100 Hours in Sao Paulo, Brazil! (Full Documentary) Brazilian Street Food and Attractions Tour!

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foreign [Music] everyone today I'm taking you down to the beautiful Concrete Jungle of Brazil the largest city in the southern and western hemisphere over 30 million people I spent 48 Hours exploring this huge City we had lots of different street food we had Coconuts on the street we visited libertasia which is Japan Town we also went through Mercado merciful de Sao Paulo huge Market we try huge sandwiches lots of fruit and we also visited steakhouses now without further Ado let me introduce you to Sao Paulo I'm excited let's do it let's dig in I'm hungry let's dig in my man let's go let's go mask on mascara mascara let's do it so that's a different type of temperature check I've never done I've done it yeah oh wow yeah look at this so in this part of the market we have like the seafood so for example here we have like the shrimps that means Camaro if we go in this part here we can find like fish from every part of Brazil like from the north from the Brazilian post like on the south from everywhere this is very good this actually reminds me of like a Spanish Market you know everything is spaced out here we have a main like street that goes from you know from here I guess this is not the entrance right the entrance over there actually we have many entrance of the market this is one of the entries okay perfect and then over here we have cheese yeah here look at this we have you know Pig more pig cow wow never end ending meat yeah Brazil is all about the meat here you'll find everything for your barbecue and oh for the lunch everything that's the foot yeah that's the food yeah I actually don't like the feet no I hate it I hate it it's all gelatin but you can have on the feijoada you can have this water yeah okay amazing a jelly delicious yeah so that's cow feet all jelly I don't like it I don't know I love it it's one of my favorites for me the best is the stomach yeah right here I think yeah right there oh it's so good so good I want to eat everything yes it's a rigs man crazy huge so there's a huge Market how many vendors in here there's so many couple hundred couple hundreds a couple hundred so over here cheese shrimp fish meat never ending let's go find them let's go let's go I'm gonna show you now it's the place that they sell all of the ingredients from feijoada vegetable water yeah it's a Brazilian typical dish and here you find all the ingredients for the feijoada so basically it's all Meats all different pieces of the cow right it's uh so dry dried meat yeah it's uh different cuts of meats with black beans oh my God and you have like chorizo yeah and here you find everything this is amazing here you have the receipt of the freshwater cod fish from Norway right here yeah Norway look West Norway you guys don't know about cod fish bakalao that's only found in the North Atlantic really cold water I love it in Portugal yeah in Portugal you eat it all day one is from Portugal oh yeah and that's that's dried right right amazing family here I mean this is like all this olive oil oh my God chilies this is amazing yeah oh I'm trying everything let's go let's do this yeah give me a spicy man give me spicy okay I'm gonna have one because this is like a this is like the bird eye chili important uh David you look uh garlic yeah let's try it actually this one is the Italian one yeah but this is garlic uh really hard um it's a little tough it's a little soft this is amazing hmm Italiano more better question I'm learning Portuguese here I've only been here two hours dude I'm not the right teacher I'm not the best Portuguese teacher but we're gonna try to do our best right this is phenomenal look at this you have amazing olives you have garlic you have Peppers you've caught more I mean over here just never ending I want to show you some cheese cheese yeah yeah let's do it types of nuts cheese everything like a salami break so what's this one yeah this is like kind of sausage with oils it is very good you can try it okay so right here we also have a salad a cheese salad but it's a mix so there's like fruits in there so we got grapes pineapple you have cheese but I need to try this is foreign [Music] tell me yeah really good pepperoni dude amazing pepperoni wow and spicy um so David you tell me like one of the most diverse markets in the world by the way I love what they did here with the Christmas no yeah it's December yes Christmas is coming it decorated the whole Market yeah we started celebrating Christmas like 40 days before Christmas right we do too we do too yeah it's like Thanksgiving hasn't ended and we're celebrating Christmas yeah amazing let me show you let's go just follow me so in every corner that we visit here in the Americano Municipal in Sao Paulo we're gonna find the sandwich that is very typical from our estate and this place here was the first one that started with the sandwich in the market so in my opinion that's the best one in the market so in case you guys don't know Mortadella is it's a piece of ham obviously you know Italy we eat it a lot my grandmother actually made me a big fan when I was a kid they also add like onion olives inside it as well oh I cannot wait this looks phenomenal oh my God guys I'm gonna try I'm gonna try a little piece yeah it's cold cuts right we have yeah whoa this is phenomenal it's so different from just eating regular ham pepper pepper lemon we squeeze lime on the top some of the Mortadella they offer with pistachi pistachio stop try with the lime the lime trying it with lime on top I'm just gonna get a little piece it's like popping dude this is amazing oh tell them with lime much better Millions is better sorry guys this is for me this is the best person I've ever had in my life straight up with Line Game Changer bring on a sandwich okay guys we're ordering a Mortadella sandwich with cheese I'm gonna go in the back and see how they make it this is phenomenal more fidela some of the best ever so lime Game Changer come here just two yeah this is the dish you have to eat in Sao Paulo wow look at this amazing and this is it guys the Mortadella sandwich I'm just gonna get one piece dude how do I even eat this oh my God it's still super hot I love the cheese what cheese is this feels like American yeah yeah I kind of like American cheese so this is like the Frito de gallo Brazilian version yeah it's kind of like our Brazilian salsa it's kind of like can you help me sure it's awesome so onions tomatoes cilantro just on top just on top I don't have any that spice after you build up the the taste right oh yeah yo all right okay yeah refreshing yeah right olive oil vinegar more and more all right guys my guys say this is too much nah it's good huh it's good in Portuguese we say I gotta say though it's a monster this is one piece we got the sandwich in four family seven dollars for this monster Mortadella sandwich what an amazing thing to eat yeah I would say six six the best way to start my trip in Brazil thank you thank you thank you our man that's amazing that's dude enjoy enjoy boom move the bone it's so filling though really good I like the cheese very salty melting in the bread and of course the Mortadella garage I know I know it's like vegan he described it amazingly the cheese is salty it flows it's gooey it's just oozing out the threads perfectly like toasted and then martinella I gotta say that is phenomenal and this oh my God I could like I like drink this if you're not good at you so good the guy inside is like do you like beer and I was like yeah he's like come here we got some draft here and look at this it's like frozen dude it's crazy so he's gonna take the the craft beer for you and it's amazing I love how they have Yoda yeah how do you say cheers so this is draft beer and what's the name of the the uh okay so this is this is a macro Brewery this is obviously a lager Crystal Clear beer I love the head super crisp oh super refreshing mmm very light for like 4.2 alcohol this is very nice a super hot day today it's perfect enjoy it it's a good beer man oh I need to wash down the Mortadella they're very salty you know very salty yeah the Mortadella it's kind of like it's it's not a ham it's from Italy originally and it's a mix of uh cow meat and pork meat it's a blend right so it's not a ham he was just explaining to us and I want to share with you guys the compass yeah we're gonna pay for the accomplice yes they're very generous right very generous sauji wow we'll do next I have no idea but let's try some fruit fruit yeah now we're going to do some fruit tasting let's go wow look at this the sauce is there apple vinegar so cool like I later man look from Portugal oh that's the best Portugal now yeah you have everything okay so we made it here back to the main Center the strip it's basically the boulevard of the market and here we have fruits whoa yeah so this is the the fruit section you find fruits from every part of Brazil oh my gosh go ahead and try it it's gonna be amazing it's the best yes take Justin and it's full of water like more than watermelon I would eat the skin too man you eat the skin no no that was awesome you know my favorites are those the figs the figs my favorites man and where's the pig so the things are from Brazil can we try one so I just try it whole thing okay okay okay hold that hold it switch I love it good to be honest I eat the whole thing they're so good they date with strawberry dates strawberry please okay yeah the whole thing yeah [Music] it's almost like strawberries with chocolate yeah they drizzled chocolate you know the chocolate basically chocolate fondue when they put the strawberry in and it gets hard really fast that was the same thing that was freaking crazy like yeah you do like this look you see hamburger good very good creamy delicious you know the dates from Israel or Palestine and this is cashew fruit it's different it's different yeah it's a sponge yes very spongy you have to try the caipirin which is the Brazilian national drink with this flavor with this flavor oh my God I love how they have the cashew on top man the cash is amazing that's actually the Brazilian nuts right so they roasted and that's how you come from mango my favorite fruit of all time the national fruit of India also Miami I have a bunch of mango trees in my parents house oh yeah that's all I do I just start sucking yeah I love it you stay off the skin the flesh wow if you don't live in the tropics and you don't get fruit you will die here yeah I feel good because I'm from Miami so I eat a lot of this yeah but most people don't have fruit like this you know year round and this one is from Bahia from the north New York yeah it's a big country yeah all right passion fruit foreign what else so this is another passion for but this one it comes from the center of the country right oh this one's juicier born here you literally stick your tongue in there and just twist yeah yeah come on Australian kiwi kiwi yeah never had yellow kiwi it's similar but different a lot more flesh wow all right I'm getting too full my friend my man where we're going next now we are going to the upstairs where we have the restaurants of the market and we have more than 10 restaurants in this area here again there's two levels in this market the first level obviously we saw all Avengers you can eat down there you can drink but if you go upstairs there's a section upstairs so it's like half the market it's upstairs on the side so the Accord the market is basically restaurants right so we have a lot of restaurants Wow so like my friend said here you have 10 restaurants Japanese Brazilian a big mix of food but the best part about coming up here is getting the view over the marketplace you can see it's never ending rose right so like easily a dozen two dozen rows lots of fruit vendors you go deeper in you have everything we just saw over there you have more the fish the poultry the meats and that is it right what are we doing next what's up here night food right we're hungry it's too hungry yeah look at this since 1933 that's crazy it smells amazing actually yeah I know so to be honest I'm not a big tobacco guy I never smoked a cigarette in my life but that smell is ridiculous wow I could understand why people are addicted to it it's just really really nice and pleasant oh my gosh that is incredible tobacco it actually looked like sausage so I would attracted to it but it's not it's tobacco now we are going to try the pastel Hot Fish pastel so what do we have here yeah this is like a ton of like all the Kraft cheese uh blue cheese feta cheese kacho Cavallo and ricotta we have Mina's cheese which is the Brazilian cheese from miniature I stay it's kind of like Feta cheese you know parmesan all upscale cheese man so is this one that's that's goat cheese right yeah he's very proud to say that all the production is from Sao Paulo but the original name of the cheese is from the one that looks the best for me is this one this is this one this is amazing wow it just smells absolutely phenomenal I don't know how much more I can eat how about you this one here it's like a string one right let's go oh mozzarella cheese yeah yeah I love this it's like a shredded cheese like a long like like real cheese from Arabic I love the layers stop watching this wow not salty mozzarella one little more piece this is too good this is like the best one last bite oh what about oh yeah sugarcane okay he make here he makes it here he makes hurricane alcohol so what happened he's strong it's wrong it's fragrant it's like flowers like for sweeter if you want more sweet we have with pig oh a pig excellent okay he prefer more sour yeah but I have with stick for you okay yeah this is similar I would say this is something on the border with Grappa rakia has a smokiness in Tequila yes okay so this is big gachasa is okay so this one just has the pigs sitting in it so it absorbs the flavors I think oh this is amazing it's like a sweet like almost like a Porto hmm so now we are going to try the guarana it's a Brazilian uh salted drink made with guarana that is the uh what's happening what happened no no when they got tapped they sing something okay okay I'm gonna tip you actually have a bag yeah but it says here Antarctica Antarctica is the name of the brand okay so it's got another fruit and turkey that's my favorite so it's like a sparkling soda yeah yeah well I don't know what you like cherries right yeah like uh Brazilian cherries from Amazon I love it delicious yeah yeah I prefer this than Coke I always do it I know I don't drink soda but this is amazing because this is like it's like almost like pure straight up like you know frizzy cherries right so this is a pastry fill it up with a cod fish call it pastel It's amazing And this is it guys pastel pastel so how do I do this I just oh my God it's so hot yeah it's hot so you have to break here okay so break a piece yeah oh okay hello president okay so squeeze it yeah squeeze it oh and then you win and you eat but it's so hot it's hot here we go there's no cheese in here this is like straight up cod with some herbs it's a broken down Cod they shredded it right and they filled it in then they they deep-fried it super deep fried not too oily I like it it's kind of like chocolate chocolate fish look at that you see it's air pockets throughout crisp on the outside lots of herbs so my boy said hey David don't be shy just throw in some of this some of these chilies right what do you think right there yeah go ahead oh this is phenomenal like we saw in the market right yeah very dry not too salty I like the herbs crunch in the outside the doughy in the inside also Airy this is like a giant Empanada yeah [Music] way better usually in Miami we have you know we have Argentine empanadas we have Cuban empanadas Nicaragua like also Jamaica but they're always like either cheese ham lemon cheese beef with this unique it's basically orange juice mixed with lime with mixed with strawberries right yeah strawberry orange oh wow what a cleanse amazing it's like a strawberry daiquiri with lime juice and a like a slight orangey taste it's it's more strawberry I'm exploding I'm in love with these girls let's see the main entrance of the place awesome so right here we have the main entrance of the market okay wow and that's it guys we explored the Central Market of Sao Paulo what an experience so amazing one of my favorite markets in the world as soon as you walk in it feels like a you know seafood market meat market when you start turning through the different lanes and they sell cheese salami endless food we had a Mortadella sandwich phenomenal it's the one dish you have to try in Sao Paulo yes and it was a great experience one of the best parts I love it was the fruit tasting man it was amazing yeah the fruit tasting was endless it was like exactly seven different things we had fig with strawberry no that was date with strawberry we had two kinds of fashion two tons of passion uh man the eggs with strawberry come on exactly then after I went upstairs we saw a few of the restaurants 10 restaurants up there from there you get awesome views over the market then we came back down we tried that drink it was a drink I tried yeah you tried the cashasa and then we had the pastel and the guarana and we also had cheese so we had like endless food what a day what an experience very diverse Brazilian food isn't just meat it is an experienced Italian German Spanish Portuguese I mean what a mix of cultures here I'm right now walking through Liberty basically Japan town if you guys don't know Brazil has the largest population of Japanese outside of Japan back in 1908 the first Japanese came here to this exact spot and since then it's evolved there's Chinese there's Koreans it's basically a mix of Asian fusion but today we're doing a Japanese food tour we're gonna hit up izakayas Japanese restaurants sake uh tempura what else bro [Music] yeah let's get drunk I'm joking I don't drink I know you don't drink yeah and right here right in front of us we have something called kaisin alimentos and they have takoyaki tempura okinomiyaki that's the best that is from Osaka I love Japan and we're gonna start off right here in this restaurant it's called restaurant Sato Right restaurant Sato they have an array of things wow the menu is never ending small shop if you didn't know about it if you didn't weren't with a logo you would have no idea that's one of my favorite restaurants of Brazilian restaurant and a mixture of Japan in libertad so now we are going to check out and have a very good food I love this place super hole in the wall you would never know about it this is awesome and we have our private owned dining room huh when you come to soccer restaurant you have to try these dishes okay so this is pork and beef that are both been marinated with miso which is fermented soy obviously the beans and the rice which is very Brazilian another Beach wow so it's basically a fusion of Japanese and Brazilian okay okay so we're gonna try some of the pork Oh yeah oh man that fermented oh he met the store is amazing miso all the way always the beef it's a Japanese flavor obviously all this is products of Brazil but with Japanese twist it's orange Japanese in the Japanese neighborhood wow always be from Brazil okay wait thank you mentioned what is that this is chili sauce homemade chili sauce I don't know if it's spicy you don't know I don't know let's find out let's see let's find out my boy gear just tried the spicy sauce just put it on the pork yeah it's right now let's do it um Ginger it's actually not that spicy slight slight thing doesn't linger too long and then we have to do is you have to add some of this chili to everything like that I'm a big chili guy you guys already know Dive In mix it in with the rice here it's like overloaded but it's good spicy no this is so good what a mix what a combination nice Fusion of of you know Japanese Brazilian you like spices you'll like it it's not crazy spice a nice food rice and beans Latin America always too hot no no I was telling about the what do you call the the bean crepe very sweet guys the tournament wow bag's not the best well the food was a good nice mix of Brazilian Japanese and now we're gonna go out and look for a place where he's a kite if you guys don't know he's a car it's basically a Japanese bar there you can have food you can also have sake you can get some beer right here we got the vendor sign the amazing okonomiyaki what's up guys let's go let's go oh my god oh and right here he's making two different street foods from Osaka Japan is basically octopus fritters they are amazing super hot balls I don't know if we got some I don't know do you want to try some so we're gonna skip the takoyaki for now we're gonna go to another place he's saying we're going to a bar oh actually he wants to take us to a coffee place first yes all right so we're running out of coffee and we might get one of these this looks amazing oh my gosh that looks phenomenal okay so here's the deal like all the coffees that has a camera on it uh it takes a picture of you and it shows on the on the coffee like a selfie coffee right okay let's try it here we go coffee selfie iced coffee with my face on it oh wow that's good man that's some good iced coffee it's basically a frappuccino now I get rid of myself mmm look at that foam Mmm delicious wow amazing amazing it tastes better with my face on it [Laughter] so now you guys know when you come here definitely walk over to Coffee selfie get yourself any of the coffees that have you know that they can print your face on it you just take a picture except them and then what's up or you can airdrop it to them and they'll print there really fast oh it's great loving Brazil so far all right so quickly take a selfie such a significance then I send this right to you guys so you're like this [Music] all right so open it right and then there take a shot and then I send this right bam and now you're gonna do it yes [Music] thank you thank you thank you oh it's raining right now is it me it's raining oh man this is great oh that was nice the coffee like lifted me up I feel good this looks phenomenal look at this you have everything from Japan you have the sushi you have the freaking Ramen wow and you also have that cutlet the amazing pork cutlet where's the it's a kayak though uh we are here uh kintaroi zakaya it's owned by a Japanese family they are like a Sumo fighter they compete Sumo no way yes okay and man it's awesome uh it's a place for you to like do quick bites have sake and it's up almost 5 p.m here now it's happy hour a new drink I eat okay let's go inside cause I'm still hungry let's go okay so you're gonna order um pork with ginger and miso eggplant that's his suggestion so this bar look how small this is super tight we have this menu which are basically like Tapas right Brazilian Japanese Tapas so that's what we're getting we're also getting sucky sucky for me sucky all right guys because of the situation with kovid with to come outside starting off with some sake osaki guys rice wine is the best did you guys know that in uh Brazil what am I saying Brazil in uh Japan open container policy you can drink Sake anywhere you want okay here we go oh nice super smooth so this one is uh it's dry and it's called Pure Jun Mai Jose Saka holistic California so they're from California wow okay eggplant on miso and pork with ginger let's dive on this you guys know how much I love eggplants the best oh man super important Ginger wow Ginger is like intense huh it was like real and right here we have the pork mm-hmm Ginger miso and onions fantastic I love it because like shredded pork there's 20 so four dollars right each yeah so there's an eight dollar plate plus a sake and we also have some spice mmm this is like real street food huh absolutely this is a typical Izakaya in Sao Paulo well guys I am getting really full I mean I'm not stopping today food food Galore let's try yeah really intense the ginger really good a little bit uh limey right yeah I blended a little bit sweet I love it people are just talking to us everywhere huh yes it's like super cool what are you guys doing here all right say I love it amazing Tapas Japanese style eggplant pork sake on the street so in terms of sake this one uh no it's ten bucks you're thinking for 300 milliliters I'll say in the United States I probably pay double or triple that automatically at any a Japanese restaurant so it's very affordable here you're spending 20 bucks eating two people drinking and eating and it's an appetizer right these are tapas these aren't like meant to fill you up supposed to you know just eat while you drink and then keep going I mean at least in Brazil Izakaya usually they open at 6 PM so it's a place for you when you get off from work you come here drink eat and go home Happy right next door to the Izakaya we have a Hello Kitty shop what is this so basically that's the only store uh the food store of Hello Kitty that they sell everything like burgers Japanese foods and smoothies ice cream fruits and everything about hello kids now we can see upstairs it's actually called e Asia right yeah Asia and it's the Hello Kitty shop and the Hello Kitty shop wow look at this I love it so this is e Asia Hello Kitty as you can see it's a Hello Kitty shop right or like a Cafe Restaurant they have shirts search for sale they have these collectible dolls and they also have upstairs yeah let's go upstairs this is really wild I mean I know in Japan they love Hello Kitty but this is taking it to another level so it's basically upstairs you can buy some cookies some souvenirs masks shirts Etc uh and then you can also sit down and eat and relax right here with a view right this is it beautiful all right let's get out of here let's go have some sushi I want sushi sushi definitely something you should visit when you come here whoa I almost hit my head awesome oh my God so now next we are going to maybe a Japanese Supermarket or a nice sushi restaurant let's see what's gonna wait for us yeah we don't have a perfect plan we're just going and looking and seeing what's interesting and meeting with locals and just going to like holes in the walls lots of shops here everything is like look at that it's like a Japanese shop everything's imported there from like Asia right over here this is like the Japanese gate this is what you see all over Japan yeah okay so once you pass the gate the Japanese gate here you have a bridge that goes over the highway we actually came from the airport going this way going south look at this crazy traffic but this is the area right libertad Japan Town amazing wow so your vendors people walking relaxing coming back home we have a subway station very close to here okay so that's why everybody's walking through here now yeah it's awesome I actually love this because so it's not a pedestrian only Street it's a one-way street but most of it is walking most people are just hanging out right exactly especially now it's almost 5 30 people are hanging out going home some of them they are like shooting and of course here is a touristic area of Sao Paulo so people love if they died once across the bridge there's a Japanese garden it's open from 10 a.m to 4 P.M unfortunately it's five already it's closed but looks beautiful there's koi fish in there it's like a pond right and over here more vendors just crowded hey what's up man OMG so here we have like another Japanese Supermarket we have one here and another one in that corner so we can visit both so basically they have Japanese products right everything that comes from Japan yeah and earlier we have me no soul and it has the Avengers everywhere exactly so right here we have the subway station right the metro station libertad yeah no actually the the subway is we go down here okay that's like um they sell like a magazines yeah it's a new stand okay that's a new stamp under it is the underground is the Metro station subway station over here we have a bank yeah and national bank and then over here we have street food vendors but they're not saying Japanese food are they some some as you can see the decor of the National Bank it's all Asia style look kind of like a temple right so here we have two street food vendors one is selling or sugar cane juice just like in India sugarcane all day here in Brazil and nextos we have a guy doing tempura looks phenomenal wow there's a difference between Rio and Sao Paulo here in Sao Paulo we have garappa we also call Cabo de Kana which is the sugar cane so it's the same uh product where you make the sugarcane liquor which is the cachasa right and also we make the ethanol right the fuel and the difference between Sao Paulo and Rio here they mix with pineapple and in Rio we do with lime I prefer with pineapple that's right you're saying it's very sweet Mmm delicious oh wow with pineapple amazing pineapple I prefer with pineapple oh that's amazing that's so good so in Rio it's it's now a pineapple it's with lime okay yeah I guess I guess it'll be very similar though so this is sugar cane sugarcane and you're just chewy it don't swallow yeah you second it let's suck it up suck it in sweet it's pretty good it's kind of like lollipop right it's hurricane lollipops you can't you can't swallow it it's got you I'm good with this but as you can see there's bees everywhere okay now real style because I'm from Rio right so sugar cane sugarcane with lime but again I do prefer Sao Paulo Style with pineapple all right my friends here we go nobody got it okay I mean both are good don't shoot him I think this one they bought too much ice because the other one I just like took it down fast so if you like like lime I think you like this one better obviously but the other one for me Sao Paulo style is better yeah I see in the Heat this is the best thing in the world right now it's not so hot it's actually a little chilly now we are going to try pastel and we're gonna learn how to make it this place is called yoka they've been in business for 79 years and look at these pastries we're gonna have them with beef or beef pastry a little different that's more Brazilian style I love it though super Japanese everything even the spice wow okay so I'm here with the owner and he's taking me into the kitchen to see how they make the pasteles so the chef here is making tons of pasteles every single one is different the first one was a mix of stuff and they dropped the egg inside then he did one with chocolate I mean this is fantastic so many different ingredients look at this that's like Crema and then that's another type of mash I have no idea what that is what is that uh basically this is the chicken and then we have a Brazilian cheese call it katupiri right and uh kind of a Brazilian free cheese call it this is their famous pastel yeah ground beef tomato cheese an egg really big it's like a bite that was like empty huh we are buying here yeah super hot I love it though the inside the dough is soft outside is crispy but not too crispy and she's like melting on my hand look at this falls apart so crunchy and they give me so much spicy sauce so the best though I tried with the egg in the middle I finally got to the center look at this it's like pops oh my gosh oh it's breaking it's starting to break the whole thing oh wow this is like scrambled eggs inside bag basically boiled in there oh wow it's like floating throughout everything the yolk whoa so good man so different this actually reminds me of a more like a Colombian banana oily not too much they like drain the oil so I thought we were done but the owner is probably more food and this is shredded chicken and potato it's like a little Fritter it has also a celery oh yeah so I've had a few of these like in Colombia yeah this is mini size yeah and then I just throw a little bit of that chili right you have to today I'm overdoing it too much fried stuff super mushy basically like a mashed potato Fritter which you get inside add the chili that little spice perfect outstanding awesome okay and now we're gonna cross the street and we're gonna look for some sushi it's the last thing we're doing we're gonna hunt for some sushi obviously we're in Japan time we have to eat some sushi all right so our last stop tonight is here Izakaya Isa we're gonna have some sushi probably some sake this place looks awesome then we're close when we got here but now it's 6 30. they're open where their first one's going in can't wait foreign I love this place already I feel like I'm jumping back into Japan look over here to the left we have a bar very nice sake never ending sake incredible over here we have tables so we have three tables you have to take off your shoes and sit down luckily for us though the table is like lifted so you can put your feet inside not like in Miami the Japanese restaurants you're sitting on the floor and your legs get like hurt you know but it's good it's good I like this it's cool so quick change of plans unfortunately because the pandemic they don't have any cold dishes they only have hot dishes so we're gonna have takoyaki so basically you know octopus fitter balls and we're gonna have some soap juice sochu is basically sweet potatoes it's still sweet potatoes instead of rice it's sweet potatoes it's delicious it's a little stronger than sake though and here she is she's making all right so this is takoyaki if you've never tried it before it's basically octopus fritters balls and on top they shave Bonito right so Bonito shavings and it moves because it's so hot that it makes the but you know shaves move right that's basically it you think it's like something yeah this is like the ultimate dish to have in Japan like a war in their life it's not alive though it's not alive no it's not alive but you got to be careful you have to wait a little bit because it's super hot if you bite into it you're gonna burn all your gums exactly I say wait five minutes yes but we just gonna wait just one minute because I'm still start I'm ready first time I tried this I was in Osaka I couldn't believe it it blew my mind I know it's gonna blow my mind here too oh it's still really hot though right yeah not that much but um oh wow this is a gourmet version so it's like a sweet sauce on top Nino flakes mmm the shavings it's very mushy inside nice chunks of octopus whoa oh my friend Cheers Cheers this is soju hmm good right oh good very good so if you've never been to Japan obviously they make sake which is rice wine but they also make this and it's different from the one in China a little different this is basically made with sweet potatoes so it's actually a little sweet this one not so strong pretty good pretty good that's my favorite and it was a 35 or out for this one yeah 35 35 so seven dollars for a little drink that's it my friends we explored Liberty the Japan Town of Sao Paulo the biggest population outside Japan is in Brazil roughly 1.5 million people this is where they arrived in 1908 and it really exploded obviously after World War II so here you're gonna come you can eat traditional Japanese food we didn't eat any sushi tonight but we had some you know traditional food we had uh takoyaki takoyaki what else did we have my friend we had we had sake we had some bites there what was the first place we went to we went to Sato and we have that oh that place so it was like beef the beef rice beans that was like a fusion Brazilian slash Japanese food I mean amazing tour here definitely a place you gotta hit up when you come to Sao Paulo floor eat non-stop we started at two and it's already 8 P.M we ate for six hours straight yeah I'm not popping no more food for me man this morning I'm gonna show you the two different styles of breakfast you could do in the city we're gonna start off right here at this little vendor right so if you're in this neighborhood you're going from your residence to your office and you're getting something really fast so maybe some fun Decatur some coffee some treats and we're gonna also do a bakery where you actually do sit down breakfast get some bread get your newspaper coffee and then after that we're gonna go explore the city my man you guys ready let's go ready hungry hungry let's go let's do it so what is this one this one is just like a basically uh food food tank where when people are going uh to work they just stop and get some treats you know like cakes Juice coffee what do we have here so here we have the cheese bread cakes guava juice milk and coffee and that's it so what do you recommend I I'm gonna take the the regular coffee and a piece of cake I'm gonna take a fund occasion foreign state but you can find in every corner in Brazil and bakery in the streets be good you know okay so I'm gonna try one panic Asia [Music] yeah you definitely coffee because you have to wash it down it's a little too dry for me to my friend so what coffee this year's just regular just regular Brazilian coffee with lots of sugar very sweet oh my God it's like extremely sweet dude usually I'd say that Brazilian people like to drink sugar with coffee and not coffee sugar because they put more sugar than coffee this is insane so this is like the sweetest to be honest uh it's not my style but I mean that's how they drink right but the coffee itself you could taste how good it is yeah I mean strong it's strong I personally take coffee no milk no sugar I've been doing it for years yeah but this is really nice I mean obviously you gotta lay off a shirt because you can even see the particles wow it's a great way to start a day yeah not my favorite but a little try yeah a little dry not too much cheese right I think it needs some more cheese and in terms of cakes they're just like random cakes right they have all types of cake orange corn um pineapple you like corn all right all right so you know what let me try an orange one orange all right so I'm trying it very good love it it's fluffy it's Airy the outside the crust I love it so much orange here oh wow boom boom boom boom right very good no I bomb Emilio very good so this is why I like eating cake sometimes in the morning you dip it into the coffee absorb that coffee you guys never done this never I do this all the time in Italy we do this all the time oh yeah oh my God the sweetest thing ever between the sweetness of the coffee the sweets to the orange cake oh wow oh look at that so it's 1.5 rounds for the coffee 2.5 or else for the cake and he's not charging herself on the Casual which was like a little thing so it's four real so less than a dollar for us to have you know a cake and some coffee next way to start the day [Music] 2.5 for the bread so total eight so right under two US Dollars now we're gonna get in the car and drive to a bakery you know the name of the bakery yeah the bakery is called Villa greno at Villa madalena neighborhood we are now at Georgina Europa we can say that it's the Beverly Hills of Sao Paulo and where the old money of the city is I love this place here and this is Georgine uroba which is basically the Beverly Hills of Sao Paulo this is where the real money's at as you can see huge mansions whoa look at this one and basically we're going to see a lot of mansions and good houses from rich people in Sao Paulo so you have a mix of like new modern homes from you know obviously 2019 2020 and these are like basically just built right somebody just built then you have older Styles some of them they're like Swiss housing you know more European structures than you have these huge modern boxes right and over here to the left we have you know a Volvo dealership uh you also have like some Porsches so this is like the Posh Posh neighborhood of Sao Paulo this is where the rich rich live yeah yeah exactly here where the money is so we have the fair dealership Lamborghini dealership all located in this area of the city we are now passing through the house of the governor of Sao Paulo he lives in this Mansion here and that's why there's cops outside man I think it's nice I would love to live here but maybe next time so what would be my next life what do you think it cost us to get in here oh absolutely at least couple minutes of dollars because real estate in Brazil is based on the US currency oh is it it is this is a very important Avenue of Sao Paulo it's called Lima and is one of the financial districts of Sao Paulo like Google Facebook and other good companies are located in this street here and that's right here at the exit of the Beverly Hills yeah this is basically Brickell Avenue in Sao Paulo a little different a lot longer very wide so you have four lanes four lanes in the middle you have like a bike path you know slash Park so people can do exercise and then safe right this is safe super safe awesome and I love it there's actually graffiti on some of the buildings really amazing how this graffiti everywhere so sometimes they'll build a building and half the building won't have windows so they can draw yeah right everywhere everywhere awesome people are really friendly in Brazil extremely friendly so try to learn some Portuguese yeah right you're gonna learn today you're gonna ask them donut shop don't and I try to get the Brazilian accent yeah so right now we are in Villa madalena where we have a huge concentrations of bar restaurant and where the the nightlife in Sao Paulo takes place that's my favorite place to go by night to have a beer or a drink or a date and then I love Villa madalina yeah and this reminds me of the other neighborhood very similar huge houses less trees but there's obviously more like life here more and more things happening restaurants like Sao Paulo so okay yeah it's Unique you know in Sao Paulo it's the real Sao Paulo so starting from here literally every corner is a bar or a restaurant Bakery Etc the house is like right there you cross the street and this is more commercial area and this is the bakery this is like a 24 7 Bakery in Villa madalina district and that's one of my favorite place to have breakfast during in this neighborhood this is Bakery villagrano as you can see right here we have some cakes what is this oh this is called it's one of my favorite desserts and uh basically it's a pastry fill it up with a kind of a Chantilly cream a cream and they love it yeah it's like one of these donuts with cream right very similar and then over here behind we have more bread we have hot dishes we have cold cuts over here to the right it's like chocolate more Bakery Goods right so lots of cookies over here look at this WOW incredible this looks awesome dude everything's red yeah bread bread everything fried and bread and over here this is the bakery there's a real breaker and this place here is where do you water your your your bread like the cheese and you take the line and you go home so what are we ordering so now we are going to start here to order lebona shafa and pingado come here and you're gonna see this is very typical from Sao Paulo this is the foundation fill it up with the katupiri is the kind of for Brazilian cream cheese it's very good and so Brazilian so I had a whatever Panico earlier this one has cream cheese mm-hmm what's the bomb Wow way better way better all right guys I'm in the back of the kitchen and we're seeing how they do the fun or the fun the casual also bread with butter bread with uh ham and cheese I mean croissants they're doing non-stop bread here and they're also doing juices we've got orange juice we also have some smoothies lots of strawberries here I mean everything smells fantastic I can't wait I mean we're just having bread with butter and coffee but you can also get some of this oh this cheese egg Hazel queso so we're gonna order and the Brazilian Coffee espresso Brazilian pot this is like a different product here so this one is like a Kunta Pita so it's basically from the kitchen on top of something right or no Vape on the queso with a cream on top amazing they're making so many delicious things they also have one of my favorite things from Portugal the pastel the balloon we are the padoka padok is like a short name I need means Bakery in Portuguese then in Sao Paulo they they call padoka is your favorite Bakery here's one of my favorite Bakers in Sao Paulo yes it's awesome they have really high quality uh products and Men ponachapa the toast bread it's amazing the the butter is very salty the juices the juices man everything here is good you know you can make a mistake it's it's amazing it's padoka 24 hours this place is never ending it's packed non-stop bread I mean the bread just keeps blowing out if you want to get a big sandwich I suggest getting something like ham and cheese I want to go traditional route just bread butter toasted with some coffee the juices look outstanding I mean so many juices remember Brazil Tropics the best juices in the world best fruit in the world ah this is complementary no yeah yeah she gave us a complimentary pastel de Berlin Portugal so here we have the Brazilian espresso then the ponachapa there is a bread toasted with butter then we have the like a dessert ballet and here we have the cheese bread with a Brazilian cream cheese call it katupiri so this is the Bounty Keizer with katupiri I love it all right so the first thing I have to try is pounder shapa which is basically toasted bread with butter look at this very nice crispy layer golden brown right did you eat like this right yeah like this oh my God lots of butter you overload yeah it's like the bread has absorbed the butter and it's like gone into it oh very nice but a lot about him this actually reminds me of um if you're ever in Miami go to Korean restaurant tostada right yeah and then we have a little coffee oh that's nice so usually with the coffee don't use sugar and I like this kind very very strong you guys know I'm not the biggest bread fan but this is delicious buttery Airy a little crispy but this this is amazing the cheese bread bony Cajun fill it up with the katupiri is a Brazilian kind of green cheese so which one do I get oh my gosh this is crazy it's floppy oh I love how crunchy is on the outside yeah I love it hmm it's salty this is the best ever it's salty it's thick it's big but this is like the best wow creamy man right it's so addictive it's a perfect way to start a Saturday morning yeah this is Sao Paulo culture you know bread coffee early morning at a bakery oh man I need another one of those so this is Sonia right it's like a bombolone Italian style mmm creamy soyo means dream so it's a dream right why are you eating wow and this is so fresh because they just made it yeah it just made it so sonium dream sueno espanol Sogno in Portuguese so it's a very fluffy Airy bread yeah same thing like a bombaloni Italian right but here we have just cream filling not chocolate the last thing I have to try here is the pastel de balam so if you ever go to Portugal you go to Lisbon Drive the belem it's a nearby like area in Lisbon and that's where they invented this so basically this is a egg yolk tart right yeah so this is just baked and it is amazing look at this cream open it up look at that Natha oh later today we're eating a lot so I'm taking it light here slowly we're not wasting any food though we're taking everything to go there we go yeah this is a straight cream lots of layers um all right guys we're done with breakfast let's go see some of the graffiti here in Sao Paulo mask on let's go so when we got here to give you like a ticket right yeah one of these so with this I take your order and it stores it right then you come into here and you pay this is 55 Brazilian hell that should be like uh ten dollars for everything it's exactly 11 so you have to put it back in and ready to go next one I like the system yes see we're going out to a coffee lab which is like considered like the temp of the coffee in Brazil where they produce amazing special coffee as you guys know Brazil is like the largest crop producer and we also produce amazing special coffee oh I love it already look at this beautiful so it's like a Terrace but you have like almost like a gazebo here beautiful tables inside parallel coffee right she speaks how are you doing very good so here in the library we have to order in the kitchen so let's see what we're gonna have it so here we have the the cough producer they stayed where they the cough came from and this is the like kind of the flavor so if you want to buy coffee here they have their shop so different producers from different states awesome and I like the mugs the mugs are cool nice branding very nice so what are we taking home everything uh here we serve the espresso into different size cups so every time someone order for the first time we send it like this so you can taste it basically you have the same coffee the same traction I put the small cup and the big cup the sides and I stop at the same time so the mini here is to show you the difference that the size of the cup gives to the flavor so that's the meaning of it the next time you have to choose it's about the size of the cup not about the portion of coffee so the way it works you gotta stir it right and you go with the big cup first because that's the one saying colder faster oh wow I've never had coffee it tastes like that sour right sour sour dude you like nailed it I was like what is that taste but a little bitter different very different yeah flat whites originally from New Zealand Australia it's uh two shots espresso with steel milk and it's kind of like big cappuccino so this is called the flare white I went really from New Zealand and Australia oh that's nice man that's basically a Cafe Con Leche it's actually called but but a big one right yeah a big cotarito so if you guys don't know about the Cuban coffee we have espresso we have double espresso which is colada then we have this which is so like uh so a 70 coffee 30 milk and then Cafe Con Leche is like 70 milk 30 Coffee espresso you gotta drink it fast if not gets really cold sour bitter different that's the best part about the coffee in Brazil so many different producers so many different areas regions States 27 States in Brazil right yes foreign by the way the host is gonna bring me some ice cream coffee this is basically espresso ice cream right um oh man super creamy really electric the two coffee that he's had have me pumped up dude my eyes are like whoa it's good super creamy mmm it's almost like a like a chocolate mousse you know a little different from regular gelato a little more guys sorry wow it's like silky Portuguese we would say all right now we're going to Batman's alley which is the street art all graffiti you know tagging right yeah exactly awesome let's go we are like two blocks away from Batman's alley and we should arrive there in one minute just driving to this neighborhood you can see there's graffiti everywhere it's not really graffiti it's more like murals right beautiful murals yeah graffiti for me is somebody tagging just you know one word one liner this is more like art this is real art this is Art what we call uh like tagging for us the name is Pisha song that's something illegal here so right now we are in the beko dobachment call it Batman alley it's a kind of open AIR Graffiti Museum in Sao Paulo so every wall here we have a different artist so it's different murals but especially in this week something happened a guy from the community call it negudavilla was murdered yeah last week so all of the walls on Batman's alley will be black in honor of this guy call it nego De Villa so everything here is gonna be a kind of protest okay use it to be like very colorful colorful like this but now it's all black and this is Batman's alley as irelia mentioned before one of the artists was murdered that's why they're doing this protest everything is blacked out a lot of messages here you know we miss you justice Etc and right here we have a you know a running crew cool keep walking through here yeah basically that's it you know everything's blacked out lots of messages very sad very very sad so over here that's the name of the guy who was murdered he's called it Wellington and he was born in 1980 and he passed it away last week and he's from this neighborhood yeah exactly that's why it's very impactful for them obviously it's from the neighborhood he's an artist yeah and he was murdered exactly you're right so I'm guessing they call it Batman's alley because they have the bat symbol yeah actually one of the first graffitis on Batman's Ali was uh like a Batman so the people are starting like to pass on the Alley and recognize this Ellie Batman so let's go for Batman's alley so right here we have adoran pincher and we have the Batman symbol obviously with like skyscrapers bats inside over here we have like Batgirl and then all around here you have non-stop art right even on the floor like on the sidewalk there's Art here's our I like this pole man it's a little it's a little scary this guy he's uh he's a green man yeah it's cool no that's really cool though I love the bat symbol de Batman Batman's alley and over here is right right the entrance of Batman's Valley so unfortunately Batman's alley is blacked out but next to it you have another mini street with cafes bars restaurants and you can see more art more murals very colorful that's how the street used to be they're gonna do it in the future obviously we want to put this is over but I love these colors everything is very different so obviously all different artists right yes and that's it guys we explored two different breakfasts here in Sao Paulo we had quick street food breakfast what business people people on the go running to the office eat you know a little cake a little pony queso some coffee and then went to the bakery villagran Grano right villagrano villagrano we had like traditional Sao Paulo breakfast so it's bread with butter toast coffee really amazing spot they also have delicious juices definitely do that and then we explored the area right we drove through the city and then we came here until Batman's alley Batman's alley really colorful it's a must see when you come even though they're doing protests now it's still very colorful something you have to see when you're in Sao Paulo today we're doing something really special we're finally eating Brazilian meat we're going here to picaneria do Gaucho what does that mean man the guy wishes like people from uh south of Brazil uhio Grande State that's uh people that are born in this stage they call as agawusho so it's like Sao Paulo the polistas from Rio it's cariocas and from Rio Grande State there are Gauchos that's it some picaya which is the tarp Salon steak maybe some ancho and a lot of sidewaters it's uh it's a place to have a good meal it's an experience right yeah that's my favorite restaurant in the south in the north of Sao Paulo all right here we go I'm loving this restaurant already as you can see open air restaurant there's like 40 tables here everybody's spread out it's on the corner of this block the air is coming through I like is a good Breeze in the back we have the barbecue they're doing non-stop meat yeah he's just seasoning the top Salon steak which is the pecano we also call rump steak right and basically the Brazilian barbecue is just rocked South that's it that's the big difference between the Brazilian barbecue to the rest of the world and what's over here yeah here is just like roast chicken though as francoisado we also call this as the dogs TV because there are a lot of bakeries and restaurants on the street when they set the dogs TV on the corner on the sidewalk dogs like staring at the dogs TV like starving for the the roast chicken I mean the smell is unbelievable yeah the aroma hits you it's really amazing the salt this is the best part about Brazilian meat the salt this kosher salt right kosher salt rock salt rock salt rock salt okay Rockstar yeah that's it are we ordering or what yes we're gonna order the beef fiancho picaya polenta French French rack yeah like the lamb and also the fungi ALU that's the garlic bread the garlic bread that I love and this is a typical Brazilian steakhouse here we have an amazing selection of different meats and organs we're getting oh what is this so This is called dry tip so it's very salty beef I don't know exactly what part the texture and taste is similar to roast beef but it also has some fatty Parts [Music] I'm gonna die here in Brazil bro this is incredible foreign I love the textures man so David you must try this beer it's called it original and it's my favorite beer in Brazil so this is for you wow all right so there's a Pilsen right yeah oh nice light beer bread tastes tastes good different beef beer very smooth it's actually pretty good you know I'm not into the macro breweries but every time I travel to a different country I want to try their beer I want to see what they're all about you know nice smooth crispy only like 4.2 percent I'm sure [Applause] smooth man smooth this is good let's call audition now but it's a group Antarctica Bob Brahma and became the biggest the largest Brewer company called one bed so they bought a lot of beer companies all over the world we have a hardtop palms and tomato and lettuce salad polenta uh tops alone steak or rump steak ancho lamb chops or French rack chicken hearts garlic bread and curry cheese and some mint sauce for the lamb chops and that's it right yeah that's it not not enough food at all for three people I have to start off with my favorite thing of all time lamb look at this oh man this is epic I love it the ribs of the lamb and the salt is always rock salt right always rock salt smokiness juicy tender from the body oh wow polenta I'm a huge fan of polenta so good Italian right Italian all the way yeah in case you guys don't know what polenta is it's basically cornmeal sometimes they refer to it as porridge in Italy they love it I've been growing up with that you know I ate it like my whole life my grandmother used to give me this with Parmesan you could have it baked fried so freaking good wow take that away from me bro to be honest I don't love putting this stuff on the meat me me eating you taste the the taste you need the meat taste you need that salty you need the juices this is to hide the meat taste when the meat's no good I think top sirloin Taste of Brazil in a bite in some certain places you go like when you travel abroad it's almost impossible to find this type of cut so unless you know like any Latin American Bachelor like usually from Venezuela they know it's called pikaya so we're very proud about this cut the only Brazil has for me the best thing of every animal is the organs you want that heart it's dense it's so different not bloody at all so good so this is curd cheese per cheese super gents yeah you know Smoky obviously the grill and this is like the most traditional cheese of Brazil right here the northeast of Brazil no Northeast Northeast yeah Northeast it's a good quality cheese melts yeah no good doesn't melt yeah so this is good this is good wow it builds the taste right you peel it up I mean the barbecue taste is so different you know at my house even in my dad bought you know Brazilian meat it would never taste like this just the way you guys do it man so this is very common Argentina in Uruguay obviously it comes from the south of Brazil on the border right it's tastier there's more juicy I think it was a little more medium rare right ancho it's more juicy and more fat I like it the last thing we have to try is garlic bread so butter herbs and bread oh wow that's so tasty with the herbs I love the bread in the Balkans but here too and crackable the pecanion is so addictive the salt level is outstanding if you don't like salt it's gonna be hard for you but if you like it it's the best it's Heaven wow my favorite rack of lamb the reason why this lamb is so good is because here in Brazil they have lamb it's not like in the United States that we import it from like Australia and New Zealand it's always Frozen and you can taste the difference it's Super Fresh foreign whoa the smokiness man this is the best remember always take the meat they're ready for the bone the tastiest part is right here well I'm at carnivore man not a dog I like to dig in the the meat they stick in the bone like this I call lamb lollipop some people think that heart is adventurous it's actually not just an another organ delicious so tasty for me the organs number one pomito we produce here no as no as a heart of palm we are going to Avenida Paulista is one of the main Avenues of Sao Paulo and where everything happens so you were saying it's like the Fifth Avenue of Brazil exactly that's the place we are going now I gotta tell you guys when you eat meat don't eat too much because it just drops you to the floor like right now I need a coffee because I'm so tired oh my God but the meat was so good the salt we're gonna need so much water tonight tonight I drink water like crazy because not you know you wake up like like dying yeah this is right here is called Luis villaris and is one of the main Avenues here in the north of Sao Paulo and now we are taking the way to paulist Avenue and we should arrive there in the next 26 minutes everything here in Sao Paulo is around a 30 minute drive obviously taking count for traffic you can add another 30 minutes you know always depends you know today's Saturday obviously less traffic during the week it's you know crazy traffic and over here we have street food vendors and just so you know this is the north of Sao Paulo this is more locals no tourists up here the restaurant we just were at there was no tourists nothing all locals it's true experience except to use right except me I was the only extra yeah yeah I was the experience there dude I love that I loved it just super salty but I can for me more salt the better okay with the steaks oh I love it the meat yeah here this area we have some really cool buildings like some street art like graffitis so it's like the other side of the city right like North Zone this is another residential area we're in commercial on the street but behind we have a lot of skyscrapers all residential Towers just condos condos condos everywhere everywhere and you were saying the soccer stadiums here in this area oh that's the first soccer stadium in Sao Paulo city and what's it called it's called okay so we stopped here quickly at the estadio municipal so the stadium we're gonna get a little bit of coconut love it I love coconut water it's the best it's gonna cut it first right here this is this awesome dude his car all the Cocos yeah great advertising all right my friends it's like I'm back in Kerala oh wow this has so much oh it's ice cold he has it in a cooler obviously with ice he's Frozen this is the best thing in the world for me I'd rather have this over water and it's super hydrating you know yes and you know it reduced the bad cholesterol anything natural always better for you this is so good bro it's kind of like a natural natural Gatorade right natural Gator exactly but he doesn't bring it from Bahia right here electrolytes electrolytes exactly natural lights but he doesn't bring this from right here right no he brings from a state below by his state which is a spirit of Santo State below and also well known for like an amazing pineapple like Hawaii does like Hawaii you know oh wow man this is amazing so cool usually you have to have cash right but here in Brazil everybody could pay with card anywhere yes I'm feeling better about my mind yeah I was so tired but this gave me energy oh my God by Miami going to Miami bienvenido the best part about the coconut is once you're done drinking it he'll cut it open and give you the flesh taking it directly off the knife look at that flesh huge huge there's a quarter oh my God the thing with this is that it's so filling yes you're the best for me have a smoothie every day put this inside yes you can also do like a coconut flake coconut oil you know women put in the hair look at the sizes flesh so thick he has like a good supplier you know you can tell because it's not everywhere you go you get like good stuff like he's a coconut that's really impressive the size of the Flesh in this coconut is insane to be honest I don't even know how I ate that I was so far from the steaks the meat filled me up that just took me over the edge okay guys let's go see the Main Avenue this neighborhood is called jardines it's uh one we are one block away to Paulista Avenue it's and that's my favorite place in Sao Paulo to live and to eat to go in the restaurant yeah so it is made up of never any skyscrapers and trees and the wires man oh my God look at all the wires electrical wires so many just like hanging everywhere this is there's like a concrete jungle for real yeah but a mix because you're in a you're a concrete jungle within the jungle in the jungle because this used to be entirely jungle the whole thing like in the beginning of 16th century the weather's amazing it's summer it's December it's cool it rained earlier and that's why it's cool right now it's a little bit cloudy yeah the perfect for like a long walk on the police Avenue and this is made up of like Banks right lots of banks here yeah we have Banks headquarters of big companies houses and the jardines area okay and lots of trees a lot of trees restaurant everything people think San Paulo is just a concrete jungle no there is a lot of trees a lot of freeze green Sparks is not only concrete perfect how far to the Avenue we are one block away from the Avenue we just let's go here and then we're gonna make a left and we are in a vanilla police so we are right now in the heart of Paulista Avenue just to have an idea is 2.9 kilometers from one side to the other and in this Avenue we have a three different subway stations and it's as I told you it's 24 7 and I love here so look how big is the Avenue so yeah like anything huge Avenue lots of buildings skyscrapers in the middle you have this path to the bike path also you can walk on it over to the right over to the left all commercial all commercial spaces you have bars gelato places obviously Starbucks there Banks McDonald's so fast food a lot of big American chains is a beautiful Avenue this yeah this is basically like the Fifth Avenue like one just huge Street this is where all the wealth is this makes Brickell Avenue look look like bad yeah this is huge it's the finance uh part of it yeah Financial District yeah yeah definitely be careful be careful where we are because because the bike just keeps blazing by really really fast so I think we're gonna do is we're gonna walk around we're gonna see some more of the commercial area and then we're gonna have a craft beer from Brazil the one thing you have to be aware of when you're walking right here in the center you can literally be on the line if not you can get hit I don't know where this somebody rollerblading somebody on a bike obviously you're around taking photos perfect place to take photos the problem right now is there's a lot of overcast so the images when you point up really dark Point low too much street but it's an awesome place we're gonna do now we're gonna cross over we're gonna see all these vendors it's like 20 different vendors there they're sending selling everything from like souvenirs to like sodas Let's cross right here we have some like mentors selling everything like things from bull flat some art craft for me I'm just looking for stuff for my kids let's see if we find anything for little girls so this guy over here is selling some awesome art books so like sketchbooks right one of them had you know the Joker really amazing and then this guy made like airplanes out of aluminum cans but he has like you know this is like from Star Wars look at this a lot of toys like handprint look take a look we had some Mississippi souvenirs all artisanal crafted right most of it yeah this is like little Barbies or not Barbies but like yeah but she creates the the dressy right oh she agree with the dress yeah yeah that's amazing yeah and then next to it you have like you know some cacti some dresses that that this guy or this lady has scarves for dogs exactly random that's super random my favorite thing is Baby Groot yeah yeah baby Groot a lot Spiderman and uh Mario Super Mario really cool yeah yeah but these aren't toys these are like this little like uh statues and souvenirs souvenirs in case you guys don't know McDonald's came to Brazil in 1979 and the 1 000 store is that one right there it says number 1000 right and it was an old mansion basically on this Boulevard that's interesting we are here at temazepi the Museum of Art in Sao Paulo and that's the most important art museum of European art in South America I love the architecture of this building look at this under it it's like a square it's held up by four pillars plus the elevator and at the very end you have a view over the city of Sao Paulo because we're about 800 meters high and right now they're setting up I guess it's a market for tomorrow what is this yeah actually tomorrow every Sunday we have a ticket to Market over here it's from like 9 to 5 p.m and more than this I really recommend a visit at this Museum here because you can see Van Gogh you can see Picasso Rafael and many many artists from every part of the world next we are going to a place called it bardusu and we are going to try some Brazilian craft beers okay good good I love that place I heard many good things about the Brazilian craft beers they like their pioneers of craft beers in South America yeah and here especially in Sao Paulo you can find the best ones awesome this place is alive a lot so many people lots of vendors we got music you got bars restaurants and right here we have the bar bardu okay it's like a little bear so this is a Vegeta Colorado which is basically Colorado Brewery from riberon preto that's a city right they have four different beers on draft they have a lager IPA Session IPA they also have an imperial IPA by the ball is like 9.5 percent right 9.5 ABV right and then they also have a porter which looks amazing but I'm gonna try this one because I like strong beers 9.5 efficient dude stay efficient is called Vishnu Imperial IPA tasty oh wow what do I have here in terms of taste it's not crazy hops it's not gonna double and it's not too bitter it's just clean very clean smooth to be honest you don't even taste the 9.5 9.5 and this is a 16 ounces right so the reason why it tastes very honey-ish is because it has rapadura which is a type of sugar right yeah man it's like a sweet Imperial IPA oh it's like double hopped okay I know exactly is it's kind of the azuca right yeah amazing beer man congrats okay so same beer but this is not the Imperial RP this is regular IPA yeah yeah it's a lot easier to drink but that one's actually sweeter I like that one better and for efficiency levels you go with the stronger one and this one was 24 right so like four almost five dollars for the beer this one's like three dollars US so bad it's owned by uh the biggest the largest Burger Company which is ambev and I'm bad but their main beer which is uh city which is in the Sao Paulo County all right guys I had my real first true Brazilian steakhouse experience we tried picana and chicken heart lamb chops oh heart of palm what else ancho ancho car cheeks polenta so delicious delicious man one of the highlights was like uh staying by the grill just watching the guys cooking yeah roasting the meat right it's amazing the Aruba hits you I mean it's a real local experience it's like an experience besides eating right yeah we ate about three kilos for sure and this place isn't where the tourists go this is where it looks just locals okay uh we have to thank Aurelio our local guy that took us there right be my guest in Sao Paulo and man it was amazing and then we came here to the center to this Avenue exactly Paulista Avenue is one of the main tourist attractions in Sao Paulo man it's a must yeah you know I love this city it's a huge Avenue you know Financial District exactly walk around buy some souvenirs see the museum if you have time I didn't have time today obviously we're on a schedule yeah but I mean really really cool I I really feel the heart of the city is here yes time flies man I know I know one day is not enough too much too much and then I finished it and then I finished it off here at silvestrea Colorado traditional craft beer from Brazil from uh Sao Paulo County a city called I don't know for the Brazilian Hollywood they produce amazing crafts of beers I tried their Imperial IPA really strong 9.5 yes if you have to eat before this because NADA hits you now we are going to visit a very nice bar call it ajurichi and they are here since from 1957 7 frequented only basically by locals and this is one of my favorite bars around this area here and then after this we're gonna go we're gonna try some street food all around Sao Paulo we have like a hot dog with potatoes yeah we have a few different things really unique stuff it's typical to Sao Paulo and we're starting off right here at ayuriti let's go let's do it this is the real Sao Paulo right [Applause] I Love This Bar dude hey this bar is awesome this bar is awesome man it's very traditional and all types of food like seafood cheese cold cuts pork rinds yeah it's kind of like in Spain the Tapas right so when you're in Brazil you must attend uh Bocce or a Boteco that means Bodega right it's a place for you to do like Tapas okay right so we're gonna have a beer we're gonna have some of this stuff in a sort of a like chocolate and they also made a hot dog exactly [Music] okay yeah they also have some beer here exactly to have the original which try to earned today this one is very good which one David this is beer okay here we have a lot of food tohisma which is pork skin uh pork belly sausage uh frog I'm not a sausage which is Mercia Roma and calabresa potato ready okay where do we start I would start with the hot dishes which is the frog and the sausage you mean the beer and the beer okay very nice multi oh crisp I have water okay we're gonna start off with this the sausage sausage with the with the sugarcane liquor which is kashasa I don't even know how it is and some special sauce smoked sausage this sausage was flameda sounds like cassava but it's and it has some special sauce [Music] kind of fermented right wow a little bit no it tastes unreal it's like it's almost like these herbs in there yeah a little bit of liquor flush it down with some beer right oh man I'm gonna try next to Marcia with some chili oh yeah yeah get the red one I'll see you I love it blood sausage yes different oily I love the onions it's a nice crunch a little bit spicy a little bit a little bit you add that little pepper chili oh my God it's so good now definitely we should go straight to the Prague to not get cold let's deep fry let's do it so how do you do is break it up yeah I don't like this it's like fish and chicken grab this pie it has more meat yeah grab this one I like this one it's always a problem because it tastes like chicken today chicken but it is so little meat it's so small yeah it has a lot of protein not bad it's a mix of Fish and Chicken I would say this one perfect perfect we have some lime you know I'm used to eating prawns yeah in South Florida we have a lot of frogs right this is not a wild frog right not a wild oh not wild no not wild farm raised frog exactly so this is pork belly huh with some lime on it yeah always right always fast food anything fried add some lime especially Pork yeah hey man cheers cheers they're John they're John kind of like cochinita are you the big guy yeah oh my gosh he's huge yes monster so fish with onions marinade how do I even eat this the whole thing like this foreign crunchy salty chicharron pork rinds yeah just a little bit I'm getting too much that is a straight box yeah it's very belly the the best cardiologist right the best friend of the cardiologist yeah right and now we're going to finish it up with the Matata calabresa but it's kind of like pepperoni potato that's ammonium some cilantro patata is kind of like a type of pepperoni pepper sausage whoa that chili is crazy that is spicy it has some cilantro right yeah but that pepper I'm gonna wash it down [Applause] [Music] I like it if it's spicy I eat it [Applause] and that was a real tapas bar that is like authentic Brazil right there the most traditional most authentic you can get and now we're gonna go look for a hot dog it's gonna be like a 30 minute drive this city is massive and uh yeah we're gonna try a hot dog with mashed potatoes and some other stuff yeah let's do it let's go David let's go and see Sao Paulo Bay night come with us so the area here is called and we are heading to my favorite hot dog in the whole Sao Paulo yeah your favorite that's my favorite and it's a surprise well it's a surprise but basically this hot dog has mashed potatoes I've never had it with mashed potato I've had it with fritas like a little you know uh french fries but never mashed potatoes right here they do with mashed potato which is yes let's do it so right now we are in the place called super hot dog and they use it to be for years and years at the University of Sao Paulo and they move it here to bhutanta this is for me the best hot dog in the real hot dog of Sao Paulo as you can see he's making the hot dog right now he added like 20 different things but he layered it like never ending layers and at the end he added mashed potatoes on top and then he put I think Mayo on top of that yeah I mean it's like it's it looks so good it looks really filling I promise you'll never taste a better hot dog than this and if you guys don't know a lot of German descendants in Brazil that is why the hot dog is here yeah man I'm hungry let's do it let's do it and here we go this is the massive hot dog with mashed potatoes look at this so every single state in Brazil has a different style this one obviously they have the mashed potatoes and that is the like compound all the ingredients together and make it like cement oh I haven't seen a hot dog like this before bro this is crazy so you eat this like you eat any hot dog in the world right yeah you get up it's like you're eating hot dog in New York yeah I know but I've never seen a hot dog especially this bun you know what I do with the tongue first that's what's up first oh yeah it's a taste the mashed potato how crazy [Music] we have corn in here yes potato burritas potato hot dogs all the bun super thick bun oh my God the amount of mashed potatoes oh man my man's breaking in here [Music] so good it's like tropical scrunchy refreshing it's also very mushy dude how do you do this good delicious I love the corn favorite part actually oh nice hot dog too ah it was so good wow I'm not a big hot dog guy a power man right there I usually eat hot dogs to get a baseball game or something yeah but this one is amazing so unique and how much is this like a dollar two dollars like 220 cents I told you that's the best hot dog in Sao Paulo and I hope you're enjoying and have a good time I mean it is delicious it's giant it's not too filling I gotta say though because obviously this bread is super fluffy yeah so we crossed the city like to put the neighborhood we took like 25 minutes but I think it works right oh my God oh my God have fun enjoy it in the mix of the Mayo mustard hot dog crunching into the french fries the fritas and the fluffy bun and the mashed potatoes wow I didn't eat those mashed potatoes oh my God wow that was intense really delicious filling now we're going for one more stop we're going for dessert something I haven't tried yet and you have to try when you come to Brazil dude I'm full we are here to try samasai I love this place we literally parked right next to the guys yeah this is awesome so right now we are going to try some Brazilian acai and this place they sell fruits 24 7 in Sao Paulo and if you guys don't know acai is that is a super fruit from the Amazon jungle readily available all throughout Brazil I had it in Suriname in the jungle I can't wait to have it here in Brazil so as I told you here they sell fruit 24 7. we have a variety of fruits since from bananas pineapples orange everything with a high quality so basically it's a Fruit Stand but they also do shakes acai bowls that's what they do here yeah everything that is with fruit exactly also salad fruits like juice fresh juice water everything here look at those watermelons dude massive wow watermelons avocados lime mangoes pears nectarines papaya kiwi whoa bananas I mean everything and this is all from Brazil all from most of them are from Brazil yeah this is like the for me this is song called a place like 24 hours that you find like fruits 24 hours you can have an acai this is a city that never sleeps in Brazil that's it and this is reflect the city so I will put the powder milk in the acai like that I will do it like that the kind of look very good so this is frozen acai with milk powder on top okay memo powder is different oh super like syrupy right it has a lot of sugar why not syrup and banana all planets okay the banana I feel it now you see whoa without tasting I know oh the best it's like thick I love this it's like a a mushy delicious acai usually you have it for breakfast with granola like a huge acai Bowl mix it with some fruit strawberries bananas foreign I literally can't even imagine having this on the beach like Copacabana beach with this oh wow wow more dessert yeah that's my favorite dessert we're gonna destroy this dude yeah pour it on yeah why not the milk the milk powder is fattening the rest of it's perfect super creamy very thick it's more like a like a ice cream slushie yeah not like ice cream it's more than slushy I don't even know how to describe it it's like almost like a like a sugary Blackberry yeah oh this is tapioca cream tapioca cream yeah I never tried try it tapioca cream cheers Frozen dragon fruit right good that's good it tastes more like a popsicle yeah I prefer the acai man what a great moment yeah what a great experience that was awesome that's awesome I love the beginning the bar we went to the Tapas the top experience there true Sao Paulo style right we call that comes from the word Bodega yeah what was your favorite thing there uh the Frog okay and the sausage okay for me it was the Marcia yeah I like the Mercia too but it's not even on my top five no oh my God it's also the pork cracklings the pork cracklings were good the beer was okay I mean very malty then after I became we had a monster hot dog the one thing you have to try right you have to try it might stop chewing Sao Paulo I have a different favorite one okay but I like it yeah I mean the city is huge you probably can find five amazing places but you gotta like really strategize is where you're going because you're gonna waste hours just trying to get to a place and it's huge you know like a lot of traffic it's like next to City it was like 40 minutes to get there exactly just for a hot dog luckily this place was like a minute away here lots of fruits basically a Fruit Stand that's 24 hours 24 hours they have slushies smoothies acai bowls milkshakes ice cream never ending never ending but the one thing you have to try is acai yes I see you always but I would say not here he is kind of like commercial Frozen uh acai ice cream but you want real I say you go to my house right exactly manaus or villain okay so that's like the Amazon jungle well that's where the acai was born right yeah that's where they produced that's what the jungle right yeah and that's Sao Paulo everyone I hope you enjoyed this video if you did please give me a thumbs up and leave me a comment below if you're from Brazil if you ever been to Sao Paulo do you like Brazilian food I love it all I want to explore more Brazil my nails belem where else too many places to visit hope you enjoyed the video subscribe and I'll see you soon [Music]
Channel: Davidsbeenhere
Views: 104,248
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davidsbeenhere, david hoffmann, street food, best street food, street food videos, street food tour, davidsbeenhere brazil, brasil, brazil, best brazilian food, brazilian food tour, brazilian food, brazil food, food in brazil, things to do in brazil, what to eat in brazil, brazilian, brazilian cuisine, brazil travel video, brazil 4k, brazil travel, food of brazil, travel brazil, brazil food guide, brazilian meat, brazilian steakhouse, sao paulo brazil, brazilian dishes
Id: f-O1sZqMNjM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 39sec (6819 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 13 2022
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