ULTIMATE Brazilian BAR FOOD & STREET FOOD Tour in Rio de Janeiro Brazil

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[Music] hey guys Mike Jank here in Rio De Janeiro Brazil this my last day here in the city it's been so much fun exploring this place last few days and going to all the very distinctively different neighborhood and every day being able to see the beautiful ocean this has been a lot of fun quick breakfast food before getting the day started pretty much just a egg and ham and cheese very gooey cheese sandwich on a French bread very crusty delicious French bread classic breakfast here this met up with Tom marcelot again and breakfast is Kos kosa and what you tell me about the biggest debate about this so kosia comes uh in a kind of rounded form with a pointy top um and in this world there are two types of people two types of people only people who start eating their Kia from the point or you start eating from what we call the Bunda I think the point is is more logical I so this is like a very common Brazilian snack filled with potatoes and chicken and the creamy cheese as well I like this a lot with hot sauce a lot of hot [Music] sauce and now in the neighborhood of saou and this has been voted while credit you as one of the best neighborhoods living in the world definitely uh one of the most upand cominging neighborhoods there been a lot of cool stuff going on here recently mostly thanks to this guy we're going to meet shortly okay and this gentleman here half pretty much responsible for promoting it and making it what it is [Music] today this is so beautiful this restaurant is located right above the square and apparently every weekend this square is just full of tables and barbecues and people just hanging around dancing blasting music eating good food and this is a bar we're in right now usually bars in Rio or in Brazil they're on the first floor they don't usually go upstairs so to attract people they created some newer dishes that you wouldn't typically find well actually you wouldn't find in any other bar in Rio and this is one of them this is fried gizzard so the gizer is first marinated in salt and pepper of course Ginger lime it goes into the batter then it goes to the eggs then it goes back into the batter then it goes to the eggs again I think it goes back into the batter and then it gets covered in breadcrumbs into the fryer and out comes this toasty crunchy fried chicken gizzard nugget and to dip it they're giving me guava ketchup and how play out the Gent I introduced you guys earlier made all the rest come sit down [Laughter] hello W you like it delicioso delicioso this is different than any chicken gizer I ever had it's so tender that's not KFC yeah it's is definitely not KFC wow I'm telling you guys this is like melting your mouth chicken gazers I never had anything like this before in my life this just tastes like the most tender tender tender tenderous chicken nugget in the world and the flavors so much spices in here dunk it into the fruity exotic ketchup with a chili sauce magnificent magnificent it's so funny because I just sat down I came in here I watched them cook the chi chicken uh gizzards I just sat down the whole process maybe 10 minutes and when I came up here it was pretty much empty it's packed already in the 10 minutes I was gone they're probably all here for this stuff so good also this thing doesn't even taste like it's deep fried it's so light I love chicken gazer one of the best ones I ever had they also just gave me another traditional bar food dish screw it it's sausage wrapped around breadcrumbs pork sausage that crunch is amazing there a lot of seasoning and herbs in this batter as well from casine to crispy out shell yeah this is aw awesome also this place every day changes up their dessert kashion fruit moose what the heck that's is so freaking good the intense passion fruit flavor the cloudlike consistency of the Moose that's rul and this is really interesting down there I thought it was a ice cream stand bunch of kids waiting around for it I thought it was ice cream that's a much healthier treat [Music] next up at a restaurant called dor basically means February the 2nd which is the day of the goddess of the sea and that's why the logo is a mermaid and got a few things here the first thing is a pastel stuck with octopus and sausage this is so awesome amazingly tender aush the sausage which is not a very common ingredient with a push it's flavorful it's Smoky look at this hot sauce using eye dropper as some chilies to it that is absolutely perfect sver crunchy fleeky shell Tinder octopus on the inside nice smokiness from a sausage then you just add that heat which cuts through all the fat bazillion dumplings can't get enough of these and this is really interesting this is anchovie covered in cornmeal then fried and then the sauce is is also really interesting this is a mix of cassava flour and fish gravy which explains why it's so thick and slimy looking dunk the ovies into the gravy holy crap I love this this was one of the greatest dishes I had in Brazil I try this without the gravy m this fish is a masterpiece even without a gravy is excellent the shell is just magnificently crunchy the fish is so tender the flavor is just out of this world it's citrusy Rich tons of wami and because it's frightening this sort of or meal it has that subtle sweetness on the outside that makes it even crunchier and lighter you won't be able to tell this is a deep fry the flavor is so not greasy at all clean just so gumptious and I love that this country um especially in the South where people don't eat a lot of spice everywhere you go you get chilies you get hot oil it is always extremely spicy and delicious half just brought over a little bowl of clams and the the clam broth his little clams he's just uh taking it apart and using one side to to as a spoon to scoop out the clams not a pro yet that's really sweet I love clam soup very good also I love that brininess delicious delicious I love this guy that's a lot of chilies to put on that clam AEL can handle his [Music] Heat [Music] so this is basically stir fry cured beef and this one here this is much more cure than this version this thing is basically jerky right here wow everything here is so good they did use a lot of butter in this it's so buttery it's kind of jerky as texture but it's still very tender and that flavor just releases every time you chew it it becomes more and more flavorful then you got that crunch from the different colors of peppers it's incredible going try the beef that's not as cured because that version is more dense it's not going to be as juicy it's going to be a little drier but still very tender and the crunch of the onions kind of gives it some additional juice I mean both of these are good this is mindblowing though [Music] mindblowing little fried batter fish seam fish [Music] gravy I haven't had a lot of seafood wire in Brazil sea frood in Brazil at least the couple times I've had it freaking amazing the flavors they use a different spices everything I mean fish dunked in fish gravy I think the cornmeal they used to fry does low fish a little crispier than the bigger fillet both with that subtle sweetness and amazing crunch God this is so good this place is so good feel some Hing for sea while you're in R not going to go wrong with this place this fish gravy thing you got to get this when you're here and definitely you get this [Music] beef what I'm about to eat at the next place this is something truly truly unique I never even imagined something like this before this is cow hump steak Yeah cow hump not camel hump cow hump so apparently there's a breed of cattle um in Brazil that has a hump and this is the meat from the hump because cow hump is such a tough piece of meat it's put into the pressure cooker first then it goes on the grill it goes into the smoker so it's nice and Smokey and this thing comes out just falling apart oh it smells so Smokey some parts are lean some parts are fatty they also serve it with a macaroni salad with leak so this is their version of garlic but inside is mayonnaise and leaks look at that this is so cool there's toasting on the outside this thing is buttery it's leaky I love the flavor of leaks I love it in Dumplings I love it raw I love it in anything and it's perfect in this this is a wondrous cut of beef just want to take a moment to appreciate what I just ate put this on on your food bucket list if you are ever in real I'm so in love with this this thing melts in your mouth compl completely totally and deliciously so this cut of meat there's a ton of fat it tastes like also a lot of collagen tastes very gelatinous this is a bring tears to your eyes cut a beef I'm not kidding one little bit there's something subtly delicious about this I mean I'm sure I don't think they used a lot of seasoning I just confirm salt pepper onions garlic that's it this is something when you put in your mouth and you start Chee your eyes just inadvertedly closes so you can Savor that flavor more texture is perfect I can't believe this is a part of me that's usually not cared for it's very tough and now absolutely melting your mouth it's so remarkably good this is a new camera because my my other camera overheated in the winter of Rio this is winter right now this is right here the glistening one this consists of the fattier parts of the hump and on top all that gravy it's just fat drippings if you love meat like I said before put this hump steak on your food bucket list it's one of the most tender cuts of beef you'll ever put in your mouth and this here with all the fat and the fat dripping it's just Umami fatty flavor overload what I wanted to do this is the garlic bread right the Le Garlic Bread open this thing up put this tender cut of Hump onto the garlic bread and make a little sandwich out of that oh my gosh this makes me want to cancel my ticket back to the US buttery gelatinous delicious beef with a garlic bread it's just a perfect combination of texture flavor it's like nothing I've ever had before and it's such Ingenuity to to make a cut of me that people really didn't want into such a masterpiece finally some dessert this is the grilled cheese with uh little bacon floss on top pork floss on top and guava this is the ultimate cheesy meaty popsicle this is some outrageous outrageous food the cheese is really nutty it's grilled perfectly I love the Char the guav the sweet with the Savory freaking outrageous so apparently there's a dessert in Brazil called Romeo and Julia which is um consisting of a piece of cheese and some Jam so this is a version of that I think there's a better version of that I mean if Romeo and Julia could taste this they wouldn't run away stay home and each have one of these wow all three places that went to this neighborhood uniquely delicious in his own way this whole place is so vibrant people are happy to hear laughter everywhere and here people definitely like their food and they like their food with a ton of flavor thank you welcome he will definitely make you feel welcome so now we're at like a giant market it's full of souvenirs clothing claw machines restaurants a lot of place to drink so apparently places like this will open for the entire weekend 24 hours a day right now it's in the middle of Friday there not a lot of people here but um I think starting tonight is going to get really hopping so of course a lot of restaurants in this complex this place also serves cruisine from Northeastern Brazil and it's called mka it's basically stewed fish or seafood or shrimp with a lot of tomatoes and peppers all sitting in a very thin orange looking broth that's made of coconut milk and the red palm oil when we had the kage that's the oil that the cage was fried in so let's try this M very fragrant subtle sweetness from the coconut has a ton of cilantro on here so you're getting that really refreshing Herby flavor it's sweet not just from the coconut but also from the tomatoes as well fish is nice and tender the shrimp yeah that thing's got a nice balance to it and then this little bowl contains that that delicious fish gravy I love and this one looks like has some shrimp in there and it's a lot thicker there's a ton of garlic in here like solid chunks of garlic in here and does fish gravy just one of my favorite things in Brazil I do like it with a bit more of a citrusy flavor and the condiments they gave you they give it a little bottle of pretty much uh melted butter or something and then this is the Chili's that came out really [Laughter] easy this hot sauce tastes like spicy liquor oh yeah yeah there's liquor in here I mean that thing really added some unique flavors to this dish and very very strong this next dish is wild it's called Brad it's basically the Brazilian version of a haggus so they took goat stomach lining and inside just stuff full of goat liver kidney there's Hearts so all sorts of the inside goodness of of a goat is stuffed in here and the gravy is a combination of peppers and tomatoes garlic onions and of course the natural juices of the gold itself I I've never tried anything close to this before this is really interesting to me cuz I love organs so I'm actually excited to try this delici you saying this will make me strong I like that I mean ghost stomach lining pretty much just trip nice and crunchy in different texture from all the different organ Meats M it definitely tastes that nice organy flavor little bits of heart which is very scrumptious clean muscle liver delicious this whole thing soaked in this broth that's a little citrusy a ton of uh Rich rustic lumami flavor this thing basically just got a dozen different textures in there that's really good with rice that's a pretty wild dish right there I think it's pretty good all right well that was a fun few days here in Rio thank you guys so much for showing me around lovely place you brought me to it was great to have you a professional eater like yourself this is a professional right here she can hold down her food um anyway again guys eat real check them out if you're over in Rio these are great people to show you around till next time thank you so much thank [Music] you
Channel: Mike Chen
Views: 211,905
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: brazil street food, brazilian street food, brazil bar food, brazilian bar food, rio de janeiro, brazilian food, brazilian food tour, Brazilian Cuisine, Rio de Janeiro, Street Food, Bar Food, Food Tour, Brazilian Culture, Rio Dining, Local Eats, Foodie Travel, Brazilian Street Delights, rio food, rio eats, best rio food, best rio eats, best brazilian food
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 47sec (1067 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 28 2023
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