Ultimate 8K Upscale with Stable Diffusion Control Net for Flawless Quality!

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Hey There YouTube I just did a control net 1.1 update and full install video that was pretty long and I actually had to cut out a lot of the good stuff so I'm going to turn those clips into full videos yeah that's how crazy control net version 1.1 is there's so much depth to it that it's gonna take full videos to explain different models if you need to install control net version 1.1 check out the video I just made it's in the video description installation Parts about five minutes long and if you just need an update from version one to 1.1 that'll take you about like two minutes let's take a closer look at the tile model there are plenty examples in the ACs field lightly blob but let's do one live if you're not familiar with what tile is it allows you to do some 8K renders as high as 8196 by 8196 which is humongous this tool is able to work around limitations by splitting up the pictures into individual tiles so you can upscale each one individually and if you try to do that right now just normally without that doing a bunch of 2048 pictures you're just gonna get multiple images of the same thing so this can split it up 16 times and then upscale in 16 different areas and combine it into one one single pitch will pitch do a really massive upscale which will also take massive time so just keep that in mind even with some beefy Hardware it's going to take a while I actually ran out of vram but they have some things to work around it too as well so I'll show you that in a second the reason why this tile upscale needs a video on its own is also because it's not as simple as going to the extras Tab and upscaling or going into control net and choosing tile it needs a lot more explaining because it works through scripts from compatible upscale extensions such as ultimate SD upscale and tile diffusion vae it's heavy I'm going to show you how to install both of these but we're only going to play around with the ultimate SD upscale for this video don't think I know enough about the Tau vae and I'm not getting good enough results not really sure what I'm doing wrong so I'll come back with another video for that when I know more about it if you want to take a closer look at some of the outputs that the tile model can give you you can check out the Islas feels nightly blob and they have a lot of examples and good explanation of those examples on there but let's do one live do it live I can go I'll write it and we'll do it live whoa okay before we do that let's install the ultimate SD upscaler so it's pretty easy this one you don't even need to grab a link you just go to your extensions tab again then click on the available sub tab now click on the Big Orange load from then you get an error just like me crap then click on the Big Orange load from button then look for ultimate SD upscaler in here there's a little search box in the top now you can just type in Ultimate and it should be the only thing that pops up now click on install and it should take like two or three seconds and then go to the installed sub Tab and now look for it here I'll say ultimate upscale for automatic 11 11 so it doesn't say the same exact name which is strange but that's the one right there so now just click on check for updates all right now just click apply and restart all right awesome now you have the ultimate SD upscaler let's get the other one the vae Tau upscaler open up your stable diffusion and then copy the link in my description the PK piku Lily what's up with these guys names they're always some crazy name Pico Lily something 2015 multi diffusion of scaler oh goody my aluminum q36 explosive space modulator now we're just going to click on the extensions Tab and then we're going to click on install from URL then right inside that box where it says URL for extensions git repository just go ahead and paste the link for the peaky delete Pico picoelie to 2015 put that in there and then click on the Big Orange install button don't worry about the local directory name it's going to make its own now all you got to do is to go to the extension sub tab installed when you're in there make sure that everything's check marked and click on check for updates and then click on apply and restart UI alright so it's going to restart for you and then when you come back in it should be installed you're going to need one more additional tool and it's called Ultra four times sharp and I'm going to put the download link in the description and it's a little bit different than your typical hugging face site but you're basically going in that link grabbing the file and throwing into your model's esargan folder there'll be a link in the video description for it and you'll just download it and you'll get this ZIP file right here just open up the zip file and you're only going to need this file right here which is the four times Ultra sharp.pth the rest of it just don't worry about it forget about it go into your space able to Fusion folder models and then go into ESR again double click it and just drag it right into that models folder for ESR again that's it now you have the four times Ultra sharp you might have to restart to see it though next you want to go to the hugging face control net site with all the models for control net and just check if your Tau version is the most up-to-date one if not just download the tile.pth by clicking on the down arrow then put your control knit tile model in the stable diffusion extensions SD web UI control net and then here in the models folder make sure that's the correct models folder because there's quite a few of them in stable diffusion as you can see I already have mine here so I'm not going to do it twice and that's all you need so just go back to your web UI Tech user bad file to openstable diffusion and let's get back in and do some upscaling first thing to note and very important before doing any of this is that this is all done in image to image if you're not in that tab you're probably a little bit confused right now because you can't find anything so make sure you're in the image to image tab I say this because upscales are normally done in the extras tab but this is going to be a little bit different so uh with that being said drag and drop your image into the image to image box and then drag and drop another image into the control net image box at the bottom now don't get confused about having two images control net is just for the poses and in this instance it's the frame of the picture so we can divide it up into tiles so we can do some parallel upscales for a single image consecutively I probably that was probably a little confusing in other words it's going to divide your picture up into tiles and then put them in a queue and do them one by one so it can upscale each one and work around the limitations of your GPU this is very important because otherwise this wouldn't be possible I mean it already takes a long time with this process alright so the very first thing we're going to do is a latent upscale because our image is pretty bad and normally you wouldn't start with an image as bad as mine but I'm trying to show you something so let me show you the image that I chosen all right here it is and so let me zoom in just so you can see the quality that we're working with and uh you can't even make any of the details of the eyes or anything the mouth so this is going to be quite the the task the hands look like uh I don't know how to describe that looks like something all right let's close that out out now that you know what we're working with then open image to image and then just drag that picture in the image to image window there we go now I'm going to click on interrogate clip and then I'm going to add a negative prompt so I'm going to click in a negative prompt and I have my own here which is a deliberate negative prompt that I got from civit AI I did a whole video on that on custom models and custom negative embeddings if you want to check that out so I'll just click on that and close this back up that's the extra networks tab by the way if you didn't know and this is where you can hold all your embeddings Laura's and custom models you can find them here cool now we got the messed up picture in there so I'm gonna scroll down a little bit so we're gonna do a little bit of a late and upscales I'm going to double the size first and we're not even going to touch control net first because I want a good picture before we start upscaling and I'm going to try it with 0.4 denoising strength I wouldn't go above 0.5 typically a pitcher is not this bad and if it's not this bad you're usually doing like 0.15 to 0.20 but this picture is pretty smudgy so um I think even 0.5 would work anything over 0.5.6 you're gonna get a totally different image cool that's all we're changing for now so I just doubled the size and then I put the denoising string to 0.41 so let's see what that gives us all right so that's much better but I think we could do better it's not going to mess around with it a little bit more I'm going to add some words into the prompt I'm going to put beautiful eyes and mystical energy and lightning all right so I added some additional words and actually increased the denoising strength to 0.45 let's see what we get okay that was a little bit too much she's in a different stance now I could actually put on control net now to stop that but uh let's just turn it down a little bit so this is going to take some testing to get the exact picture you want and I came up with this one that I really like and there's a lot more detail than the other pictures and this one looks really good too and I like the armor and I'd like to put this arm around her I'll figure that out in a second but let me show you something so you don't have to sit here putting denoising you know 0.4 let's just do all of it and automate it using scripts scroll to the bottom and in scripts choose an XYZ plot and then for the X plot we're going to choose denoising I'm going use the simplest formula we can use so it's just going to be the range multiplied by as many variations as you want so for denoising it's 0.1 to 0.5 and I'm just going to put some brackets and put the number five inside so that's five variations of 0.1 to 0.5 so that's one way to do it there's a lot of different ways but that's not what this video is about and we're just trying the simplest way to test this so let me try it out as you can see it gave me a little film strip here of all the different the noising strengths so you don't have to sit there trying each one you can actually create like 50 pictures and just come back and see which denoising strength you like the best as you can see at 0.5 I mean it looks a little bit better with the armor but then it just kind of the pose is gone you could turn on control net to stop that just for fun using the same method let's do a latent upscale On Solid Snake for Metal Gear Solid so I made a few changes to make it look cooler but check it out so you can see all the different results with all the different types of denoising strength that it shows alright so let's upscale this so the first thing we got to do is go into control net so scroll down just a little bit and go into control net and then drag in a duplicate of that image that you just created alright so I uploaded that right there and very important you have to click on enable control net or it's not going to do anything at all all so make sure you do that on preprocessor we're going to choose tile so tile is at the bottom tile resample the next is the model the model also has to be town that one's the third one from the top here make sure your version says one one f e or higher so before that it wasn't as great all right so tau's the third one from the top just select that and now I'm going to choose Pixel Perfect so I'll choose the correct kind of resolution best for what I'm trying to do and if you run out of vram you could click on low vram or you can increase the down sampling rate so I ran out of vram on my 8 gigabyte card and I actually put this up to four and it was able to do it I have a new car now so I think I could handle this so I'm just going to try it at one it'll be faster the more you you up this the the longer it's going to take but the more it's going to help with your vram so all right cool so now we're gonna go down a little bit we're gonna change the scripts that we have from XYZ plot to Ultimate upscale now don't get that confused with SDF scale there's by standard there's an FC upscale we want ultimate SD upscale remember the four times Ultra sharp that we installed earlier click on that now I'm going to leave everything else alone I don't know too much about it I actually tried messing with these and it didn't it didn't really work very well the seams fixed and last but not least where it says Target size type we actually want to choose scale from image size this will ignore the image to image resolution settings so just go ahead and do that and it's going to be easier to work with you won't have to set it each time not the scale this is where it's going to make or break it for for most people now tile and ultimate upscale will allow you to put this in a cube but that doesn't mean you're immune to crashing from low vram errors there's two ways you can approach this some people like to scale it by two and then they'll iterate and iterate and iterate let's just do four at a time so I'm going to go all the way up to four and we'll do it that way so I'm going to scroll up and generate but if you wanted to you can just start all the way at 16 but it's going to take about 20 to 30 minutes to do that so you don't want to end up with a bad picture and then think oh man I gotta like start over again so you definitely want to do increments just how many increments is up to you I'm gonna do four all right so we now have a result and this is our 4096 by 4096 picture and I I forgot to lower the denoising strength but it worked out okay control net kept it together so it didn't change too much but I really like the details on the character so let me open it up in a picture so we could zoom in and see the quality and look how clean that is now let's look at the older picture still pretty good but you can see it start to fall apart when you get close to the face like this and you can see all the different pixelation going on but um still a pretty nice picture probably from here you don't see any pixelation but compare that to the 4096 one here and like you can go way in close and I don't see anything yet the details are amazing even at this range but what if we wanted to enhance this even further let's double the size of this so just remove the older image by clicking X over there then drag the new one over and there it is so now we're going to work on this and double the size of this now it's already 40.96 so I don't want to go times four anymore I just want to go times two so I'm going to move the scale down to two and this is going to take a long time it's going to take about 20 minutes this time I'm going to lower the denoising strength because I really don't want too much change put it on two alright so I'm going to click generate and come back in like 20 minutes and if you don't get any feedback you want to look in here just to make sure things are moving and that you're getting some progress bars um if it says out of vram error then you can go ahead and do the changes I told you about earlier which is going down to control net and up to down sampling rate to at least four and if that doesn't work you can also click on low vram but that should help you out all right so now we're going to double the size which is already 40.96 which look pretty good right so once you do that scroll to the top and click generate all right it's now done and just just for reference it took a long time it took I think it took like around over 20 minutes I kind of walked away and came back a couple times but it took about 20 minutes and that's why I said it's very important to check your web UI user file because you want to make sure it's still going because it takes a long time so you want to know if it crashed so this is the image shape right here and it's 63 megabytes and it's at 8192 by 8192 which is insane quality so let's open it up and zoom all the way in and look at that there is zero there is no pixelation you can zoom all the way in and there are some artifacts here with the eyes and this is when you get the details so fine that you can come up with these kind of errors but look at the quality of this and look at this this is insane resolution look how close I am I'm like right up in her face like right in her nose and um there is no pixelation I mean you would have to go like this close to see some pixelation and that's pretty insane that's 8192 by 8192 so that's a big image now let's compare that with our original image so this was their original image and it's already faded and we we haven't even zoomed in yet and uh look at that face we've come a long way now let's look at our first upscale which was the times two which made it from 512 to 10 24 to 10 24 with the most important fact that it was a latent upscale so it fixed a lot of the details so if you didn't know this is the way to fix your pictures and if your pictures are really bad this is the way you can actually make it look beautiful but you can see like as soon as you zoom into like right here like it starts to fall apart and then even here it's just kind of you can tell that it's starting to get pixelated and the details are not so clear so this is the 1024 by 1024 and then we did a four time scale with control net and this is what we got and this is a pretty good picture and this is already high def enough and this is probably as far as I would normally go but if you zoom like about right here this is when you start to see things kind of like pixelate but it's still kind of really hard to tell you have to be really looking to see the pixelation up here and here again I zoom in and then you can see the pixelation around the eye and around this area but I mean that's that's super close I mean you should see pixelation in most pictures but not this one now this is the 8192 by 8192 and you zoom all the way into her face like you can go this close and you don't see anything I mean maybe you see it I don't see it um that is pretty high detailed this is the kind of pictures that you could print out but look how amazing this picture looks something very important to take note of is that you want to do all your in painting before you blow your picture up past 2048 by 2048 because then you can't send it back in and do impainting like by conventional means you will actually have to do some workarounds and get some extensions probably but um yeah not by default you can just drag in 8192 by 8192 and start impating on it if you can do it by default let me me know I would like to know your secret so take that into consideration are you going to spend a long time redoing the picture like I am just do your impainting before you upscale and you'll save yourself a lot of time alright so that's all I wanted to show you today and I wanted to show you how to go from a picture like this to a picture like this where the details are super high quality 8192 by 8192 alright I hope you liked the video and if you learned something or this upped your upscaling game please leave a thumbs up it helps me out a lot also take it easy bye [Music] Frank are you okay [Music]
Channel: Artificially Intelligent
Views: 125,756
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ultimate 8k Upscale, Ultra 8k Upscale, Control Net Tile upscale, stable diffusion upscale, best upscale, free upscaling, free upscale, 8k upscaling, Free 8k upscale, Stable Diffusion upscaling, 4k free upscale, 8k free upscale, best upscaling tools, Ultra 8k quality stable diffusion, Control net 1.1, Control net vae tile upscale, Ultimate SD Upscale, fix blurry images, fix washed out images, fix image, upscale fix, fix pixelation, upscale pixelated, fix photos
Id: yv4J4orS-SY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 19sec (979 seconds)
Published: Mon May 22 2023
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