I Went UNDERCOVER and EXPOSED This Blox Fruit Youtuber...

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all right guys in today's video I'm gonna be doing something I never thought I would do but you know what I think it's time to do it if you're confused on what I'm talking about I'm going to be testing one of my best friends and a big block street YouTuber and seeing if I could expose him and you're probably wondering how would I even go about that well the answer is simple my friends I'm going to be dressing up as a girl going undercover and testing him and see what he does with me but first we gotta call him up and see if he's down for a quote-unquote video to help me with obviously he's not gonna have any clue what I'm talking about but let's just go ahead and give him a call and see what's up with him alright so I gave rectory a call and rectify should be in game yo what's up Rex way yo what's up yo I need you to help me with the video are you down for that stir I'm down okay in this video you wouldn't mind me clapping your cheeks right I mean I do Mine by oh thanks bro I knew you wouldn't mind anyways uh since you're gonna help me with this video I actually want to give you something real quick if you want to take me to the Jungle real quick okay hey I'll take it to the Jungle but dragged a little bit sauce I don't know what you're talking about bro you know how this is how I always start off videos with you I always give you a little gift because you're always such a good friend you always help me out alright so we've arrived to the Jungle Island like usual let me go ahead and just give you your fruit real quick sugar way you know give you a little gift right let's see what we get for you oh Rex wait since you're such a good friend the game has chosen a really good fruit for you you know what that fruit is what is it a nice and juicy spin fruit I swear to God number you always give me this crappy spin fruit you know what number this thing is so garbage just like your channel that it deserves to drown in the middle of the ocean bro don't do that why would you do something like that and what is demon doing bro what is wrong with him oh he just dropped the light fruit and he is taking this and I'm also about a drop in the middle of the ocean too bro what no okay that's so mean of you but before we record Rex wait I have to um go make a sandwich real quick so I'll be AFK I'm just gonna be muted you know do your thing okay I'll be back later right all right take your time bro all right all right I'll see you in a bit all right guys so I'm muted right now Rex way has no clue what's going on I just joined on this alt account he's still at the jungle I'm muted he still thinks I'm in the kitchen making a sandwich let's go ahead and head over to the jungle and uh see what's up with him I'm gonna try to do you know a little bit of flirting kind of wanted to you know mess with him all right so it should be somewhere here in this jungle area let's go ahead and find him real quick oh he's right over here perfect and he's using the love fruit what a weirdo so let me go ahead and talk to him in game real quick oh oh my gosh he's attacking me I think that was an accident though let me go ahead and say hi to him maybe he'll respond to me why is this door trying to say hi to me he still doesn't know I'm in call with a muted what's wrong with him be like you look cute you look Cut and she trying to call me cute damn bro she's looking kind of thick yo what did he just say yo he doesn't even know I'm a girl what is wrong with you wait he's asking me are you single bro what I responded to him by saying just for you I'm gonna throw in a little winky face too bro is she really weak yeah I mean bro I wanna raise this girl up bro what is wrong with this guy what does he do when I'm not with him so I told rechtway you gotta take me out to dinner first let's see what his response is to that oh you want me to take you okay I got you follow me I'll take you out super fast bro I can't believe he's typing in game telling me all this and I can hear it he doesn't even know I'm listening into his conversation this is so all righty I'm about to buy like the biggest building blocks Roots come here bro what is wrong with it I'm muted in this call and he's commentating this bro he just thinks out loud what is wrong with him I can't actually no no get out oh he's telling me he said I better take her all to like a little Flamingo bro what is he trying to do wait no no way he's about to gift me a fruit there's no way OMG so romantic OMG so romantic wrecked way wait permanent Phoenix what wrecked wait what are you doing bro OMG that's right you baby girl bro he just said just for you no bro they thought this is gonna go way worse it's already going downhill dude hold on did he actually give me Permanent Phoenix let me go ahead and equip it that has to be a troll right there's no way no he actually gave it to me look at I can equip it bro what oh my gosh I'm gonna tell him thanks handsome I'm gonna give him a little ego boost right now I'm gonna make them all confident damn bro she's even called me handsome tell me you girl oh my gosh bro I feel so bad for him he's gonna be so bummed out when he figures out I'm a guy after I reveal my identity to him he's just looking at me in love right now wait and he just told me you want to get on my Flamingo again and a couple winky faces yo what is wrong with it I'm gonna just say of course and give him a little winky face back this is weird bro when he actually took me on his Flamingo I can't believe he's still using the love fruit he picked me up on his Flamingo now he's taking me to the ice village why is he taking me here this is random out of all the places he could have took me took me somewhere the least romantic bro I'm not even a girl and I'm offended for a girl why'd you take me here Rex wait let me ask him why'd you take me here let's see what he says to that hashtags I don't speak hashtags it's the weekend cuddle but why would we cuddle here he said it's cold and we got a fireplace to warm me up bro you are something else oh my gosh I can't believe I'm exposing my friend right now this guy is a whole different breed I'm just gonna tell him that's so romantic ah I feel like spec needs like a girlfriend because I know he has been single for so long and I think he'll appreciate me raising her up for him bro did you guys just hear that he doesn't know I'm still at my desk and I'm literally listening to his conversation and I think wait he's talking to me now hold on what is he saying I want you to stay here okay I'm just gonna tell him okay is he gonna actually call up spec or something and bring him over here what is wrong with him he said I'll be right back no way no way he's that down bad he's getting somebody else to be even more down bad for him there he goes back joined the game I think I might as well just start calling him wait he's gonna add him to our call what the heck yo spec what do you want I found you a new girlfriend I did not trust you with girlfriends last time you did that it turned out to be a man I do not trust you follow me dude okay wrecked way this is gonna be so embarrassing for spec and Rector once they find out the truth why are you so fat I'm surprised this boat can even pulled you Jazzy dude I get that you like my banana boat so much but calm down okay since we're here now let's go up here and this is a girl that I want to introduce you to let me tell him hi see what spec does with that dude she looks 12. why are you introducing to me what it doesn't even look 12 what are you she looks slow she says uh uh hi uh you're basically also like one said oh girl she's an Ooh Girl like uh hi this is that what you want wrecked way how old are you I knew it she's a new woo girl I'm trolling them so hard right now I just told spec and Rex might just asked me how old am I I'm gonna just say 21. face swag she's not underage what who who dresses like that and it's 21 okay right away she's underage okay what do you mean she's older than you I'm not gonna fall for the Trap I want to leave you two together so have fun oh it's just me and spec now and he doesn't even know what's coming for him I'm gonna go ahead and tell spec I like his outfit and see how he reacts to that Jazzy she's trying to flirt with me can you come over here I did not want to talk to the 12 year old no uh you know what you just didn't get demon over here he would like this a lot more than me I'm not into this I'm just gonna mess with spec and just start telling him random stuff and be like do you like me ah ah no he said no I'm gonna tell him why not why not I don't believe you're 21. I'm gonna tell him I can show him what is that supposed to mean right away wreck play you come over here she can show you a lot of things I don't even wanna know that is your problem now spec aha I'm gonna ask spec to go on a little date oh it censored it hold on I'm gonna say let's go date oh it censors it hold on he doesn't know what I'm talking about I told him let's go out winky face maybe he'll understand then you know what I'll I'll go out with her just to see if she's a good match with demon okay Jazzy okay okay fine I wonder if spec will get me a gift and be like where is my gift now I'm gonna see if he actually believes it uh uh okay um how do I how do I even give her a gift yes um ow what the heck spec this is how you treat your women he doesn't even know what he did wrong right there um with me to Midtown woman what the heck spec he said come to me to Midtown woman all right let's go spec let's just say uh let's go here let me shoot a good boat for her she's probably a little bit oh no not that one that one's too small for her she's a big one is spec calling me fat oh my God whoa do I really have to drive the boat this guy is so clueless I wonder why he doesn't have any women in his life he's having fun with the Cannons he'd even know I'm roasting him right now so we arrived at Midtown I think Spec's gonna go ahead and lead the way and go give me a fruit I think I wonder what he's gonna give me I'm rolling a fruit right now and I'm gonna teaser let's see let's see let's see wait no that's not the right button wait this is not the roll man where's the roll man racked away oh my gosh okay we're going to the Jungle wait wait gotta Telly woman why is he calling me women they're just saying women what what is wrong with him we're going to your family my family what is it huh I'm just gonna tell him huh in the chat to the Jungle okay oh come on reckley we gotta see your ancestors too that ain't my ancestors okay blocks food gotcha hello okay all right let me roll one random fruits I get day okay rubber fruit she can have it a rubber fruit wait he's gonna give me a rubber fruit OMG for me spec let's see is he actually gonna give it to me look she's all excited she she just wants to the rubber food Jazzy you should give her your rubber fruit nah bro that's all yours oh I'm sorry I'm sorry you're saving that rubber fruit from Mara okay you know what I'll give it to her and I'm Gonna Make Her fetch it because she just wants me for my food here you go okay this is why spec has no women you know what I think it's time to teach spec a lesson and uh that lesson is I'm gonna go ahead and unmute and uh do something that's gonna hurt his little feelings let me just go ahead and store this rubber fruit real quick and uh there we go and let me just go ahead and unmute my microphone yo Rex wait what's up bro what happened yo so I added spec oh you had spec to the call why'd you add spec to the call because we felt like this girl and I thought he would be interested in her you can have her I don't want her you guys found a girl no water either wait wait why are you guys already he has a thing Emma bobber wait shut up shut up both of you shut up I'm trying to figure this out where did a girl come from and what's going on you guys like flirting with the girl or what's the issue here I don't know reckley just finds random girls on the internet I don't know oh that's so weird I just thought that spec was single this whole entire time and you know him he needs a girl in his life so I thought she would be a perfect match for him it's funny that you guys were mentioning talking to a girl and stuff like that and trying to raise up a girl because that's a little weird it's it's weird that you mentioned that because wrecked way I caught you simping and you too spec I am the girl that looks like something I'd buy you a dude this whole time you like dudes get out of my face you have no excuse for your shenanigans wrecked away you shots are about to get out of here bro don't talk to me you guys are getting exposed I'll see you guys on YouTube in a couple of days get me out of here come here yo yo yo if you guys enjoyed this video like it go ahead and leave a like and sub while those monkeys fight in the background catch you guys in the next one peace oh my gosh
Channel: Numberskull
Views: 564,124
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Numberskull, Bloxfruits, Roblox bloxfruits, blox fruit roblox, roblx blox fruits, roblox blox fruit, bloxfruit update, roblox, numbskull, nmbskll, nmbskull awaken, numberskull awaken
Id: Nei6zrXhB7Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 46sec (766 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 12 2023
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