GREAT Outpainting with ControlNet!

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Hello friends today I'm going to show you how to easily expand your image with control net so let's get started and after this video I'm gonna go stand outside so if anyone asks I'm outstanding so I got this image here right that we're going to expand and this is a Fantasy Island with a castle up here now we're going to use control net and in painting model now if you don't know what control letter in painting is check my video up here to get the sorted with that then we're just gonna go in here open our control nut we're gonna drop that image in and we're gonna enable this and click little box here this is in paint it's gonna preload our in painting preprocessor and our in painting model you can obviously choose it by yourself if you still have this at all you're going to see all of these here it's just easier to check the end paint here after that you're going to change the resize mode here to resize and fill because if you don't this is not gonna work because if you want to expand and we have just resize well let me show you let's put Fantasy Island up here and we don't need to change from Euler a but we're doing it anyway because I like DPM plus plus 2m Keras 20 steps is fine for now and let's begin with adding the height here so we're gonna add 10 to 24 on the vertical axis here we're going to load our Styles the default negative and the digital oil painting these can be found in the video description and the pin comment below and now if we generate this is not gonna work because we have down here just resize so it's just gonna drag the this up on the vertical just giving it a stretched kind of image this is not what we're looking for and the same with crop and resize that will just corrupt the image and then do the same thing it's not going to stretch it but we're losing you can see we're losing the sides of the image so we don't have the castle here on the right Etc so we're going to do is we're going to resize and then fill now the descriptions down here might be a little confusing encounter too but don't matter what happens now is the canvas is going to resize and then the the parts up here Are Gonna Fill with the rest so let me show you here now we will expand upwards um downwards which is exactly what happens as you can see we added some clouds up top here and some more of the water around the beach and some Stones some water down here so that's a happy little image here and now we can continue with this even further and what we could do is we could drag this down to here and now we can increase the width so now we're expanding on the horizontal axis we have all the settings the same so now it's going to resize to right and left and fill that space as you can see here that's exactly what's happening we're getting some new information into this scene now we have a little line here we can fix that later we got some sort of the buildings on the right here to the Village so I think that's fairly cool now the details are still kind of low because we're expanding from this 5 12 by 512 images so if we would have rendered an image from scratch to 1024 to 1024 it would have more details but now we're just expanding our small little image so what I'm going to show you now is how you can improve on this so if we take this expanded image so let's say this is the composition this we like this is what we want we can send this to to image to image so pressing this button here Sam to image to image now we need to adapt The Prompt a little bit we're adding the Styles back again find them in the description below we have Fantasy Island castle village now we're not using control that now we're just doing an image to image we're changing it here to him carries again now this isn't super important I just like to do it and this is where the magic happens the denoising strength now if you haven't been playing a lot with image to image I recommend that you try value between 0.4 and 0.6.4 we will retain a lot of this image as you can see if we render a new one here a lot of the composition will still be here so we have the castle here on the right side we have the village the houses here on the right but you can see our line here is pretty much gone so that's fixed that looks kind of good to be honest you can even see in the water here now the stones are you know they're slightly changed but not a lot you can see that stone there's two stones there and here we have almost on there but it doesn't add a lot of detail to the image so if you want more details if you want to change this a little bit I recommend you putting this up to like 0.6 for example let's render this with the same seed so you can see the difference and now we will introduce more changes to the image but also add more detail so as you can see here the castle is still in the same place but it's a little different the bridge here is clearly a different kind of bridge we have a different house here you see everything is still sorta in the same place it's just changed a little bit but you have the composition that you got from the out painting the added bonus of more details now a little trick here if you are getting kind of blurry images or kind of lacking details if you don't want to mess with the prompts or you can do is take the image that we had from the beginning here and let's drag that into photop and then you can have filter sharpen unsharp mask now this is too much but about 75 percent at 2 pixels then we will get some some extra detail in this and we're only gonna use this as our input for image to image now you can also do this in your final step when you're feeling done with an image and I use that log which you can drag that one back in here so we have the same image it's just a little crisper and now when we do a generation we're gonna get just a a tiny more sharpness into the image so this is our first one at 100 and this is the second one now we're getting some changes as you can see since we have the 0.6 denoising so that's to be expected however you can see on the one the second one is the one without the bridge if you look at like just a Terrain here it's a little crisper you get some more contrast some more detail and in the water as well you see little white spots here first second much clearer right first second first second so that's just a cool way to add some more detail into your image so I hear you saying well that's cool and all set but um I don't like doing uh islands with castles and stuff I want to do people can I do people well yes you can let's load here realistic photo portraits and we are gear gonna generate Woman face portraits we're changing the settings again and let's run this four times just to get a starting image so we're getting a couple of faces here they're all fairly similar let's go with the fourth one here and we're gonna take our control net to drag that in there and again the same steps as previously enable in paint change to resize and fill and let's expand let's add some height to this one let's do two images so we can get something to choose from so we have one with a little hat and then we got second one that's more basic here basic than it sounds but it's no hat so let's go with a funny hat here drag that in and let's add the width and you might be asking well why do I have to go like vertical and then horizontal one one at a time well you can't do an out painting in both directions when you're doing uh this workflow because then the image is just going to be stretched and you're not going to add any information now there are probably a lot of other workflows like the old out painting like Poor Man's out painting it could probably work for you but for this method I prefer to use this workflow if you have a better workflow put it in the comments below I'd love to test it out and here we have two images that have been expanded I think the right one here is a little better because the left one is uh seems to be lacking a little bit of her arm maybe she's holding it in a bit that could be it but uh still this is pretty cool it's a pretty good result just remember to check your prompts when you're out painting if you keep going like out here on the sides now you might not want to add like new women's face portraits and stuff like that you might wanna prompt what you want out here you can also just leave it blank you can really leave everything blank which is kind of cool with this in painting method so let's add some width there let's do 1300 drag that over there then it will just generate something new out of uh what's available in the image so it sees it's some sort of pattern here it adds to that pattern and it seems that we're getting an extra line in the background on the to me so far looks pretty good so here's our finished results both of them are fairly similar and again yeah pretty happy with it good picture I hope you learned something today and you can use this in your workflow like And subscribe if you wanna I'm not your boss do whatever you want as always have a good one see ya
Channel: Sebastian Kamph
Views: 95,599
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Z2d4tFan7cE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 11sec (611 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 12 2023
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