ControlNet Stable Diffusion UPDATED FULL Tutorial

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Today, I'm going to show you how to use ControlNet  for stable diffusion to create amazing images.   Let's begin. Go to your extension tab and click  on "load." Search for ControlNet and install it. Head over to this Huggingface link  and download the models that you need.   For now, I recommend these. Move them  to the ControlNet folder inside models   Restart your UI after you're done. Go to  your web UI, and you will see ControlNet. First thing we're going to do is click  here and find your image to upload it.   Now let's look at all the options here.  Click on "Enable" and "Allow Preview."   Let's start off with our first model, Canny.  Canny detects the edges of objects in an image.   By clicking on the preview icon, you can  see what the Canny preprocessor does. Also,   enable the “Pixel Perfect” option as it  automatically adjusts your controlnets resolution. I'm using a realistic model to turn  this game character into a realistic   person. The generated image you get is  a mix of ControlNet and your prompts.   Now let's try out a different control type.  OpenPose is one of the more useful models. It detects the  key points on a human body,  it allows you to recreate human poses in your   images. If you look at the preprocessors,  you'll have five different options. Let's   start off with OpenPose. It tries to detect  all the major points in our input image. Now let's try to generate an image based on my  reference image. I'm going to paste my prompts   and generate. If I also wanted to recreate  the hand position from my reference image,   I would use OpenPose Hands. It is  a combination of hand detection and   OpenPose. You can easily copy the exact hand and  finger placement shown in your reference image.  OpenPose Face includes the face and  the body, whereas OpenPose Face Only   only includes the face. These do  well with portraits and close-ups. The final one, OpenPose Full, combines  all the ones before it - the face,   the body, and the hands. As you can see,  OpenPose also works with multiple people.  Next, we have the Depth preprocessor. It is good  for positioning things, but it loses the finer   details in the process. Depth has four different  preprocessors right now, with minor differences.   The lighter shades represent close-up objects,  whereas the darker shades are farther away.   Normal generates a normal map based on our input  image. Normal maps are images used to make flat   surfaces appear textured. Overall, Normal_Bae is  better for both the foreground and the background.   MLSD is a straight-line detector, useful for  recreating buildings and interiors. All the   curves and finer details are ignored. Line Art is  a really useful tool to color your digital or hand   drawings. There are multiple preprocessors for  this with minor differences. For this generation,   I'm using the Lineart Realistic preprocessor. Here  is the generated image, and here are two more. Next, let's talk about Soft Edge. It is a known  detection algorithm like Canny, but overall,   the edges are softer. But, it still helps you  keep the fine details and get a generated image   close to the reference. It is best to use when  you don't want the outlines to be too strict.  Scribble preprocessor turns your images  into rough scribbles. Hed and Pidinet give   you coarse outlines, whereas XDoG gives you fine  outlines. Segmentation assigns a unique color to   every identified object in an image. You can look  up the color codes on the spreadsheet. Changing   or adding colors within an editing app allows  you to introduce new objects into the image.   In this new image, I will place the window  with the painting and add a new person. Shuffle distorts and shuffles the colors of  an input image. The shuffled image provides a   starting point to generate our image. It is really  useful for copying color schemes and themes.   Here are more images with a different theme. P2P or Pix2Pix changes your images  based on your instructions. There's   no pre-processor for it. You only need to  download the model. I don't really find   it useful because the generated  image quality is not that good. Next, we have Reference. You'll  notice that it does not need a model,   only the pre-processor. The Style  Fidelity slider doesn't do much,   so I would leave it at the default.  Now let's talk about the preprocessors. Reference Only is good at creating minor  variations of your reference image. I   found reference_only to be the best because it  follows your prompts as well as your reference.   The results of adain+attn are quite similar  to Reference_only. You can try out both to   see which is better suited for your image.  Reference_aiden ignores the colors and the   details while keeping the overall composition.  It is also heavily influenced by the prompt. Finally, we have Multi-ControlNet. It allows  you to use multiple ControlNets at once. To   enable this, head over to Settings  > ControlNet > Multi-ControlNet. I'm   going to select 2 and restart my UI. You  can now access multiple ControlNet tabs. For my first ControlNet, I'm using OpenPose. If  you already have a pre-processed image like I do   here, you have to set the pre-processor  to "none." For my second ControlNet,   I'm using MLSD, and I have a  pre-processed image once again.   We're going to change one more option, which is  Control Weight. It determines how much ControlNet   affects the generated image. I'm going to set this  to 0.5 so it doesn't affect my subject too much.   As you can see, the generated images  are a mix of both ControlNets.   Subscribe if you want to see more  videos about stable diffusion.
Channel: Aigen
Views: 91,133
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Local image generation, Stable diffusion web UI, Machine vision, Computer graphics software, Realistic image generation, Local video generation., Beginner's guide, Tutorial, Midjourney, AUTOMATIC1111, automatic1111 install, stable diffusion ai, Controlnet, color ai, ai coloring
Id: mmZSOBSg2E4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 8sec (368 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 04 2023
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