Warhammer 40,000: Darktide | Surge Smite Psyker Build Post-Patch #17 - Still Viable? | Auric Test!

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okay what up ladies and gents it's your favorite Asian robot right here hopefully your favorite dark typ partner yeah don't worry I still am now um I haven't played dark tide in a while because more or less uh the situation is looking like this unfortunately player numbers on Steam fell below 4,000 Peak for the first time in a long while so um until the next update I think things are going to be quite Grim but the game itself is still fun and I enjoy dabbling occasionally now that patch 17 is out I decided to review one of my search Smite cyer builds and I decided to think to myself is it really still working so uh I don't think I'm going to be able to get a game on my server so I'll just swap over to na West 220 ping not a big deal we'll just hop into oric damnation run uh nothing too serious nothing too dangerous here we go now while we wait for a match still using the dueling Sword Search for staff still the same curios oh look we got a match already and the build itself is still exactly the same as what you would have seen before so all the same stuff you know nothing too different all right we're going to use empowered psionics here we go let's go see whether or not we can handle oh it's a high intensity too this should be fun but yes imagine please do enjoy and let's see whether or not the surge Smite still holds up in patch 17 shall syp in and they're paying them off brle spice say it's a hall of prismata crystals and I want them barge in grab the goodies and bring them to me and I'll see your compensated okay sounds good now let's see if I even remember how to play this I should right shouldn't be too difficult it's like riding a bike you never really forget okay we got a mom Zealot uh a veteran and an actual overest in me I forbid this anyone else feel a yawn building or maybe a murderous rage you can Define me what about GLE yeah CW away wor we got things to do now head for the maintenance s in you we'll take the rest from there [Music] the end okay now even with a searge Smite pyer I'm sure you guys know the rules um if it's not a hoorde please do not actually please do not actually engage on it yeah I've been so used to Hell divers lately that I'm actually worried about Friendly Fire for once but now I'm just like eh doesn't matter does it okay now this this is more of a hoorde okay so we're going to hold them all in place as per normal what's with the sudden frame rate drops that didn't happen before dominated okay that tank looks abandoned never would have happened in my day is that right where do you Ser or is a armor we got company the numbers are significant okay we've got a beast and nurgle so here's what we're going to do first we got a position now this is a horde so Smite then while Smite is going out build up build up build up go now we'll continue holding the horde wouldn't have gotten caught by that if I was uh fully practiced your oh dear I have no idea why I was stuck in that corner but also I need to remember uh yes that's right oh wow two of them are already dead that's pretty wild we need your strategy oh come on again really okay I see that oric damnation has truly changed quite a bit no out of my mind the in our did that guy just abandon me to rescue I mean it's a smart strategy but still really really okay fine fine the Pyon freaking two hit points will do this we settled it good and sto my kill Zealot stole your kill really would have been nice if I actually got help with that only one charge huh okay let's hope that these guys know what they're doing alas I do not have the ready supply of liquor that lends you this passion I'm sure tum logisti would blame the war for the power being out it might even be true death and tides are the only seres I hope at has given lency in the L time the F there's the consequences no wrong with that okay this is a hoorde so you guys know what happens when h coming right oh dear a merciful you are now approach that's a clean kill it's turn back our's on a rumage dead sniper keep your Fring eyes open crawling my bom ready I am in need of rescue grenade station ah you uh need to be on the other side of those train easily resolv can use power to the lock capacitors at least this guy is intelligent enough to rescue me right a day I guess remember to always rescue your pro first because if you don't well bad things will happen happen all right who's carrying it O's carrying it I to die I will make it count it's almost as if the button inputs are a bit slower than they were before could just be my speed butere okay that was no good things are strange I don't quite think it's my reaction speed cuz I'm Dodge dancing just fine the only that deserve okay we got to get to the open yes blow through me only R cover ah yes the lockout cleared you may now proceed for the next stage that appears to be F master master okay we head okay okay the Train's moving I'm just going to hold I contr it okay the animation goes wonky if you like last time I didn't do that so I don't know if they changed some stuff or whatever but that is not right um okay last time if you were smiting and you actually cast your um venting shriek it should just go back into the normal Smite animation unless I'm remembering it incorrectly which I don't think is the case as long as I've been away I don't think my memory is that bad okay I okay yeah so there is a definite change of some kind i' look into that if I were you are we not able to cast venting shriek when we have Smite up we should be able to the Uplink yes yes it's working reloading we too much not long now stay confidence just a little longer what is this strange warming thing is it pride how odd now all you need is the gates release I am the one with the wall no okay so that time I was able to cast it properly I don't know something's weird an efficient termination okay well anyway will you quit stealing all the ammo my need was greater than yours me no choice you really are a rle aren't you never mind not bad I like that cool down St oh [Music] yes many voices now that was my mistake I should have switched over to my surge staff immediately wrong button push there the wall okay these guys know the route I'm satisfied with that watch out G out wa to SC M on M all right I'm getting my groove back please try not to get lost in the Depo my blood pressure isn't what it was oh that was a little bit uh too early need a rescue come on we'll get you back on your feet vetan save by [ __ ] s thank you hello shot okay time to ignite all the Gunners neutral EMP Angel shot rer is dead okay not too bad so far is that a med station St please proceed if anyone's wondering what I type three for three refers to the number of charges in the meday so that means three people can heal so I don't know if people still practice that I would hope they do cuz you know Pros have only been gone for about a month but basically if you type the number it it tells your team immediately how many charges there are so you can decide who needs it amongst your team Etc [Music] holy now since it's a nice little horde I'll help them clean it up even playing at this slow speed because obviously I'm out of practice um things aren't too bad build still works even after all this time which I feel pretty happy about about and I'm barely taking any damage so hell yeah watch your Fire Boss St back next time up here okay z z zip sniping the I keep pressing the wrong button that's the only thing h cuz interact here is uh F instead of e that's okay okay time to put around there we go good work not slight bit of corruption but that's okay I'm my character cannot while smiting climb up the stairs okay that's wild definitely new and definitely wild I got roll it un professional but efficient this is how you can extend your empowered Smite for a very long time it's pretty good all right y'all know the trick right just basically cast uh your venting Street while holding down Smite there's the alternative which I like to use sometimes if I've got three charges um I will cast Smite venting street but then I'll let go of the button rather than holding it then I'll C back down and then I'll do the full way through again uh it's up to you which style you want to use realistically it's a lot of preference but one will consume two charges although it does have the benefit of giving you break to retarget whereas the other one you kind of have to make do with whatever you're targeting already but it will only consume one charge so adjust based on the efficiency and what you need very welled it's very strange it's as though thetics don't want us here the Heretics don't want us here like really this was even a thought by now easy keeping those open at your age so it's Jes about my age is it very original you are truly shiny we Associates always watch your team's back regardless of what they do or how skilled they are make sure you watch their back do Z has played well so far I can respect that I think out of all of them he took the least damage out of the other [Music] three oo that baller good thing this is right here in time of my mind down TR eliminated kind must be sh shney tire so readily how many voices good thing there's one charge left big go strongest there is okay not too bad station okay okay if they don't want that what's in this for you I thought I could perhaps overlook this indiscretion there is the hand in my pocket oh that's right I'm on na ah sudden realization I was wondering wait why are some of my actions delayed ah so it's not buggy or anything I forgot I'm playing on 220 ping bugger that makes a lot more sense there it is lo with is the best they still have to get out and by the look of these readings I totally forgot Needick the Asar I mean that doesn't excuse the number of times that I pressed F instead of e but follow me this way this could certainly have gone far worse now usually what you'll do here is that Smite will help to control one side by the god EMP over killing easily of the emperor for the golden blow through me broken ah I wasted my empow zionic charge darn I thought I'd switch back to my staff cuz I already pressed the button H but that one I I cannot blame anyone but myself I should have double checked even with paying or whatever I should have double checked oh well I mean I'll get it back but still it's annoying to not have an empowered cionic charge because here they come for the next bit I think this should be it I you'll have to cleanse the just so you know y'all y'all can actually position here early before the hordes even come in then while these guys do that H in you and your posy can work on this I should have the okay Budd okay we got him through alling now okay Ascension Riser reactivated that was that was such an encouraging line I'm proud of you now keep fighting I like that I dig it sometimes in the Grim dark you have to be a little less Grim dark okay good good good stenching now now whenever you see hordes coming in you know what to do right right there we are waiting for a p you'll be waiting a long time the enemy is eded I got you covered flavus come [Music] on get it open got ax burst big Dy [Music] neutral now all you need to do is leave with the prize charms to have worked with you lady Alis the pleasure's all yours open fire open cover good I almost proud for a moment time to come home an elant head shot unusually all right GG there we go wasn't bad so search Smite cyer is still very effective still very useful and uh yeah overall that wasn't bad I mean five deaths but you know these guys might be new to the game that's okay it's good to see young blood still coming in all right and uh yeah all right there we go maybe I'll do a couple more videos when the mood strikes me but you know I'll return probably when the next update actually drops like if there's any actual content in next up nebor for now thank you all very much thank you to all the channel members keeping our stuff running thank you to all the people that super chated and support the channel this month I'm going see you guys on the next one okay you have a good day now
Channel: RealAsianRobot
Views: 3,767
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: lI87i9iSZrs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 8sec (2168 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 05 2024
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