Mastering the Psyker Class: Which Duelling Sword is BEST? - Warhammer 40,000: Darktide Guide

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hey what up ladies and jets your favorite Asian robot right here hopefully your favorite dark tide YouTuber and today the walk is going to decide which is the best dueling sword for the psycher people have been asking me about doing weapon comparisons for a very long time but at first I tried to shoot videos doing weapon comparisons across different weapon uh types then I realized that doing that is not really effective because weapon types are always in flux with every patch right if they do some B bingg changes then one weapon is going to go up one weapon is going to go down etc etc so on so forth also play style matters a lot when it comes to these weapons however I realized that comparing weapons within their specific weapon type for example dueling swords to other models of dueling swords is probably a better way of doing these videos that way you understand which model is the ideal for you and for what you want to achieve if you like this type of video guys I'm going to ask you to do one thing like this video and comment below tell me which weapon type you want me to compare next because I will happily do these comparisons for any weapons that you guys want me to Showcase you know on video okay so I decided to start this with dueling swords because why I'm a psycher dueling swords are my bread and butter right now especially after the recent changes to the four Swords the four Swords are no longer you know king of the king of the game because they no longer have unlimited Dodges so now the dueling swords are basically the main weapon of any psycher simply because of their power their raw power is insane all right so let's get right into this how do these dueling swords compare to each other and which is the right one for you let me vanish okay I know I know you guys love me doing that right if you don't love me doing that don't tell me okay because I'm going to keep doing that now Jokes Aside all right let's get into this let's talk about each of the dueling swords the Mark 4 and the mark 2 Share the exact same stats damage cleave damage Mobility finesse and penet ation the mark five is different because it replaces cleave damage with defenses all right there's something very interesting about this which I'll go through in a little while okay there are some things that I haven't been able to test entirely on my own and I would like to ask you guys to help me out if you guys know more or if you guys can prove it in a different way that I can all right okay let's first get started with the easy ones the markv and the mark 2 Share the exact same stats damage is damage all right it affects your light attack damage and your heavy attack damage you always want to roll this as high as possible so that you deal the most damage possible Mobility affects your Sprint speed Dodge distance and Dodge limit this is the same across the board for all swords finesse affects your weak spot power and your light attack critical and heavy attack Critical Hits all right basically the more finess you have the more damage you deal when hitting a weak spot it also affects your attack speed for the light and heavy attacks so the more finess you have the better penetration only affects your damage versus flak armor and carpus armor it affects the modifier for your light and heavy attack versus these two armor types and this is how you can deal massive damage to armored targets okay a high penetration stat allows you to deal with MERS as well as uh Crushers a little more easily than you would without the stat okay cleave damage affects your uh damage versus Flack armored unarmored and infested Targets this is mostly used against pox Walkers and groaners all right so if you have a higher cleave damage then the damage delivered to additional enemies hit beyond the main target will be increased okay especially against unarmored targets which is at 68% cleave damage it's already at 132% so it's the markv dueling Sword and the mark 2 dueling sword are pretty good at cutting through M are pretty good at cutting through multiple targets wow my mouth did not want me to pronounce announc that the mark 5 dueling sword on the other hand is only capable of striking a single Target why because it does not have cleave damage that being said it replaces cleave damage with the defensive stat which gives you addition which lowers the cost of your sprinting lowers the cost of your pushing okay it increases your Dodge distance which you can see up here okay this one's got 15% but if you look to look at any of the other swords like say the mark 2 7.9 with a 79 Mobility stat yeah so this is increased by defenses and it also apparently gives you an additional Dodge limit now funly enough it'll show the Dodge limit as five okay despite the fact that mobility and defenses both have a Dodge limit of five okay um due to this I am not quite certain because um when okay let me show you I've currently equipped the mark 5 dueling sword right and normally after five Dodges your Dodge will slow down I don't know if it's because of the Dodge distance on this or if I'm not pressing the button fast enough but it seems to me that my slow Dodges don't consistently happen after five Dodges if anyone can prove that this has only five Dodges please let me know because it's a lot easier to prove it on the other models of dueling swords such as the mark five okay let's go all the way to this side of the map yeah okay once we've changed over 1 2 3 4 five then I slow then it's like sort of slows down after that you get like this slower ineffective Dodge so um please do let me know if you guys do your own testing on the mark 5 let me know if the Dodge limit is genuinely five yeah because it seemed a bit inconsistent for me but I can't tell if I'm just bad at pushing the button or whatever because you know I test results by seeing it uh some people may use mods if you guys use mods and can tell me you know please please go ahead all right I tend not to Showcase mods in my videos because that way it's easier for people on Console they see the same things that I'm seeing right okay so now that we understand the different stats between the models of dueling swords let's talk about the attack pattern each dueling sword has its own attack pattern which you guys might want to be familiar with okay if you inspect the weapon you'll be able to see the light attack chains as well as the heavy attacks for the markv dueling sword you've got assassin light attacks and strike down heavy attacks all right these assassin heavy attacks are fast attacks targeting one enemy and are efficient on weak spots this is [ __ ] because quite literally now we've equipped the markv if I were to run over to this horde of enemies right now I can easily strike more than one target as you can see so that is what cleaving attacks do cleaving attacks can strike more than one target okay your for the mark four its attack pattern is so simple all right every light attack in the chain is just that it is a simple sweeping attack that can hit multiple targets at once okay you can upside multiple Targets on the head okay like so now it's a it's a bit more difficult when these enemies are you know all spread out while you push push them together and it gets a lot easier to show you the cleaving yeah for the heavy attack it is a simple and deadly stab this deadly stab is actually highly effective against armor targets bada bing bada boom you can actually strike the weak spot of the mer even without per of blessings and have a fairly good time you know hitting it in the head okay as you can see the body actually takes less damage than the head does simply because the weak spot multipli is so huge even with the uh lower multiplier on kopus Armor okay this difference can be seen if you were to stab say the body of the crusher 200 head is definitely 700 okay which is why a lot of people use stab special stab special stab special kind of like that yeah okay um of course it still does massive damage against o even though there's no modifier against un yielding the heavy attacks themselves just deal high damage and last but not least it does pretty well against Maniacs as you know you've probably seen me one shot some muties with a stab to the Head yeah with warp charges and all that it is quite possible warp charges and of course the right perks blessings whatnot it is possible to actually oneshot a muty which is again why I love my markv dueling sword okay that is the attack pattern of the markv covered let's talk about the attack pattern of the mark 2 the mark 2 okay has a slightly different attack pattern the first attack if I'm not wrong is still a stab the second is a Vanguard slash which is a wide attack that damages many enemies at once the base light attack should be the same it is an assassin chain let's go see whether or not this is true yes indeed you can cleave through multiple enemies with your attack chain yeah and the Mark I to me in my opinion seems more efficient a little more efficient than the Mark 4 but um quite frankly they are both the same like theoretically they should both be the same in terms of their light attack pattern where they defer is their heavy attack pattern the first is a stab the next is a swing stab and swing okay stab and swing I personally don't like it because the second attack let's let's remember how I was s didn't mean to kill that guy let's get him back the first one will deal pretty much the same thing same kind of damage that uh the Mark 4 does but the second one does not this makes it a lot more difficult to use the stabbing chains to deal with armored targets okay where the markv succeeds in bursting through armor targets really easily and you know um dealing with Crushers and all that the mark 2 doesn't really do that very well for me the other thing is that if you try and hit a mudy um yeah the the stab is a little bit harder to deal with than than the markv again I don't know why even if you first attack like it has this odd thing where it doesn't really hit the head unless it's at a specific spot so it has to sort of go kind of like that and then like that but it has more difficulties killing muties in my opinion so that is the reason why I personally do not like the Mark I its attack pattern does not suit me its attack pattern seems to me a little bit weirder so the Mark I has never been one of my favorites now some of the some of the damage differences can be explained by the fact that this has 5% less damage than the markv does okay but honest to God the attack pattern also plays a huge part um so while mudy may not show as much difference compared to the markv uh the other like The Crushers the MERS they do show a lot of difference which is why the markv for me is preferred my heavy attacks are for dealing with heavy targets and my light attacks are for dealing with light targets whereas the dueling sword Mark 2 is a bit of a mixed bag with the same stats so yeah wasn't really my thing um the push attack by the way sorry guys I didn't show I almost forgot to show you this the push attack just so you know is the same okay that's the mark four that's the mark 2 push attack and the Mark 4 push attack my apologies is the same as well well actually no I shouldn't say that the markv is a upward swing okay whereas the mark 2 is a downward cut uh still relatively the same nobody really uses them but I guess you could if you really wanted to the mark 2 is a downward cut instead uh the upward swing is a bit more Awkward to hit the head with but again like I said push attacks don't really happen with this you can use them mostly to push but nobody really does the push attack okay uh the special attack Remains the Same Mark two special attack is a stab okay just thought I'd go through that again all right last but not least the mark five now the mark five if we equip it and go through the stats is sorry if we go through the attack pattern we've already gone through the stats right the attack pattern is strike down okay for the heavy attacks and its light attacks are assassin assassin and strike down however as you know this doesn't have any Cleaves so if we were to go up to these targets and try to cleave through them no matter what you will generally only hit one target okay unless they are very very closely punched furthermore the damage is has no multiplier with the cleave damage so this is more suited for butchering one target effectively all right um it's not as suitable for for multiple targets as you can see even against the most basic targets it can suffer a lot okay but single Target is pretty great and in terms of of the attack pattern the although it's strike down it's not a stab it is quite literally a strike down okay the strike down itself can hit multiple targets but again this doesn't have cleave so the second target isn't going to take as much damage as the first okay so just be aware of that now if we were to test it against armored targets um it's okayish but as you can see it's about half the damage that you got um sorry let me just kill this slowly it's about half the damage roughly that we got with the stabs instead this makes the mark 5 less suitable for anti- armor although it can still do that job pretty well when it comes to muties um you will get generally decent mileage on their heads but you will have a lot more trouble doing the one shot compared to markv and the strike down itself uh well if you were to hit the back okay sorry about this if you were to hit the back back it can be a lot more difficult to kill the mwy but that being said hitting its head is a lot easier than with the mark 2 um I don't know why but this is this actually makes it quite easy to hit M's head um with with the right strike down pattern okay so honestly the pattern is probably a lot worse against armored targets but decent enough against muties so which in conclusion right which dueling sword is truly the best in my opinion the reason why I like the markv the best out of all of these is simply because its pattern makes it really easy to kill targets all right whether the target is armored or not it is very easy to Target and strike the weak spot with a lunging stab that works very efficiently all right in the field you don't have time time is the greatest and most important thing and also take note of the range on the stab the stab has a very very long range which makes p you know taking out mut really easily did I just say it makes taking out muty really easily it makes taking out muty really easy all right um You can also stab the side and the back and if you happen to get a crit which is fairly easy with this you can still deal quite a phenomenal amount of damage compared to the strike down which doesn't really do as much damage keep in mind that if I'm not wrong the one with the strike down has a higher damage level than this it's 5% higher than my markv but it's not doing as much damage so in conclusion this is why I like the markv dueling sword out of all of them now the mark 5 does have an amazing defense stat though which is a little bit slept on because a lot of people don't realize that the additional Dodge distance assuming that you're not really using this for most targets right the additional Dodge distance of the mark 5 can help you cover an amazing amount of ground you could theoretically face your back toward an objective and use and abuse the Dodges to travel a f like a pretty far distance pretty fast all right which is kind ofil arious to see but realistically it's mostly used in the field to give you very very good amounts of space especially by creating some distance between yourself and the target all right so the mark 5 is mostly a defensive weapon and people use it as such for me the mark four is the offensive choice and as you know I always prefer a rapid deadly offense okay that brings us to the end of this video thank you so much for watching this we hope it was useful for you if you guys would like me to do comparisons between any of these other weapon types all right whether it's a range weapon whether it's a close combat weapon you know I leave it up to you you tell me in the comments and we'll go from there thank you very much don't forget to like share and subscribe if you enjoy my content if you enjoy what I do all right that's all you got to do like share and subscribe the more you do the more the word spreads the more people come to the robot all right now we also have to thank all the top people for October who have made all these amazing videos possible let's start with October's Big Wigs uh top tipers Archer 124 our top tip list consists of Bravo vasin our top Super chatter is Jason Kun our top Super chatter list contains Oracle blade death Don 982 dookie stricks HD pork nekron Sage John Taylor Nightshade and who's popping thank you very much our Top Channel membership gifter is Nightshade I appreciate all that now let me also thank the lovely channel members who make all these videos possible all right starting right at the top let me thank our Top Channel member right now is death Donnie 982 plus Ultra our Prestige robots are Yuri Jason C Jerry Fast Rogue assassin and Zack mg thank you guys so much for all you do thank you to our honor robots as well thank you to day atomica emix Jord Rost Cordova yabs Nightshade Devon lashin Muki mocha Rena Chase Taylor Nathan strong lady Neo Joey Dan Sayad Assad cot cmf Kam Mage Conrad C and Benjamin Sav I appreciate all of you guys so much thank you to all our cool and weird Bots as well and I'll see you guys on the next one happy Halloween guys catch you later
Channel: RealAsianRobot
Views: 10,641
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Hk3JdrTuFtE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 6sec (1086 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 31 2023
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