Ultimate Guide to Every Psyker Force Staff in Darktide - Updated!

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okay ladies and gents we live it is your favorite Asian robot right here and hopefully I'll be your favorite dark tide partner now today the Walk The People's Champion has to apologize I am really sorry guys I I know it's a bit weird to start off a video with an apology but I'm really sorry that I couldn't put out the gun cyer build today um I am not very well I did not managed to sleep last night I don't know why but I had some bout of insomnia that caused me a lot of problems so I didn't have the um necessary Zeal to put together the gun cyer bill today but I absolutely promised to deliver tomorrow I hope you could forgive me for this delay instead what I'm producing today is a video that I think is a bit problematic and that's why I wanted to do this video today um if you guys have seen this video Above This is my video made 10 months ago it actually shows every psycher for staff in the game at the time but this was done 10 10 months ago literally during like practically the um the Early Access beta phase before dark tide actually dropped um and I have to tell you that it does not contain correct information anymore yet a lot of people are still referring to this video above so I'm redoing this video entirely so that you guys can get the information about the four staffs as they are in the game now so without further Ado let me go through every single four staff in the game now to make this test Fair what I have done is first of all I have removed all of my talents so there are no talents that will impact this demonstration at all and more importantly we are going to use gray four staffs okay no mods nothing like that just the raw base game so you understand how each staff works and what you're going to be seeing when you use these staffs okay assuming no additions and things like that my cures and the rest don't impact the staffs at all neither do my melee weapons I know I pronounce it melee but you know whatever um I know it's melee but still melee weapon okay so yes um none of this will impact on the staffs at all so we're going to go with that and I'm going to show you guys how every single force staff in the game functions first of all disappearing cam okay now that I've done that I'm finished disappearing let me start off with the trauma for staff I've tried to roll one that has generally decent stats all right back when I first made that video we didn't have that feature okay so the trauma staff comes with a primary fire that is the usual uh psychic H all right you'll see this on the surge staff as well as the void strike staff this can strike enemy weak points and cause weak point damage all right this is a damnation level meat grinder um it has roughly if you look at it right the damage across the board okay for this one let's inspect it right now scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll inspect okay if you look at the attack breakdown the primary staff attack um suffers against carapus armor but and unyielding but does relatively decent damage across the board to Flack infested unarmored and Maniac all right you will actually see this if you and and we will after this strike carapus armor the secondary action is generally best against unyielding and Maniac targets but does very very well against armored targets poorly against infested targets okay in fact unarmored unyielding Maniac all take the same amount of damage carus and Flack take the same amount of damage so in general only infested has less damage from the uh trauma staff explosion okay the special action is of course to melee strike with your staff please do not use this in combat unless you're you're meing on the lowest difficulty all right okay so let's take a look at see if this is true yep striking carapus does pretty much nothing you won't get through a bwar shield either but if you happen to strike his head you can still do unyielding damage all right against carrus armor not very much against Flack armor a little more decent okay not the greatest but a little more decent all right unarmored Flack you can see you can see the rest right okay that's it for your primary fire the secondary Fire charges up a AOE Circle all right that allows you to explode your enemies now enemies in the center of the blast take the most damage so if you got an enemy on the Outer Edge right there you see it only took 24 damage that Flack armor but this merer took a lot more so if the enemy is just on the Outer Edge right there all right it's not going to take very much damage especially if it's outside of the blast radius however anything inside the blast radius will explode all right how how much of the blast radius is inside well if you measure it carefully it is um it is a bit uneven all right so if you look at this like Edge right there at its feet this guy is not taking much damage but if you were to be slightly within all right he would take full damage so I would say measure it as whatever's inside the outer edge that would be the smartest way of doing things however the damage drastically increases the longer you charge so having a good charge time on this is very important especially if you want to actually break down your MERS all right as you can see a damnation merer doesn't take much damage at base and without a lot of other improvements such as perks blessings criticals all this there isn't very much damage being dealt by the trauma staff it's great for throwing the enemies around but it's a little bit of a control staff and right now in the game I am going to go as far as to say it is currently the weakest staff in the game simply because every other staff does far more damage than it and it takes a while to charge and it's tough to aim also the trauma staff currently has bugs where if you have a different level like on a staircase or whatever it targets below the staircase this is the same problem seen with the telekhine shield and hopefully this this uh will be patched in future but this is a current problem with the trauma staff and that is why I do not recommend using the trauma staff at all in combat you'll actually do better with the surge staff which does basically what the trauma staff does it's anti- armor decent crowd control and it charges pretty fast as well in fact that's the next staff we're going to look at let's take a look at the searge staff next okay here we go so coming back to my inventory The Surge staff which we're going to use is a fresh new one that I just plucked out here okay it's critical bonus actually do we have a better one yeah I have a better one here it's got a lower charge rate but it doesn't really matter charge rate shouldn't impact that much right let's use this one okay so do do note that if you get a proper charge rate on it and I do recommend getting a high charge rate um it will charge faster than what you're about to see here okay the search staff oop sorry I should go do the attack breakdown first right silly silly me the search staff that you're seeing here has the same primary action as the uh trauma staff but the secondary action is unique in that now it does even damage everywhere across the board except for carrus armor so it is highly recommended that if you want to use the search staff in combat please put a bonus to carrus armor now although there is a weak spot and critical damage being listed you cannot actually hit a weak spot with the um secondary action and I will happily prove this in a moment some people still think that you can some people have talked to me about headshotting with this I'm here to tell you that it is impossible to do so if anyone can produce evidence that they can please submit a video on YouTube I would love to see it because it should not be possible um in the regular game okay primary action can indeed hit head shot weak spots all this kind of thing and it can crit as well the secondary action cannot but it can crit all right so just be aware of that the special action is of course your staff swings which you really shouldn't do unless you enjoy looking like a [ __ ] in combat all right please don't do that all right okay great so the primary attack is this same old same old however the search staff features a higher crit rate now against carapus armor targets as you can see your lightning will strike the body it will strike the body no matter where you aim let's try aiming Above This merer do you see do you see the Sparks around the character this means that the surge staff is going to hit that character let me try and show you if I if I move back here so that the animation is less distorted do you see the Sparks around the mer that means the searge staff is going to go for him watch okay and it missed right there this is also a little bit of a bug if you aim in a weird way the searge staff doesn't hit but in general if you aim up all right the searge staff should hit the first Target now the searge staff naturally assuming no Talent points now you know that we haven't we don't have any Talent points it hits two Targets there is currently a bug with the surge staff where okay and I've had a couple people tell me about this well look listen I get it but if we go down here and you take lightning storm now this is unintended increases the number of times your Smite jumps by one it'll actually give the surge staff an extra jump as as well but it does not improve your damage numbers let's try take note that the first target takes 804 133 and 33 down there all right so the third target is not even going to be CC there is no point in taking this adjustment just for your surge staff don't take Smite just because you want to play The Surge staff it's not going to help you it is not going to CC a multitude of enemies it is not actually going to do anything at all it will hit three targets but it will not actually do anything beyond that so once again back to zero talents under zero talents it will hit two Targets the second target takes much less damage but both will be sort of CC all right but keep in mind that you cannot hit a weak spot it will always hit the body no matter where you aim no matter how hard you try and go okay it will not hit the head and in general you want to be aiming Loosely at the Target otherwise your aim your aim like you can't just aim like this and hope to hit a Target it won't do that all right it will fire generally where your cursor is so please keep that in mind and don't just blind fire yes it does have a bit of auto aim you don't need to be so On Target okay a little bit off you'll still hit him but you cannot hit the head okay I hope this is clear all right that is it for the surge staff what is the surge staff used for basically um The Surge staff is used mostly as a quick response anti- Target anti- single Target weapon it is very high damage against most targets including carapus armor targets and with the right perks and blessings you can absolutely shatter these dudes all right with the right talents and all that you can shatter a uh Crusher in about two to three shots that's how fast it'll go in the field and that's how devastating it can be with the right perks and the right blessings so do take note of that um if you don't do that if you don't have the right perks and blessings you're just using a gray it'll take you about in damnation about five shots to even kill a mer which has about 2,400 hit points so just be aware of that and because it doesn't exactly deal extra damage to the secondary Target um you you won't be getting much results without the right build on the surge staff so this is why the right build is very important okay the searge staff is overall a useful weapon but it needs to be used in a proper manner so understanding it and using an appropriate build with it is the best way to play the searge staff and that's how you do well in general with the searge staff now let's move on to the next one we are going to talk about one of my my two favorite staffs in the game currently we're going to talk about the peret Staff first and then we're going to talk about the void strike staff which is the king of kings right now let's let let let me show you okay let me show you starting first and foremost with the purus staff I have a good one here um this one has a terrible Quil speed but everything else is very high which means I can show you how much devastating damage this staff can bring the perus staff is unique because it shoots a light ball of flame that can go a fair amount of distance and this light ball of flame is an AOE attack it hits multiple targets as long as they touch the flame it's a little bit inaccurate but it will generally serve well with staggering opponents this quick left Mouse button stagger works on pretty much anything in the game all right shoot it enough and they will get staggered this is why it's very useful and a lot of people use it for that purpose the charge up will spread a gout of flame that can also stagger but it staggers much more slowly if you take a look at the item breakdown and the weapon breakdown let's go attack breakdowns you'll see that this primary action has much higher stagger values than the secondary action the secondary action however will stack Soul blades constantly until things are roasted to death the more that you charge the perg staff the more Your Flames do all right take a look at this quick difference okay if I lightly charge the per staff it doesn't really do very much okay of course it'll still burn several hordes to death but if I properly charge the per staff even without any talents let's say we go for a full charge if you go for a full charge take note that the damage is already higher all right and the flame lasts longer okay you put on many more stacks of Soul Blaze with this that being said all right one other thing to be uh to take into account is the fact that if you crit hit with this with the uh Pera staff right the crit will apply double the soul Blaze Stacks all right which is really really good it instead of applying one stack of Soul blaze it applies double which is fantastic most Targets in the game as long as you hit the Flack armored area will take a significant amount of damage though they may not be staggered by the big gouts of flame all right they'll take a significant amount of damage and with the right perks the right builds and you know good criticals you can absolutely burn through hordes enemies this is with a gray staff you won't do very much against carapus armored enemies okay but unyielding enemies are going to suffer a lot take note of that you can however still stagger carapus armored enemies although it may take a while okay it is possible to stagger them you can stagger on yielding enemies let me just quickly prove that if you were to keep doing this your stat they will eventually get staggered all right so it is possible to do that actually wait I haven't done this since the ancient times let me see oh now you can stagger the crusher I'm pretty sure I can do it to the mer though possibly because it just doesn't do very much stagger damage I should confirm that let me reconfirm this right now okay okay so they did they did change some of the values I.E the MERS don't take as much stagger as before which makes sense because they're supposed to be huge melee threats that can weade into combat this was actually changed a while back I just you know ever since I did the old video version uh this should have changed so although it does have a stagger value against carrus armored enemies as well as uh Flack armored enemies the merer and the the merer and the crusher in general will be very difficult to stacker with the left Mouse button instead you are better off using um your other perks powers or whatever to stagger them okay and of course your gout of flame as well won't exact like it'll stagger them lightly but then they get back into the animation pretty quick so it's not really going to stop them in any way shape or form same with the crusher okay so just be aware of that like it's not really going to do very yeah see the crusher totally totally immune no matter how much you stack on him he's just not going to stagger so it's best to kill him quickly but for the uh Reapers they do stagger really really nicely and they burn really nicely too see one got of flame and the reaper almost burned half to death you add perks in and they are dead so so the perk staff is mostly used as a hord clear type staff it is relatively close range but if we want to talk about the maximum range on the perk staff okay you can hit at 11 M you can hit it can you hit at 12 yes you can 13 yes you can okay 14 yes you can 15 yes you can 16 okay 16 is your limit let's try with the uh G of flame okay we're not seeing any additional damage come through but if we go to 50 m yep we're seeing some of the damage tick through so 15 m is the maximum range for the perus staff all right keep in mind this is how long 15 m is fairly long okay fairly long this is the length of 15 M so you can actually burn through hordes kind of like that very efficiently you can just go like that like that or through HS in the past it used to be a very short range weapon now it's a pretty far far range weapon that can do devastating amounts of damage to hordes of course it's not going to be a full-on range weapon unlike other staffs but it does good work and it helps you do what you need to do that is to say it helps you get rid of hordes really quickly so that's what the perus staff is for it also offers a lot of damage against most armor types other than carapus so use it Liber liberally when taking on opponents it can stagger almost anything other than the merer and the crusher like I showed you so the perk staff is very useful it's also why it's a very popular staff among a lot of the psychers not just because you can roasty toasty your enemies which is a lot of fun but basically you can control entire hordes groups of enemies you can melt them all down and keep your team safe this allows your team to focus on specials leads enemies this is why it's so good and this is why I'm generally against perk cyers is using brain burst but unfortunately perk is the best staff for using the brain burst build I know many of you have asked for that I promise you it will be out at some point okay I I will get it done um all right last but not least certainly not least it is the staff that has received the biggest upgrade this season well this update I should say the void strike staff is now the King of Kings let's take a look the best staff in the game right now hands down is the void strike staff why is this staff so damn good okay let's talk about it let's talk about it okay the void strike staff you know what let's use um I want one with a good blast radius as well yeah this one's got terrible warp resistance but high damage charge rate blast radius is good enough for demonstration purposes now upon inspecting it what you will see is that the void strike staff has the same basic attack as The Surge and trauma but the secondary action my God similar damage values across the board here's the best part you can crit and you can hit a weak spot with the void strike staff you cannot do it on the perk you cannot do it on the surge you cannot hit a weak spot on the trauma with your secondary action but by the gods you can with the void strike and this is why it's so so good all right take a look at this the void strike staff offers the best damage in the game right now and you have the capability of headshotting all right a well-placed shot will penetrate through several heads enemies and kill them all this is why it is considered a highly powerful and dangerous staff fired correctly you can rapid fire through enemies like so and deal devastating amounts of damage you can even rapid fire it like this if you are in an emergency situation but I do not recommend it okay I actually recommend half charging half charging is the ideal for dealing with hordes and of course full charges are better for dealing with armor targets do you want to see how this faes against a Crusher check this out if you aim for the head of Crusher bang 1,200 damage bang and this is with a gray staff bang all right do you see that all right I'm not just talking bang energy here I'm talking insta Gibbs on a lot of specials and Elites if you hit the head and this is with a gray staff imagine what I can do with one that is blessed up and set up for perfect kills this is what I'm trying to talk about this is what I mean if you use the staff well you can absolutely devastate hords of enemies and get your win like I said half charging not so good against these targets but against bigger specials Elites full charging works well okay half charge as you can see knocks down one target this is about 690 all right it has a lot of good CC as well by the way but a full charge wipes them out hey full charge yeah a full charge and a crit will almost take off a rage's entire head in damnation this is how good this staff can be so what you essentially want is a very good charge rate on the staff which will allow you to absolutely devastate your opponents really quickly mer no problem okay go for the head go for the head check this out go for the head 1,200 damage you go for the body still about 1,100 damage all right uh for Crushers body shot 700 and 1,600 crit what about what about the bulwarks the bulwarks oh they have their Shield up doesn't matter I can blast straight through it all right Reapers oh hey Reaper what's up let me just uh let me just hit you from a distance knock you off you can't act you can't you'll stop firing and you'll just get whacked this is why the void strike staff is so good of course you can still fire the normal attacks like you can do something like that you can do like this weird combo if you want is hilariously weird combo but do it too much and boom all right but yeah this is a weird combo that some people may do because you can basically insta cast a uh basic attack after but it will like cost you Peril so just be aware that you can blow up very quickly yeah so don't get too used to that I very much prefer to just if I really want to kill a Target I'll just go with that because it penetrates through anyway and it's much smarter tactic however some people do use the other weird tactic I don't know why but you know I hope this helps you understand exactly what the void strike staff is all about the void strike staff has a nearly Limitless range as well it is absolutely insane herea and it still hit the crusher at the end see so the void strike staff turns you into artillery it is best used as longrange artillery okay especially if you want to deal truly devastating damage to your enemies but if you end up having to use it at close range it can still be a relatively good CC tool for most targets okay it is best used at range but it can be used at close range as well however if you want to if you find yourself engaging more in close- range fights purg is the way to go void strike however does come with the advantage of dealing good damage to all enemy armor types so a lot of people are using the void strike staff right now because it is kind kind of the king of kings it is the best staff in the game there are few other staffs that are as good as this all right for now there could be balancing adjustments in future there could be things that change so you know do your own testing I cannot stress this enough do your own testing do not just take this video as gospel check it out check out what you think try out different combinations see what suits you all right and of course good builds for these things will always be available on this channel so do check it out and I promise you every time we have new content we will release it so that you guys get the best experience possible okay thank you very much for watching this video I hope you guys have enjoyed this video I hope you guys have enjoyed uh seeing all the various staffs in the game again I apologize for not uh releasing the gun cyer build today I just didn't have the spirit to do it nor did I have the um nor did I have everything set up for it yet but I will have that all done up tomorrow and you will will get your gun cyer built after that we're going to be working on yet another build so look forward to it for the time being let me thank the people who have made all this possible if you like my content please don't forget to like share and subscribe if you do that it not only helps me for free but it lets you get in touch with my content frequently set the Bell notification to all and you will never miss a show I promise you that okay thanking our top big wig supporters for October our top Tipper is Conley River Archer 124 our top Super chatter is Jason Kun our top Super Chat list goes to River Archer 124 as well and that is it for our October Big Wigs if you want your name on the list come by the stream send a Super Chat send a super thanks you know send a super sticker up to you all right and you can also choose to join as a channel member and indeed you will gain not only uh a variety of benefits but a shout out in every video starting right at the top we have big chungus at the only fan level we've got death Dawning 982 at plus Ultra for almost 19 months we have Jerry Fast Rogue assassin Zach and and Jason c as Prestige robots thank you guys so much in terms of our honored robots who get shout outs as well we have Cory Ru Bob John Cube Deon Lin mooki mocha Rena Chase Taylor Nathan strong lady Neo Joey Dan Sayad kot cmf Kami SMH Conrad C and Benjamin Savage thank you guys so much for all your support thank you to all of our cool and weird Bots as well I love you guys I'll see you guys on the next video again so sorry about you know today but don't worry gunser coming catch you soon
Channel: RealAsianRobot
Views: 49,166
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 27sec (1587 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 10 2023
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