Building a 270 Degree Truck Awning!! No Welding!

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what's up guys welcome back to the channel y'all asked for it so i built it this is my diy 270 degree awning today i'm going to show you guys how to build it all right super excited to share this build with you guys worked really hard on it and i think it's my best one yet this build requires no sewing no welding it will fit any vehicle with a standard crossbar roof rack and i spent less than two hundred dollars so i'm really really excited about this project now in the last video we built this little camp chair if you haven't seen that go check it out and i also announced the giveaway of this chair i'm going to extend the deadline for those that are watching this video so if you want to be a part of the camp chair giveaway i'll have a link in the description below so y'all be sure to hit like hit subscribe go enter the giveaway and with all that said let's get into this video all right guys welcome back to the shop we're about to jump into this build now one thing you're going to notice right away especially if you watch the video on the first awning is we're going to be using a lot of the same methods and techniques for this 270 awning we have our aluminum angle that we're going to use for our c channel we're going to be building another big bpc channel for this we got our mr long arm paint poles we're going to be using and then we've got the same roll of uh heater hose show you that little trick in a little bit so if you haven't seen the first video that i put out on that one definitely go check that out we're going to be doing a lot of the same things now the first thing we're going to do is we're going to start working on our big uh eight foot c channel piece now one question i got in the comments of the first video is why didn't you just buy a piece of c channel that fits your needs i tried looking for a piece of c channel locally um they didn't have my size first of all and the closest size the minimum requirement for that to purchase is like a 20 foot piece and it was almost 300 so that was out of the question i also looked online the online prices look pretty good until you go to check out and then the price skyrockets because that's usually going to be a freight shipping charge so we're going to opt for finding everything at the local box store got everything at lowe's just like before we're using uh aluminum angle this is eight foot long inch and a half by inch and a half it's eighth inch thick got two pieces of that and then the only difference between this c channel and the last one is this piece right here we're going to be using a one and a half inch piece of aluminum flat bar that will space these two pieces of angle out so instead of it being three inches wide it's gonna be four and a half inches wide so yeah let's start getting this piece of c channel put together now just like before we're gonna be using an eighth inch thick piece of steel we're gonna cut these in sections of four and a half inches because that's how wide our seat channel is going to be and we're basically going to have we're going to mount these on the back side of our c channel just like we did before to hold all the pieces together and keep it all rigid and we'll also be attaching these big l brackets this is how we'll mount this big piece of c channel to the vehicle so this will also help hold it together all right we got our flat bar cut to four and a half inches we're gonna mount these just like before directly under there and get that riveted up so we'll drill it paint it and then rivet it and uh we gotta do one at a time so you gotta do this one before you can move on to the other ones otherwise your holes might not line up our flat bar pieces all primed and painted about the rivets together and uh mount this thing [Applause] up [Applause] all right we are done simple enough just to touch four pieces of flat bar just riveted those together it's nice and solid this thing is so massive next thing we need to do is we need to move to the pivoting side we're going to build the pivot for this thing if you remember in the first video we did a pivot on each end we're not going to do that we're going to do four pivots all on one side so let me show you how we're going to do that [Applause] [Music] now we're going to take our five inch quarter 20 thread and run it through all these the only thing else we need to do is we need to space these out evenly i cut some sections of this rod like we did in the first video cut some sections of rod to put in between each piece to space it all out [Applause] so starting with the washers gonna start with three washers and then we'll do a washer one of our spacers another washer conduit repeat this process there we go porsche on the end lock nut boom there we go [Music] all right so before we move on we need to cut a piece out of the back of our c channel so that this bottom piece can rotate all the way around so we can get 270 degrees it's nice all right we got our pivot all set up this looks really good now if you've seen my previous video you know exactly what we're about to do but i'll explain it if you haven't seen that video now we're going to have four poles that run the length of our c channel that will deploy our awning and the reason we have these pieces here is that when you go to open up your awning your poles will open up like this and you need to be able to set the poles on the ground as you're setting up your awning so it's going to want to drop like that if it was attached here something would end up breaking so we're going to do is we're going to take this which is just a short section of heater hose that i found at lowe's it's just the perfect diameter this stuff bends so we're going to do is we're going to have this attached to each one of our pieces here and then the other end is going to attach to our pole that way the hose bends and doesn't break off this pivot piece so yeah it's just a super cheap simple solution use it with my other awning and it works perfectly and i've had no issues with this so yeah we're going to cut up several pieces of our heater hose we'll attach it to our conduit and then we'll attach it to each pole the reason i'm using these paint poles is just because they're aluminum they're really light you could also use just a piece of conduit cut it eight feet but i want to try to make this thing as light as possible one thing i forgot to mention if you're using these paint poles is we're going to remove all these collars off each pole we don't need them for what we're doing all right let's test this thing out i have all the poles shortened up right now this top one will pivot the least line there about there this one comes and this one will pivot all the way 270 degrees just like that dude this is going to be perfect really happy with this all the pieces will just fall back all right i got it mocked up on the vehicle i'm just measuring where my crossbars are so that i can amount that l bracket to our c channel all right let's get these guys mounted up so got the structure of the awning all laid out so you can see what that looks like so now i'm working on figuring out the fabric for this particular build now my finished product i'm going to be using a rip stop material but before i do that i'm going to use i'm going to build this thing out of tarp material that you can get from lowe's or home depot just a cheap tarp the reason i'm doing that there's two reasons first reason i know a lot of people out there just they like to build these out of tarps it's cheap easy and you don't have to mess with the sewing machine the other reason i'm using tarp first is because if i have some kind of design flaw i'd rather figure it out before spending a lot of money on nicer material so i'm about to get the tarps laid out i'm using two different size tarps for this i'm using a 15 and a half by 11 piece that goes this way and then over here i'm using a piece that's 9 foot by 11 so i think that should cover it just fine so let's get all that laid out [Music] all right i want to pause the video right here real quick i know some of you guys are probably judging me for using tarp and duct tape for this project but i wanted to stop and i wanted to run a few experiments on how strong this tarp and duct tape is since i'm going to be upgrading mine to rip side fabric i don't really care a whole lot about this but i wanted to show you guys especially those that want to resort to this cheaper cheaper option so we're going to run a little experiment i got four different pieces of tarp material the first one is just a butt joint so we got the fabric hooded up and then we have it taped on both sides so yeah let's see how strong this is i'm just gonna pull on it from each side and see how hard it is to separate this [Music] oh my gosh that's not coming apart so the butt joint that's really strong the next one is the tarp is overlapped so we have it taped here and then on the backside it's taped right here so it's kind of offset [Applause] dang i thought this one would break for some reason i thought this one might come apart so there you have it the two uh gorilla tape options with the poly tart that is super strong it is not coming apart and i was curious if you could sew this material and if so how strong is it so i've got one that is just one a single stitch down this edge oh yeah well i started at the top so it did it failed kind of at the top and split down but still pretty strong it took a lot of effort to tear that apart and then this final piece i have a double stitch just like that i'll show you what across that's really strong yeah you can see it separating at the where the stitches are but that is still super stout but dang i'm really uh really surprised by this tape this stuff this is really interesting i thought that this was going to be a lot weaker than it is all right back to the video so we have it taped along our c channel to hold that in place and then right there we have the two tarps that came together tape that up so the next thing i'm gonna do is i'm gonna start making those adb cuts all the way around just like that i'm gonna use this two by four to mark straight lines what i think i'm going to do is i'm just going to use some gorilla tape i'm going to tape out the lines first and then cut along the tape that way the tarp doesn't fray i think you could actually use a torch to cinch the ends to keep it from fraying but i'm not going to end up doing that let's start marking our our edges and start cutting this out got it all cut out i think this looks really good i think it's time to get it on the car and see how it does since this isn't a freestanding awning i'm just going to be using this half inch conduit to hold it up i'll eventually upgrade this to the adjustable paint poles the same ones i use for the build so i can adjust the height of them from four feet to eight feet depending on what i want to do but i'm still kind of testing things out right now so we're being cheap so what i did was i flattened the end of this cut a little key out and that fits in the end of the paintball so let's get it opened up and test this thing out [Music] [Music] all right that's all there is to it [Music] all right i'd love to know what y'all would do differently but check it out this actually looks pretty good got about six to eight inches of clearance got plenty of clearance over the doors you know how concerned you all were about that in the first video but yeah this looks pretty good i actually thought we're gonna have a whole lot of sag in the material but the great thing about these poles is that if it is sagging somewhere you can just tighten that up and it'll just kind of flatten out i just made some little tape pockets for each pole and using that gorilla tape look how much space there is under here this is awesome on this back side i just have it pulled and attached to our roof rack back here with some straps but man yeah i'm actually really happy with this now like i said i'm not going to keep the tarp material i'm going to switch it out for some rip stop material i just don't think this is going to hold up very well over time but if you're looking for something that's easy and relatively cheap to replace this might be your option all right guys the last thing we need to talk about is the cover so let's get this thing packed up and i'll show you guys the cover that we're gonna use for this build [Music] [Applause] wow all right there's a time when doing it yourself makes sense and there's a time when it doesn't i actually purchased this online for much cheaper than i could have built it for and it's a lot better quality this is actually an arb touring replacement cover i just have the cover flipped around so that you can't see the arb logo on this thing i bought it for about 45 dollars and that included shipping it's just a lot cheaper it's built a lot better than than i could have done it but yeah i'll link this in the description below really easy to just slip on but i'm not gonna lie with the tarp material this thing is a really really tight fit it is pretty tough to get it in here so i think once i switch over to the rip stop material it'll fit a lot nicer just because that material so much thinner but really happy to know that it does work but yeah this thing looks really good i think it's going to work really well really happy with it all right guys i hope you have enjoyed this build like i said i am going to be upgrading this awning with actual ripstop material so y'all be looking out for that yo be sure to like subscribe hit the notification bell so you can be notified for future videos also let me know if there's a project you'd like to see me tackle we'll see in the next video
Channel: Patrick Remington
Views: 648,319
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: nlBSYIvfKC4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 38sec (1298 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 20 2020
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