I Awakened RUMBLE to Become OVERPOWERED in Blox Fruits!

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this is the rumble devil fruit delicious tastes expensive and this fruit is used by a guy who calls himself a gun so today we are gonna become him to awaken the rumble fruit but that's not all because we are also gonna need to get his whole staff thing and awaken that as well and we are currently missing two things I think number one his outfit and number two his actual pole thing so to begin with we need to come to the first C and you don't want to know how long it took me to get here just using lightning dashes and now we talk to this guy here called Yoshi again I don't know why there's a Mario character in bloxford so he'll sell us this Tom away ring which I already have and now we have got the immaculate God drift we are ready just kidding we actually need to go all the way to the top of the skylines and now get the pole which would have been amazing to get beforehand as it would have saved me so much time so instead we're gonna have to teleport using our Godly lightning powers which I've somehow already got 160 Mastery part so if I defeat this guy who's like an imposter oh yeah this guy is sus blow him out with lightning I forgot what all my moves do Sky beam okay wait that seems a bit op Rumble dry kind of terrible lightning Dash like that's actually not too bad Sky Thunder [Music] oh wait I'm kind of op and we've currently got 160 mastering we're gonna need 250 to get all the moves and then we can try Awakening the first and to do that we're gonna need the the staff which he did not drop wait just to be sure do I have the staff oh my God I'm stupid I've got the pole yes I have the stick with Mastery 85 as well while I completely forgot okay but now that we've got all the necessary drip we can head all the way back to the first C and begin the grind for Mastery luckily we need less than 100 masteries to get our final move now this devil fruit is really cool but like why is it called the rumble I'm made out of lightning not Rumble and now that I think about it this fruit is OB I'm literally lightning and they've got metal weapons you know what that means the power of conductivity that's right we're fighting with science out here pole attack that did 49 damage that's huge oh I know 58 we're upgrading I think I'm just gonna stick to like hitting these guys with as much lightning as possible because my other moves are just terrible I mean I know these enemies are like 200 levels below me but I feel kind of op let's go see if Stones around stone will be a good test aha Stone you're finished lightning versus Rock lightning works pretty well actually wow I just completely missed my sky baby oh you meant to hit that accurately wait never mind I hit the sky beam I'm like a human stun gun but like way more deadly who is this guy don't you even think about trying to steal my kill or I will end you because I am a God full oh he dying boom Rumble Mastery level up who is this guy with his glowingness you're in the presence of a god you think that's allowed I missed I got Sky beam I missed again I should probably go find some more bosses to defeat because we are only on one eight two Mastery I think we could take down the island Emperor with this fruit but why is she in the floor what is she doing love Awakening question mark what is it what's going on I hope when this fruit awakens I get a better like Dash because it just doesn't go far enough at the moment it's just terrible this is really not easy Dash see that was pathetic the only thing more pathetic than that Dash is the fact that you haven't subscribed yet Rumble dragon Sky Thunder and with that we got the Mastery that we needed and this brought us to 195. honestly that is not good enough we need more oh there's a leopard guy the strongest devil fruit versus mine maybe I could win where are you going leopard guy I'm gonna challenge you with my stupid rings and my stupid little pole you're finished see look he's afraid he's a running where's he even going get back you aren't ready for this boom take this lightning attack just got observation on oh no he's become a furry oh oh oh let's put the guys are not to be messed with I walked into that like a noob oh no oh no oh no Rumble dragon I hit him awaken you're done now leopard guy you're done now where do you think you'll run into high beam my pole wait I just realized my pole does damaged now it's still terrible though I will defeat you get over here oh no oh no quick Rumble attack no I'm so dead I'll hit him with this and then a sky beam boom I got it wait I got finished off by that guy bro I was having my epic God doll using my Rumble powers and then I got destroyed that's so sad well back to grinding that's Mastery 209 and there's mustard two four nine I'm so close okay it's time to go stun a minion with lightning you're done ice cream Chef you might be like 500 levels above me but I don't care Sky beam oh yeah I can see the Mastery now Rumble Dragon where'd he go I didn't realize he'd like that he just did a telepods behind you Mama that was crazy anyway he's done Rubble Dragon he is still alive what hang on Sky beam yes Rumble Mastery 250 which means we've got the final move wait I need to find a worthy group of enemies to test out thunderbomb on like this just sounds like it's gonna do damage I can already tell this area over here is perfect I see so many enemies you you you over there you also over there despite the fact that I'm made out of literal lightning they can still hit me but how about a thunderbomb oh my God I'm charging it up I just wait I did not why is it over there I thought I was charging it up but nothing happened attempt number two why is the cooldown so long bro I could have killed all of these enemies seven times in the time this cooldown's going down okay here we go Thunder bomb take this boom oh wow all the damage okay this fruit is really cool I like the power of giant electric balls it's too op but now that we've got the rumble Mastery we can try and awaken all of its moves and for this one I can sacrifice a smoke fruit and this should be good enough so if we go normal and then it's all the way on the last page you have Rumble there it is trade boom we got a key now this first Awakening move that I got better be actually op because I am so weak right now I didn't even take out that guy okay I did not want to have to do this so early but thunderbomb wait the enemies are dead I missed I was so anti-climactic I think we might be able to manage getting through all of these weak enemies but the boss is gonna be the real issue and also these little spiky boys they're gonna be a big issue as well Island number two wait oh this looks familiar I swear this is like somewhere else in the game right they've just copy pasted this straight into the raid and like yep now fight against all the enemies here which I will gladly do with my brand new move this move has a lot of stuns actually which makes sense because I am made out of lightning wow I'm actually more Bill different than I thought Rumble dragon again see look at that basically insta kill oh that guy's made out of lightning too bad too cleared only three more to go you know what I'm a literal God right now I don't need to fight with these enemies down there they're too weak for me I'll just stay up here like Batman look at them trying to reach me but they just can't Island number four and I've already beat wait should be illegal how did he stun me I'm lightning that makes no sense how are you hitting me your name is shocker and I'm literal lightning like his electricity should be weaker than mine so like how's he hurting I don't need sleep I need answers maybe he has hockey that's the only logical explanation I can think of but I guess we'll just keep on fighting these guys and then we'll get to the final Island there it is the final Island and there's a giant Axolotl swimming over there kind of cursed to look at but this is where we're gonna fight the fake God you know this is like God 2.0 over here oh no oh no can I even make it I got sniped by a random guy where's the boss I don't even see him yet you're an improved version of me Rumble Master that'll be me by the end of this video he's not used anything crazy just yet honestly this guy seems pretty easy and there we go his minions defeated wait this guy's light work so much for being a rumble master I hear like a giant rumbling noise being crushed bro this lightning ball is way bigger than mine I need it thunderbomb mine's still pretty cool though but it's definitely not as cool as his was congratulations you complete the raid it is time mysterious entity I have arrived do you wish to work in your Z foot yes sir my new move lightning Beast you did pretty good in there maybe you're talking down to like you're not witnessing a God right now the only way to test out my brand new move is on the boss himself there's the boss I don't think he's ready to see this lightning Beast I mean even I'm not ready to see I haven't even seen it yet here we go boss you're finished lightning Beast oh that was pretty cool seemed a bit anticlimactic though maybe because there's like a giant Buddha in the way so I can't actually see what it's doing let's see I'm gonna jump up into the sky oh I've got like lightning on my fist boom Oh wait that's actually sick it's got like kind of average damage though but I like it and that's only the first one so I'm super curious like are we gonna get even more damaging moves the more we go let me awake and why is the raid not complete oh this straggler yes it's time my next move show me the damage Ascension do you wish working your F ability for 2K that's kind of rubbery but sure my new move is called electric Flash how can I teleport further now I want to go to that chest swap what that wasn't even close charged you oh it has charges no charges left give me a Charged game we get three teleports me like it but the true test can we electric charge into someone and do damage like surely right I'm traveling through them as Lightning it only makes sense here I go I'm scouting the area where are the enemies there's one I need a new enemy that one's already dead found one electric flash wait actually this damage I didn't think that was gonna happen oh best travel move in entire game Funk just kill them with a lightning headbutt I gotta try and do that again okay we're gonna thunder bomb and then when the damage is going crazy wait what I didn't have any charges okay hang on attempt two take some damage for me real quick blacksmith all right here we go funk that's actually so good I feel like this fruit has really good potential like you're made out of lightning you could teleport multiple times you can stun people you're a God like in part time this is pretty cool however as I'm starting to use this through more and more I'm thinking of one giant problem that might cause this fruit to be like terrible what happens when I try and attack a rubber fruit user like no way it's like the anime I gotta test that at the end of this video I refuse to believe it like I can electric Dash into people's skulls so a puny little rubber user isn't gonna stand a chance one more rate later and we can get our next move greetings mortal give me my X ability three thousand fragments okay we're in business now it's now called thunderstorm honestly seems like it's gonna be pretty good and once again the best way to test it is gonna be on the bus himself now with a name like thunderstorm costing 3 000 fragments if I don't literally change the weather I'm actually gonna be kind of disappointed so here we go take this boss oh I'm charging up thunderstorm but he covered it up with his own cool move I couldn't even see it all right it's off cooldown here we go here we go thunderstorm boom oh wow but that's really fast I summoned those clouds away I need to see that again I'm gonna use the move and then look straight up here we go I actually do change the weather Cloudy With A Chance Of Death I like that that's cool thunderstorm it literally does as the name says be like however I don't think it's gonna be as good as our upgraded Sky beam because at the minute it's kind of small so I wonder are we just gonna get like a huge beam Dash attack still my favorite Dash lightning Beast so cool congratulations I can spend more money now okay mysterious entity how much you gonna rob me for this time 4K say less Sky judgment that sounds so edgy I like it we are straight up becoming the god of cringe with all of these moves but let's sacrifice another spring fruit and take on the rumble raid again because then we'll get our next move which is gonna be oh maybe a final move it might finally be time to become a God that's what I'm talking about so what does Sky judgment actually do let's see test it on that guy Bonk oh it's like a better version of the other one but it's not like a complete beam honestly I kind of prefer the other one like that one just summons some lightning the other one was like a lightning column and with this final mob complete my Ascension to being a god it's done I've done it mysterious entity give me my final move please don't be too expensive 5K for my V ability not enough fragments oh you're kidding me fine blocks fruits you win again 2 000 fragments are quiet and now we can Ascend boom we've got our final move called Thunderball destruction now I got hit Square in the face with that when I first did the raid so that I just know this move is gonna be good but next up we gotta awaken the pole to the second form and to do that when I ate the rumble fruit I actually figured out exactly how I need to do that and uh my super accurate game knowledge says that I need to get the pole to 180 Mastery have fully awakened the rumble through and then we need to beat the Thunder God again honestly that's too easy for somebody like me oh wait fruit detected as a God I need to find every fruit I can get we're going fruit hunting imagine we come over here and find this devil fruit and it's another Rumble fruit that'd be so good I'm trying to manifest it into existence that person Sonic how do they do that straight up sliding okay the fruit should be like somewhere over on this side of the map I'm feeling lucky it's over here somewhere I can smell it oh we're getting close we're getting real close it's gonna be under like one of these trees surely right over here where is it further over here aha I found it what is it that is definitely not a rumble fruit ew disgusting well we need to get 100 more Mastery to get Paul V2 now then it's time to test out this insane pole damage explosive Cloud I missed here we go here I go I got this big damage boom 87 that's huge this pole is actually kind of crazy wait I can try my new move Thunderball destruction look at the light I'm holding it up I look like I'm about to stomp on something let's go boom 5.1 K damage yo I like this new mirror I like it a lot but the only lampris go okay come on this is gonna be big big please get to 150 150 150 130 okay we're close only a couple more bus kills and one tragedy later I'm on 160 miles wait it doesn't look right why is my bar like full but not full well either way I'm on 160 so 20 more Mastery to go and then we can go and get pole V2 okay Queen I don't think you're ready we're going into Mortal Kombat 180 damage I should really change my stats but I'm stubborn I'm fighting this the hard way that's right 800 damage okay right we should probably just throw some thunderballs and stuff in there just in case and then try and get the final hit oh she's dying fast this has never happened before usually takes me like 20 minutes to kill her oh my God it's still risky for me though I keep thinking I'm that guy but I'm just not that guy where'd she go where'd she go I gotta get some hits let me get some hiss no I didn't get any Mastery well we gotta go find a new boss another successful K Queen later we're a 196 which is way more than enough and we also got a new move called lightning rain which does like a terrible version of what our awakened fruit does but now we can go and get Paul V2 and I think the way that we get it is we actually have to go back into a raid and we have to like beat the raid guy again because that's the only Thunder God I know unless we have to go back to the first C maybe we'll start by just like trying to do the raid again because maybe that'll be the way I get the pole also it just gives me a chance to try all my new cool moves I just do so much damage now compared to the start okay Thunder God round two wait actually no hang on isn't this like round seven around six I've beat him that many times I've just lost count but this time it's gonna actually be an even match because we have the exact same moves oh here he comes he's spawning in I've got a giant Thunderball with your name on it boss boom 13k damage you know something light where is he going I'm not feeling the fill in the water Sky judgment boom lightning rain gotta use my new pole as well 109 damage huge when you've got two giant glow sticks doing all the fighting for you this just becomes really easy you know what I'm gonna leave all the fighting to those guys because the only God I see up here is me where did this guy come from no no please no please I missed how do I keep missing my attacks on this guy this is the true final boss there he goes okay right I finished the raid all right please show me where I need to go hello awakened man wait what oh my God I'm in like a new where am I I'm in space hello Thunder God I have arrived give me Paul V2 what do you need would you like me to teach you about Paul V2 5K I mean I've got to buy even more fragments but sure now that I spent all my Robux teach me bought pole second form for 5K okay that's all well and good but like how do I leave do I just jump wait I gotta get my new pole on at least before I jump there it is a legendary sword here I go I just jumped where am I oh no was this a mistake there's no floor am I just falling like infinitely oh no I might have made a mistake oh I'm totally fine nothing to worry about there but now Begins the grind of the Pole's second form and to do this we need to get 350 Mastery and it's got a pretty unique stabby stab move I like this now I need to use this get Mastery and then we're gonna take down a rubber fruit user just using Rumble so the other poll that I had was doing like 50 damage or something this one wait 28 hang on a second this one's even worse and it's supposed to be the V2 I've been scammed he took 5000 fragments and gave me a worst poll maybe it gets better when I got my first moves on it and also maybe if I had some stats but stats are for weakling I don't need them we'll just use our new awakened rumble or get them low and then we'll just get like the final hit with the pole hello Island Empress get over here she's destroying me can I get some help over here there's Island Empress gone so we got maybe over 100 Mastery in fact we might have even got our first move 125 we're so close to 150 getting the hand of God but also a good way to get some masteries we're being raided the Pirates are raiding the castle on the sea in other words free Mastery yeah and the castle has been saved and I got a grand total of zero Mastery and that's 155 Mastery meaning we've got our first move who can I test this on oh hey this guy's perfect here goes hand of God wait what it did nothing it looked cool though we can also go test it on the water types over here because you know electric is strong against water so this should do damage Fishman Raider here we go hand of God oh it's like a triple hit not bad not great either though I mean it's very hard to tell when I've got literally zero points in Sword this is one of the craziest things I've ever had to do the fee and Cake Queen with a sword like not leveled up is basically impossible but that's 192 Mastery meaning we're getting even closer now I do not understand though why this pole second form needs 350 Mastery like this is some kind of sick joke I don't even know where the boss has gone she's disappeared oh there she is okay give me Mastery and of God Mastery two five eight two seven seven this is absolutely soul draining but we're getting close all that it's gonna take is a few more bus kills like maybe like seven more if I'm being kind probably a lot more and it took so long but I finally got my Awakening which will mean that my pole actually does damage now which is huge so I can use this hand of God and yeah 3K damage bringing me to 290. yay Mastery 300 and one only 50 more to go and we get electric prison plus 328 we're so close I can feel my life draining from me but I'm so close yes 353 three I'm done and my new move electric prison actually pretty good not worth 350 levels though that was absolute agony however now that I've got all this it's time to test Our God versus the rubber fruit like there's no way I lose and what better way to test this than against three rubber free users I don't like my odds three versus one I got this go they don't stand a chance look at them with all the little rubbers and stuff they're all just flying around boom take this light wait what that was perfectly on them okay giant ball of death it doesn't damage them I'm up here lightning Beast wait can my pole damage them at least okay the ball does damage wait this isn't fair I was doomed to fail and there was three of them well at the very least we've got it fully awakened but if you want to see what it took to become a Max Level Phoenix then watch this video on screen right now
Channel: Koopekool
Views: 1,586,116
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: koopekool, roblox, anime, blox fruits, blox fruits rumble, roblox blox fruits, blox fruits rumble awakening, blox fruits rumble fruit, blox fruit, roblox blox fruit, blox fruits race awakening, blox fruits rumble fruit spawn, blox fruits noob to pro, rumble awakening blox fruits, blox fruit roblox, blox fruits roblox, blox fruit rumble awakening, rumble awakening, blox fruits codes, rumble awk blox fruits, blox fruits rumble fruit showcase, rumble blox fruits
Id: rzb4n97cd8U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 32sec (1112 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 23 2023
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