Warhammer 40,000: Darktide - Best Trauma Staff Psyker Build Guide - Unleash Devastating Debuffs!

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okay ladies and gents are we live it's your favorite Asian robot right here hopefully your favorite dark tide YouTuber and what I'm going to be talking about today all right let me just my camera slightly what I'm going to be talking about today is actually the trauma staff psycher now previously the trauma staff I had noted was the weakest staff in the game all right this is actually slightly incorrect because with just one blessing it goes from weakest to best okay this one blessing that changed my perspective was actually a blessing that I tested incorrectly it is the rending shock wave blessing which you'll see right there okay where the target receives eight stacks of 5% brittleness scaling with charge time of secondary attack and it lasts 5 Seconds even if we assume that eight Stacks are the maximum amount that you can receive 8 * 5 is 40% that means the maximum number of stacks of brittleness that it enemy can have is 40% what does bruteness do it basically makes everybody deal more damage to that Target 40% extra damage is a lot thanks to this one blessing basically your whole life is going to flip okay when you use this staff it will absolutely devastate enemies so I had tested this blessing before but what I didn't realize was that I was trying to use the trauma staff in previous test kind of like this I was trying my hardest to use it as a killing staff so I was looking at this and saying man this takes three shots to kill why wouldn't I use a void strike staff which could hit a weak spot but the thing is in battle what you're supposed to do before I go into the build is you knock them down you go do other stuff all right by the time they're up you hit them again and then your other teammates can assist you on killing them or killing monstrosities it works with everything this is what is so good about it it works with everything you want to blow up this guy no problem you blow up this guy okay he's going to take even more damage you know you could just keep going and going and going you see this is what's so great about the debuffing trauma staff whoever you hit is debuffed this goes for mutants this goes for Specialists this goes for anybody you hit a rager with it once all right the first hit's going to the second hit is going to hurt a lot more than the first one for sure and it just goes on and on and on and the debuffs just carry on that and of course as you can see the crowd control is excellent so at first I was thinking if we were to use this solely for crowd control or solely for damage it's not very good but when you use it as a debuffer it has the highest win rates in oric level games all right that I've played so far in fact include if we include melstrom runs this is probably the highest win rate staff in the game compared to all of the other builds I've done before this is also the last cyer build I'll be working on because now you you know we're moving on to the veteran you'll start seeing veteran videos after this one so those of you who are waiting for other classes look forward to that okay for now this is the last cyer build but I guess we could say we saved the best for last let's get into it and let me show you how to construct this whole build check it out okay so starting right here we have the elsi mark five Blaze Force sword this is absolutely necessary with this build because it helps you deal with hordes when your saale is down this is why I use it it serves no other purpose and it comp and it works just as well to chop up muties the best part about this one is that the bloodthirsty blessing helps it out a lot but ideally you only need one blessing which is deflector that's it all you need is deflector you don't even need any other blessing okay so deflector is pretty useful in this particular case now in terms of your perks all right I would say critical chance is a a must have and damage to Maniacs is a must have these two perks are absolutely important you know and deflector of the highest level than the the other blessing can be whatever you want but you must have Maniac damage because this sword is used to counter mutants all right that and for the unlimited Dodges but mostly it's your mutant counter okay so hit the mutant with your trauma staff chop it once it's dead chop it with a special attack and it's dead Okay key stats for your melee weapon is damage of course and and finesse and first Target these three are the most important Mobility is next but try to get Mobility above 70 warp resistance doesn't matter that's your dump stat okay that covers the melee weapon now let's talk about your range weapon the trauma staff okay this staff you know and I'll happily admit that I was wrong on this one because genuinely it went from being my worst staff even in my staff video you can actually see me say it's the worst staff but that is with gray staffs if you get a rending shock wve blessing tier four yes I know it is dependent on the tier four blessing kind of like how power cycler turns Power sword from not that great to like super weapon um if you have this rending shock wave on it this is this is beyond good this is the best in the game because the debuffs make everybody's life so much easier have you ever seen a full powered crack grenade slap into a monstrosity with a 40% debuff yeah yeah yeah I Still Point the wrong way because I always forget that my camera is reversed so yeah yeah all right so let's talk about it perk wise you will probably want to have your range Critical Strike chance the other perk does not matter because you're using this as a debuffer um I went with the carrus armored enemies but realistically speaking you can go with anything okay so the other perk doesn't really matter you can go for elite damage you can whatever you get is probably good enough as long as it's at least three dots yeah but range Critical Strike chance is generally accepted as the other good choice because a crit is just useful in general so it will help you quite a bit yeah next in terms of your blessings okay the blessings are prefixed you need to have rending shock wave tier four okay and your other perk is most likely going to be warp flurry why because the charge speed that you want on this is as fast as possible in case you need to perform multiple strikes it's best to have warp flurry that said if you do not want warp flurry you can go with whatever else you feel suits you but I generally recommend warp flurry because in emergency situations being able to charge up and debuff multiple enemies or multiple big targets or throw them down to the ground is very useful that's why warp flurry is my choice okay in terms of your stats your blast radius must be above 70 minimum okay it must be above 70 you cannot have anything lower than 70 or else you have to throw the staff out warp resistance needs to be as high as possible charge rate as high as possible damage as high as possible Quil speed is your dumb stat but try to have it if you can above 55 okay that is my honest recommendation blast radius must be above 70 Quil speed must be above 55 the rest of the stats as high as possible okay this is what makes the ideal trauma staff okay now that we have all this PO together what about your curios standard curios for the psycher you know as always let me remove my cam because we're going to go into the talent tree now anyway disappear okay you're going to need three stamina toughness regeneration speed damage resistance Gunners uh combat ability regeneration is your ideal choice this one has Max Health but I haven't found a better one to replace it 17 toughness maximum Gunner resistance toughness regeneration speed combat ability regeneration Max Health toughness regeneration speed combat ability regeneration damage res damage resistance Gunners okay standard all of these standard across the board okay now that we've gone through melee weapon range weapon curios and I've explained why the trauma staff is good now um let me go through the talents that make this build work okay there's a lot of areas of variation that you can choose with these talents I'm going to go through step by step but I'll tell you what is a must have and then you can vary it around that soul stealer and metal are often choices that an individual has to make between either that or quietude and warp expenditure why because you need these two toughness nodes unless you're going to go for battle meditation you can try and minimize the amount of uh points you place in here but ultimately you must get the toughness boost which means that even if you sacrific perilous combustion you'd still have to take battle meditation this is kind of the problem because this these two toughness boosts are absolutely crucial you cannot do without them okay unless you want to play a very risky glass cannon in which case you will see a lot of psychers going down 15 bajillion times per match that's what happens okay so it's unavoidable that you need these two toughness notes hence why although I would prefer not to take perilous combustion I am forced to do so in this one unless I go for battle meditation again you don't really need battle meditation but it is a good choice all right now when it comes to this the alternative I guess if you really really wanted to run something similar um would be to say take Soul sealer and metal and then you could still get the same thing but you'd sacrifice quietude and warp expenditure okay this is about your variation for the upper tree because all Critical Hits will increase your warp damage you really want this for a sale and your trauma staff all of which can crit even your your melee weapon can crit all right so all of this is really good um some people might consider malefic momentum but I'm going to tell you that this is pretty useless because when you think about a non-war based kill that's only going to come from your melee and if you're going into melee you're not really doing your job as a psycher melee is a a last resort as you will have seen in most of my matches that I've won I barely pull out my sword all right because the front lines doing their job you should be doing yours and bringing that range Firepower so that's why minded motion is your only choice and it's also the only way to come across the left- hand side because malefic momentum cannot do that you're kind of relegated into precence so going this way you will get kinetic presence you don't have any other choice once you have kinetic presence you have one with the warp Peril resistance venting shriek here okay you can choose to deny yourself these two extra um things and you will see like literally zero effect so I just use venting shriek as a Saving Grace all right to save my stat points and what I do on top of that is I go for Peril resistance Health boost and then critical chance boost now this extra toughness boost can be switched into kinetic deflection depends on you if you feel that you can use a lot of kinetic deflection then take off this toughness boost put it here okay but if not just get the extra toughness boost and then go straight down the left hand side tree make sure you pick up the extra warp damage for each warp charge and make sure and make sure you pick up warp battery which gives you six warp charges all right psychic vampire inner Tranquility warp siphon all this stuff is really good okay so everything down the left hand side is good for you um the middle tree you only want warp Rider but and the toughness boost and then here you just want the critical chance boost okay so this is what your skill tree looks like um it will give you a lot of damage Buffs um good critical rate and overall the ability to stack warp charges which lowers your peril generation which is really excellent with this build all right all of it just helps you become even more insane as you know a character and it is just beautiful to see all right and once again if you really really don't like warp expenditure that's absolutely fine you can go with metal I would I would highly encourage you to test for yourself what gives you the best uh best possible Regeneration all right if you feel strongly enough do something like this and you'd still you see you could still run the build as is all right and grab and then uh test what you know what makes you feel most comfortable but this is basically it that's literally the entire build condensed down into its core factors like I've been playing this without anything else added to the venting streak and it just works so beautifully I just don't don't even have to worry I just vent and then off I go killing again it's it's good it's just beyond good if you really want to you can I guess you can take becoming eruption but most of the time when I vent it's to save myself from an unlucky situation I quickly quell and then I'm I'm back on the assault again all right you'll probably see this in the combat demonstration now coming back to the main video I'm just going to do a very quick play style demonstration and then the combat demonstration will be linked on my sub channel so you guys can check that out all right what I'm going to say here is plain and simple you don't have to worry too much about play style the play style is so basic that it doesn't take a lot of knowledge unlike the others which might have had a bit of a formula to it this one is so straightforward I can cover it in less than a minute what is the play style see hordes of enemies throw a saale distant enemies throw a sail okay armored enemies or enemies that you have to debuff use trauma staff if you run out of a sail use trauma staff it'll blow up anything anyway so just do that oh no you're about to explode venting shriek and then back on your trauma staff again okay that's it that is literally the play style covered in less than a minute that is all you have to know for this this this is why this build is so easy to run you don't need to know a lot you there there's nothing there's no specific factors to even worry about hoorde throw a sail special like a crowd of uh scab Gunners or whatever throw a sail unless you want to blow them up you can blow them up with trauma staff too if you can accurately aim it under their feet otherwise just a saale and your sale regenerates fast anyway just throw it at distant targets and deal phenomenal amounts of damage and be the you know the biggest badass that you can too much too much Peril just quell that's that's it this is this is literally the entire play style okay that's it all right so combat demonstration is on my sub Channel you can find that in the link in the description of the video okay okay thank you very much for watching thank you very much for watching my final pyer build Well for now until they patch it and do rebalancing or whatever but thank you very much for watching my final psycher build I will still be playing the psycher sometimes on stream but mostly we're going to be focusing on the veteran next so thank you so much for watching my content I appreciate all of you don't forget to like share and subscribe if you would like to support me extra all right and if you want a shout out on my on you know every single one of the videos that I do if you want your name to be listed for all my streams and things like that then let me tell you the following okay these are the things that you can do to not only get on the list but also help me out and help me make more content you can send super Chats on stream you can send super thanks on YouTube you can join as a channel member gaining access to various perks you can also send a tip via the link in the description of the video all right and you're going to get a personal thank you email from me okay thank you very much here are our biggest support supporters for October top Tipper River Archer 124 top Tipper list goes to Vasan top Super chatter Jason Kun our top Super Chat 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Channel: RealAsianRobot
Views: 10,753
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: OncfyGREU5o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 10sec (1030 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 14 2023
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