ULTIMATE Dragon Combo Vs EVERY Boss In Blox Fruits...

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alright guys in this video I'm gonna be making a tribute to uzoth if you guys don't remember who uzoth is he's an admin for blocks roots and if you guys haven't checked that video where I collaborated with him go ahead and check it out but for this video I'm gonna be using everything Dragon theme so in my inventory I'm gonna go ahead and pull out anything that has dragon on it so there's an item called dragon skill you can't really pull that out and then we have the dragon Trident I'm gonna be using the dragon Trident because it is Dragon theme as you guys can see I have this beautiful tread in my hand and I'm also going to be equipping the dragon fruit because how else is this gonna be Dragon theme without the dragon fruit so let's go ahead and go to the bottom and equip that now we have the Trident the dragon and we're also gonna go ahead and change our fighting styles we're gonna go ahead and find the uzoth NPC as well so now we have arrived at the haunted castle The Haunted Castle is where uzoth resides and if you guys see right there that wheel up in the sky this is where uzoth basically lives for now that's his little NPC let's go ahead and go take a look at his MPC because that's where he gives us the dragon Talon fighting style and we need to go ahead and actually just fly up there because I forgot we have dragon which has wings so you can see uzoth right over here let me go ahead and talk to him hello Mr uzoth it was nice meeting you not too long ago he did invite me to train at his Dragon Academy whenever that opens apparently he said it's gonna open after the update and there we go we now have the dragon Talon fighting style which is why his hands are on fire he is the dragon Talon trainer but now with that complete we gotta go back to the first seat and start to defeat every single boss using everything Dragon theme and we actually have a special guest waiting for us over in the first c as well but with that being said let's go ahead and head over there so here we are back in the first C let's go ahead and find that special guest we were talking about earlier oh special guests would you look at it it's wrecked way yo I see you got that title that uzoth gave us equal to the heavens yes sir oh my God yo me too look at look at the chat I got it too you can't see it over my head it's only in the chat but yeah let's go ahead and give you your first fruit of the day because you're helping me out and be my taxi driver in the first sea taking me everywhere here's a fruit for you all right but this should cover all my fees there that is so dog water you need to give me something better than like a bumper oh too bad that's all I got you got to take that payment no no no I'm not gonna take your dumb little payment ow that was rude of you or you have helped me with that how strong are you did getting that title make you stronger oh wait no yes sir the first boss we're gonna fight is the gorilla King uzop told me to beware of this guy because he's the most OP Boston blocks for it's totally hey wreck wait don't smack him unless you have the dragon Talon fighting style active that's disrespectful I'll go ahead and do the honors for uzoth and one punch him he got absolutely destroyed so easily with him being absolutely destroyed it's time for our taxi driver to take us to the next boss what about your taxi driver yeah you are Bozo give me a million Robux and I'll be your taxi driver um uzos said he covered my payment by giving you that equal to the heavens title you're not special bro no one cares what are you talking about I'm his Apprentice now the next boss we got is buggy the clown let's go ahead and clap him real quick I'll hit him with the heat wave beam you know what bam one shot 4K damage easy he is absolutely gone correctly we're gonna speedrun this go ahead and take him to the next boss are you sure you want me to take you to like the next ball yeah he's easy bro I can destroy anybody arlong the shark man bro this is this is light work let me go ahead and hit him with the dragon Talon lighter oh my gosh these abilities look so cool I'm gonna hit him with the Ember Annihilator as well and he got destroyed two abilities Dragon Talent is the strongest fighting style in the game Sorry take me to the next boss you're awake because you didn't even one shot her how about this one how did that feel right finally even dealing any damage how about you feel some of this maybe you should hit me first don't even try me I got the Ooze off Tower you don't even want any of it bro you already saw his power you don't want to see it bro I literally have greater power than him like watch that oh my gosh you are gonna die here oh how dare you I was letting you live but now I'm gonna have to clap you I'll give you a second chance wrecked way I feel some pity for you take me to the next boss or I'll take the rest of your Bounty yeah yeah yeah shut up bro I'm not scared of your threat oh is that why you already took me wait I have to turn on PVP okay there we go now where's the next boss oh he's all the way up here it's the the yeti man right the furry let's go ahead and end him with the power of dragon I'm gonna go ahead and hit him with a claw I'm gonna drag him oh my gosh he got destroyed so hard to the next boss we go ow ow I'm on fire bro why'd you spawn Us in the lava right away every time because this is like the closest that we can go that's stupid no excuse for that oh we have to fly over there luckily for me dragon has flying powers we arrived to the island and he's in here somewhere oh he's over there why is he over there and why is it so dark all right I'll light it up in here I'll go ahead and hit him with the fire shower wow that was way too easy Rex wait is this really all the bursts he has to offer nah bro we got like multiple bosses you know uzos says his strength is equal to the six C's itself yes sir and you know there's only three seeds so far in this game he's literally double this game's power anyways this is the next boss bro let's just use the uzoth fighting style for this let's use the C ability infernal Vortex and I just one shot him bro are you kidding me he is ridiculous let's go ahead and go to that next boss are you sure you want to go to like the next place yeah I'm sure take me now okay okay I'll take it where you belong because I know you love this place I'm not going going to prison bro oh my gosh is this the boss we have to kill of course it is I'm gonna go ahead and hit him with the easy stuff first I don't have points and dragon tried it but I'm gonna go ahead and use it see dragon fury wait where'd he go oh he's all the way back there water dragon prison oh I have to be like far away from him to use those but you know what I embarrass myself so I have to embarrass him with a dragon with the dragon fruit there we go and now he's dead get him out of here Rex way who's next we're going back to the Jungle we have to kill Shanks all right what's up Shanks she's gonna go ahead and hit you with the uh the dragon lighter and then I'm gonna hit you with the Ember Annihilation and the infernal Vortex to finish you off this is making me yawn bro okay let's go back to your home place stop with prison I'll go ahead and end the head Warden if I have to look at this guy he stands no chance against me easy where did he go why is he doing up in the tree and now he's dead oh now he is absolutely destroyed I haven't even used a transformation yet you know what maybe I'll use a transformation for this guy let's go ahead and transform wait you can't transform inside the building I'll have to transform outside of it oh I have the black dragon I don't know why it's golden right now but I have this dragon fruit Mastery 600 so this thing's gonna hurt badly bye bye Swan Rector you might want to get out of here oh my gosh Rex wait you're gonna die bro you barely dealt any damage to me what did I kill then you know what whatever let's just go ahead and uh end him easy peasy goodbye we're back at magma Village we gotta go ahead and fight this guy bro this is easy pickings are you kidding me let me go ahead and transform in a dragon for him again why not use the Z ability go ahead and use the fire shower because I'm gonna nuke him now I've had enough of this he deserves a nuke all right bro are you gonna die anytime soon I'm gonna keep using this ability until he dies wait he didn't die from that oh cause he was trapped in the corner but now he's absolutely gone what else do we have are we moving on to the Final Bosses now nah nah nah bro we're gonna go underwater Oh there's another arlong we have to fight let's go ahead and end him all right bro you're about to get clapped no hard feelings go ahead and use that fire shower on him easy peasy goodbye wait you still alive um bam there we go we ended him who's the next boss Rex wait come on you're taking too long bro to go straight to the sky islands and stop hitting me before I clap you come on bro let's go chop chop Sky Islands we gotta go fight inel the Thunder God no you dummy bro that's not like the boss we have to fight next oh we have to fight the mini boss I keep forgetting this is a boss that drops the Bazooka right yes sir all right where is he I need to end him real quick hit him with that and then I'm gonna hit him with the dragon fire shower as well that should finish him off right there oh he's one HP he just shot me with a rocket I'll just punch him there we go now I'm gonna go slay a no the Thunder God I've been waiting for this moment let me go ahead and transform into a dragon and show him the true power of some sort of God all right where is he go ahead and nuke him real quick what's his okay he's down there throw does not stand a chance he is getting absolutely murked right now I think I could finish him off before I even lose all my dragon Powers right now goodbye you know he got destroyed come on Rex way Chop Chop next boss stop hitting me Rose I'm not gonna take you okay okay I'm sorry gosh can you just shut up already oh it's my Boy Cyborg that farts all the time just like you and your mom what must run in the genetics I'm pretty sure you're the one that's ported like in someone's bedroom last night well if it's not me farting on your pillow it probably wasn't me all right Cyborg's about to get absolutely collapsed wherever he is there he is go ahead and use the Ember ability bro he farted on me let me go ahead and hit him with the oh bro how is he always up in the sky somehow and then with that I'm going to send them into the water real quick oh my gosh and heat wave beam yeah this is taking a little bit longer than I expected he's actually handling these punches pretty solidly my guy stop farting hold that go fart in the ocean Bozo well I guess that's the end of the first sea we are not gonna be fighting white beard or graybeard here because that's gonna take like four to five hours for him to spawn in We're not gonna do any exclusive bosses just the normal bosses and here we go head to the second C we're actually already portaled us to the second C second bar or the first boss and we're gonna go ahead and clap him easily here the flower boss whatever his name is he's gonna get absolutely destroyed Diamond that's his name bro is he actually trying to fight back it is completely futile to fight back against uzot's Dragon Powers bro wait I missed that what the heck bro he is one shot so I'm gonna use a dragon fruit and end him there we go easy Rex wait next boss you know the drill come on whoa why are we back at Cafe we gotta kill Jeremy oh whoopsies my bad I forgot about that guy did they ever fix his hair or you think he's still bald he's still bald bro no way bro you weren't lying Jeremy is still bald but I'm gonna have to go ahead and end Jeremy we'll go ahead and give you a full head of hair in the afterlife sorry Jeremy Jeremy's one shot so I'm just gonna punch him up there we go we just ended Jeremy so fast come on direct way take us to the next Boss shut up dude what how dare you tell me to shut up I'll take your Bounty right now if you don't apologize I would like to see you try do you really yeah are you sure all right oh yeah all right your choice not mine come on Bozo you done goof correct way I am telling you bro I'm telling you what Rex way what's good bro oh we're transforming now Rex wait you done did it now oh you really think like a stupid little dragon user you're just gonna make me cry yeah it is come over here Bozo what are you gonna do to me with their little portal fruit that does nothing ow you could actually hit me well how about that do you apologize because I'll stop killing you I would never apologize to you all right you asked for it Bozo where are you oh you're hiding Rex way come on oh I absolutely destroyed you right away I'm sorry I gave you a second chance bro yeah yeah yeah okay Rex way I gave you a second chance bro I'm sorry but I have to kill fajita now Nobody messes with uzos power it is no joke nobody could handle it let's go ahead and end fajita here let me go ahead and one shot him with the dragon claw and he is dead to the next boss wrecked way ow ow bro do you really hate me that much you just keep spawning me in all the lava and fire this isn't my fault it's a gains ball no I blame you let's go ahead and kill smoke Admiral goodbye smoke Admiral in just a second here you're gonna get absolutely destroyed oh I'm blind he Blinded Me okay we're chilling now we're chilling oh I missed that okay so just go ahead and finish him off goodbye smoke Admiral and he got absolutely destroyed now we have to fight the awakened ice boss let's go ahead and clap him real quick this is gonna be easy pickings oh my gosh so easy so fast let's go ahead and just fast forward so I hit the ice Admiral a little too hard and now he's like stuck in a wall as you guys can see he's he's attacking me but he's stuck in a wall he can't get him he's not outside the building either he's literally just stuck in a wall so I'll go ahead and put him out of his misery wait he's not in the walls anymore there we go we just ended the ice Admiral so now we're gonna go ahead and go to tidekeeper here and this will be the final boss of the second C it is time to die tide keeper I'm gonna absolutely destroy him super fast oh my gosh I sent him to the Moon all right he is getting absolutely destroyed we'll go ahead and fast forward this part because nobody wants to see me fight him for super super long here and he's actually the one that gives you the dragon Trident he uses it himself as you guys can see he is holding it in his hand he's absolutely gonna get destroyed right now yo Dragon key oh no he just summoned a C Beast let me go ahead and do this real quick and now Sea Beast will stop annoying us once we kill him you do know that's my CBS wait what that's your Sea Beast huh how do you have a Seabees two you summon two there's no way you could summon a third right I could actually what no way but let's go ahead and go to the third season defeat all the bosses there the first boss is over here at Port Town it's uh what's his name again Stone I believe Rex way yes sir let's go ahead and collapse Mr Stone here this is gonna be so easy uzoth gave me his powers and there's just nothing that can stand by this alright Stone it's time to die bro let me go ahead and hit him with the dragon Talon ability hit him with the X ability and then I'm just gonna finish him off with dragon right here actually he's still alive somehow this will finish him off for sure here we go we absolutely destroyed him Rex wait you know the deal where's the next guy oh Hydra oh Rector is already killing his Queen yo what's up with you Rex way that's my princess oh my gosh bro I was just kidding you don't have to be a simp for her she's about to die here let me go ahead and hit her with the Talon lighter and then the exability and the the ability should finish her off here there we go easy peasy hopefully we go to floating turtlenecks right nah bro we're gonna go to like the kilo Admiral the killer Admiral at the gray tree I need to go back to Turtle because I want to change my dragon form into the black dragon she is about to get absolutely destroyed everybody's just teaming up on her bruh oh my gosh we sent her flying but this is gonna be easy right here all I have to do is hit her with the c ability or she could just die to the fire that works too hopefully floating Turtle right Rex wait right yeah you're right let's go once we go ahead and kill uh elephant I think right we have to kill elephant right yeah it's all bad okay once we kill elephant I'm gonna go switch to the black dragon or maybe I should do that before I think I'll do it before so I'm by all these Rings right now I have the golden one active there's also the white one and the black one back here it is so hard to see but as you guys can see it's right there change Dragon color to Black now if we change to the Flying furry we are now a black dragon that you could only get at Mastery 600 and it is op looking but with that being said let's go go ahead and kill Captain elephant here Rex wait what are you doing on him what do you mean I wasn't even near him I saw you doing something sus to him bro let's go he's literally going around a circle what do you mean son yeah yeah buddy I saw it all he's about to get absolutely destroyed right now I'm gonna go ahead and hit him with the dragon claw and there we go he just actually died super fast the next boss we have is the beautiful pirate so let's go ahead and Destroy her I mean him it's a guy I forgot the beautiful pirate is absolutely getting destroyed and they are about one shot away from dying here nearly let's go ahead and just punch him up and there we go I think he should be dead here there we go we just killed a beautiful pirate I think the next boss is longma right yeah let's go ahead and clap ligma I'm gonna absolutely destroy ligma here just gotta go ahead and hit him with that hit him with that a fire shower would be pretty nice for him then go ahead and hit him with the Z ability X ability C ability and he's just getting absolutely combo he really can't even do much I'm not gonna lie look at this what is he gonna possibly do against this it is time to end ligma I just gotta go ahead and hit him with that and then a z ability should finish him off here if not then it's at least is gonna be a fire shower for him there we go we just killed ligma and I think the next boss is the cake Queen no this is the final boss wrecked away Sugar Mama the ultimate boss in the third sea Rex wait go ahead and take us to her there she is let's go ahead and fly up there and end her yo what's up sugar mama go ahead and take this and everybody just comboing her oh my gosh Sugar Mama's about to get absolutely clapped by everybody I'm just gonna go ahead and punch her and where is she oh she's all the way up in the sky bye bye Sugar Mama it's time to die wait she's not dead yet there we go we finished her off but so far that was every single boss using everything Dragon themed we got the dragon Trident the dragon itself and we got the dragon Talon fighting style if you guys enjoyed this video and you guys want to see more like it go ahead and leave a like and sub and I'll catch you guys in the next one peace
Channel: Numberskull
Views: 403,196
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Numberskull, Bloxfruits, Roblox bloxfruits, blox fruit roblox, roblx blox fruits, roblox blox fruit, bloxfruit update, roblox, numbskull, nmbskll, nmbskull awaken, numberskull awaken
Id: nsiCw5WLzDU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 29sec (989 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 27 2023
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