Easy Roast Beef French Dip Sandwich Recipe

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today on passion for food we'll be making this easy and delicious French Dip sandwich what really makes these special is that a Jew on the side for dipping it'll have your friends and family saying as you really shouldn't have the heads go ahead and get started first up we have our beef this is about 2 pounds of I of round roast we want to make sure that's quite lean and that these muscle fibers are all running in one direction that way when we cut this it'll be nice and tender for our sandwich we can see there is a layer of fat and a little bit of gristle on this one side we could get away with simply leaving that on but to allow my seasonings to maximally penetrate the meat I am gonna cut that off so we'll just carefully slice that off trying not to remove too much of the meat I don't want to cause a beef with my local butcher be sure and check the sides we don't want to miss a spot and once we're happy with that we are just going to salt and pepper both sides very liberally and here's a quick tip even though we've only season two out of the six sides there's enough seasoning runoff on the ends there that we can just kind of pick it up and just get those other sides seasoned like that we don't actually have to worry about to individually seizing seasoning those other four smaller sides and we want to preheat our skillet I really like cast iron for this but other pans work just fine and you see how that oil is shimmering as I put it in that means your pan is hot enough so in we go with our beef roast and we do want to sear this and get a nice brown on all sides known as the my yard reaction now chefs used to try and claim that this was about sealing in the juices in the meat but that's actually not true at all what it is going to do for us is help develop a great depth of flavor especially in the pan for our eyes you later and because of the shape of this I did wind up doing all six sides but you could get away with just doing the largest two well you can see we've developed a great color and you see all those brown bits in the pan that's going to help us develop a delicious for later but we don't want it to be too fatty so I am going to dump out that oil and in we go with one large onion which we're simply going to saute over medium heat for a minute or two we want to start to dissolve some of those brown bits off the bottom and develop a little bit of that onion flavor in my opinion the perfect jus for our sandwich has a slightly French onion soup kind of a taste to it but that's just my personal preference you could leave out the onions if you prefer once those that picked up a little color I'm gonna go in here with about two cups of beef broth I'm using a fairly small beef roast today so this just gives us a little head start and make sure that we'll have enough jus to go around as you really don't want to run out of this stuff speaking of our roast you'll see I do have a probe thermometer here in the thickest part of the meat that's important we really don't want to overcook this so I do have my alarm set to a hundred and fifty degrees that's going to be medium well but after a tres it'll be pretty much well done so off we go to a rocket hot 450 degree oven for about an hour or until the internal temperature reaches a hundred and fifty degrees I actually tried to get a time-lapse shot of this thing cooking but it got so steamy in there with all that beef broth that it just didn't look very good so I'm gonna skip out on that anyway once we have this pulled off we just want to cover it loosely in foil if we cut this right away we're going to lose a lot of the juice and it'll wind up being dry so we do want to let this sit and rest for at least 20 minutes preferably 30 minutes so while that's resting let's go ahead and strain our pan drippings I just have a metal bowl under a colander here so I'm just gonna dump all this in and let it filter through while my beef is resting you could totally just leave the onions in there or even top a sandwich with the onions if you like but personally I think they've given up all the flavor that they have to give so I'm just gonna strain those out and we can see we've really accumulated some delicious looking juice there I know I'm probably going to be dating myself but it reminds me of that old SNL sketch so you're like the juice we do we do anyway saucy jokes aside you could use a knife to cut this roast beef but I happen to have one of these a deli slicer so I'm just gonna go ahead and use this thing and we just want to make sure we're cutting across the grain that'll give us the most tender pieces so let's get that sliced up nice and thin how fin well that's a personal preference I do like mine quite thin so I'm aiming for around 1/8 of an inch here you can see here more or less what we're aiming for and because we pulled this out at 150 it hasn't dried out so let's go ahead and assemble our sandwich and instead of the classic French bread I actually have some Bolly low rolls here which are more of a Mexican bread but they were the freshest most delicious looking rolls my store had and those are always the ones that you should get so let's go ahead and load this up with some of our roast beef I like a nice generous portion this is gonna be a whole meal for me and I like to top mine with two large slices of provolone cheese you could use Swiss or some other type of cheese if you prefer but wait you're thinking this cheese is not melted well just one second I'm gonna put this under the broiler for about 90 seconds not only does doing it that way melt the cheese beautifully but it also gives me a nice toast on the top half of that roll which just works out perfectly and I keep wanting to say with a shoe except as you literally means with juice so that's a little redundant but either way there it is and it's delicious and just as a quick bonus for my loyal viewers that made it all the way to the end when I was a kid I made a cheater version of this where you just take deli sliced roast beef and you simmer it in about a cup of beef stock for about a minute 2 minutes and then you can just fully assemble the sandwich you can get a pretty close approximation that way but if you do have time to your own roast beef this really is a delicious sandwich I love that melted provolone and the Oz you just really beefs up the flavor I mean I really wish I could stock up on that stuff because of the way we slice that roast beef it's nice and tender for us overall this really is one of my favorite classic sandwiches I really hope you've enjoyed today's episode of passion for food if you have give me a thumbs up below and consider subscribing and hitting that little bell so you don't miss out on our future recipes this has been Graham with passion for food [Music]
Channel: Passion for food
Views: 20,712
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Keywords: Au Jus, easy french dip, easy french dip sandwiches, roast beef, sandwich recipe, french dip, making a french dip sandwich, passion for food, cooking, recipes, howto, diy, easy roast beef
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 36sec (456 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 09 2019
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