We Build an Overland Toyota Tacoma in 4 days | Price Breakdown

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how's it going everyone welcome back to the  tacomabeast channel where as you know it's   all about the taco in today's video we're going to  be building robert's truck, robert is the winner   of the tacomabeast experience giveaway, today  i'm here with nate we're at cbi's headquarters   and we're gonna try to do it in hopefully  five days, that's the hope parts are gonna   be flying we can't wait to get this truck  fully built with all these awesome parts   we're also gonna give a rundown of all the specs  and features and pricing so it'll be pretty sweet   i'm excited it's going to be awesome now we just  have to wait for robert to get here and we can   get started robert's here, you guys want to  go say hi? let's go say hi, he made it meet   the man! got a call from the lady hey you won the  tacoma beast experience giveaway. i'm like no way   no i didn't enter no raffle, yeah you entered  automatically by buying those headlights   oh is that what you bought? the headlights oh so  you bought the headlights without even knowing   that like yeah no no i didn't i didn't know  anything like that and then i just got the call   well you are the winner for the tacoma beast  experience like what i'm like no way she's like   yeah you are the winner we're gonna completely  build your truck i was like NO WAY! like you   were like that's a spam are you kidding me  like yeah you won are you excited she was   like "yeah you won, are you excited?" oh my god  hell yeah i'm excited what are you talking about   as we were planning out his build i told him i was  like hey man do you mind not doing it on the week   of march 9 and because it's my birthday right so  i really wanted to take at least that day off and   he goes dude are you serious because that's my  birthday and i'm like you got to be kidding me   your birthday is on my birthday we're twinning  yeah we're twinning on birthday too? lets gooo! for his birthday no you did not no you did not   you're so crazy dude hey that's the  least i ca do for you man. well dude   let's get your truck inside the install bay  and let's get working on it man i'm excited   we can take a couple shots too look at me they're  going to think i'm an alcoholic, with all this   beer. bf goodrich came in clutch they're  sponsoring the winner originally they were   sponsoring him with some ko2s and when it came  time to coordinating the build they reached out   to me they're like dude they're out of stock do  you think the winner's gonna want km3s i was like   dude absolutely man so they totally hooked them  up i was actually thinking of trying to see if   i can pay the extra money out of my pocket so  i can get the km3s because i wanted some mud   terrain tires because my truck already had ko2's  and i wanted some more aggressive look on that truck all right the truck is in the shop we have a lot  ahead of us with us today is kenny he's going to   be helping us out with the build along with  steve what do we have on the list? well first   of all we got to get this truck ready to put  bumpers on it in order to do that we got to cut   all the body panels remove a couple bumpers  the grill get it all ready for the bumpers   and once we get that done we'll  go ahead and install the bumpers all right so kenny and steve are done prepping  the front of the truck now it's time to start   cutting what do you guys use as a reference point  in order to mark it so that it has a nice perfect   line that matches the bumper right sure all right  so here's what we do first thing you do is you you   look at this bolt here and we just come up about  an inch from there we make a mark and from there   you're going to want to set  your tape right at that mark   we come straight around to where the  valance was and just follow that line and there's your line that you want to cut to it's  time to cut the front and back bumper this is when   it really gets exciting this is where a lot of  people get scared but once you start cutting   it in and you add that front bumper high clearance  rear bumper it all makes sense it looks incredible   now that we got the front taking care of kenny  what are some of the reference points for the back   yeah sure so this can be a little bit  nerve-wracking but as long as you got the   measurements right we'll get you covered so what  you want to do is you want to come down best place   to go from is just where the the bed cap meets  here come down 20 and a half inches is where   you're going to want to make your mark so 20 and  one half okay that's going to be your first mark   then we're going to come around here on the inside  of the wheel well you'll see this first bolt here   you're going to want to go from the center of that  bolt and come up exactly five inches from that   bolt head and that's going to be your second  mark nice and then you just align from there   you just line up those two lines and that's  going to give you your template for the cut so   it's morning of day two we just walked in and  the cbi team was working on installing the cbi   overland bedrack now it's time for  us to mount the wheels and tires it's time to kick robert out he has seen  enough and it's essential for him to see   the tacoma completely built out get that  total surprise factor here are the keys to   my truck go explore uh idaho falls it's got  a supercharger so treat it awesome have fun i'm just not a big fan of those chrome tail lights   or headlights and with everything cbi being black  i really started to be like man we gotta get   our headlights on the truck and with the sequence  that it has he has to experience that it's gotta   be part of the build so immediately i got my  team and i was like hey let's ship out some   headlights let's ship out some tail lights let's  make it happen let's make this truck look sweet justin just finished installing the tail  lights now we're gonna lift the truck up   we're gonna install the skid plates and then  from there i will be installing the headlights all right so the skid blades have been  installed how is robert going to benefit   from the skid plates yeah so skid plates are  awesome robert's from california he's going   to be bajan across the desert and there's lots  of rocks the skid plates are going to protect   the belly of the beast right so um you're going  you have a full aluminum skid plate first off   super light it's gonna take any hit from rocks  boulders whatever it is that he encounters out in   the desert he still has the opportunity to change  his oil his oil filter here and his oil there with   quick access points which makes it way easy and  of course the skids go all the way to the back   here now let me ask you this nate i've noticed you  guys have a bunch of holes here what are those for   why not just make one solid skid yeah so through  customer feedback we got this this awesome idea   that we needed to create some drainage points  in the skids and here's why robert's out in the   desert it's a rainy season he's got to cross a  wash of water a lot of times that water is thick   you know with mud and stuff like that and it'll  come up over the skin and it'll create a suction   down to the ground which affects your traction  and your ability to keep forward momentum and   get out of the water so this allows it to not only  drain create some airflow both ways but it also as   you come out of the water it's going to release  all the crud and dirt and mud on the top side   and then you're carrying less weight right  we've we've pulled skids down where we had   a hundred pounds of dirt i've done that was that  yours i've done that no i don't think it was mine   but i've done that yeah yeah so it just helps  all around so we've incorporated those front to   back robert's gonna love this i mean let's say  he's cresting over a hill and just really bangs   this hard maybe he's in moab on the red rocks  we have incorporated a full crossbar this piece   right here is a separate piece goes frame to frame  and it fully supports the rear of the skid plate   so that that won't crush in and by this point you  know on this break over says in moab on a rock   ledge he's going to have most of the weight on  the vehicle right at this point so we don't want   that to bend we don't want it to flex we don't  want anything to damage his ability to get out   of wherever he's at you heard that robert you're  gonna be fully protected what about for the back   so yeah uh another key area is the gas tank skid  plate so the factory skid plate i don't know if   you saw this on your tacoma i saw it on mine  but one hit and that thing was mangled oh yeah   i mean it's just really light duty so this  is going to be huge for robert as well again   as stuff's kicking off the front tires you  know logs there's some logs and stuff down   in some of those washes in california out on the  desert it's going to protect this skid plate and   provides armor front to back and a slide skid  right so again if he's in moab or climbing over   a rock ledge this is going to help slide him  over it and then down through to the rear tires all right now it's time for us to see if   these headlights work and if  i connect with them properly we got justin working on the power supply he's  installing an s-pod so we can connect all the   light bars for once they're ready we got josh  up at the top he's working on the prinzu design   uh roof rack he's gonna be installing it soon   steve what are you working on i'll put the tire  carrier tire carrier on and we got kenny over here   jerry cans! putting on the jerry  cans that uh robert decided he wanted   to add on to the build yeah really cool we got  one, two, three, four, five men working in that's   cool all right the high clearance rear bumper has  been installed with the dual swing arms one of my   favorite products let's talk about it man how is  robert going to be able to take advantage of this   thing oh robert's going to love this i mean the  dual swing arm with the high clearance rear bumper   is like the ultimate tacoma accessory first off  looking at the bumper you have protection from   the whole back side clear to the rear wheel well  which is awesome you have not only added ground   clearance here but you can just beat the tar out  of this thing whatever you need to do that's what   it's there for it's got a fully integrated support  that goes back to the frame right off the front   here so this just like your rock slider is going  to be able to support the weight of the vehicle   if you come down off of a ledge boom it's going  to take the weight put a little mark in there   a little trophy mark whatever you want to call  it you're ready to roll let's go to the back to   my favorite part on this bumper the dual swing  out yeah let's talk about the swing arms here   so again you know a big thing with over landing  is making your truck super versatile it needs to   have all the ability to do whatever you need it  to do in the moment whatever you're faced with   the dual swing arms provide that they provide  opportunity to carry lots of gear whether it's   you know if i flip that open you have a fold down  table here for cooking camping that sort of thing   carry a full-size spare you know off of that arm  you can run another table if you want you can run   fuel water high lift jack you can really set it up  to carry whatever you want and that's going to be   a huge advantage for robert let's say he's out in  the desert let me just flip that up really quick   put the tailgate down open your fold down table  and he can set this area up for whatever he wants   to do however he wants to camp out of this however  he wants to carry his gear he's got the ability to   do it and that's the benefit of a dual swing arm  and the high clearance rear bumper we did it on   the pony express and we had a blast man having  the ability to just put things around you know   make him work to you it was incredible yeah i love  it makes a huge difference makes a huge difference   the other thing that's pretty cool too is um you  know he's gonna have the ability to use his camera   we're gonna move this camera we have a mount that  bolts in right here so he's still gonna have use   of his factory reverse camera so it's not an  aftermarket camera it's the factory one it's   gonna show up just as it should on his dash check  this out oh yeah plus you can tow still which i i   do a lot of towing so that's a really nice feature  to have that hitch in there still have the ability   for that your your chain hooks there your uh mount  seven pin or four pin right there plus you can use   a bumper for recovery i mean it's got the built-in  recovery points fully bolted to the frame and you   know this thing's just gonna hold on oh yeah  tightening up the last bolt on the headlight   this is just cleaning up the paint so we got  a good surface for the ground on this pod we just got the main power to the s pod um we  got our ground over here nice and tight secure   we just got our uh power lead off the battery  a couple zip ties and this will be a done deal justin has finished installing the s-spod we  got steve and kenny working on the front bumper   i'm gonna go ahead and start working on  installing our tacoma beast bed decal once we've heated the decal it's a lot easier  to remove it comes right off if you heat it   just enough it leaves no residue or that  sticky surface behind it just comes right out all right so kenny and steve are done prepping the  front now it's time to install the front bumper we got josh and zach they're working on  the prinsu roof rack they're assembling   it right now steve is finishing up the front  bumper but it's basically installed and right   now kenny and justin are working on setting up  the cvt tent one of my favorite tents out there   the heretic light parts are going to get installed  and i'm just really happy that they're sponsoring   this build i love supporting that company  they're made in the usa we've used them all   over the country we use them out in the pony  express and they just lit up the night when we   were out there trying to find our camp spot it was  incredible i love the light output that they have the front bumper has been installed nate tell me  man how's robert really going to be able to take   advantage of this bumper well robert's going to  be stoked i mean he's got a full front bumper   aluminum so it's super lightweight he's not  adding really any significant amount of weight   honestly most of the weight is coming from the  winch you know as far as additional weight gain so   really cool bumper all aluminum of course he has  the light mount for the heretic 20-inch light bar   which would be really nice he's got the worn winch  so he can get himself out of any sticky situation   you know recovery tabs uh of course the fog lights  mounted here and these actually take the stock fog   lights right yeah yeah so of course we hooked them  up with the great heretic lights the quattros but   yeah you can mount your factory fogs as well  super usable bumper plus it gives you a lot   of added clearance and protection and i know you  used yours tell us about what happened on youtube   express you know you're enjoying yourself you know  we're going on the trail we didn't see there was a   ditch and we landed right into it and honestly  if it wasn't because of the center goguard   our whole front end would have been destroyed it  would you know you would have had to definitely   buy a whole front end for it it made me consider  buying the full protection that protects the   headlights the headlight protection for sure not  recommend going with anything at least at least   get the center goguard for sure yeah you know  a lot of tacoma owners have the the tss sensor   here in the center and it'll work with that tss  sensor so you have that you know adaptive cruise   control ability you retain all that functionality the sliders have been installed nate i know that   robert went with the top plate option you  guys have other options as well right we do   so top plate i love works well for families  and dogs getting in and out but our standard   rock slider it has the angle on it 15 degree  angle so it hugs really tight to the vehicle   plus the kick out option which we see here which  just makes the truck look so racy and fast looking   and not only that if an obstacle's coming it'll  kick the truck right out and it'll protect your   whole you know exactly super functional plus the  benefit of the rock sliders for robert i mean yeah   he can get in and out of the truck and all that  but he can use and abuse these things they'll take   the weight of the vehicle he can thrash them  slide them over rocks whatever he needs to do   that's what they're there for i've put the entire  weight of the vehicle on these sliders using a   high lift to change the tire it was insane to see  it i don't recommend it but they can take the hit   i saw the pictures man that was a little while i  was forced in a situation where i was forced to   do it yeah but um but that's okay that's what the  sliders are for they're to take the weight of the   vehicle protect the whole quarter panel and keep  you moving through your adventure whatever it is   day three we're doing great on time zach and josh  last night you know finished putting together the   prinzu rack right now steven justin just finished  installing the sliders and kenny over here   is going to be mounting the cvt tent  on top of the cbi overland bed rack i'm gonna be able to you know save a lot of money  as far as going to mexico i'm not gonna do airbnb   anymore i'm just gonna sleep on my truck all right  so the cbi overland bed rack has been installed   nate how's robert gonna take advantage of this  thing you know what mateo i don't even know how   to list all the ways that he can take advantage  of this this is like the swiss army knife of   accessories for a truck but i know you used the  heck out of yours on the pony express trail so   tell us what you did so the way i have mine set  up is i have my recovery boards on this side so   in case i get stuck the first thing i do pop come  grab them put them right in and we're good to go   okay and then on the other side we have eight  gallons of roto packs they're hanging off to   the side and on the inside i figured out a way to  also keep other recovery gear inside awesome and   i love it it's stuff that you you know last resort  stuff that you might use yeah so having it inside   you know it's not in the way yeah you can always  reach in there grab it access all that yeah that's   the cool thing really i mean that's how we design  this bed rack is we want it to be user-friendly   for however you're gonna use it so you put it  through the paces on the pony express trail robert   he's gonna have a different idea of how he wants  to accessorize this what gear he wants to attach   to his rack you've got places on the outside  places on the inside even the crossbars are set   up for multiple attachment points you could do um  i think you have them don't you have the the chase   lights on the back of your rack so i also mounted  chase lights here and in the tubing like it worked   perfect perfect height you got the option for  a tent for a tent which is super awesome plus   this thing is going nowhere this thing is shut  i don't know if you guys did this on purpose   but you've actually built like a ladder  here so you can just climb right up and go   and you know undo your tent or whatever  so that's something that i really like   that's exactly how i use mine actually when i  flip my tent over on the opposite side because   mine folds out to the driver's side i do just that  climb right up it strap my cover on away you go   the prinzu cab rack has been installed one of  my favorite upgrades on this build right now   nate tell me how is robert really going to be  able to enjoy this oh i think he is just going   to be stoked with this rack i mean it just gives  the truck a ton of aggressive looks and aesthetics   just makes it look like an off-road truck but more  than that it just gives him an entire platform   of functionality to use however he wants i know  you've used your princy rack a ton with lots   of different accessories lots of different trips  you know give me a little idea of how you've used   yours well the way that i see it is a huge lego  piece right you're able to switch it around and   make it work for you at the beginning i was you  know i only had like a shovel a 72 hour recovery   roto packs kit water tank you know and then  eventually when i went on that crazy 673 mile trip   we had two massive roam boxes up here where  we were able to just stuff them with stuff   and it was it was really good dude  you guys had them loaded and that's   really the benefit of the princely rack i  mean you can do whatever you want with it   plus we put some accessories on here we've got the  brand new ridgeline handles in the light gray so   it kind of adds a really cool you know color vibe  to his rack a little bottle opener on the back   and and of course he can accessorize this any way  he wants i think robert's just going to be stoked for the light setup robert's getting hooked  up with heretic's 20 inch light bar quad pods   the ba2s and justin right now is going to  finish installing the 40 inch light bar up top since robert just got hooked up with a 40-inch  light bar a 20-inch light bar some fog lights   ditch lights you know you need to connect all  those lights into a power supply and there's no   better supply out there than the s pod have it on  my truck we put it on the hector's build we put   on the cam cannon build and he's just gonna have  this you know switch panel where he's just gonna   be able to switch in between them as he needs  them i think he's gonna love it day four here at   cbi we're almost finished we can see the finish  line justin just lifted up the vehicle using a   floor jack so he can install the old man emu leaf  springs the heavy duty ones so we can prevent the   truck from sagging we've added a ton of weight  here we're also flying in daniel from california   to install the oem audio plus sound system that  robert won and that's why we're not using the lift   so that daniel can open the doors and do that  install while justin installs the leaf springs we flew in daniel from california he's coming in  at 11 00 in the morning he's knocking out that   install in about three to four hours and  then he's getting on the plane going back to   california this guy is a hustler and he's coming  to install one of the best sound systems out there   daniel from oem audio plus just made it from  california how's the flight man mate it was   legit bro are you ready for the install dude  im pumped so what is the winner getting? man   i mean you've seen the truck what do  you think of this crazy price well see   i put i saw your post on monday and i'm  like all right yeah factory to come on   dude but walking in today and seeing where it's  at i mean already a transformation i know we got   more in store dude we got a sound system that's  going on what are we installing all right so this   is special and you anticipated this in november  you reached out to me and you said dude i don't   know what the winner is going to have they're  either going to have tacoma with jbl or without   so you basically orchestrated it arranged it and  made sure that we already had the commitment from   tacoma beast to do our new signature edition  because you knew it was in the works bro   just so happens just so happens robert has a jbl  so he will be one of the first apart from our   pre-order owners that will have the signature  edition in his truck bro which is a complete   transformation we'll get into the nitty-gritty  in a bit but yeah we're stoked about this one dude i'm kind of jealous i'm kind  of jealous you guys killed it man what's different about it what's in this is  a multi-channel power amplifier just like your   reference series bro but this is our next  level it's our signature edition amplifier   okay still has a 64-bit digital signal processor  that's where all the magic happens again we're   not just throwing an amp in there as you know  we're tuning it specifically for the acoustics   of the vehicle and the output characteristics  of the headroom just like your reference series   uh there's a dedicated sub amplifier in this  one the signature edition will not be offered   without that dedicated sub amplifier so it's  a two amplifier system resource is allocated   specifically to the sub subwoofer again we got  creative man we didn't want to trade off any   space in this vehicle so we're actually hijacking  the passenger sub the factory sub location so   it's a fixed mounting to the frame of the vehicle  now what's killer about that because the factory   sub had four mounting points what's killer about  taking that location is all that energy it's not   just sitting in the storage bin again reference  series we love it we're not we're not speaking   against it but this is fixed to the frame of the  vehicle so all that energy both it's translating   we're experiencing i felt that and it's a single  sub so we really from an engineering standpoint   felt like hey a dual's not even necessary with  this particular application we know there's   going to be those who want it but nonetheless  right now the single is more than capable   same reference series speakers tweeters in the  dash six by nines in the front door rear six uh   six and a half inch coaxial so the two way tweeter  in there as well as the six and a half inch woofer   and then again the amplifiers on the seat and  then wiring harness plug and play no compromise   no no cutting no splicing you know the drill  yeah i want it you sold me you're too funny bro   no for real i know i know i want it no i'm being  real no seriously i want it i want it no no no and   that's that's kind of what's happening can we get  it on the second one too much all right next time all right we are on our way  right now to pick up the winner   robert to finally show him the build it's   been four days you know he just texted me he's  super excited i can't wait to show him the build my heart's pumping bro oh dude this is  gonna be so awesome moment of truth it's   happening let's go let's go come on don't  forget your mom i know i'm so excited   dude there's like hundreds of  people outside jesus oh my god no way that's not my car bro!  no kidding man! congrats bro! appreciate everybody man i thank you for being  here and i'm so excited man this is awesome   this is a great great gift i cannot you  know my birthday my birthday's on tuesday   same as this guy we're birthday twinning oh my god you ready to go out yeah let's do it let's do  it let's go thank you guys so much thank you all right dave matteo i'm about to get in this  river to go find your drone this might be the last   time anybody sees me so i could die but i'm doing  it for you here we go we're gonna get that drone   out on the river here hopefully it's not too  hard to find look at that only took two days   but we found it we can get through here whoo finally got it i'm going home
Channel: TacomaBeast
Views: 1,155,362
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Toyota, Toyota Tacoma, prinsu cab rack tacoma, cbi high clearance rear bumper, overland bound, overland tacoma, Icon alloys Vector 6, overlanding, weekendlander, last line of defense tacoma, Eibach Lift Kit, Old man Emu, old man emu tacoma, cbi rock sliders tacoma, heretic studio lights, cbi t3 front bumper tacoma, tacoma skid plate 3rd gen, 3rd gen tacoma mods, overland upgrades, adventure travel, overland, llod
Id: ePk7qNcRsEc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 58sec (2038 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 13 2021
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