Detailed dissasembly, cleaning, inspection, and lubrication of the AR 15

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hey what's going on guys I'm Chris and this is regular guy training so we're gonna talk about a couple of things today I get requests on you know taking guns apart and cleaning them all the time so while I sit here and talk about certain things I am simply going to start taking this gun down mostly because you don't need real specific directions with me highlighting things and circling [ __ ] for you to get a thorough understanding of how to take an AR style rifle apart okay because separating the two halves getting them apart and then cleaning some stuff is really not the difficult part the difficult part is where a lot of people get wrapped around the axle as far as what to do next once it's apart and all that stuff now as far as like military training and that kind of thing military guys are taught to be very aggressive with how they clean their guns okay get them White Glove clean that kind of stuff I still see that kind of [ __ ] all the time all the time and I I do have certain opinions on that you know and I do have certain things that I would like to say regarding the super aggressive cleaning and all that jazz so go ahead and get to it here but as far as getting it apart real easy I mean like there there ain't really much for me to have to go into deep detail and explain but there are a couple of things that I do want to sit here and talk about number one let's talk about the moving parts wipe down now before I pretty much go anywhere else I'm gonna go into cleaning out the lower receiver and the reason why the lower receiver is a big deal for me here is because if I don't mess with it soon I will simply forget it right so I'm gonna take my little shop rag here and I'm just gonna go over some stuff like I'm gonna I'm gonna make sure that my hammer is is cleaned out and that kind of thing but there is a couple last couple of things that I see a lot of guys just kind of gloss over or just not talk about at all that can actually mess with your individual performance on a rifle now anybody who's done a lot of shooting who's been to a bunch of classes and that kind of stuff particularly classes like higher around counts where you know you're in the one to two thousand round range or one and a half thousand that kind of thing you'll start to notice that you know sometimes your safety may actually end up kind of difficult to work okay to where it's just it just feels crummy it feels you know like there's too much grit in there and that kind of thing and after a while lower receivers will start just collecting junk okay like you'll see a couple of thing like you know just like little grass fragments and stuff here and there but making sure that what's inside of here is clear is actually pretty important because if what's in there doesn't get out of there it could ball up it could start [ __ ] with your sear in that kind of stuff and all of that translates to making sure that this area right in here is clear a junk okay now I'm talking about just right in there you know just making sure that anything large isn't in there like you don't have any little wood chips or [ __ ] gravel or whatever in there and you can just basically just kind of get that stuff out and you don't have to worry about your system locking out now you can see it there's a couple like real real dead grass clippings in there that's really not that big of a deal it's not something that I am too terribly worried about but what I also like to do is I just like to go in make sure that I get a little bit of that carbon and stuff off in that lower area that I was talking about you're not going to get all of it out of there but it helps and once you've got in there and gotten some of that stuff out you can actually go after your safety lever here and making sure that you know you get some of the junk off there because direct impingement system gets gas everywhere it's not as bad at a lower receiver but it still gets in there and if your cup and if you're just looping it up and throwing Lube back in there and then gas and then Lubin and gas and then Lubin gasps you'll notice that your safety starts getting a little sluggish now in the field a couple of drops of oil and this slicks back up again right we're talking about the safety lever itself right and that can actually affect your performance a little bit because chances are you're not expecting it and he and you have and especially if you train you you feel a certain amount of weight when you throw your safety lever and it'll throw you off a little bit you know not too terribly much but it will slow you down so you know making sure that your lower is just free of stuff that'll [ __ ] your rifle because similar to a 1911 if you have too much crap go into your lower receiver and get into like your sear and all that stuff you can start having problems most of the time when you see AR style rifles go down it's because junk top in there and now the gun isn't resetting and all that you charging handle really no big deal at all even if he doesn't leave this [ __ ] thing alone quite frankly you're not going to hurt anything but just for the sake of you know making sure that I cover all my little bases and make sure that I don't introduce too much old stuff as far as carbon when new stuff you know I just clean it out really no big deal some of that admittedly is carried over from military circles now your bolt now your bolt here there's always some contention here here in there about how hard you should clean this thing as you can see what I'm going through right now is I am simply just cleaning this guy off I'm getting I'm giving it a wipe down I'm cleaning all black crap off of it and making sure that that my lugs are cleaned off well and cleaning the lugs of carbon isn't the important part of cleaning this thing off the important part of cleaning your lugs off is so that you can properly inspect them because if there's stuff that breaks on an m4 bolt or an AR fit or an AR or m16 bolt or whatever right if there's stuff that breaks on the bolt it's right in a campaign area that's usually where they tend to just kind of snap in half I've seen that happen or and you have lug shearing and generally speaking you're looking at these two lugs here and here these two because on your mil standard bolts like this one here is a daniel defense bolt right it's not fully supported okay around the case head so these two are your weakest lugs and if you look at it you can start to look for cracks tiny little fissures gouges that kind of thing a little bit of rolling here and there isn't that big of a deal like you can see a little bit of metal rolling on this guy that isn't a huge deal but when you start seeing cracks little fissures in the metal itself that's when you have issues in this particular one here we're not running into any real problems so okay cool good to go now as far as getting in here and getting this guy cleaned out okay the only real thing I'm concerned about over everything else is I don't want too much slop to get in here and to prevent my firing pin from being slammed forward once it gets hit by the hammer which admittedly is very difficult to do like you have to put many many many many thousands of rounds and followed up with oil and dirt and all kinds of [ __ ] but just making sure that there ain't a possibility that that's gonna happen you know just give a little bit of a wipe down in there give it some freedom to move around and you'll notice that this isn't like incredibly detailed I'm not sitting there trying to white-glove this thing because as far as trying to white-glove clean your guns generally speaking that leaves them real dry generally speaking that really hurts as far as maintaining some finish because there is no there's no like oil assistance as with the finish itself and that depends on the oil you use and all that stuff but if you're constantly drying out metal components and metal components are a lot likes are a lot like skin they're fairly porous and if there isn't some kind of slickness going in there and you make them real dry just like skin over time it'll it'll get real weak start cracking and that kind of thing so speaking of cracking I'm going over to my extractor here and I'm making sure that it's given a quick light down and all that stuff again much more than getting the junk cleaned off its itself it's cleaning it off so that you can properly inspect it now once you've got that cleaned off and you start inspecting it you look for chipping fissures that kind of thing the fissures meeting cracks that kind of deal so a really no big deal on that one there as well okay I'm gonna make sure that I don't have any coils broke off of my spring in that kind of deal I'm gonna look and make sure my other rubber o-ring is intact so again no big deal on that front okay and then from there I'm gonna start I'm gonna actually look at my little rubber o-ring here that's in a lot of AR style guns and I'm gonna look for anything significant as far as just like tearing or gouging or any of that right so you can see that there it's worn it's got a little bit of a groove worn in from from from the spring in it pushing itself into it but it's not crazy right and that's what we're looking at here is to make sure that is not starting to try and tear and of course if you see that kind of stuff the first thing that you're gonna start doing is replacing those parts because they're not doing their job anymore okay yet again camp in okay again far more important than getting the crap cleaned off the gun and you'll notice that there is a little pattern here it's a clean it's a cleaning as well as an inspection of parts okay so we're cleaning this guy off here once we got it cleaned off mmm come on focus you can see how it's worn okay now this guy's got a lot of use on it so you can see that there's some polished out parts and that kind of thing and again no fissures no crazy amount of we're just a lot of polishing from a lot of cycles no big deal there now we're going to move on to our carrier now there are a lot of people that get absolutely ridiculous about how this carrier has cleaned out I've had plenty of supply sergeants I would absolutely crucify you if there was anything on this carrier at all you want to know something crazy the carrier isn't even really that important if we're trying to make sure the gun still works as far as we cleaning the outside of it and this is just what experience has taught me and that kind of stuff if all of this other stuff is cleaned shoved back into the carrier you throw some oil some more oil in it and then cycle it a bunch really it's no big deal there okay however the the big reason why I am cleaning this guy off right now is because again it's more of an inspection than it is a cleaning right I'm gonna clean this guy and I'm gonna make sure like wipe it off and make sure that my staking is still good which you can usually see real well but you can also see if there's like little stress cracks or anything like that forming up around that around those staking screw hole or stakes screw holes there right we're gonna make sure that the gas key itself doesn't have any chips or dents or burrs or any of that stuff on it right because you get a bollard you get a real deal bullet over a bolt or two and you may I'm not saying you will you may have a gas key Bend or a burn or something like that I've seen gas keys hit bent gas tubes and if they would cause burrs on either side you know so that could that kind of stuff how it got that way don't ask I have no idea and then of course just to just to you know just make sure that stuff goes in well like again I'm not absolutely insane about this kind of thing I just kind of take the shop towel roll it up okay and as I roll it up I'm just gonna make sure that you know I'm gonna feel it bottom out I'm gonna make sure that there is plenty of room for my bolt to slide in and out without much without any resistance whatsoever you can actually see the chrome lining in there is pretty much cleaned off now a big part of ARS and making sure they run well is to Lube them right these are guns that do like to run wet but there are varying instances as as far as making sure that they are lubed up quote/unquote properly because there's more than one way to do it and that kind of depends on your time of year so I'm just going to make sure that life is a little bit easier you'll notice that there isn't much focus on the ass end of this mostly because to be perfectly honest is the second you get this perfectly clean it gets really [ __ ] up so me personally I'll get in there a little bit I'll start I'll start getting some of the existing junk out but I don't place a real heavy emphasis on it because right in this area here okay is where we start having a little bit of a debate in the gun guy cleaning world because I've just neglected the ass end of that before for just years and nothing really negative has come from it well we're talking about right here is we're talking about getting this thing cleaned up to the point where it's going to it's going to cycle reliably and while we're cleaning it we're also inspecting it now you can get this you can get this back here cleaned up real well you can go in there with a flashlight and on this end too and make sure that you don't even have any pitting or that kind of stuff I'm personally not going to on this one on this video mostly because I know that this is full of oil all the time I know that leave it outside for extended periods of time that kind of thing but if you are outside a lot occasionally doing that is really is to your benefit more than subtracting things away so once those components are essentially wiped down I'm going to make sure it has I assemble stuff okay I'm still keeping an eye out for issues right and you know by the way when you go to put this extractor back in you want you're going to want to push down on this because it's under a lot of spring tension all by itself right so you just want to keep that pressed down so you can relieve a little bit of that spring tension make sure that the pin is even on either side they were good so some of you may have seen me push out that pin with the firing pin that's here and there's a lot of guys that are going to be like well shouldn't you basically not do that because that's your firing pin you don't want to chip it in that kind of deal ordinarily I would sit there and agree with you but having watched soldiers do it forever having been taught to do it that way because it's a toolless disassembly quote unquote and having watched all kinds of meatheads and [ __ ] push out the firing pin correction they're extracting their extractor pin their extractor retention pin Jesus can't talk with that firing pin and not break it I'm gonna say it that's pretty a pretty solid way to go about it because soldiers [ __ ] break everything so I'm sure that somebody's got a story about how you know they're [ __ ] they watched it happen in their unit and blah blah blah but I have not seen it oh by the way when you put this guy back together you're gonna want to make sure that your extractor is still facing to the right because it won't go out it correction your cam pin will not go in correctly if it's not face to the right although I have seen really really badly out of spec bolts that will but it the wrong way so your gun tries to extract to the right so make sure your bolt extractor or the extractor on your bolt it's facing in a friggin right make sense so once you got that in there you're going to want to twist your camp in so that you got a little T going on right once you've got that set up properly you can go ahead and just kind of throw your firing pin in there make sure that you get your cotter pin in correctly and once it's in correctly a good way to make sure that it's in is just to go ahead and slap that bolt you'll see that the firing pin is trying to come out but it's blocked by the by the by the cotter pin that's in there so no big deal and set aside now let's take a look at our upper receiver there are a couple of things that I care about on this upper receiver the and the main one is making sure that your barrel extension or your star chamber is cleaned properly if that is not cleaned properly and if you give it enough time and or if you keep it dry you're going to get stuck cases whether or not it's frickin brass case or steel case it's you're gonna get stuck cases because this rifle round is a straight wall type case for the most part there's not much taper in it at all so if you do not make sure that this is cleaned and lightly lubricated you're going to have issues okay so I'm gonna go into this upper receiver okay and just going in here you can't you can't just kind of tiptoe into it you just kind of got to get in there alright this is one of those guns that when you clean it up your hands are going to get dirty and that kind of stuff you know deal with it something else to mention while you're cleaning this kind of stuff some guys use like rubber gloves and that kind of thing to clean up their guns and I used to make fun of them for the longest time but lead powder poisoning is absolutely a and you can yell up your let exposure over time and I used to just kind of scoff this off as well right until you start noticing that you start forgetting [ __ ] a lot you know so over time I noticed all of the ways that I'm exposing myself to lead that isn't just the shootin part and that I'm just starting to forget [ __ ] so I started to lead detox as fast as possible making sure that immediately after cleaning guns the first thing that I would do is I would wash up and that kind of thing where available wear rubber gloves that kind of deal so while sitting here talking about it you'll notice that I cleaned up in the upper just to make sure that the heavy coated stuff is gone I'll lean in and I'll inspect some of the surfaces that rub with the carrier and you can tell which surfaces rub with the carrier because just imagine this inserted that away this I'm not worried about this like at all because this is just rubbing on incoming rounds off a magazine okay what I care about is contact points here here here in here and everywhere that makes contact so on the upper receiver you'll notice that okay you can see where some of these places are scraped up real good and just look around again it's an inspection thing I'm gonna look at I'm going to look at my gas tube and I'm gonna make sure that the gas tube itself isn't bent at all and that's pretty straight so once we get in there now I'm going to start cleaning this guy out before I start trying to clean that guy out what I'm gonna do here is I'm gonna take one of these brushes okay and the first thing that I'm gonna do is I'm gonna get some lube on it I'm gonna jam it in here and I'm going to simply just start scraping the stuff out all this does is just loosen up the junk that's on your that's inside of that barrel extension and it makes it to where now you can start to clean it out that kind of deal how you pull the rest of that garbage out is on you I have a particular method of going about it but we'll go ahead and simply move my [ __ ] out of the way shoving this guy in here and then the next thing that we're gonna do is just start turning okay now I'm not going to try and go against the grain because the cleaning rod is screwed in a particular way and it's just not going to work I'm just going to go ahead and turn you might be able to see that turning in there so once I've gone ahead and turned that enough all men do is yank that guy out and start covering it again and basically just kind of see what kind of stuff ends up on your little on your little rag here and by the way shop towels are amazing and you can see it ain't just the oil that's in there too you can usually see little brass fragments and that kind of [ __ ] that's in there so oh by the way that piles up in there as well so if you don't clean that junk out you're gonna have problems later on once we've got that cleaned out I usually go back in okay now I've got tiny little baby digits as far as width but they're a little bit longer which helps because I can get in there and I can just basically clean out not the chamber area so much but the barrel extension itself what guys refer to as the star chamber and what sends people back when you're trying to turn in your rifles and [ __ ] so I'll just go in and I'll just start trying to get as much as I can with my little baby digits out of there and this really is to just free stuff up so it's less work that your bolt has to do when it's locking and unlocking and that kind of stuff okay there isn't an excessive buildup so you don't have head spacing issues and that kind of thing because if it builds up enough and then you just let it sit it turns itself into its own little fossilized coat and I've seen guys get backed off as far as their head space and that kind of [ __ ] before which results in bad things but just making sure and as much as you can get this cleaned up is cleaned up well okay and you'll notice that you're starting to get less and less of it when it's not like super duper duper dirty and that kind of thing and you can bust out lights and that kind of show you can start looking around in here okay now just trying to get a little bit of focus there we go so there's still a bunch of junk in there so I'm going to continue going in there but you know that's really what we're getting at here we're just trying to make sure that guys wipe down properly and that we come away with as much junk as possible and what we're going to do after that here is that we're going to follow it up with a bore snake now there's a lot of guys that have varying theories on cleaning up boars and that kind of deal I have a particular method that's a lot of guys may disagree with vehemently but that's okay now as far as cleaning this and using a bore snake and that kind of thing the most important part of using a bore snake on this for me personally is making sure that the chamber area is cleaned out not so much the barrel now if you have enough carbon and [ __ ] in your barrel to the point where you're starting to see green stuff about the front end of your muzzle device and that kind of thing okay maybe it's time to maybe it's time to knock out a little bit of that cut that carbon and that kind of stuff but what you're looking for here is that it guys that are constantly pulling copper and carbon out of their barrels will notice that when they go back to the range and try to zero the damn thing unless they'll they fire like a hundred rounds and then aggressively clean it afterwards you'll notice that you start to see point of impact shifts and that's because the copper lining that's pushed into the gun that's more gradual as far as you shooting the thing versus you doing a whole bunch shooting like a two day course and then making sure that all that stuff is cleaned out so what I would say is that cleaning out carbon more than copper is far more important I don't own copper Sullivan I will not use that on my barrels because it's not it's not a life or death type thing and to me it's one of those deals where it's just kind of like after a while you notice that the more shame you do the tighter the gun shoots and that kind of stuff and even as far as carbon okay I shoot quite a bit and you guys know that I will clean my barrels out maybe twice a year right as far as carbon is concerned I'll clean them out maybe twice a year but the one thing that I will make sure is cleaned up is the barrel extension area and the in the chamber area as well so well how do we get into this well first thing is that is that I'm gonna go ahead and stand this up like so I'm gonna go ahead and get the lubricant that I'm going to use and I'm gonna spray it directly into that barrel extension right I'm just gonna go ahead and spray it right in there i'ma let foam up and I'm gonna let it sink into the barrel a little bit now this is gonna sound like it's a lot of Lube at once because it is so I'm just gonna make sure that that goes in there those of you that buy that Safari land lube at that Walmart and stuff and use it I use it occasionally most of the time I'm using motor oil I'm just gonna spray a whole bunch of that stuff in there I'm gonna stand this up like so and I'm just gonna let it sit until I get a little wet spot in there basically it's basically telling me that it ran all the way through so we're going to come back here in just a second a couple other things to note on this bolt as well is that something that a lot of guys completely neglect to do and I almost did during this video is they will not check out their gas rings and make sure that they're not starting to open up okay and a good way to figure out whether or not they open up is to simply push on one side of the piston and look at them and if you say any elongated pissed gas rings and whatnot you can see that it's starting to open up especially if you see them real loose make sure that they have a little bit of free movement in there so they can regulate the gas and do their jobs properly now here's the next thing some of you may have noticed that I said the word piston direct impingement guns are still pissed and operated rifles okay this right here is your piston okay when when inserted another rifle okay and when the gas impinges on the gas key or flows in through the gas key it impinges upon your piston head which is the ass end of this bolt which is why this is constantly covered in crap and for those of you who are wondering whether or not you should make sure that it's going and perfectly clean all the time don't worry about it okay at number one it's got a whole bunch of carbon is going to wreath AUSA lies itself on here without any issues whatsoever number two I've shot guns that had thousands on thousands of rounds of of all that gas and all that carbon just caked up on a piston head here and it just did not it didn't really cause any issues what will cause issues is whether or not your little gas regulators which are these gas rings are all in place and or opening up and or broken okay a single missing gas ring can cause you all kinds of cyclic issues right so make sure that that's good to go alright so now that we can see that we have are a little wet spot here we know that that lubrication made its way all the way through our barrel it doesn't really take very long the next thing that we're gonna do here is that I'm going to go ahead and grab a bore snake now a lot of guys use the bore snake as the finishing touches after they bring their wire brushes and all that stuff through and I know that I'm going to get questions on whether or not you should use a wire brush versus a bore snake and that kind of stuff a buddy of mine put this thought together and I think it was a very complete thought because it basically describes everything that I had in long form forever and he had basically said I have seen more barrels destroyed by aggressive cleaning than none at all by a factor of all of them so I do not use wire brushes on these one of the main reasons is that especially guys that get aggressive with them will start chipping away at their chrome lining if they're not careful guys that sit there and just do this [ __ ] over and over again and constantly fist their barrels with freaking wire brushes are going to break [ __ ] ok so I would suggest that you not do that and all we're really doing with these four snakes okay is we're feeding them into ones to one end okay it might actually take a little bit of patience because one end may have a little bit of difficulty getting all the way through because there's a lot of oil in there right and all you're doing is just yoking that guy all the way through now a couple of passes and all of the stuff that your oil has been softening up as far as carbon and that kind of [ __ ] because if you let oil sit on carbon for a little while it just makes it easier to remove all of that [ __ ] is just easier to displace okay so you notice that the front end of our barrel here might have a little bit of shine on it that's just because the excess oil is just being pushed out okay now I had a couple of passes through that and you'll notice that's it for me okay for me it's two in the same direction every time so that I don't massively affect my pio I point of impact and generally speaking that is what I've used for ever as far as a barrel cleaning I don't get aggressive with the [ __ ] all I really do is just make sure that number one I go in there and I treat the copper lining on the on that barrel a little bit so I don't get like heavy copper oxide oxidation or bust right because if the copper is just sitting there the copper itself will oxidize not the nothing not the chrome lining itself or whatever but the copper itself will oxidize and that's where you get that green ship from that's why the Statue of Liberty's [ __ ] green so you go in there you make sure that it's clean and that kind of stuff I'm not worried about actually getting in there and scrubbing [ __ ] out of the barrel until it's been like six months or a year depending on how much I've shot that gun this is a very atypical way of me running [ __ ] through my barrel and the main reason for me doing it in the first place isn't even for the barrel is to make sure that the chamber area has had all the stuff that I scraped up with this brush pushed out of there or at the very least lightened up quite a bit just a couple of passes with it and you can sit there and you can take a flashlight to it and it still looks pretty good because board snakes are real tight on the bores of these things there's a little bit of a of a wire brush in that to start and to me that's like all that's required the guns still shoot the guns will still shoot accurate they'll still she reliable and that kind of stuff but making sure that the Achilles heel is taken care of and that would be the straight wall cased chambers of your AR is taken care of is the biggest is the biggest reason for all of this okay it's nothing to do with whether or not the guns still accurate and stuff it's to make sure that your bolt moves around as freely as it can inside of the barrel extension and that your extractor and ejector have less work to do when they're trying to pull that friggin casing out after you fired a shot that is the main reason for all that [ __ ] now going ahead and assembling this thing all the way there are a couple of things that I pay attention to before I start lubing things up number one is what time of year is it and where do I live before instance I live in northern Middle Tennessee and it's fall now for those of you who know what that is you know what that's like in Tennessee you're not you're about to get snow maybe once a year okay for like a day last year it was two weeks and people were losing their minds but what is gonna happen is that you're gonna get lots and lots of rain now when I run courses and that kind of stuff we don't we don't you know duck out because of the rain we stick with it and we keep going now when when you are expecting rain what I would suggest is that you make sure that your guns are very wet because staying outside keeping your guns exposed the water will run a bunch of that [ __ ] out of your guns okay so making sure there's enough lubrication for the gun to work well is to me rather important so for me personally I get really aggressive on my parts when I start lubing stuff up okay because as far as the lubrication and that kind of stuff is concerned once water starts getting into your system you can see that I'm covering a lot of the carrier itself and not just where like where the carrier runs on the receiver and that's mostly to help the system shield itself a bit from water okay so you can see a lot of stuff just sitting there on the outside the nice thing that I'm gonna go straight forward here is I'm gonna go for the bolt face itself I'm gonna get a lot of stuff in there and make sure the lugs are coated and that kind of thing make sure that I get inside towards the cam pin right you'll notice that there's a there's definitely a bunch of overlap in here which is fine I just make sure that there is as much of this junk in here as possible okay and the thing is is that guys that get into bring up their their uppers and that kind of stuff especially guys that shoot Steelcase and guys that go straight into the barrel extension with their lubrication a really good way to avoid just having to do that is everything that you just saw as far as it cleaning and that kind of stuff that and just making sure that your bolt head is nice and soaked up because once you insert this guy back into the rifle and get it and get it cycled a bunch of times you'll notice that that barrel extension is very lubed and for guys that require the extra lubrication and deal with the friction of the steel cases that will work for you now what I generally like to do at after this I'll start to cycle the rifle and make sure that I cycle it with the magazine well up and with and the whole rifle being pointed down mostly because once all that stuff is pointed down well we can go ahead and do is we can start to see that there isn't any trick ting of the of the lubrication and to places that are useless like the magazine well and that kind of stuff so we're going to go ahead and simply cycle it upside down for a bit and what we're also doing here is that all of the lubrication that we put into our moving components just a movement of the parts themselves gets that lubrication other places that need it right so here's the next thing that I'm going to suggest that that you do once you get a function check in there just to make sure that you didn't do something stupid okay wear safety on press okay works and put the safety on with a hammer dropped fantastic so the next thing I'm gonna do here is I'm gonna go ahead and load it because personally I have a whole thing about keeping guns loaded all the time not gonna deal if you have questions about that freaking when I take this when I take this off the bench and when I go to and when I go to store this wherever it is and I want to store it the next thing that I'm going to do is I'm going to store that standing up right freaking because if it stood up in your safe or whatever what you'll notice is that standing up is going to make sure that all of the certification lubrication doesn't really go into a place that doesn't need it your buffer and [ __ ] doesn't need any of that okay what's going to happen is that all this stuff is gonna run into here and it's just going to keep going into a place into areas that need it your barrel extension in your chamber area for one and number two if you just let it sit there for a while you'll notice that you have a bunch of little spots and your safe or whatever that is your oil running out yes but it's running out in a direction in the direction of parts that actually need this stuff and that's what helps coat and protect your gun and all that stuff you fire the first shot out of this thing and it'll be a little smoky it's no big deal there are guys don't worry about overpressure and that kind of stuff from this being too wet the way that you make sure that it isn't too wet and that you build up those extra pressures and all that [ __ ] is to simply store it upside down now how long does it take for it for enough of it to bleed out before it's not an issue anymore if I clean this right here and now set it right here and now and end up going to shoot tomorrow right let's say that I just came off a day at class and let's say that it's like 9 or 10 o'clock or 11 o'clock in the evening I clean it set it upside down at 11 o'clock and we're gonna do some more shooting again by 8:00 the next day you're good okay yeah there's going to be there's going to be some smokiness and all that stuff from oil that's behind your gasped and it's and that's currently covering up the vent the vent holes for your gas bleed off and all that stuff really that's no big deal okay you're you're fine I promise so really no big deal there if you have any other additional questions or anything like that just let me know I know this was a rather lengthy video but this isn't just a disassembly and cleaning it's also an inspection video as well make sense oh and last thing just make sure that all of your stuff that has screws involved everything's still tight if you got rattling in your pistol grip or your castle nut which shouldn't if it's staked which you should stake them but guys get away with making them real tight and using red loctite that kind of stuff just stake them it I mean it makes a lot of that go away I used to be the guy that's just kinda like yeah I don't really need to stake them but it it just takes a lot of the what-if away so just do that but everything that's supposed to be tight make sure it's still tight optics mounts that kind of stuff so if it isn't you can tighten it up then rather than figuring it out while you're pressing triggers on [ __ ] so you know I could sit here and talk about you know the safety aspects and all that [ __ ] but realistically speaking people watching this or adults unload your [ __ ] guns before you clean them so it's as simple as that alright guys that's all I got here if you want to come and take some training with us there's all kinds of [ __ ] available on the website oh by the way I'm getting ready to set up classes and do [ __ ] in Nevada so you California boys that want to come out and play it's going to come real soon so remember guys regular guys firearm is the last defense against tyranny Daisy
Channel: Regular Guy Training LLC
Views: 26,953
Rating: 4.8713136 out of 5
Keywords: ARG, RGT, aregularguy, Regular Guy Training LLC, detailed, dissassembly, cleaning, inspection, lubrication
Id: 511yuf09qXU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 36sec (2616 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 27 2018
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