Laying the subfloor of our Campervan

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so today the carpet's coming out for me at least this has been the scariest part because I don't know what's under it I don't know what we're gonna find I know that the floor doesn't heat water chilly but I've already found a small hole behind the wheel well hold up on it all right yeah it's a little weird in the book it gets a little weird without waiting so you got to think so what else you make in your wood at it right yeah so you got your bad and um [Music] [Music] too [Music] [Music] so one of the first things we wanted to get done before we did the floor was put sound bending on the wheel wells since this thing's been in full Tin Can mode it is incredibly loud on the inside and I wanted to do my best to try and quiet it down as much as possible yeah [Music] okay so it's a bit Patchwork but it's okay because we're never gonna see it is kill Matt I'll put the link in the description got most of the gaps got it laid down pretty well and hopefully it makes a difference so there was a lot of back and forth about what we wanted to do for the floor as far as insulating and plywood went we could have done foam we could have done cork rollout board we could have done pieces of foam but we ended up upon a bunch of research and looking around that we didn't want to bother filling in the ribs of the metal floor with any foam or plywood or anything we decided to go with three quarter inch housing foam so it's meant for floors or walls or otherwise it's got a pretty good insulating value but this span was never meant to be Four Seasons so we weren't super super concerned with the installation we just wanted it to be comfortable and warm good about it five times measure at least three and then cut yeah I'm usually about a thousand times yeah to the point where I'm not really sure what I'm thinking about it yeah throw all this foam stuff well it's for baseball sitting right right four walls I suppose as far as the plywood went we just bought standard half inch sheets of plywood we were thinking about going with three quarter inch or maybe 5 8 but we decided that half inch was going to save us the most amount of Headroom while being the most sturdy and the pieces are big enough but they aren't going anywhere oh yeah yeah that's about there yeah so if you can't get to here like that and you could cut a new one true we've got lots of stuff left over yeah right yeah fish yeah yeah so yeah it's all right so then we'll go oh yeah we'll cut it right it's all the way down here straight on that line two here well I mean I know I guess yeah we don't really know like uh off that the one argument for a front mounted spare tire is that this door will be able to open all the way because some of these have spares mounted on the front yeah and I can see why they did that I mean this is a liver size because this is a full-size spare it's not supposed to have a full size skirt [Applause] [Music] screw this together in case it doesn't fit yeah I mean I'm kind of of that persuasion with most things going into this van it's pretty cool it could all be taken apart if it needed to right put some more frames so the nine inches is where the top it's about an inch above the window this window on both sides yeah and the mattress will be wherever it is yeah I think that'll work good this site's good I think yeah I think so it doesn't need to be any higher or lower no I think that's plenty high enough and that leaves lots of room for like plenty for a drawer because the drawer is not going to sit super yeah so the drawer we have for this your kitchen your kitchen thing can fit in anywhere in here so you've got about 18 inches or that little less yeah that's lots and that's where because it'll fit underneath the frame when you leave a little bit like there'll be a quarter inch or something for something to slide on or move so it doesn't hit anything yeah just uh if you went four feet that's there it doesn't give you much of a hole in the front I think three would probably be three it's not a bad I think that would be all right I guess it's it's as long as there's like like that's our countertop right so three bucks three by like is there anything else on here on your countertop or is it just is there a sink on it no just everything sits on top of that yeah so like a basically like a stove which may or may not be either a regular propane stove like we have or we'll get a single burner deal yeah um and then it just the whole thing just countertops so that'll that'll all sit on top of the pretty high we can always drop some part of it down I think the it wasn't needing to be that high like the idea was that it was there's all this space for stuff to come out that way but the actual kitchen top part was like like Yay right like 12 24 maybe you're gonna put it under oh yeah yeah and then that would be its own slide out that comes out like that basically it's 24 so maybe a little less and then um about how high are you right now like door waste so like that high and then stuff on top would it would be a different thing on top or nothing on top or whatever right okay when we got to cutting up the plywood we had a lot of decisions to make we had to figure out how we wanted to lay it out uh that would make the most sense so you'll soon start to figure out that the back half of the van is going to be covered towards the back doors so what we decided to do was to cut up two pieces and lay them side by side this way as you'll start to see here there will be one solid piece of wood as you walk in the sliding door and then any of the cuts or separations between the pieces of plywood that would be hidden under other things and not create as much of a disruption when it came to flooring or any of the siding or nosing or anything that we went to go put on so foreign [Music] [Music] so we've got some sound ending on the wheel wells now and as you can tell I'm not I'm not shouting anymore quite noisy it's all engine noise now so you don't hear the tires and the road noise and the brakes and everything locking back there between that and having a layer of hits away I don't I'm not surprised but it's just neat to see it so foreign [Music] carpet was not when I had my sub 4 in [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: In Over Our Heads
Views: 177
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: dOKl2KHLz-k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 52sec (592 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 10 2022
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