Hi! I'm Dave from boyinaband I was hanging out with some of my musician friends recently and we thought it would be fun to test each other's musical abilities. Because remember music is about creativity, self-expression, and winning. Let's go. Roll the high-energy introduction. Hey-oh I'm Roomie and I'm a Swedish singer/songwriter, and I'm gonna win this. [Dave] You can put the Flags down. [Both laugh] [Dave] How do you think you're going to do in this? [Roomie] I think imma' do alright. I used to be a drummer, but, that was a long time ago and nowadays. I use computers to keep my time. [Dave] Yeah. [Roomie] umm...and watches [Both laugh at terrible joke] [Roomie] I think Rob might win. [Dave] Alright, Rob. [Rob] Alright. [Dave] How good of a musician are you? [Rob laughs] [Dave] Who do you think is gonna be the best out of all four of us? [Rob] I..generally side with Andrew. For any musician test. [Andrew] I think the first three the pitch related ones I feel pretty good about being among the top in our little cohort [Dave] A little arrogant. I gotta take this test myself as well. Test number one is pitch recognition. To see the smallest pitch difference that we can tell I found this website that had a game on it where you could test your pitch recognition I'll link to it in the description below if you want to try out for yourself. [Dave] Accurately measure your pitch perception abilities. So you're gonna hear a bunch of different bunch of different..bunch of different sounds [Dave] Can you hear it? [Andrew] They all sound very similar. [Dave] That's the same. That's the same. It's just the test. [Andrew] It's good. [Rob] You didn't get that Beats endorsement? [Dave] I'm not quite there yet. [Both laugh] [Dave] And then you have to use up or down arrows after you've started the test to say which is higher or lower. [Andrew]Is the second tone lower or higher than the first? [Plays two beeps at different pitches] [Andrew] So the second tone was lower that time. [Plays more beeps at different pitches] [Rob] This is just confusing in general because it's just a bunch of beeps coming at me [Dave laughs in background] [Plays beeps] [Dave] Too easy. [Dave] The test started out easy but it got very hard very quickly as we got to those smaller frequency differences. [Beeps at different pitches] [Rob] Cool. [Dave] I was like really focused in that. God damn it. [Person in background] How do you feel? [Dave] I feel a little disappointed. [Andrew] Okay. I got through. [Roomie] Oh man, that was hard. [Andrew] 1.2 Hertz apart. [Dave] Very good. [Andrew] Yaaaay [Dave] 6.3. Hertz apart, which means you are below normal. Huh, that's really interesting. [Andrew] Mhm. [Dave] 3 Hertz apart. Just above average. [Roomie] Woo! [Andrew] I don't, I don't think I'll win. [Dave] Test 2 and 3. Kind of come together. Because we're testing our perfect pitch and a relative pitch. If you don't know already; perfect pitch is when you can hear a note and just tell what it is with no reference Relative pitch is having another note as a reference and being you, you get it. [Dave] Right the next one is the perfect pitch quiz [Andrew] Oh there's no way I'm getting this. [Roomie] Oh no. [Dave] Technically only the first one is going to be perfect pitch because if the rest should be relative if you can remember the previous one. [Andrew] Okay. So, hear first question [Plays note] [Andrew hums pitch] [Andrew hums pitch higher] [Rob] It's definitely higher than the low E. It's a little bit higher than A but it might be B. [Plays note] [Roomie mutters] Oh man. [Plays note] [Dave] Oh my god, I think I know it! [Rob] No, I think it's D actually. [Andrew trying to match pitch with his voice] [Andrew] Hmm.. [Roomie hums] [Andrew] I say it's a D [Dave in background] You didn't get the D. [Dave] I think that's a G because it sounds like the start of that My Chemical Romance song [Dave hums a song by My Chemical Romance] [Gasp] [Roomie] Oh no. [Dave in background] What? [Roomie] No, it's just I need to go through all the notes now. [Rob] Yeah, it's D. Nice, D's correct! [Dave in background] You got it!? [Rob] Yeah! Hahaaaa Hohaa Horhor [Make's funny sounds in celebration] [Dave] Oh I'm feeling really good about that. [Guy in background] That's amazing. [Dave] Oh my god, I can't believe I did that! [Rob] Can I just get all the rest wrong? [Roomie] La la la la laa. la la la la laa La la la that is F, la la la. [Dave] That's an octave, no it's not. Oh my god. I was doing so well. Uugh [Rob] I really have to concentrate [Dave in backround] There's twenty of these. [Laughs] [Rob] Yeah this is.. but, oh no... [Plays note] [Dave] This isn't even challenge to you is it? [Andrew laughs] Not, not super. [Dave] Damn it! [Andrew] So unless I'm here...all day.. [Dave] Okay, shall we end the quiz? [Andrew] Yeah, let's end the quiz. [Dave] Well...at least I got that first one. Still happy about that. That's crazy lucky. [Andrew] I've already done 40 of these should I keep going? [Dave in background] Uh. let's stick with 40. You, you pretty much proved at this point it's not a challenge. [Dave] So what-you get? Sick, bruv. 'ight, next up. [Dave] Test 4. Keeping time. I have to do this one manually because I couldn't find a website that did it so, so yeah... [Dave] I'm gonna play you a piece of music and then when it stops you got to keep clicking until you hear the music come back in. [Andrew] Okay, and just see how close- [Dave] Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. [Andrew] -I am to it. Alright. [Music starts and Roomie taps to the tempo] [Music stops, Roomie still tapping to tempo] [Dave] Hey! That's pretty good. [Roomie] That was pretty okay. [Andrew starts clicking] [Music starts] [Andrew] Oh, I was just a bit late. [Dave] even on the easy mode, oh it's challenging. [Andew] Oh no. [Laughs] What song was that? [Dave] Uh, I'm not dead. [Dave whispers] You don't listen to my music? [Both laugh] [Dave] I thought we were friends. [Dave clicking] [Music starts as Dave clicks to tempo] [Dave] Not too bad. [Music playing] [Music stops, Roomie still tapping to tempo] [Music starts] [Roomie] Oh wow that's so off! Wooow. I'm so embarrassed right now. [Dave] I'm sorry about the music on this one [Rob laughs] [Rob] Yeah, this one's awful. [Dave] You ready? [Rob] Uh huh. [Dave] Here we go. [Music starts] [Music playing as Rob tabs to tempo] [Music stopped as Rob continues to tap to tempo] [Music starts again as Rob tabs to tempo] [Music stops] [Rob] Hmm. [Andrew clapping a tempo] [Andrew] Oh my god. [Dave tapping tempo] [Music starts as Dave taps tempo] [Andrew clapping tempo] [Music starts as Andrew claps tempo] [Andrew] I have no idea where I was [Both laugh] [Music stopped as Rob taps tempo] [Music starts as Rob taps tempo] [Dave] Oh, man! [Rob] Yeah. That's just luck. [Dave] You reckon? [Rob] Yeah I reckon that's just luck. [Dave] That's...That was spot on! [Roomie] If I was like, still playing drums I would be really psyched out about this. Like [Funny voice] Why am I not perfect? Why am I not the best? [Music stopped as Andrew claps tempo] [Music starts as Andrew claps tempo] [Andrew] Naah, I was a tiny bit late again. Wow, I was like ready to be like yeah, it's coming right-and then it came in and like ahh. For a drummer like Questlove, who's like famous for being able to like perfectly lock the groove. Can he tell how accurate he's being? Like if you went for long enough would he be confident in saying like yeah, I'm definitely still at 160bpm. [Dave] Test 5. Tempo recognition. Again, I had to go DIY on this one. Oh no, but if I'm doing it manually who will test me? [Roomie with funny voice] Hellooo, my name's Roomie...I'm gunna help with the test. [Both laughing] [Dave] Alright, you ready to give it a go? [Andrew] Let's do it. [Dave] So you're gotta tell me which of these is faster one or two. [Music playing] [Rob] Yeah, sped up just a little bit. [Dave] Correct. [Roomie] I can do nothing like this, I'm gunna stop this now. [Music playing] [Dave] I think it's faster the second time. [Roomie] Correct. [Dave] Was that 5bpm difference? [Roomie] Yep. [Dave] Wow, I'm bad at this [Andrew] Second one's faster. [Dave] We good, we good. [Music playing] [Roomie] First ones faster. [Dave] Correct. [Andrew] I like this loop. [Dave] Thank you. [Andrew]What is it from? [Dave] I don't know, I just found it. [Both laugh] [Dave] I mean I made it. [Music playing] [Andrew] This is pretty tough, is the second one faster? [Dave] Second one was slower. [Andrew] Ahhh, if I'd heard that like playing in the club I don't know if I would say oh, I just notice the tempo change. [Dave] Do you go to the club often? [Andrew] Daily. [Dave laughs] [Roomie] I wish I would have known in my test that I could play it again [Dave] Oh Sorry. [Roomie] It's fine Not like you're known for being scientifically or anything. [Music playing] [Roomie] I'm saying the second ones faster. [Dave] Correct Correct. Correct. [Music playing] [Rob] Yeah like if I imagine myself tremolo picking along with it then it becomes a lot easier because I have a lot more points of reference. [Dave] Yeah, yeah, yeah. [Rob] So that's what I'm doing off screen [Dave laughs] [Rob] It just looks like I'm, like I'm, I don't know. Shaking a maracas underneath the table or something. [Dave] Yeah, of course. That's was everyone's first thought. [Dave] Incorrect. [Roomie] Damn! Dang, bro! [Dave laughs] [Rommie] Dang! [Dave] Why you so loud? [Andrew] First ones faster? [Dave] Correct. [Rob] It's speeding up so slightly [Dave] Incorrect. [Rob] Ah, man! [Music playing] [Andrew] Second one's faster? [Dave] Second one is slower. [Andrew] Damn it! [Dave] You are out of the game! [Andrew] I'm gone! [Music playing] [Roomie] First one's faster? [Dave] Incorrect. [Roomie] Oh my god. I'm like nailing the opposite of nailing right now. [Dave] Three wrong in a row. [Dave] Right, that's the end of the test. How do you feel you did? [Rob] Uh. I well, I mean. [Roomie] I did all right. [Andrew] I think I did alright. [Dave] Are you happy with it? [Rob] I definitly failed the first two pretty bad, but on the last one, I'm feeling pretty good I feel like if I really practice this I could do even better [Roomie] I'm really interested in seeing the comparison and seeing how everyone else did that's gonna be cool I hope I, I beat Dave from boyinaband cuz he's like, just, he's just a dick [Dave] Thank you. So all that's left to do is to see who won. Let's go. [Dave] So, uh, first before we get into this how do you think winning the most ultimate musician test of all time will affect your careers. Like Rob, what do you think with you? [Rob] Well I think my credit score would go up which would be good because I thinking about getting a mortgage soon. [All laugh] [Dave] If you had to guess; who would you say won the pitch perception test? [Andrew] So the second tone was lower that time. [Andrew] Joel (Roomie) or me. [Rob] Andrew. [Dave] I should do this third, second, first shouldn't I? [All] Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. [Andrew] Let the lose feel real good about themselves. [Drum roll] [Dave] In third place we have.... Roomie. [Roomie] Oh no! [Andrew] What?! [Roomie] Wow. [Dave] Roomie got a pitch perception of 3 Hertz. [Drum roll] [Dave] And second place we have... Dave from boyinaband. [Roomie] Wow. [Andrew] Oooh. [Dave] With 2.4 Hertz [Drum roll] [Dave] And in first place with 1.2 Hertz. Andrew Huang [Air horns] Next up we have the perfect pitch [Roomie] F. F. [Dave] First of all I did not expect anyone to get this. People got it. In third place... Is Roomie and Andrew. [Party horn] And in first place... is me and Rob. Both of whom manged to get- [Andrew] Got the first note right? [Dave] Yeah! [Rob] Yeah. [Dave] I have no idea how. [Roomie] That became relative pitch test after the first note. [Dave] Correct. So, the relative pitch in third place, we have... Dave from boyinaband [Party horn] I got 11 wrong. In second place we have... Roomie. With 2 wrong. And in first place we have Andrew Huang with one wrong. [Rob] Wow. Very good, very impressive. [Dave] Well done. You were so quick with it. [Andrew] Oh yeah, I was just like... [Dave] You just knew. [Andrew laughs] [Dave] I was just sitting there, struggling like crazy. Having to go back and forth in my head. The tempo silence test. [Music stopped as Andrew claps tempo] [Andrew] Oh my god. [Dave] I actually uh, found out how many seconds away from hitting it on the point we were for each thing. Then added them all up so I actually have- [Andrew] You have like an average... [Dave] Yeah, the number of milliseconds away. [Roomie] This is so specific [Dave] It's incredibly specific. Third place with 1.215 seconds total out... [Andrew] That's third place?! [Dave] Yeah. [Andrew] Damn. [Roomie] That's incredible. [Andrew] We were all pretty accurate. [Dave] Yeah, with 1.215 seconds out was Andrew Huang In second place with 0.626 seconds out, was... David Brown. In first place, with 0.624 was... Roomie. [Andrew] Daaaamn. [Roomie] I didn't think I would get that. So the drumming paid off I guess. [Andrew] Oh yeah, you had two years drumming training, like study liked that. [Roomie] Yeah, I mean I had like 15 years [Dave] And then, um, Rob had 3.002 seconds. [Rob] Oh I was way off. [Dave] I was quite surprised at that because the next one, you were considerable better at. Tempo perception test. [Roomie] First one's faster. [Dave] Correct. Recognizing up to 0.5 beats per minute was... Roomie. [Roomie] Oh.. In second place, recognizing up to 0.25 beats per minute was... Dave from boyinaband [Roomie] Woo. [Dave] And in first place recognizing up to 0.25 beats per minute, but one extra of them was Rob Scallon. [Roomie] Wow. dude thats- [Dave] You had a really interesting technique as well. [Rob] I was trying to play along. And I would play with a, with a stroke to my playing that was just on the cusp of what I can play comfortably and then when the next measure would come around if I started feeling strain it was getting faster, and if I started to feel weak it was getting slower. [Andrew] Wow. [Dave] I know right? [Andrew] Whoa.. [Roomie] Zero point something bpm, that's insane. [Dave] If we add them all up so like first place like the low- the lower the number the-
the higher ranking you are. [Roomie] So, adding up all the places then? [Dave] Yeah, I'm adding up all the places [Andrew] Oh okay, yeah. [Drum roll] [Dave] In third place we have Andrew Huang [Andrew] I guess I'm just a third place kind of guy. [All laugh] [Andrew] I knew that I wouldn't be great at the keeping tempo in silence, it's something I want to get better at but something I don't practice a lot because I'm just like doing my beats on the computer so much. [Dave] Yeah. In first place we have Both of us. [Roomie] Oh my god. That's crazy. [Dave] And in zeroth place [All laugh] [Rob] Me! [Dave] So yeah that we have the answers we've heard from the people who are first second and third place so uh, zeroth place, Rob. How do you feel? [Rob] I mean, I'm gonna go in the other room for a while. [Cat screaming in background] [Grunting and smashing in background] [Dave] So it's great being the person who made the test and the winner. Cheers for watching have a nice day. [Dave] We did some other tests with the other guys channels if you want to see those I'll link to them, Roomie did one where we have to guess which voices are auto-tuned and which ones are not and Andrew did one where we have to tell different instruments without hearing the start and end of their sound which was really difficult if you do better than I did then we're proud of you. [Dave clapping] Bye.
I was so surprised to see how Rob Scallon can distinguish tempo from slower to faster without looking.