8 CRAZY reasons why we live in Brazil - The TRUTH from Americans 2022!!

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We're an american family with five kids and  we've been living in brazil for about four   and a half years now just about every single  brazilian we meet asks us the same question   what are you doing here? In this video  we will be answering this question with   eight shocking truths make sure to watch till  the end because number seven is my favorite. Before we jump in don't forget to like  and subscribe also please follow us on   instagram at our brazilian life don't forget  we always put english and portuguese subtitles   on all of our videos you can turn those on  in the video settings in youtube. Number one   why do we live in brazil? Because it is  the most beautiful country in the world! Number two, the brazilian people are very  kind warm and loving people uh one of the   greatest things about the people here in  brazil is that they're open and you get to   know them very quickly and very easily uh i  also like the the kisses the hugs and kisses   it's a very touchy uh culture and and  they love to give the hugs and kisses.   Which is a bit different from americans because  we like to shake hands but man americans need   brazilian hugs it's so good. There's lots  of touch lots of feeling it's a it's a very   intimate culture and that's one of the great  things that we love about it it's also a   family-oriented culture where the people  are are very close knit with their family   they don't have very many kids like  one maybe two children per family but   it's uh they're they hold their kids and  their family very close to each other Number three, our kids are bilingual which  is amazing that was a big goal for us that   was something that was really important living  in another country we wanted them to learn the   language and there's no better way to do that  than to actually live in that native environment   so our kids are fluent in Portuguese that's  been an incredible opportunity for them   and Portuguese is very latin so it's a  great base for learning other languages   in the future. Brazil is the largest country  in South America and the most populated country   and because it has the most people living in  brazil out of all the those in South America   if you speak Portuguese you can do very well in  business and communications here in South America Number four, free public health care health care  in the United States is crazy expensive and it's   free here in Brazil for brazilians permanent  residents for even travelers if you're passing   through Brazil you have access to free health care  which is incredible, so you have the option of   choosing private care and finding private doctors  for things that you need and sometimes that is a   good and better option it just depends on what you  need and your preferences and that does cost you   out of pocket but it's a fraction of the cost  cheaper than the United States. For example uh   before we moved to Brazil i think it was the day  before Maycee, she broke her arm and we didn't   have insurance in the United States so we took her  to the emergency room we waited at the emergency   room they gave her an x-ray and afterwards they  gave her a brace they didn't even put her into a   uh into a cast and they said uh come back in  a week to to have a checkup we couldn't come   back in a week because our flight was the next  day we got on the plane we flew to Brazil uh   a few months later a few weeks later we got a  bill in the mail for six thousand dollars just for   an x-ray and a sling for her arm nothing else no  other care was provided and here in Brazil, Maycee   has also broken bones and she and we've taken her  to the public hospitals and we go in we have to   wait a long time that's true uh but you also have  to wait a long time in the United States so we   waited a long time they they put us through gave  us an x-ray and then they put a cast on her right   right then and there after they saw what was wrong  and it was free we didn't have to pay anything   we've also paid for private health care here in  Brazil and it's pretty good it's it's inexpensive   relatively and you go in and you sit down with the  doctor and they spend the entire hour sitting down   and chatting with you to see what's wrong to see  how they can help and they really get to know you   in the united states it's uh 10 minutes it's it's  in and out it's a as quickly as they can possibly   get you in and out and you don't you don't feel  like you have that connection with the doctors   in the United States as you do here in Brazil and  they they ask you to come in for a follow-up visit   and and that's included in your in your first  visit so we use a combination of private health   care and also the pro the public health care here  in Brazil. This is kind of a hot topic so let us   know your thoughts and opinions in the comments  about your experiences with brazilian healthcare. Number five, cost of living  in brazil is very affordable!   We live in a very nice home we eat very well  and we we put our kids through homeschooling,   private schooling, we have our own teacher and all  of this is very affordable and we could not live   we could not have this lifestyle the same  lifestyle that we have now in the United States   so we really enjoy the elevated lifestyle that  we live here in Brazil I would say that our our   rent is for sure less than half of what we'd be  paying in the United States and we wouldn't have   all the luxuries that we have here as well so  there's actually a lot of places in Brazil that   are cheaper than Rio de Janeiro which is where  we live so leave in the comments where's the   best place to live in Brazil is it the north the  south where's the cheapest place to live because   even though we live in Rio de Janeiro which is one  of the most expensive places to live in Brazil and   in South America it's still a lot cheaper than  the united states so what are your thoughts. One of the great things about living  here in Brazil is the the cost of food   the cost of food here is relatively inexpensive  the prices have been going up because of inflation   and other things but it's it's inexpensive uh you  can buy a lot of food a lot of fresh organic food   uh when we go to the grocery store our  cart is mostly filled or halfway filled   up with fresh produce and and vegetables  and fruits it's a beautiful thing to see. Number six, exposing our children to a new  culture. Brazil is an extremely diverse nation   and the difference between just traveling to  Brazil and living here is that you actually really   really get the time to develop relationships  and spend time with people who look different,   speak different, have different traditions than  you and you really really get to not just see it   but really experience it and and grow to love  people who are different and and get used to   being around differences and and and how  that makes you flexible and welcoming   and it becomes like a way of life  just like accepting different people. Brazil is a gigantic country and it  seems like there are different countries   within the country of Brazil for example in in  Salvador there's a certain lifestyle a way of   living and if you go from Salvador  up to Aracaju for example the the   accent is different the the influence on the  culture is different the food is different   you can you can feel a big difference and it's a  relatively short distance also from Rio de Janeiro   to São Paulo you can tell the difference in the  accent the food the way people live the lifestyle   it's it's uh it's like two different countries  from rio de janeiro to São Paulo we haven't   gone to the south of Brazil yet but we know that  there's a very large european german influence   in the south of brazil and so all wherever you  go the different regions of Brazil it's you you   meet different types of people different cultures  different food and it's a beautiful thing to see. It's really a great thing to be living  here because we really get to spend   time doing it not just passing through  for a few days but to really sit enjoy   soak up the culture soak it up really soak it up  and i think that makes a really big difference   in our lives and particularly in the lives of our  kids because they're growing and learning how to   interact and appreciate people and  it makes them so much more flexible. Exposing our children to a new culture helps  dispel negative stereotypes and personal biases   about different groups in addition cultural  diversity helps us recognize and respect   a different way of life that are not necessarily  the same as our own so that as we interact   with others we can build bridges of trust  respect and understanding across cultures. Number seven, it is affordable to have hired  help at home. This might seem like a simple   thing but it is a game changer for me we are  able to have a full-time maid here in Brazil.   Our maid cooks breakfast and lunch, she does  all the laundry and she totally cleans the house   scrubs the floors cleans the bathroom all that  hard work we have help with and you parents out   there know how much work it is to care for your  home and family and to have help with that is   amazing. It is a game changer it really frees up  particularly my time to do the things that I enjoy   to it takes just a lot of stress and time  off my plate it allows me that freedom   to be creative do things that I enjoy to work on  and improve our business, to go on dates to just   enjoy life a lot more without all the constant  stress and pressure of taking care of your home.   So for me it has really elevated our lifestyle  by having all that support at home and i wish we   had lived here when my kids were babies because  that was a lot of work. In Brazil you can have   a maid, a gardener, a pool guy, a handyman,  whatever you need it's it's very affordable   in the United States okay so. And it's  common. Yeah it's very common here   very very very common everybody has some form  of help whether it's full time or one day a week   it's easily accessible and yeah it's very  common in the us it's culturally not common and   even like wealthy people don't have a maid  because in Brazil for a maid it's about 10 to 20   a day depending on where you live for the same  service in the United States it's going to run   you 150 to 250 a day to have someone cleaning  your house and that doesn't include cooking   food or anything like that. So to me it is a  luxury that I love and appreciate um our maid   really makes my life easy and I appreciate her,  so for me that has been a huge game changer and   has really elevated our lifestyle is having all  this support at home especially with a big family. Number eight, the business opportunities here  in Brazil are amazing! We came here to Brazil   we opened up a trampoline park called  big jump usa we have multiple locations   here in Rio de Janeiro and it is fantastic we  love it it has afforded us great opportunities and   it's helped us to meet a lot of different people  it's not easy to do business here in brazil but   that's almost a given but if you're willing to  persist and and make it through those hurdles and   those obstacles i think that you can you can do  very well in business there are lots of people who   are unwilling to uh to go through those obstacles  and that's why there are opportunities in Brazil. As foreigners there are some added challenges  we had to learn the laws labor laws accounting,   so if you're going to do business here you need a  good team of lawyers and accountants that you can   trust because there's no way to know it all,  and you do have to get used to a different   business culture but again there is a lot of  opportunity here especially in our line of work   which is the family entertainment industry um  it's that field has a lot of opportunity in it   and brazilians love to have fun, they love  to be with their family ,we have party rooms   so we've got a good business model that has  really worked well in Brazil and it has created   freedom opportunity, we have since we're  business owners and we homeschool, we can travel   a lot and experience more of Brazil, we  get to meet a lot of really cool people   and it has really enriched our experience here  and like my husband said it hasn't been easy,   it's not an easy thing to do whether it's  learning Portuguese to communicate well in   your business professionally or figuring out all  of the laws there's a lot to learn but again we   you know, we're willing to take on the challenge  and do what it takes and we're willing to do   things that people aren't and so that's put  us in a unique situation where we've had a   lot of success because there's not very many  trampoline parks at all here in Brazil so it's   been an exciting adventure and one that has been  worth it we don't want to sugarcoat it and say   that you know it was a piece of cake because it  wasn't but it was just really worth it for us. One of the keys to success here in Brazil is  building up a network of people that you can   trust. Once you find those people that you  can trust you hang on to those people you   take care of them very well so that you can use  them again and again to build up the business. These top eight are just a few of  our favorite reasons that we live   in Brazil we could go home to the states at  any time we choose to live here we choose to   grow our business here in Brazil because  it gives us such a wonderful life   and so many rich experiences and opportunities so  thank you for watching this video we hope you love   Brazil as much as we do we hope that you come and  visit and maybe move here see you next time, bye.
Channel: Our Brazilian Life
Views: 492,435
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Keywords: #expat, #abroad, #travelbrazil
Id: TaZPvarobTI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 14sec (1034 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 23 2022
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