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like and subscribe right now and i will stop doing karen mems this is me wearing an n95 a surgical mask and a face shield my o2 saturation is 100 so let me make this abundantly clear the only reason you can't breathe in a mask is because you're a little big today in new zealand our kids can go back to school because we have a compassionate government and we listen to science this the biggest flex of 2020 to be honest ellen degeneres reportedly once called steve jobs to complain about her iphone she just lives in an incredibly privileged bubble [Music] karen people need to stop calling me a karen it's so awesome me that's fine we'll go back to what we used to call you karen thanks me you're welcome oh karen with common sense thanks karen karen is not a slur it is a stereotype white women earned by raising monsters voting for monsters and behaving like monsters our behavior is so atrocious to everyone except us that our own children are making memes and videos mocking us me speaks a foreign language to my friend in a coffee shop karen this is america yesterday why should i study science biology physics it is useless i will never use it i will never be a scientist today vaccines have mind control chips for the new world order the earth is flat i saw it on youtube a lady just sat down and the first thing out of her mouth was i'll get a water no ice because i doubt you're following covid regulations with your eyes and it was in that moment that i realized currents have been reloaded with a whole new set of ammunition remember karen's can be men too karen's grandfather who wore a gas mask in his trench for six days straight watching her f used to wear a piece of cloth for 20 minutes me and this little mexican lady were talking in spanish and this old white bee in a wheelchair said we're in america why don't you speak english and the little mexican lady told her you have legs why don't you walk i nearly died i gave her free coffee i prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery passenger why should i have to wear a mask if yours works driver dame good point turns off headlights passenger what are you doing it's dark driver shall the other cars have them on i'd do anything for my country we just need you to wear a mask but i don't wanna karen telling minorities they should go back where they came from karen realizing she's being filmed karen on the news the next day talking about how sorry she is for her unfortunate outburst and how she was raised to respect all races [Music] 13 46 i will wear this badass bird mask all day and stuff it full of herbs so i don't smell the rotting corpses lining the streets 20 20 tiny clothe face mask evil passengers cheer after woman gets kicked off flight for refusing to wear face mask when the waiter forgets one source packet when her kid wrecks the restaurant to all shop owners if a karen says i don't have to wear a mask because this is on erica then respond with and because this is american i don't have to serve you cause i can run my business any f and way i want use their own reason against them lol today some asian lady had the audacity to put on her face mask and go towards the other side walk to avoid me a white woman who definitely does not have virus nice job lady you started this karen i'm not racist also karen the n word is used to marginalize and dehumanize an entire race karen is used to describe entitled morons who believe the entire world revolves around them example karen as the new n-word is literally the most caring effort sentence in the universe we did it we teleported but to where let me ask that lady over there hey where are we man take off that mask and go back to your country we are in america i got rights i wanna get my hair cut why don't you go to china shortage my coffee you get me hack a ventilator dammit gasp i'm an american you probably just lost a lot of followers for this one stick to comedy hey f you karen luke help me take this mask off but you'll die i have rights people who wear glasses watching carrots complain about the minor inconveniences of wearing a mask [Music] no mask no service grow up karen people say karen's are entitled but we are not insists karen who started a petition and went on the tv to complain about people using the name karen facetiously in what is perhaps the most caring thing any karen has ever carried before i cheated on him things were amazing after i cheated it changed how was i supposed to know there'd be consequences for my actions shouldn't ivak's parents be charged with child ab nine nine percent yes zero percent no white women have been calling black women chanini lacrisher and shanakan in a demeaning manner since the eighties latinos were called consular guadalupe or mariah and asian women were called lingling but they can't handle being called karen for 11 months wearing a mask and telling others to do the same wearing a mask not wearing a mask and spreading propaganda about them being harmful woman refuses to wear mask because pants don't block fart smells when my mom said that i couldn't go see my friends in march when the us had 125 000 cases but now that we have 4.5 million she brings her friend to our house [Music] grandfather who served in a war and waram mask the entire time grandmother who wore a mask while serving as a nurse in the war masks infringements anti-mask protest this guy out here on his own against it lmfao not the hero we deserved but the hero we needed anti-master last time i checked i live in a free country people who just want to go back to a normal life shut the f up please shut the f up [Music] this is rust it's caused by oxygen and cold oxidation we breathe oxygen every day if it can do this to a chain just imagine what it can do to your lungs write that down americans need to know date certain when this will end the uncertainty for businesses parents and kids is just not sustainable ingraham wants to talk to cov id 19's manager the woman who threatened a black man's life for politely asking her to put a leash on her dog for the park's strict rules and violently choked her dog has been fired the man is safe and her dog has been rescued the climate during this pandemic is 100 degrees caronite putting on 10 masks and running one kilometer in 100 degree fahrenheit heat after smoking to prove masks can't suffocate you karen listen here you little sh karen you can't force me to wear a face mask i have a medical problem worker this is private property karen what was your best you're speaking to the manager right now moment friend of mine she was getting chewed out over something or other finally the woman loudly demanded to see the manager so she shrugged and got the manager manager comes out all confused angry woman demands my friend get fired manager is very confused but mum i can't do that she is the owner karen i'm not going to wear a mask i have rights employee that's cool and all but we have the right to refuse service to anyone karen visible confusion this is sad representation of america karen and karen stats canada reports not one baby has been named karen since november 13th 2019. victory we have victory dear auntie vaxxers now is your chance to go to china and prove us all wrong virus enters the body vaccinated child's immune system hey i've seen this one anti-vaxx child's immune system what do you mean you've seen it it's brand new me explaining to the walmart employee i can't wear a mask because it's all a globalist conspiracy karen your employee assaulted me manager let's check the cctv cameras karen [Music] you're so cute it's scaring me ah i tried to make a pun out of your name but i guess you didn't carry out a notice what three stages of karen him the call the dare the meltdown hello in 911 go ahead post your video no i'm so misunderstood i'm the least racist person i know i worked with a black lady we never spoke bad she was there i have a prince cd a white female upset a mother with her baby in stroller was speaking in spanish and not maintaining proper social distancing removes her face mask gets close to the baby's face and coughs two to three times [Music] thank you karen i don't wear a mask for the same reason i don't wear an underwear things gotta breathe texas mail broke her own stay at home order to go to nail salon this is the supreme leader of all currents [Music] know your rights accuse everyone request a manager escalate to authorities neglect reason karen not wearing a mask or staying home you must be an idiot well i think that depends on no no that wasn't a question me driving to idaho to buy groceries due to the washington mask mandate nobody is telling me what to do i got rights [Music] when you need to speak to the manager no cov id barrier will stand in the way your employee attacked me let's check the security tape [Music] [Music] did y'all see that nasty nasty half time show karen's will not wear masks and then die from covid 90 proving it's not entirely bad do they live laugh love no karen what anti-masters think they look like versus what they actually look like [Music] if you are offended by the word karen you are a karen karen after mentally abused her children getting a person fired and suing a guy for existing all while going home from church why do i fix everything i touch if you're one of those people refusing to wear a mask because you're concerned about enough oxygen getting to your brain don't worry that ship has sailed if you're gonna do a gender reveal party don't play koi with coloured smock or whatever when you blow up that cake i expect to see a giant sign saying it's ap showers of these raining down like confetti you invited us here to celebrate janet's karen you wanted this hashtag don't call me karen my humble submission for queen of the carrots if the masks work why the six feet if the six feet works why the masks if both were quite the lockdown if the airbags work then why the seatbelt if the seat belt then why the airbags if both work then why the brakes shops no shoes no shirt no service people okay no problem traffic laws wear a seat belt in your car or get a ticket people okay no problem osha while working in certain places you must wear safety goggles and safety gear people okay no problem airlines you must be seated and wear a seat belt with your tray table up when taking off people okay no problem tsa before getting on this plane you need to remove your shoes your belt anything from your pockets and go through this x-ray machine people okay no problem grocery stores please wear a mask while you are shopping to help reduce the risk of infecting others with a potential deadly virus people how dare you take away my personal liberties and rights [Music] karen mentally absurd kid and screams at them kid cuts of all contact after moving out karen um tastes like disrespect i'm just saying there aren't a lot of millennials named karen twitter poll suggests the term karen is the equivalent of the n-word if you're comparing the badness of two words and you won't even say one of them that's the worst word many top scientists are on the autism spectrum so technically autism causes vaccines karen's when this is all over we are going to remember you carol people who think the n word is racist people who think karen is racist the obama administration secretly installed cameras in all public places they are tracking people with facial recognition software wear a mask that covers your mouth plus knows who the software can't identify you tell all the true patriots [Music] it is time to go was i a good person no you were the worst bring me your manager you wouldn't bake a cake because they were gay it's my business i have rights but you got upset when they wouldn't serve you for not wearing a mask they can't tell me what to do with my body i have rights you're a hypocrite and only one thing's enforced when it fits your agendas [Music] as a karen can i officially set the record straight karen is not a slur and if you don't agree i need to speak to your manager karen's i'm never shopping here again goodbye the store with thousands of customers well congrats i don't give a f we don't want mexicans we don't want muslims we don't want gay zen we absolutely do not want black color people in america out my twitter account got suspended for 12 hours after giving my opinion if this doesn't change i will be contacting my lawyer you will address me by my husband's rank no no i don't think i will social distancing equals communism karen for trump sweetie in europe karen's are called americans karen my little angel is doing just fine without those vaccines her little angel if white characters were written the way white authors described poc in novels karen wrapped her mayonnaise colored hands around the ceramic mug and lifted it to her non-existent lips her tight pod hue dies narrowed when she realized she'd forgotten to ask for a manager nasty women welcome here except karen's husband being forced to speak to the manager the manager karen introducing karen she has three kids drives a minivan tries to use expired coupons and asks for the manager if anyone tells her no and is anti-facts okay maybe it's karen light elmer fudd will not use a gun in new looney tunes cartoons karen's and simps everybody else for what reason does every apartment complex have a dog weight limit of 20 pounds i can promise you my 90 pound golden retriever is a hell of a lot better behaved than karen's seven pound piece of devil worshiping chihuahua after you defeat all of the cairns you gotta face mega karen [Music] a divorced dad wants his kids to be vaccinated their mom doesn't now he's taking the fight to court karen has gone to eff and far this morning the young barista woman told me that a customer came in with a mask that not wearing it when she asked the customer to put on her mask please the woman said why there's no one in here that customer not seeing the barrister as a someone very much tracks with my anecdotal experience of non-mask wearers surgeons operating with a mask on for 20 hours karen's shopping with a mask on for 20 minutes [Music] karen i'll never come here again the worker effin finally what can you see i refuse to wear a mask there are markings it's some form of selfish i will never buy anything from here again multi-billion dollar company i don't give a f the reason karen isn't a racial slur is because you have to be acting like a karen and not just be standing there having skin you can stop caring people can't stop having skin the temperature in those stores is atrocious there is no air circulation whatsoever no way in hell can anybody be in there with a mask on i'm an old lady with asthma and i can wear one in stores with no problem yeah it gets a little hot sometimes but i would rather be a little uncomfortable then end up with a tube shove down my throat or make another sick funny how a short old woman can wear a mask and leave her home without a gun but big strong men cry about having to wear one and need a gun to go to subway [Music] how karen's teach their kids attention if you or a loved one has been refused entry to a private business for not wearing a mask and you would like to explore legal options to protect your constitutional rights our law firm is happy to explain just how freaking s you are [Music] gen z is calling gen x the karen generation buzzfeed news me dying at five years old and blaming my mom for it my mom proud that i'm not autistic because she wouldn't vaccinate me free speech exists china i'm gonna need to speak with the manager did you know a woman donated her kidney to save the life of her boss who then fired her when she took too long to recover the eye ain't wearing no mask in your business start a pack medical experts who have 11 years of experience on their field karen with five minutes of google research melanoma white moms be like i'm bilingual i speak english and to the manager [Music] seriously if i can wear this for 10 hours non-stop in pittsburgh in 100 plus degree july heat with one million percent humidity all ukraines can wear a d mask for a hour in an air conditioned store i need to wear my suits at walmart next time carrying a sign saying that when you work at a fast food restaurant and you see overweight karen's walking towards you and growly although big boomers recognized experts over time leading scientist 1980s phd student 1990s media expert 2000s karen on facebook 2010s if vaccines were healthy you could put it on a spoon and eat it try it you'll die if broccoli was healthy you could put it in a syringe and inject it into your bloodstream try it you'll die karen just to clarify karen is not a racial slur for white women it's a polite way of saying stop acting like an entitled bee other karen's karen i don't mean to alarm anyone but they've started farming karen's karen farmer talk have you ever been to a restaurant that does not give you the change when you pay with cash my bill was 47.20 i gave the waitress 100 and she only gave me back 53 i called over the manager which was our waitress she said we don't usually carry change i told her to give my 100 back and i'll pay with a credit card 80 cents would not kill me but it's the principal if they do this to everyone that pays cash over a year that could be a lot of money in their pocket i'll redo your math emily suave yes the k word is stronger than the n word at least currently misogyny and patriarchy has been around longer than slavery just don't use either okay godzilla had a stroke trying to read this and freaking died [Music] the ultimate karen personality that seems a satan's pee i'm livid at how everything shut down because of this cupid why can't everyone use essential oils to remove this virus i hate wearing s masks that are a part of the libs plan to eliminate free speech it's not out of the question you might have a very minor case of serious brain damage this is how it feels to be a white feminist woman cherry jewel god i actually love this metaphor because it's a fake target and you've put it there yourself when you go to a mexican restaurant with your ex cody and you four kids aiden braden raiden and until vaxxed and hear the star speak spanish so you tell them that this is america and we speak american here and then you refuse to leave a tip and give them a one star rating on yelp hash bomber hash blessed hashtag at your stay cassidy hoofmore it's abuse to force your pets to pose for a photo also your hair is such a flop de la lacrap wait what please elaborate lol cassidy hoofmore you obviously are forcing this cat into the picture when she wants to run away i'm going to report this to the authorities have fun in juvenile detention sweetie karen it's a free country i don't have to wear a mask cashier it's a free country i don't have to serve you [Music] you spent our entire life savings on dogs me they're golden retrievers karen they retrieve gold i did it for us i don't understand how this virus got so bad when there are so many middle-aged women with healing crystals know your freaking place karen what scares me is that if this were a real pandemic hospitals would never be prepared pretty sure it's a real pandemic and they are not prepared you have three wishes i want karen's to stop asking for the manager yeah bro what is up with that you still have three wishes man employee messes up order oh my god i'm sorry please forgive me karen no ah slashes credit what's the most satisfying act of i don't give a freak that you have ever witnessed some karen was beefing about a 25 cents off coupon the coupon was for a 42 once bottle of something but she wanted a 28 ounce bottle the coupon was rejected when stand because there was no product to match it there was nothing the cashier could do but karen just kept demanding 25 cents off finally the guy ahead of me in line marched up to the counter slapped a quarter down and said there's your freaking 25 cents off now pay your freaking bill so the rest of us can go on with our days cashiers at mcdonald's when they see an angry karen approaching them with three kids and a kid start panicking i don't have a plan akin an ancient karen appears when a group of karen's walk into your restaurant this is your son's grade yep and he is depressed uh who before he was depressed he got as i hear you so depression caused the grades to drop video games me and this little mexican lady you were talking in spanish and this old white be in a wheelchair said we're in america why don't you speak english and the little mexican lady told her you have legs why don't you walk i nearly died i gave her free coffee man woman white black poor rich asian karen the sun gives of more radiation than 5g towers karen's if those kids could read they'd be very upset ultra karen summoner of district managers pack of dogs terrorizing grad eco family mark sumner i've just been informed that some people find the term anti-vaxxer to be offensive from now on i will use the more technically accurate term of child m frequent aussie company creates virus that can kill every type of cancer [Music] every carroll karen my kid's not vaccinated and he turned out fine her kid christina layla i refuse to wear a face mask so far only two men have had the nerve to tell me to cover my face to which i very loudy and sternly replied no and just like that both men backed off like cowards i'm an american woman with rights not a slave living under sharia law rachel mccartney if you think the country should reopen because you need a haircut you have to get this one that's community looking for recommendations my three-year-old is not vaccinated and there is currently a measles outbreak in my state any suggestions for precautions i can take to protect her would be very much appreciated travis kagg frank's hot sauce i put that s on everything oh my god the woman in the seat next to me is talking non-stop about her oil saving her from iris she then proceeded to douse herself in oregano oil she smells like spaghetti currently regretting those last few tequila shots last night does it hurt yes go vaccinate you kid or i'll punch you again mods are asleep here is a caron we can all love karen's after getting a minimum wage worker fired for getting the order slightly wrong i did it i saved the world when her antivax mom installs antivirus on her tablet but not on you you see a karen yelling at the manager you realize it's your mother typical carol i'm once again asking to see the manager karen from work how do you know someone's a vegan me i'm just trying to eat d karen they'll tell you hahaha me our planet is dying have you all noticed how quiet anti-vaxxer have been lately apparently burying your children is pretty time-consuming i offered a clerk a squeeze of my hand sanitizer and she declined stating that i do this 100 time a day and my hand can't take it i said thank you for helping spread this virus in our community holy karen mom who is karen did you ask to speak to manager about that i called but can i speak to a manager haircut wow i really can't believe how people can be so judgmental over a flipping haircut yes my hair has been different lengths of this style for years i've gotten nothing but compliments on my hair but then again everyone's entitled to their own opinions but you don't have to be such jay about it would you like to speak to the page administrator about this we say karen to be nice what we mean as c imagine being in such a rush to open up the country just to get one of these haircuts [Music] pasha a group of karen's is called a caravan kyle dodge caravan karen my son is very healthy he just turned 18 and doesn't have autism the dad that's been secretly vaccinating him how karen's feel when they wear a mask how i feel when i wear a mask [Music] karen enters the store caches i will initiate self-destruct according to our reporters in the field protests have for the most part remained peaceful day carrick i would like them removed anyways karen at her kid sports game yelling at the kids their parents the coach the referee and the vendors rachel friggin french karen is not a name it's a rancher that's why you've never seen a baby named karen petition for apple to create the almighty karen energy [Music] the children at my son's elementary school have started referring to me as the karen and mocking my chic hairstyle is there anything i can do in the way of legal action to prevent this i'm deeply offended hannah welp posting a question about suing eight years olds is probably the wrong way to beat the stereotype although the coupons in her purse had expired karen vowed to herself this is not over [Music] nishweesef nine-year-old begins to have a meltdown waiting in line for ice cream woman in front of us turns around looks like someone doesn't deserve ice cream six-year-old daughter interjects excuse me he's autistic and having a hard time you should be kind woman me melissa i have three kids and people love to say to me you have your hands full i don't know how you do it and i'm like well i don't know either karen but i know that if i don't my kids will freaking die so i don't really have a choice [Music] karen dean westbrook can mojang shut down minecraft please it's more painful ever i seen when someone kills poor animals in minecraft and it's so unfair also it's a bad influence on kids 4k the animals so please shut down it you're not just wrong you're s [Music] mcdonald's employee makes small mistake karen your free trial of living has ended [Music] brooklyn new york i found a special hair salon for carrots titania mcgrath it is never okay for men to give cpr to an unconscious woman resuscitation is just a fancy word for a karen i'm never giving my kids vaccines essential oils are all they need measles udb congratulations you just lost yourself a customer i'm never coming back here again me bye share a coke with karen literally everyone in this subreddit we don't do that here the mayor of a southern texas city apologized for violating her own stay-at-home order after a photo surfaced on social media of her at mail salon becky you are an entitled karen karen my mother sued our local china restaurant because they forgot to put her extra chili powder in her food although my mother explicitly said she wants chili powder in her food it didn't even get closed is everyone in your family named karen lego karen friend why are you laughing me nothing my brain pirates of caribbean emo girls were just gothic karens can i speak to your manager please i'm the manager [Music] news an eight-year-old child has died in a car crash carrying vaccines can i talk to your manager strength formula johnson's bee spray [Music] ross tucker however even without that recent evidence the biological principles for separation into men's and women's categories and sport are so strong that to overturn it requires exceptional evidence kaz self are you a biologist are you a scientist have you got a phd published a paper in a peer-reviewed journal if not then stfu ross tucker yes yes yes and yes a slash insane people facebook and so it begins i believe i have crown virus but don't want treatment for fear of quarantine how should i go about self-treatment and not infecting others best comments aren't slappy squirrel essential oils by the gallon taken a random talking mug via fire hose [Music] victory karen has successfully eliminated all life on earth disease graph world graph cure graph next craperoni and chess she seems like a karen that abandoned her tribe and dedicated her life to solving crime instead of screaming at members of the working class [Music] you arrive at the restaurant and there are no booths available whose fault is this a the restaurant they need more booths b the server who greeted you c you should reserved d the other diners karen's when their kids bully other kids i sleep karen's when a person tells them to stop read less i wish to not suffocate while wearing a mask poof it is done nothing's changed correct during a pursuit last night one of the occupants of the vehicle rang his mummy who then rang 999 asking for the police cars and helicopter to stop following her son hash we didn't stop hash or detained lions don't concern themselves with the opinions of sheep karen whispers to herself as she sells her leggings on facebook [Music] stylist this salon is for adults only kid let me speak with the manager stylist say no more [Music] karen fan mail who man whoa man son break the sexist stigma change these words hash stop sexism is this a dumb freak [Music] karen the term karen is as offensive as the n-word me what's the n-word i can't say that out loud me but you can say karen out loud can't you well yeah me so it's not as offensive as the n-word is it karen orders coke karen you brought me regular coke instead of diet coke waiter oh i'm sorry about that karen i was poisoned story time city of tuscaloosa we have heard your complaints about the mandated face mask requirements in businesses around the city we wouldn't want you to think we aren't listening so we would like to formally make an official statement regarding the citizens on issues we literally do not care what you think thanks karen pretty tacky city of tuscaloosa i'll remember that when i choose where to spend my money city of tuscaloosa you won't be spending your money here anyways if you don't wear a mask karen karen's after wearing a mask for five minutes half of my respiratory organs were destroyed scrodina's carrying someone who is too weak long to be able to breath properly through a fabric mask while simultaneously being so healthy they can scream at full volume if retail workers challenge them jerry shout out to my retail homies today don't let a karen ruin your day karen i didn't vaccinate my kid and he's fine measles and polio hey maximum my name is maximum i was working in a movie theater in france a customer started an argument with my manager who was a highly functional alcoholic and did not give a freak about pleasing karen's she stupidly went the customer is king to which he replied we're in france we decapitate kings sap galley i er doc here if you think wearing a piece of cloth makes it hard to breathe then trust me you do not want cover teen that sign can't stop me because i can't read please allow children to believe in santa you believe in essential oils and no one is ruining that for you this is wicked post santa is a lie and a perpetual of the prosperity heresy essential oils and neither of those things i'm a christian so they may try to drive me to my knees but that's where i'm the strongest me with common sense karen you shouldn't wear mask it's proven by multiple studies they don't work multiple studies yes can i see them no someone that doesn't upvote grammar nazi internet troll carol choose your fighter susan is gossipy and addicted to wine karen summons the manager brenda watches grey's anatomy and believes she's a medical expert the fact that some people go to a restaurant and treat staff like she's freaking ridiculous you chose to go out to eat if you feel the need to be rude while you're waiting for your food stay the free cone and yell at your microwave jim carrey [Music] karen unwilling child essential oils and healing crystals the ugliest pixie cut a coupon that's six years expired let me talk to the manager very dark concealer louis vuitton purse with a tiny malnourished pomeranian how dare you did you know that if the restaurant messes up your order you can simply say oh actually i had blank instead of screaming at the 16 year old employee they will still fix for you karen's sorry i don't speak wrong anti-vaxx mom abortion is evil also anti-vaxxman refuses to vaccinate children causing them to diet at age four me that's just a with extra steps [Music] give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day give her karen a fish and she'll say it's too small not what she ordered then demand to see your manager and have you fired kim went full-blown karen biggest talk to your manager move in history kim kardashian west hey jack in the box i have serious complaint but i won't fully put you on blast check your corporate ml inbox or send me a direct message with direct person for my team to contact pronto the new york times amy cooper a white woman who called the police on a black man christian cooper for asking her to leash her dog in central park has been fired by her employer newyorktimes.com woman is fired after calling police on black man in central park good news everybody's going to heaven all except you freak you karen crystal pool karen refuses to make her children wear masks to avoid them looking like a muslim best comments we muslims wear masks to avoid being mistaken for carrots walmart will start requiring all costumers to wear masks this sub i'll bet my entire life-saving stat she's standing there because she's waiting to talk to the manager [Music] measles finding karen's unvaccinated children nice place [ __ ] i need to speak to manager of iran world war three return of karen when the ride isn't even over yet and you already want to speak to the manager live laugh love her unvaccinated kid laugh love the doctor who told her countless times to vaccinate the kid laugh well son when you were a baby the internet and your mom's yoga teacher told us that vaccines were bad anyway sorry your legs don't work karen i'm never gonna shop here again multi-billion dollar company nobody karen during lockdown if i can't kiss my kids on the mouth i'm going to hurt an animal jess mclaren i love scorsese but i can't stand how his characters just throw around racial slurs that was all our money karen renee i haven't had regular folks say anything about my being maskless only an occasional employee who is reminding me when they say are you aware that masks are required i just say that's nice and continue to stare at them smiling they honestly just don't know what to say our thanks for spreading the deadly harass friend don't complain when you're on td from it thanks karen's search history leaked 8 32 p.m google do vaccines cause autism 8 43 p.m google where to buy essential oils [Music] parents doesn't vaccinate their kid kid isn't autistic coincidence i think not kid dies unusual i change my wi-fi id to 5g tower 1000 percent power and all the carryings in my town are trying to find it [Music] the keranovirus is responsible for three managers being fired this month alone [Music] yasha what do people named karen think of the acaran meme i can't imagine they enjoy it karen i do not enjoy it buck do do you wanna speak to the manager don't bother calling for takeout they put you on hold and never come back sorry for your inconvenience the server taking you order had a seizure while doing so and couldn't complete the process when you showed up to retrieve your order and it was not ready even though there was an ambulance in front of the restaurant and we were tending to the medical emergency at hand we offered to complete your order at that time i'm sorry that you declined and chose to complain in a public forum me carol if you are vaccinated and your children aren't doesn't that mean you yourself are more likely to make your child sick karen's [Music] jack murphy my neighbor just called the cops on my family for wait for it weightlifting we were cleaning and pressing on our own front walk that leads to the front steps not the public sidewalk and she called the cops quarantine making people nuts just leave it on your bedroom wall carrying you freaking mad see live laugh love i just moved to miami and have to get a cupid test quarantined for two weeks before school which is fine i was asking where the best places to get tested were and one of them seriously said oh you can pay for a fake negative test and you wouldn't have to quarantine tons of people do it karen why is there a coyote on the bus coyote on the bus because i can't freaking drive karen what karen thinks video game developers are like hi kids do you like violence [Music] tweet graters ice cream giving you what you need today patricia reply to ed greeters um hello it's hash ash wednesday thousands of cincinnati catholic fast and certainly don't eat ice cream or appreciate your ice cream mad on this particular day didn't realize at greeters is anti-catholic by i'll remember that next time i'm buying ice cream karen lower your voice i'm doing everything i can when karen hands out bookmarks during trick or treat rattled read karen read basic biology and immunology screaming [Music] karen when she finds two black kids walking in a park at 9pm [Music] the cops are going to love this anti-vaxx karen's when their kid gets measles i was not expecting that but i was expecting not to expect something so it doesn't count [Music] the rams new logo and mascot [Music] imagine being this freaking s dog thrilled to see owners at shelter but they are there to adopt different dog brando i've seen some disrespect for less in this app but this is top one baba what you want justin can i get that can i speak to the manager haircut baba say no more sharon i will not shop at costco until you remove you mandatory mask rule costco wholesale thanks you for taking such a break stand sharon we look forward to the documentary they will make about you someday jack wow not a very professional response costco looks like i will be getting a membership refund myself it should be a choice costco wholesale we've chosen not to refund you let me speak with your task manager karen let me speak to your manager her kid who's been through this 36 times and is mentally prepared for the 37th patient if you don't give me what i want i'm leaving me okay sign here patient [Music] karen exists the internet hey freak you karen's when their child destroys the whole restaurant currents when the waiter accidentally gets the order on karen the thirds vaccines cause autism so i'll use my power crystal to heal my son oh magical power crystal and he's d tweet stop calling me emo i have white friends so i can say karen do babies named karen even exist or do they suddenly appear at age 40 and want to speak to the manager super upset my brother just called me and told me that my son can't come to his wedding because he isn't vaccinated i heard his dear girlfriend says her mom has cancer and she doesn't want her to get sick literally can't believe that he would say such a thing to me looks like they aren't having a flower girl or in bear [Music] cam newton looks like he doesn't care about your company policy and wants to speak to your manager karen my rights are being violated you will all lose your jobs and be arrested the employees oh no anyway cbc in one year karen jenner has picked up two tons of plastic ocean trash from the bay of fundy [Music] karen well maybe i don't want to be the bad guy anymore when you walk into someone's room and see a live laugh love sign above their bed new employee makes minor mistake that is expected middle-aged mom i'm about to end this man's whole career when an obvious karen walks into your store so you get the manager before she asks i'm four parallel universes ahead of you share a coke with karen can i speak to your manager dance like no one is watching sing like no one is listening and live each day like it's your last well that just sounds like live love love with extra steps police on your side let's check the cameras [Music] when you suspect your wife is going to divorce you so you change your name to karen and take the kids first modern problems require modern solutions john o'driscoll karen's talking to each other in the grocery store after quarantine ends i totally know what it's like to be a jew in the holocaust now karen's when they see a funny facebook post while in public she is showing everyone can wear a mask goddee when the hell will you m let the freak up din done what are you saying i'm saying that nobody cares about whatever some girl with one ear has to say about wearing masks all this you must wear a mask or you are an evil person and your family will die because of you spurs me further towards deliberately not wearing a mask din done you're sounding like a karen [Music] me no i won't give you my phone karen it's mine karen i serve the soviet union [Music] unvaccinated children are now barred from going to school in new york and their anti-vaxx parents are really mad brad did like that why in the hell was the mall still opened because in time like these karen's need to speak to the manager more than ever [Music] what are my rights against wearing a mask do you have a constitutional right now to wear a mask the answer is no under the u.s constitution's 10th amendment and u.s supreme court decisions over nearly 200 years state governments have the primary authority to control the spread of dangerous diseases within their jurisdictions that's not true that's impossible [Music] cnn international a four-year-old girl in lower nearly died and is now blind because of the flu and her parents have a message get your child vaccinated cnn.com flu leave a four-year-old girl blind anti-vaxx karen no they're literally too angry to d squad [Music] mob do not touch my scissors six-year-old me later that day [Music] this chick looks like she wants to talk to the manager found the old picture in a museum let me speak to the managers i haven't had my coffee yet don't make me you karen you getting angry before you coffee fix in the morning isn't being quirky it means you have a crippling addiction please seek help so glad i grew up with this not this david paula photography replying to at jsv4 and at me cos in a tex-mex the faces of national tragedy migrant mother 1936 by darafia lange fsa and but i had to wait for my shredded cheese 2020. jules freak your 12 years of med school i birthed this child and haven't left their side since in their primary source of nutrition i watch them breathe at night and can tell by a cry what they need so yes i do know my baby better than you doc get the freak out here danielle clark replying to at lovely jules i'm the only person who has driven my car for the past 12 years but i still call a mechanic if it breaks down employees when they see a caron current objective survive when you see a little girl running a lemonade stand and you're scared that you will depreciate your neighborhood's property value by five dollars live laugh love karen's i fear no man karen's but that thing vaccines karen's it scared me when she doesn't have anybody to argue with be like freaky random employee jess mclaren one piece of pop culture has ruined your first name karma's fed up bee replying to at mcjess my name is carol do you really have to ask nice hand replying to karen little 711 and at mcjess to see the manager dear parents you don't have to vaccinate all your children vaccinate only the ones you want to keep [Music] karen 48 divorced three kids anti-vaxxer flat earther alcoholic ex-stripper cat lady soccer ball s depression xp star gun owner when nice women are named karen you are karen but this does not mean you are carrying karen's when their kids destroy the restaurant karen's when someone else destroys the restaurant karen's when an employee messes up an order i want a refund karen don't break the law and you won't get beaten also karen shopper accused of spitting on police after refusing to wear mask cops looking at cctv camera karen's telling a fake story if your ancestors wore masks so can you when you're on facebook and you see a karen whining about vaccines pretending she's a doctor but you know she's really a professional [ __ ] it has begun yes she is at the return counter trying to do exactly what it looked like karen and her entourage walking into a restaurant after sunday church to freak up a cashier's life [Music] jessica michelle wasn't even scared until all the grocery stores started clearing out i'm not afraid of cupid 19 but what is scary is the lack of common sense people have i'm scared for people who actually need to go to the store and feed their fans but susan and karen stocked up for 30 years how does karen screw in a light bulb how she holds it in the socket and expects the world to revolve around her 10 minutes till closing on thanksgiving day karen why are you out of turkeys i'm not impressed where's the manager [Music] disabled parking only sorry man that's for disabled people only i'm vegan and i forced my dog to be vegan carry on them vaccines literally injects you with a disease illness you could possibly have no association with just to fight it off my kids will pass oh they'll pass all right [Music] when you wanna speak to the manager of the meth lab [Music] you
Channel: Daily Dose Of Memes
Views: 1,120,042
Rating: 4.8900056 out of 5
Keywords: karen memes, karen meme, karen, karens, entitled karen compilation, karen freakouts, karen complications, karens being karens, karen meme compilation, karen memes channel, daily dose of memes
Id: FeTYSanq0Sk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 36sec (3696 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 06 2020
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