Ultimate Camp Kitchen MkIII - DIY to Biz

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[Music] hey what's going on you guys thank you for joining me once again i'm michael in case this is your first time on the overland bound channel today is a story of a do-it-yourself idea that became a business we're gonna meet dave and parker overland bound members who've thrown everything behind this idea and you guys will see it is freaking awesome hey we have an app if you want to connect with folks like dave parker and our overland bound members worldwide there are 27 000 of us now here to support you because adventure is necessary so head on over to ios and android get the free app connect with the community we'll see you on the trail all right now let's get out there we're gonna meet dave and parker hey you guys what's going on dave and parker thanks for joining me today thank you yeah totally excited to take a look at this um we're about to reveal this pull pull kitchen um and dave and i had a video a while back which i'll i'll link dave and and and parker overland bound members we've known each other for a long time uh you literally built it um in the shade of a tree in your backyard it was actually on the back patio under i didn't have a garage destroyed my back patio for like about three months three or four months right and then um parker how'd you come into the situation here well uh i was also inspiring to build my own diy kitchen yep looking for inspiration and uh found dave's build blog and followed that and then got to the end of it and realized he was thinking about starting a business yeah i had some skills that he needed and we met up at an overland bound yeah you're under you're understating this you have some skills so a little bit beyond a little bit beyond like you know the whole screwdriver why don't you tell us about that before we pull this thing out of here and take a look at the new version yeah so uh i'm a mechanical engineer and i have background in manufacturing and some design work and so yeah took that uh actually modeled up dave's kitchen before seeing it or meeting him uh based on what i could see and we went from there and all right he solved it to the next level he says modeled up he showed up to and he goes can i show you my laptop and i was like what and then he opens it up and then there's the kitchen and it opens and he spins it and i was like when can you meet for lunch so right away so um and the story here just to summarize really is that we did that initial video and you'd talk to other folks and when you started presenting the idea people were like you ha i want one of these how do i get one yeah the response was overwhelming uh there are so many people that were like this would fundamentally change camping because that's what it did for me because i we we have a joke we hate bins like it's our motto yeah because you know you're pulling bins in and out in it in many ways it can ruin the experience you're just spending so much time prepping just to be able to then cook dinner yeah and then you sit down and have dinner and then it's like you know 8 p.m everything's dark and you got to load all the bends back up and so it really changes how uh you interact with it and i think that really touched the nerve with a lot of people saying hey i want to do something like this but i've got no technical skills can you just make one for me right so that's that's kind of the genesis of of our company that we started together called motive design which produces the pull kitchen right on right on it's not but it's not an easy thing to put together is what what we found so you guys started building so you guys created a company to start to start building them because it's hard being able to reproduce that idea is very it's very difficult you can build one but if you if you if you want to build multiple then it's hard and are they easy to build no no nothing they're not they're not easy to design right so without further ado let's let's pull out version what version is this what version would you call this we call this the mark three mark three so it's the mark iii design let's take a look okay [Music] that is gorgeous this is not a coleman grow coleman stove replacement yeah what this is is in it and it's not even just the kitchen what we're really trying to do is tackle a significant portion of the camping experience right because when you go camping you need you've got to deal with like a pantry storage kitchen storage flat space you have burners sink running water water on board power to do the lights and then a cutting board as well so we try to tackle all of that in a 10 second delivery yup you can actually bring the table to eat yeah on which is a novel idea isn't it yeah and so yeah that's that's kind of what we're going after is something that that takes care of a lot of the gear that you you have and allows you to spend more time with your family and that really is a true statement because you think about usually one person stuck doing all the work everybody else is off you know and now you can join the campfire yeah exactly yeah and so you don't have to uh to deal that with that specific aspect anymore so it's more than just like hey this is a sink or a burner the individual components it it really does change how you camp and that's what we're going after talking about first uh the flat space we've got we use coffee table lifts that come up so you can easily reach everything we've got a big storage area in here this is our pantry storage each compartment has a light in it so that you can turn on the lights and then we've got uh very cool you open this up and it gives you the opportunity to use sync with running water the water is eroded packs on the back so we chose rotopak because it's easily to easy to mount we have our own custom cap and water connections things like that and then if you have other rotor packs around your vehicle then you can easily swap it out very cool and then two burners to be able to cook you can get you know decent sized pans on there do what you need to do or one big griddle and then we have a front this is what we call our kitchen storage now um and allows you plenty of space to bring whatever you bring in and we've seen everybody organizes these spaces a little differently yeah and allows you to to put your stuff in and what fits i would probably put i mean this is a uh substantial sizable an entire area an entire costco size toilet paper package will fit into that well so it's basically a warehouse is what you're saying yeah yeah we can get a lot of tp in there we've got a great customer up in washington who he puts his espresso machine in there you know however you want to organize it and and fit it together i would probably do for me i would probably do dry goods kitchen we've added more lines than i had last time i've got two for there's two here for the cooking and dish we've got one that shows you under right underneath here it shows you the propane mount accessibility and then one down at the end so that you can see the ground because if you're uh you know if you're at a campground it's one thing but if you're on the side of a mountain being able to see the rocks and and whatnot around your feet right is really helpful not to right and we actually have a number of color options there's some base colors you can go brush aluminum blue red white but even green you know and does color really help no i mean what we always say is is you don't need a whole kitchen but but you might want one yeah so well and the color options are really nice because most things on the market don't give you a wide range of colors you can even vinyl wrap them and get almost any color under the sun right well some people are going to want to do that right they're going to be like i want this to match my rig what are just some of the the things that you had to had to do to be able to reproduce it you know uh so putting together detailed design yeah beyond just some grid paper no offense dave it was it was what was needed at the time right your paper norios um so we digitized it uh and and from that we learned what all the details of all the specifics how long things needed to be where we could fit certain aspects of things um and making everything a little bit more streamlined uh we actually increased from the original drawer we've increased the volume uh we hid the main slides so you don't actually see the main slides from the outside anymore one of the aspects of hiding the hinge the the main slides is also keeping the grease of the slide off of your shirt obviously over landing off-roading your vehicle is going through a lot of articulation bumps everything so yeah i'm stuck with aluminum framing and then we also added some additional reinforcement plates again from the original design to really stiffen up the drawer try to keep it simple as well yeah like keeping it simple keeps it reliable and one of the design aspects we considered was this is not a permanent installation so usually when you look at different options it's permanently installed and i always wanted the idea i like the idea of getting my truck back yeah like even you know my whole rack comes off and this comes out in three minutes and it's basically a pin and one bolt and and part of that design was to allow a little bit of flex so as the truck bed is flexing down the road or sprinter van or adventure trailer we've had him put in all of those ford econo line it isn't so rigidly tied to the the vehicle that you'll get destroyed by right flexing and things right so you bring up a good point um it's not just for tacomas um or or pickups yeah we have a customer in colorado that put it in a ford econo line and he built a sleeping platform right over the top of it so it pulls out just underneath and uh you know the cooking side of the van sometimes is great but there's a lot of customers that don't want the fumes they don't want the bacon grease yeah things like that so they bring it out the back or the side of a van i had an adventure i i had an adventure wagon with the kitchen on the inside of it and i can tell you that's a mess yeah i no i'm serious i i like i see it and i know people do it and it's like in order to cook inside i think you have to have like the minimum of like a semi trailer um a side thing though this is not necessarily important but every customer has reported that anytime they slide this out they get this whole crowd of people around asking questions and they're like i can't cook because i got all these people so that's been a really really positive experience because we're a small business we you know we formed we're in california we tried to use shop grade on every component not cut corners anywhere yeah and and the price reflects that because we we think it's a premium product and we um uh we'll install it for free or we freight ship it you know all depends on where people are but it's uh we've had global interest which is pretty daunting for a small little company that i think we're up to like 14 countries that have wow that want to buy one and we're like maybe 2021 well let me ask you guys how long realistically how long does it take to to put this together if you guys have all that you know you guys you have your your your mechanical engineering you have your design how long does it take to assemble one of these things for a two-person team or to put one together it's it's about 24 24 to 30 hours yeah and you're and and your team does that right yeah yeah our at our global headquarters in our multiple bare area locations yeah so we are looking obviously soon expanding and trying to get you know uh shop and more employees things like that and yeah and this is just our this is what we call our longitude model and we are working on what we call our latitude model which will be for like suvs so uh okay similar concept just in a different arrangement so that you can put something in for the weekend and then be able to take it out so it doesn't have to live in the back of an suv like a you know jku jeeps or the uh forerunners or land cruisers no i think one aspect of it is that is completely self-contained i think that's a critical design feature of the whole integrated system yeah the battery the onboard water so when you go to take it out there are no wiring or hoses that you have to worry about disconnecting at all yeah just comes out you can put put in your garage we make that we make the joke or the where the you know parnell and i are going to finish the drawer system for the 80. we are going to do that video coming up um uh but we always joke that our current setup though efficient we're a yard sale every time we stop right it's like everything comes out we pull our crates out i've got two boxes for all our kitchen stuff then the kitchen gets you know put on the tailgate blah blah blah this is just yeah you know that's like i have a rooftop tent not everybody likes it right but it for me it fundamentally changed camping where i really enjoyed it and then when i enjoyed it more i went even more and so right now for me like what goes on the ground are my two chairs and a table and that's the only thing that there's no yard sale yeah everything is quick and easy and when changing campsites every night that's a that's a game changer it's a huge deal you know we i always say 10 minutes set up time at the max if you're doing that kind of travel at the max because i like to say 10 seconds no i know i mean this is the opposite end of the spectrum right this is totally the way to go i mean you're set up in no time so all right you guys thanks a lot thanks for coming out here hanging out with me showing me the new the new pool kitchen that's awesome we'll see what else you guys come up with you guys um don't get our app if you want to connect with people like dave and parker talk to other overlanders um overlandbound1 ios and android go pick it up all right see you guys thanks thank you thank you [Music] you
Channel: Overland Bound
Views: 202,317
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: camp kitchen, overlanding, overland bound, pull kitchen, adventure travel
Id: ndxZpUcGo_g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 34sec (934 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 13 2020
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