Psyker CINDER MAGE Build | Class Build Guide | Warhammer40k: DARKTIDE

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it is said that the souls of Heretics burn bright for their sin their corruption is Stripped Away in purgation let us put this Theory to the test Let Your Flames be the instrument let their sinders be proof of your work and should the conclusion you reach be unsatisfactory you need not wait long for there is no shortage of willing volunteers so let your curiosity burn my Cinder mage hello vets as you can see we have a new intro for this Bild video that was another one of my behind the scenes project that I finally managed to couble together those of you who have played Warframe may see the resemblance this intro was modeled after the prime Warframe trailers except I don't have nearly as sexy a voice to match I developed this new intro to give me the freedom to add small narrative components without being bound to anything specific especially when it comes to using the talentry as a guide the main issue with using the talent Tre was that as I started doing more and more builds certain talents kept reappearing which made coming up with the narrative in some parts very repetitive this was especially the case for Pyers and ogens having this new intro allows me to weave in a little more World building and character to the build guide which is something I already tried to do with the existing Talent selection narrative it definitely takes more work to put together but I think he adds a little bit more depth to the video than before what do you think let me know in the comments below back to the build today we'll be taking a look at the cinder Mage it's one of my latest psycle developments and I'm pretty excited to share this with you the cinder Mage is my answer to making the Pyle an all around useful class that can take on almost every situation on their own but excels at dealing with all manner of mixed hordes I actually rarely used the pagata staff in the past because I felt that as a weapon it was essentially a onetick pony that was good at clearing hordes and that was it but with a new talentry update I've managed to put together this build and in doing so also discovered some mechanics that have made it much more enjoyable to use and more powerful than most people realize as a cinder Mage you are a very versatile psycher that can fit into any team with this kit you also cover all ranges of Engagement as well this build is also much more of a Frontline cyer than most other builds I've seen and tried while traditional cyer builds would much prefer to stay safe in the rear you have no problems being up close and personal with the Enemy given your kit you also have the ability to wipe out all armor types with with this build and that even includes cares but more on this in the combat tactics section you of course have incomparable hord clearing even mix HS are nothing for a Synder Mage everything will get burned to a crisp just the same as for our talents I'll explain my thought process on why a particular Talent is selected instead of the usual Talent selection narrative this way I get to go into more detailed reasoning for taking something rather than going through every single Choice without covering much in the way of rationale here is the full talentry up on display the game link to the build will be in the description as well the core direction of this build is to equip your cycle to be an allrounder for any Mission as we are using APLE gter staff for this build we will be picking up a sale as our Blitz of choice and both is related modifiers ethereal shards and quick shards to maximize its potential while the pagas has everything covered within 15 M of you a sale covers everything else up to around 40 to 50 m this gives you an answer for Far Away snipers and bombers with a sales secondary attacks a sales spamm ability also makes it very good for dealing with groups of Shooters and shotgunners in medium range where they are outside the reach of your pagas however a sail isn't our only answer against shooters for our combat ability we're taking venting shriek this gives us a 30 m stiger that goes through walls and objects on top of being a safe button against Paro overload but by combining this with creeping Flames we have the ability to apply up to six stacks of s blad to All Enemies hit by venting shriek at five Stacks or more all Shooters will burn to death if they are hit giving you another option to dispatch shooters from behind cover our Keystone of choice is going to be empowered psionics by taking both overpowering souls and charged up it further enhances our assale to be much more effective at dealing with enemies outside the pagata staff's range especially against Elites and specials like flamers and Gunners by combining this with perilous combustion your assale shards are capable of wiping up groups and patrols of short Gunners and Gunners too you could argue that W siphon and inire reborn would provide more Synergy with the build and while that is probably the case taking empowered psionics provides more balance to your kit since a sale doesn't really benefit that much from war charges and the pagat in of itself is already very strong in what it does higher up time on vending streak is great no doubt about it but by having good par management and discipline especially when coupled with solidity you won't really have to use venting streak as a safe Button as often as you might think on the defensive side of things kinetic deflection works very well with one with the warp being able to redirect attacks to your parel means you can block for longer as your parel increases you gain more and more toughness damage reduction which makes you more durable since we don't have access to psychotics Aura taking Sea's presence gives us a little more kudon reduction to keep venting streak available as often as we need it to be as for toughness regeneration talents I think soul stealer and quietude are the usual pickups in any parob base build so not much explaining needed on these two talents we'll be picking up metal because it works very well with builds that have rapid attacks like the ticking of the pagata staff and the spamming of aale shards this gives us another way to regenerate toughness by but also improves our Mobility as well we'll also take perfect timing for the same reason it's essentially free war damage in this build those were our talent choices hopefully that explanation helped you understand why I picked certain talents over others and my thought process behind it now let's move on to weapon selection as mentioned this bill will be focused around using Pata staff we'll get into the ntegrity of the mechanics of the staff in the combat tactics section but for now let's learn about how we're going to build it as far as stats go the most important stat that's going to affect the damage output of your pagata staff is the burn stat this stat affects how many stacks of Soul blades you can apply from the staff alone ideally you should strive to get one that can reach the maximum of 15 Stacks which is around 75 to 76% keep that in mind and keep an eye out for it as for blessings an anchor blessing you can't go wrong with is warp flurry this allows you to get fully charged attacks off more consistently and greatly improves your ability to apply stacks of soul blaz to more enemies for longer periods the next blessing in my opinion is a choice you can make if you look around and ask about the answer you most certainly get is warp Nexus this makes practical sense since Critical Hits apply two stacks of Soul blades instead of one this is technically an increase to your DPS because you reach the 15 stack cap faster but for me I don't think I would enjoy the Pata stuff as much as I do now if I didn't have run and Gun on it that's right I have run and Gun on my second blessing because it gives me the ability to turn my Pyle into a sort of War fire battering ram because the primary attack of the pagata stuff has much more stagger power than its charge attack with Run and Gun you can rush into a group of enemies while spamming your primary fire to stagger them constantly this allows you to close the gap to get into melee and even allows you to keep up with your more melee Centric allies by providing them literal supporting fire give it a try and see if you like it as for perks because the pagata staff can disintegrate basically all regular enemies your focus will be on building up damage against more resilient ones flat damage is a m in my opinion simply because this Armor class has a lot of durability against Soul blaz damage after that that unyielding damage might be a decent consideration since or enemies and monsters have the health pull to take lots of Soul Blaze damage however because it's often much better to max out your soul blaz stacks on Monsters with the patas and then switch to your melee weapon to further increase your damage output unyielding damage on the patas won't be as useful compared to it being on your melee since the soul Blaze damage will inherit the perks from your melee weapon when you switch for this reason I have chosen to take Elite damage to further amp up my strength against tougher enemies in general for our melee weapon of choice I have chosen the damos for sword to be the perfect weapon for this build if you are a longtime viewer of my channel you may have seen the deos for sword review from a long time ago in it I showcase how uncanny strike was one of the most powerful blessings for the for sword because of how it interacted with the for strike even today this remains true uncanny strike gives the deos the ability to ignore all damage resistance turning even Carras armor into cardboard the bare minimum you'd want your uncanny strike to be is tier three because this allows a full stack to give you 100% rending on your attacks granting you the capacity to ignore all damage resistance from armor depending on the damage resistance value anything above ignoring 100% will grant you a small damage boost instead the next blessing similar to the patas is open to several choices many guides and advice from other players might say go for executor or unstable power slaughterer shred and even superiority these choices are not wrong and will provide you with a power boost in one way or another but for me I love utility and opening up my build to cover more aspect effects rather than piling on more damage so for my demos I go for deflector Instead This blessing fills a hole in our kit and covers up a key weakness of the build because we don't have Dome Shield or any Shield of any kind we are pretty vulnerable to range enemies deflector allows you to tank range attacks whenever you need to acting as a personal T kind Shield of Swords combined with Kinetic deflection and one with the warp range attacks will be blocked and stamina CA redirected into our Peril the more we block the more Peril we build the stronger one with the war becomes further increasing our toughness damage resistance making us a lot more durable against getting shot as part of this build deflector allows us to access our defensive talents when we need it to work the most for perks the only enemies that can really stand against a de's attacks are Crushers and MERS as they have the health pool and armor to last a little longer than the rest and because we will always want to try and strike them in the head to build up stacks of uncanny strike taking carpas damage will help us a good deal here Carras damage will also help us in another way which I will cover in the combat tactics section since we don't have something like shred to help us with monster damage when we swap to the sword from the staff our yelding damage serves to increase the direct damage output of the deos and the indirect damage of our soul blades when we switch from the patas if you don't manage to get unyielding damage then the next best perk would be elite damage since these will be enemies that you'll be using the deos against the most for our curios I have chosen a balance of stamina toughness and health stamina works very well with deflector and kinetic deflection allowing you to block for much longer longer more stamina also allows you to make the most of Run and Gun for your Pats additional toughness gives a small boost to our pitiful base toughness so we can tank at least one volley of shots from Shooters giving us some time to react by drawing our melee out to block or to die for cover more health is always good so not much explanation here for our perks I've opted to take three toughness regeneration speed to keep our toughness topped up as often as possible and as quickly as possible when we can't depend on our talents to regenerate it I've also chosen to take a couple of Gunner resistance perks and a sing single sniper resistance perk if you roll a 21% Health curio a 20% sniper resistance perk will give you enough resistance to tank two hits and leave you at 1 HP this is just a little unnecessary Min maxing on my end otherwise you can just replace it with another Gunner resistance perk for my last set of perks I have taken a couple of Sprint efficiency perks and a single stamina regeneration perk this lets me make the most of my stamina and running gun giving me the option of diving into The Fray alongside my zealots and orens if I want to if you AR using run and Gun you can replace these perks with whatever you'd like now let's move on to the combat tactics section of the video here we will be learning how to really maximize your potential with this build and load out and at the very least giving yourself more cards in your hand to play in different situations combat tactic number one soulblade stacking while the pagata staff has a maximum stack limit of 15 there is a global Soul blade stack limit of 31 same as burn Stacks to reach above 15 Stacks you need to apply so blades from other sources which in the case of this bill can come from two places perilous combustion and creeping Flames enemies that get hit by either abilities can push beyond the 15 limit of your patas further ramping up the damage over time here's the catch to exceed the 15 stack limit you have to first reach the 15 stack limit with the patas if you apply perilous combustion or creeping Flames before hitting 15 Stacks the soul Blaze from the patas will not be able to exceed 15 Stacks as that is the maximum burn stack limit of the weapon so if you really want to bring the heat make sure to max out the soul Blaze from your staff first before applying more from other sources combat tactic number two damos stagger multitool the deos is a very powerful weapon not just because it has one of the strongest damage profiles for a melee weapon it is also a very powerful single Target CC weapon as well first you have your Force strike which stuns whatever you hit and Deals heavy damage to it secondly the Second Heavy attack of your heavy chain deals massive amounts of stagger capable of knocking a Crusher out of its overhead attack and onto the floor and lastly you also have the force push this is the push attack of all four Swords and it is incredibly strong but I feel is very underappreciated by many the force push is capable of knocking down MERS and ragers out of your attacks and can even knock down a Crusher with a couple of pushes what's more you can do this from up to 9 M away this gives you the ability to thin down a wall of armor without getting too close you can even chain into the Second Heavy thrust from your Force push letting you knock enemies to the floor or opening them up before dealing a devastating blow this brings us to the next mechanic combat tactic number three Soul blazing carapace earlier I talked about how uncanny strike is capable of removing all damage resistance from carapace armor by first stacking up Soul Blaze on a Crusher and then building up stacks of uncanny strike you can force it to take the full damage from Soul Blaze the question is how would you go about stacking uncanny strike you could of course for strike the crusher to build up Stacks but if there's only one Crusher to deal with you might as well just use your for sword to deal with it anyway if you have to deal with multiple crushes you could for strike any enemy to build up uncanny strike Stacks as well this is a safer method since you don't have to risk exposing yourself to the crusher pack but what if you don't have any safe targets to for strike what if there are too many Crushers or you have to deal with monsters and a mix hard at the same time how do you refresh and maintain the 3.5 second timer of uncanny strike this is where the force push comes back into the equation because the force push always causes a weak spot hit you can build up stacks of uncanny strike from a distance this allows you to build up Soul blades on crushes switch to your deos and then spam Force pushes to knock crushes around to build up stacks of uncanny strike by building up even more stacks of Soul Blaze with creeping Flames as we learned in the first mechanic you can actually deal a pretty respectable amount of damage to carapace armor especially if you build your deos with carapace damage with this mechanic you can reliably take down crushes with soul Blaze damage alone of course just waiting for so blaz to do its thing is going to take a while but what you can do to increase The lethality of the combo is chaining the force push into the heavy trust and going for head shots this not only helps speed up killing crushes but it also provides you with more CC since every hit you land is likely to knock down a Crusher while refreshing uncanny strike on individual Crushers this isn't a very useful tactic but if you are ever faced in a situation where you are alone against many crushes for example learning and practicing this tactic can save yourself here's a full example of me facing off against eight active crushes on damnation without getting hit and putting everything I've talked about to use not bad huh from Soul Blaze being entirely worthless against carpas to dealing the majority of damage against them and actually killing them combat tactic number four boww walk breaking one of the most annoying enemies for pagata staff to deal with are boks the pagata staff alone cannot break open a bwok even with the primary attack however you do have a handful of tools to deal with them with this build the first is using a force strike of your deos hitting a bwalk with it won't deal any damage but it will stun them causing them to drop their guard the other method is to use your vening shriek since the Stager strength scals with peril you can stagger boks open by pushing up your paril and then casting venting streak to break them open this then gives you the paril capacity to spam your pagata primary attacks to continue stagger locking the boks the last method is to use your assale to stagger them direct attacks with aale won't do anything to boks most of the time but casting your sail upwards or far to the side will cause The Shard to travel to Expos parts of the bwalk Staggering and opening them up for more attacks all right that brings us to the end of this build video this one took a really long time to make not only because of chis but because I wanted to thoroughly explore the potential of the build instead of just covering a generic patus and deos build with nothing to learn from this build works perfectly well on oric moms and even better if paired with someone using a storm witch again let me know what you think about this build guide format with the narrative component at the front in the form of a cinematic trailer and narration instead of the usual Talent selection narrative I'm always experimenting with different ways of doing things so your feedback is valuable to me see you all in the comments below thank you all for watching in and I will see you in the next one viets
Channel: Ryken XIV
Views: 43,025
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: oY2tZvOH2C4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 16sec (1096 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 28 2023
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