Full installation of LXC Container, Docker , Portainer and Smokeping

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greetings get ready to embark on an extraordinary Journey exploring the wonders of proxmox lxc containers within your proxmox homelab server today we'll uncover why installing Docker in a VM on proxmox is not the best approach and instead we'll showcase the advantages of leveraging proxmox lxc containers which run directly on bare metal in this short video we'll walk you through four exciting installations firstly we'll demonstrate how to create a proxmox lxc container next we'll guide you through setting up Docker within our proxmox lxc container then we'll show you how to configure Port enter to seamlessly manage Docker containers finally we will install smoke ping in our Docker container and open it in painer so buckle up and prepare to be amazed by the Brilliance of this video we kindly ask for your support by giving our video a thumbs up now without further Ado allow me to introduce you to our proxmox and lxc expert Nico please note that Nik has a Charming DOTA Kines European accent while fluently speaking the queen's English over to you Nik thank you Joe today we are going to install smoke ping in our proxo server based on the comments we got from our previous video we decided that we're going to do the full installation we're going to start by creating a alexc container then we are going to install Docker on that container then we are going to install painer on that container and finally we are going to create a smoke Ping Server in the docker container we are going to provide links to all these blog Pages down below so that you can follow this video and do the same on your side we encourage you to do just that we are going to start creating the lxc container in our proxmox server so let's log into proxmox I'm going to go through the process to create the gxy container so we're going to follow these instructions here now first you need to go here click click this button I'm going to pull this Docker lxc container and I'm also going to spe ify the IP address 86 and confirm the password I'm going to shorten the name I just want to change the password next I'm going to use use a vtu this one here vtu 2204 diss I'm going to give this machine 40 gigs let's make it 200 CPUs I'm going to give it two and I'm going to limit this to one CPUs so that if there's a problem in the container it doesn't affect the server next a memory always give this thing enough memories I'm going to give this thing 4096 you could actually give it 8 gig but for now this is good enough networking now here we need to specify the IP address I'm going to put my IP address 86 Gateway 10.1 15423 I've got two gwis I'm going to use that I'm not worried about ip6 for now and then you notice that the this hasn't come up you need to say sl24 I'm happy with that next then you say finished and this will now create it status it's created it right now we can close that there it is Alexi container 86 that's correct now that we've done that first we need to start it then we go to the console root and I'm rout so that was the first step now that we've done that we want to go and install Docker in there I personally don't like logging into the server as root so I'm going to create the user for that I will provide you with a link below for that information as well we have provided a link to this Blog Page below and in here we'll show you the commands to create a user we'll start by creating the user with the user add command copy right that was the password full name ni M I'm just going to leave these as default values is this correct you can press enter or type y so we've created the user and we've already set the the password so we don't need to do this one but now we need to run this command now the user is a suda and while I'm about it I'm going to do the app update it's a new the buntu machine we need to run this command and I'm also going to add Nano to it and I'm going to install CO and I'm also going to install w get and that's fine right now we have all the prerequisites and then finally the app upgrade we will pause this video now that we've done the update we can start with the next step we are now going to install Docker I'm going to go to step two here these instructions there or if you already had Docker installed and you want to remove it so that you can install it again but for us we've got up to here so I'm just going to copy and paste all these commands into the terminal and then then after that I should have Docker running and I can then check the version so this is going to be a very quick installation copy paste enter copy yes we need to say [Music] yes I'm going to pause the video until this is installed next copy that command done next copy this command and we need to press enter now copy PR enter next next we are now going to do a sudo app update as we have added the new [Music] repository that went very quick now we can install Docker we will pause the video now to test Docker you run Docker Das Das version and it's working great the next installation we are going to do is potena with potena you have to create a volume before you can use it this is so that it can persist settings and things copy this exactly as it is here paste it into the terminal now you have two options for Porta you can run Port 8,000 personally I don't like to do that as a Java developer the 8,000 range I use for my microservices so I'm going to copy the Legacy setting which is the one that's not commented here the bottom one I recommend you do the same and because this is a new Docker installation it's going to want to download this and that's what it's doing it's downloading P this should go very quickly and now we will go and open ptena in the browser now this is the URL you would use Local Host but for me I'm working across the network so give me a minute I'm just going to close this terminal now I don't need it I've made a shortcut to poer which I can access from here one thing I must warn you when you install POA it's going to want you to enter a username and it wants the password to be a long password and then you log in once you've logged in click on the docker image this icon here with potena you can manage things like your network so if you look here you can see that my proxmox bridge this is my proxmox bridge and it's showing you that is available there if we look at volumes remember we created the poer data volume so there it is so that you can manage your volumes the same with containers if you click there you will be able to see the various containers and then there's something nice about POA and that there are many templates so if you want to install Maria DB or postgress or or even a web server you can click on one of these you can install all these in your doer container using potena and we are now back at the dashboard on the dashboard you have buttons to all these things that we looked at I will now install smoke ping before we install smoke ping into our Docker container on our proxmox server I just want to describe what it is and where we use this you may ask what does smoke ping give us firstly it gives us latency monitoring on our Network tracks delays in the data transmission identifies packet loss for crucial accessing Network reliability it offers a insight into the network performance Trends over a period of time this is a troubleshooting tool assisting in the diagnostic of network issues pinpointing their C es smokeing has alerting mechanisms that can notify you of issues in the performance of your network smoke pring provides historical data for analysis and decision making regarding the network optimization smoke ping presents the data in graphs and charts for easy interpretation and communication of network performance that's quite a math pull as you can see this is really a very valuable software also very useful for your own home network I've provided references here smoke ping is a very well documented application let's continue with our installation the right way to get this to work is to install our Docker container inside our lxc container which runs in Pro marks you may ask why do I want to use a lxc container when I can use a V when you install your Docker container in a lxc container the lxc container runs on bare metal so it's almost like a type one hypervisor whereas if you install Docker inside a VM it's it's running inside the OS running on your server and that is like a type 2 hypervisor when you install a buntu server in a alexc container you land up with a very small installation it basically takes up 300 megabytes as opposed to a gigabyte when you install it in a VM so you can see this thing is going to run substantially faster it's smaller and it's connected directly to the bare metal enough said let's continue with the installation first of all I need to SSH to my container I'm going to do that now then I want to sudu Su Dash I'm now root we are now going to create a smoke ping directory inside our opt folder and then we are going to change directory to that folder CD and now we are going to create the docker compos file before you can do that you need to do sudu AP install Nano I've already installed it so it should report that but that's what you need to do after you've done that now you can run this command Nano Docker compose yaml and into this file we are going going to put this content here exactly as it is I like that they've used UTC that means this will run time zone agnostic so no matter where you are you will get the same time and this is useful especially when you are working with servers across different geographies so let's save this file crl srl X now I got this file from here let me just open the link here's an article I found which is quite useful but what I did like is he shows you how to install it and then here he provides the docker compos file after I've done that I and now we'll do Docker compose up that will start it let's see here it is now because this is a new installation in my Docker it's got to download things it's busy downloading you can see that and this will only happen the first time afterwards if you run Docker compose up this thing will always got very quickly and it's running I would like to just point out something I did notice that I have more than one container running and they're all running on Port 80 and this causes a problem so what I have done is I have changed this to expose externally port 8080 and it's got to be that port to make this thing work so like it is now it will work I had to edit this file so command Nano and just make the change because you're going to land up using Port 80 for for a web server or something s x and then you say Docker compos up and it's running and then I can open this in the browser here and there we are we got it working now that we have installed smoke ping and we've let it run for a certain amount of time remember this thing does a ping every 5 minutes so you need to at least have had it running for an hour or more before you can actually start using it so we've you let it run so you click on charts and you will see some of the charts this one now is a medium round trip to the Oregon State University here's another one this is a Google Google DNS and here's another one of the Oregon University that's what you get in charts but now let's go to internet sites and there are some preloaded sites you can always add your own I like the google.com so I'm going to click on here and then you need to click on it again to bring up this crosshairs and then you select the area you want and it will then magnify that so now you can see let's go back so that we can find the worst one the worst one is over here so let's just take that okay and now we can see that this was 4 and 1/2 millisec that's not bad I can go now and look at others now here you can see I had installed the software yesterday and it would actually show you the time that I installed the software so that was the time I installed the software and uh then we had a thunderstorm so I had to disconnect the the server from the mains but this is now today and that's what we saw earlier this is Linux server iio and then you've got European sites Germany Switzerland this isern been up actually that's quite good and let's see the UK I also have Cambridge Cambridge University and that's been fairly consistent so my connection to Cambridge my ping is 180 milliseconds apart from websites you can also look at DNS with this so let's have a look look uh there's Google DNS 88.8 and also Google DNS and then cloudflare 1.1.1 and cloudflare 1.0.0 do1 with this information I am able to say that for the last hour I've had very good internet connectivity the purpose of the software is not for doing shortterm measurements but you need to have this thing running on a server continuously for a long time and then you can get historical data so that you can look at trends when connectivity went up or down and it can also help you identify if the problem is local your ISP or if the problem is a specific server on the other side of the world I hope you found this interesting thank you for watching the video please give us a like we would love you to subscribe to our Channel we've had this channel for a year and we haven't reached our Target yet and with that back to you there Josh thank you for watching this video exploring the world of proxmox lxc containers and their capabilities Niko demonstrated creating a proxmox lxc container he then showed how to install Docker contain containers within the proxmox lxc container then Niko demonstrated installing port tainer to manage Docker images finally he demonstrated how to install smoke ping in the docker container if you have not given us a like please do so your dedication to exploring prox mox's capabilities is invaluable stay tuned for more insights Automation and empowerment through its incredible tools for your home lab please like and comment to share your feedback and suggestions for our Channel if you found this video valuable consider subscribing to stay updated with our latest content and tutorials ensuring you never miss out on informative videos your support is crucial for our Channel's growth for those eager to deepen their knowledge consider becoming a patreon supporter for exclusive access to upcoming training courses enriching your expertise and supporting the channel we genuinely appreciate your support and look forward to sharing more enriching content with you stay curious keep exploring and continue harnessing prox mox's remarkable potential in your home lab and devops journey thank you for being part of our [Music] community
Channel: DVP Development Best Practices
Views: 643
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: java, k3s, kubernetes, training, tutorial, how to, mastery, beginners, advanced, intermediate, ex, IBMer, learn, full, course, k3s-ha, portainer, docker, proxmox, smokeping, installation, lxc, container, containers, lxc containers
Id: Jd8OkutJGr0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 25sec (1645 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2024
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