik thank you Josh hi there we have provided the link to our Blog Page below today we're going to install an interesting application in our proxmox server I was looking for a simple selfhosted cloud application that I could install in a Docker container inside my Pro Marx server and much to my disappointment what I found was definitely not going to meet this criteria the applications that I was looking at required you to create certificates and database connections and all kinds of things and eventually droppy found made it is published in GitHub I've provided a link here and that's it a very very simple Docker compos file this is going to be a full installation we are going to start by creating a proxmox container then we are going to install Docker in there and then we are going to install paina and once we have have that infrastructure in place in 5 minutes we'll have droppy running that would work the first time from a Docker compos file but let's get our fingers dirty the first thing we are going to do is we're going to create a new Docker instance using a proxmox container I'm connected to my proxmark server we will go to section two and follow these instru actions now if you look on the left side here we've got two storage systems we've got VM data and then we have this one here user data now if you look at this one we've got quite a bit of data already in on this drive so I'm going to use this one I have almost 2 terab available here before we can create the pro Mo container we need to add templates to this storage and to do that we need to connect to our prox server and open the shell and it says that I'm logged in now as root and then we run these commands the first thing we need to do is to list the available templates so let's run this command paste that was very quick now if we go to the top of the list we will find the ones we're interested we're interested in these templates and that's what we have here we are going to download this template here this particular one we need to run this command to download into our user data storage so let's copy that let's paste this here and now we go back as we already have downloaded this one here I'm going to download this one and in fact I wish to use this template which is a long-term support template 2304 so let's face this in here and now we can run this command enter and we've now done downloaded that template that was pretty quick and now that we've done that now here is the procedure it's all documented here but I'm going to go through it on the server so this time I can close this as I don't need this anymore so leave and go back here we need to click this button to create our proxmox container I want to use 401 let's continue according to our procedure we've done 401 now we need to set this up with the name storage 86 let's go back here and set that now you need to allocate a a a strong password having done that we can click on next now we need to select the storage again this time we're going to use this storage and now we should have two templates in there and we want 20304 and then click next and again here we need to select the same storage z z user data and give this thing enough disk storage I'm going to give it 100 gab you could give it a terabyte if you want or 500 gig that's fine and then click next for for Calles I always allocate two Calles and to prevent the docker containers from impacting The Machine's performance are limited to a CPU in the memory let's see what we recommended we recommend 8 GB but that depends on your Hardware so let's put that in here and the same size for the Swap and press next now when it comes to the network there are a few things we want to do do we want to set the IP address of this machine and we want to make it a static IP address so I'm going to use my IP range 10.1 54.2 86 you'll notice that this has remained grayed out you need to say sl24 now that I've typed it like that you'll notice that it's available but I also want to specify my Gateway 10.1 54.2 now I've got two gateways so I want to put it on the second Gateway that's fine now we go to the next now here we want to set up a Gateway as well then 10154 d2.3 and then the DNS so it can be comma 1.11.1 press next and I'm happy with the settings here this is what we wanted storage 86 and we've given it the IP address 86 this is our convention that we use we give the server name and the last number of the IP address so that way whenever we start our VMS we know exactly where they are it's VMS and containers so now you can click on finish and it's done this has built this thing faster than any VM you can build in fact I don't know why they call it a container they should rather call it a micro VM okay with that we can now close this one window our container is here the new container you need to click on it and click Start now that we've done that we can now click console when you create these containers it creates them as root so you got a bit of work to do to remove the root access so let's first log in as root and let's expand this now that we've done that we can continue with our instructions so the first thing we want to do is we want to do an app update always on a new installation that was very quick and then we want to run the upgrade command so let's copy that enter it's still taking a while we will pause the video and now that it's completed that let's go back to our instructions we want to install curl Nano and W get usually curl is pre-installed copy this command PR enter and that was done now they are are some things that you need to do I have provided a link here we need to create a user that can logged in as a sedoa So the instructions you will find here here is the instructions we need so we use the add user this is the better command because it will do everything so let's set the password give it the name I leave these and then permotion is correct you just press enter and it's now created my user and then we need to add that user to the sudo so this is the command you need to run now and then you will be able to log in with this user and have the root access now that we have a user that's a sud we can go and remove the access to the root user I'm not going to do that now now we are going to install docka on this container so we need to run that app update again and that was fairly quick all of these commands copy them and paste them into the terminal yes and now that we've done that let's do the next command so we want to go here so now you can see why we needed to install Cod copy paste done next command copy paste enter and again enter next command now we need to do an update as we've added the repository to our server this time it ran much quicker and now we can install docker yes enter now that we've installed Docker we need to verify it so the command is Docker dash dash version and press enter and that's a good sign a Docker is the latest version at the time of this video there are a few commands we need to do let's check the status of Docker as a service it's running and it's enabled so there's not not much we need to do we can just type Q to exit now that we've installed Docker we will install painer to install painer just click on here and run the commands so we need to do that we we need to run this command to create a storage for the POA we've done that now we have created a volume to store the data you'll notice there are two commands here I've commented out the first one use the second one the reason is they now install Porta in Port 8000 but as a developer I use 8,000 for my web service so it's not a good idea I'll place the second command and it's going to download and install poer let down loading potin and now we come to the interesting part of this video where we install droy in a few minutes you need to start by creating these folders so let us go into Pro Marx let us open our container in its console and expand it and let's go back to the instructions copy this command paste it into the terminal and we now will create this folder I've already done that so I'm not going to do that and then the next one you copy this command it's droppy data and then the last one this is dropy config now let's create the docker compos file so copy this command and paste it here and when I hit enter you will see that I've already got the file as I have tested this applic ation to make sure that it worked now there are a few changes that I brought to this as you can see I created a folder called data and a folder called config and here I've mapped the internal config folder and the internal files folder to these two parts so that's why we had to create those folders and now we are ready to run this so let's save it crl Sr X and now we are going to do a Docker compose up/ D command it will start the container in the detached mode once the container is running we will get access to the terminal again so just paste it in there and run it you will notice on my side it is not downloading on your side it will be downloading the application and then installing it I had to do this to make sure that I wasn't going to waste your time after we've done that now we can open up orer so let's open this in the browser I'm just just going to remove these things from my browser let's create the new one and a new tab and we should be able to open paina in here and then click on the paina icon and then click on containers and you can see that droppy is running and it tells us that it's mapped to the port 8989 internally and externally so now if we look at the next one to open that in the browser let's click that and I have already created the user you will create a user the first time you do that you create your user and then you can sign in now this is a very simple program I will start by creating a folder so if I click here and give it a name let's create another folder and call it work create another folder and call it personal now if I go back into the terminal you will remember we created two folders in inside here one was data and one was config so if we go into the data folder LS D La data and there the folders that I just created backup personnal and work and this is very easy to work with let's take the backup folder and I'm going to copy a small all filed into the tables so now if I go back here and say backup there's the file and if I click on it there you are I can edit this file as you can see we have a very simple interface very easy to use and it gives us the ability to download files from the browser so we can drag and drop files into the folders here from the browser we can drag and drop files and then we can download them so to download all you do is click that and that's it as simple as that we trust you found this interesting and we hope that you will find this useful thank you for watching this video please give us a like and please consider to subscribe we have not reached their target yet and with that back to you Josh thank you for watching this video exploring the world of Docker containers to provide you with droppy after watching this video we now have a better understanding of how to install droppy a self-hosted easy to use file Cloud Server we did all this in a proxmox container running Docker in our Pro MOX home lab server finally it's time to drop Dropbox and Google drive and use droy if you have not given us a like please do so your dedication to exploring prox mox's capabilities is invaluable stay tuned for more insights Automation and empowerment through its incredible tools for your home lab please like and comment to share your feedback and suggestions for our Channel if you found this video valuable consider subscribing to stay updated with with our latest content and tutorials ensuring you never miss out on informative videos your support is crucial for our Channel's growth for those eager to deepen their knowledge consider becoming a patreon supporter for exclusive access to upcoming training courses enriching your expertise and supporting the channel we genuinely appreciate your support and look forward to sharing more enriching content with you stay curious keep exploring and continue harnessing prox mox's remarkable potential in your home lab and devops journey thank you for being part of our [Music] community
Channel: DVP Development Best Practices
Views: 2,245
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: java, k3s, kubernetes, training, tutorial, how to, mastery, beginners, advanced, intermediate, ex, IBMer, learn, full, course, k3s-ha, self, hosted, host, self-hosted, file, manager, cloud, Droppy, dropbod, google, drive, substitute, alternative, proxmox, docker, docker compose, compose, container
Id: ixpQjccC9qI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 20sec (1460 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2024
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