First time in AUSTRALIA!! πŸ‡¦πŸ‡Ί Kangaroo + Huge BOGAN BURGER!! | What is Australian Food??

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one of the biggest questions you might have is what is Australian food [Music] the kangaroo Parma oh it's so thick and juicy this is one of the dishes I'm most excited to try here crispy crocodile today I'm taking you on an ultimate Australian food tour to find out what is Australian food city of all the different people who have migrated here it is the creativity of our chefs and it is the incredible access to produce and seafood that we have at an island nation hey everyone good morning hope you're having an amazing day it's Mark means I'm in the beautiful city of Melbourne Victoria Australia today we are going on an ultimate Australian food tour and we're beginning right here at the South Melbourne Market which dates back to 1867 making it the oldest continually operating Market in Victoria and so we're gonna walk around we're gonna explore the market first and definitely have some of the most iconic food at the market foreign filled ball Donuts all they're hot and fresh covered in Sugar deep fried stuffed with Jim oh yes the donut the original ball donut filled with Jim yeah oh yeah oh it's really good it's crispy it's sugary and then you've got that tart sweet jam on the inside just oozing out kind of the type of donut that when you eat your mouth just it's covered in Sugar so much sugar fluffy and crispy oh yeah that's sweet that's pretty good the donut to begin with was excellent we're gonna proceed walking through the market this is kind of like I mean there's almost everything you can imagine all Under One Roof from clothes to plants to lots and lots of food and so we're moving into the food section but it's a beautiful Market with a lot of history and I just love the culture of markets and what's available and the community that forms from markets next up what are we trying a classic man so what's the significance of a meat pie in Australia it's the footy footy it's the cricket so it has to do with sports oh I didn't know that came from okay no no tables no chairs standing steaming hot pie and a lot of tomato sauce the most Aussie beef meat pie this is the sausage roll okay and these are the classic Aussie meat pies classic Aussie beef meat pie okay what is it what is the tomato sauce called we call it dead horse dead horse you want to squeeze your sauce all over the top squeeze the sauce all over the top in and then just go in pull it out of there and you burn your mouth you've got to burn your mouth you have to burn your mouth that's one that's one of the signature ways to eat it okay okay oh this is a oh oh nice oh squeeze it all on top all right then in true fashion you pick it up just take a massive bite as big of a bite as possible you're actually hoping to burn your mouth as you take this bite that's my dream oh yeah oh yeah it's crispy it's gooey it's got the beef in the center and then you do have that kind of tomato sauce that is kind of tart on the inside it's so wet and juicy if you're trying to collapse it in your hand as you eat it yep somehow oh yeah okay now I burnt my lip yeah successful second bite oh yeah that is the real deal Australian pie experience they do have a list of all different sorts of kind of modern pies that you can get but this is truly just the best is just the original the beef with maybe just some onions in there and just some very light pepper and then the sausage rolls oh that's heavy yeah wow just absolutely packed full of sausage I think I'll break a bite yes oh nice Micah oh that's so satisfying okay that's good thank you oh man that just has to be the most satisfying ketchup squeeze ever as they call it the the dead horse that is warm and comforting and Meaty a little bit mushy and then I do okay I do love that that tomato sauce it's more I think it's Lush sweet and more tart than ketchup so it gives this nice acidity to the the saltiness it's really good but definitely the meat pie was my favorite because the Australian pie yeah good very good [Laughter] this is a beautiful Market Hall Seafood on one side dried meats and cheeses and breads on the other side everything is gigantic from gigantic lobsters to the slipper lobsters which I believe they call Morton Bay bugs to huge shrimp to massive uh sea urchins foreign good to see you again good to see you again yes welcome to Melbourne thank you very much I had met you earlier today and then we see you at the the market and some oysters as well as some massive that's a huge Secrets do you come here often to the market uh yes I'll come here like not every weekend but I used to work around oh okay um I used to be a chef before oh awesome awesome if I used to get my stuff oh yeah this one one of the best places for oysters for seafood yeah and oysters okay okay so he's invited us to have an oyster okay thank you let's go man oh thank you very much all right man Cheers Cheers thank you thank you very much oh wow yuck oh man my pleasure already that is so fresh so sweet thank you for the oyster no worries amazing enjoy your time in the middle and yeah get the best of it bro where are you going well for sure we're on our way next to eat dim sum oh yeah perfect here we go we have arrived the original South Melbourne Market dim sims legendary established 1949. this is something big the dim Sim and it's so iconic everybody knows about it is Chinese inspired and yet it was invented right here in Melbourne Victoria Australia I was just mentioning that whenever I mentioned dim Sim to anyone Australian yes that's the response I get that's the exact response a big smile a big smile and a kind of a mysterious laugh yes there they are yes okay and we're gonna get some potato cakes as well oh nice okay what would you say is a dim Sim it's a classic Australian dish to uh eat with a beer yes awesome you don't want to know what's in it no you don't you don't want to know then maybe nobody quite knows no yeah nobody it's a secret recipe that it's slightly mysterious right I think I'd have anything on it I love it okay I'm gonna do my seasoning so soy sauce goes on oh it's kind of like a thick soy sauce gotta squeeze it with some Sriracha on top as well oh they're they're pretty huge into the mouth the white pepper the meat is a really fine and what type of meat is it oh it's bark okay oh I think so yeah mystery meat sometimes it's a little bit mysterious nobody's not totally sure exact ratios of meats but oh yeah it's good it's good and so the wrapper is really thick too like a really thick noodle wrapper so it's hearty then you've got the the giant meatball in the inside that's juicy and bouncy and very smooth in texture yes yeah delicious especially when it's drenched in sauce yeah that's good to my understanding the original is the steamed but the fried is a newer invention that's also very popular now so this is the same giant dumpling which is dungeon this has been deep fried I will break it open and then I think we should just oh it's so packed with meat and then I will I will season directly onto the inside [Music] oh yeah the Friday is good too first being gooey with that wrapper and the same giant meatball filling with the white pepper and the cabbage in there and the smooth texture okay they're both really good okay the fried dish awesome but I think I do like the steam probably the better the original you can't go wrong with either so first time eating a dim Sim that exceeded my expectations delicious the Sriracha just sprayed all over it the meat yeah that was just really tasty [Music] is an amazing start to this Australian food tour South Melbourne Market highly recommended an incredible Market I loved how spacious it was how friendly it was how it brings the community together and all the ingredients all the foods everything available Under One Roof [Applause] next up on this food tour exploring what Australian food is we are in Fitzroy this parking lot all of the murals and graffiti so cool wow [Music] this is an artistic District of Melbourne and we're going to meet up with my friend Sophia from The seasoned Travelers good morning good morning she's a writer she blogs and she probably knows the food of Melbourne and the different cultures that represent Melbourne the food that represents Melbourne better than anyone else yeah three beans in Fitzroy to start a Melbourne Adventure off with a coffee necessary now Melbourne is very well known for coffee is that all over Australia or especially in Melbourne I would say especially in Melbourne but I think I'm probably biased as well how many cups of coffee does the average melbournian drink per day that's a fan that's a fan question I'd say at least one okay from mortality six or seven oh nice I like the six or seven okay so this place is called industry beans it's a beautiful like really artistic area I'm excited it's Rosario very Arty cool Bohemian and we do the best coffee around here so awesome industry beans I can't wait all right look thank you there's a takeaway kind of stall at the other side but then this is inside the main part of the coffee shop it's a beautiful I love the architecture of the natural lighting which just comes in from the rafters the raw metal the bright countertops the what it's a beautiful place and we're gonna get a little tour here my brother Trevor and I started ninja beans uh back in 2010 I think we roasted our first batch of coffee we've been in Fitzroy for 10 years now this is our second venue in Pittsburgh we used to be on the road um and we moved in here at the end of 2021. today we're in our Cupping Room here so we can try a bunch of different coffees I'm gonna throw some uh some filter coffee some some espresso and some cold brew uh at you awesome and uh and just talk through the differences in you know the rose profiles and how we Source coffee and then how we Brew it and how differently that can influence the the final flavor profile cheers to begin our first cup of coffee oh you already finished it is yeah yeah okay so an El Salvador foreign and that's what we're looking for is like you know Clarity of flavor um smoothness on the palette so this coffee is is nice and smooth and clean what's the next one yeah so this is a definitely more fruity style coffee so this is an Ethiopian all right um katiri baloya um so yeah it'd be a really nice Counterpoint to our first coffee all right so we're talking about Rose profiles all right so yeah when when we're roasting the the basic analogy is it's like cooking a steak so you know filter roast is like a medium medium rare so we're getting more of the meat flavor whereas our espresso roast our darker roast are more like a medium well so you're getting more of the more of the cooking process coming in and that's kind of one of the big differences is whether you're getting more roast or more origin characteristics so we're getting more origin characteristics yes yes it's not that acidic it's not fruity but not that acidic yeah oh and like this certainly yeah I think also when we come back to the cold brew next one we're moving on to Espresso a Colombian bean and it is a medium roast foreign yes that's that is fuel for the day yes but it's really incredible it's such an education on coffee and the different processes the different methods in which the coffee beans are processed and even the location of where the geography the method of preparation so many things that have an effect on the flavor of coffee are you supposed to uh cold brew coffee we've got a still and a sparkling so these are both an Ethiopian single origin so cold brew cold brew Ethiopia wow that's like that's nice that's like fruit juice yeah that is straight fruit juice yeah where's all my coffees on side here in Pittsburgh um and then the team do all of our e-commerce orders all of our wholesale orders and then obviously the coffee for our own venues out of here so on any given day we might be roasting like a dozen different single origin coffees wow cool and I'm putting it all together um yeah so we're currently roasting a new batch here so this is still quite early in the roads because it's still green and this is our the last batch we did before which was the same Columbia we tasted on espresso oh okay just before so yeah fresh batch is the same coffee such a cool place wow that's a fresh batch fresh roast coffee is the focus but they also serve some really gourmet food here as well to bring in the entire experience [Laughter] oh perfect oh I'm gonna grab a piece of that crispy potato with the egg oh there we go here we go for savory so aromatic so meaty that's wonderful bear Mundy omelette next I love oh it's like a this is kind of in a nest shape as well it's got a bit of cute it's got a bit of spice you'll be pleased about that oh wow oh I love the acidity of the Tomato in there and the chili and the chives and the beams oh that has such an Umami I love the texture of it too half runny half cooked so it just creates this gravy that just coats your mouth next up in the coffee Garden so this is more of a ice cream and then all sorts of different coffee representations the formations and the the stacks of the ingredients here are pretty impressive get a little bit of everything down the line oh there we go that's everything in one bite coffee head chocolate coffee Berry all coming together in your mouth one more coffee one more long black but it's been an education about coffee brunch has been fantastic what an amazing Place industry beans oh that coffee is superb where are we going next we're going to Tara Twilight where you can see on the sign it says nice people great coffee food and Cocktails which is bang on really and we're especially going for Australian brunch but yeah New Age trendy modern Australian brunch really great ingredients when you think about Australian food a mid-morning relaxing meal with a creative and colorful menu is probably something that comes to your mind in Australia they don't joke around when it comes to brunch brunch goes hand in hand with the Coffee Culture the laid-back lifestyle and the social friendliness of Australians we are at a place this place is called Terror Twilight famous very popular for brunch it's Australian brunch we've got a number of different dishes they have a lot on their menu but the ultimate of all Australian brunch it all comes down to the avocado toast or here they call it the smashed Avo smashed Ava Ava they've taken it to a gourmet level and smashed to alvo or avocado toast was actually invented or actually termed in Australia I believe it was from a cafe in Sydney but I mean bills bills yes yes that's the thumb debate but they'll Grange has been around a long time and he yeah that's so now by now you'll find it all over Australia all over the world so it used to just be avocado on toast maybe an egg that's about it but now you've got some you know cheese from Familia romagna you've got um different sauces obviously you get the little micro herbs so yeah a bit of all around the world there's even a poached egg on top so it is a double decker piece of toast so you can kind of bring it together oh wow that's heavy yeah should we just break that yolk maybe and then find out what happens next let's see oh yes oh I like oh it's so orange that's a Happy Chicken that laid that egg wow that's beautiful here we go let me slice a few bites and we can pick it up this is almost in the way it's so big here we go the naughty way to do it [Music] um oh wow yeah almost has a little bit of a Mexican flavor to it with that that like almost like a salsa like a pepper roasted tomato kind of salsa Smoky but creamy creamy and then the avocado is just kind of mashed but still chunky at the same time okay so next up we have the the fried zucchini fritters fritters are a bit of a classic egg on top another one oh the Poached Eggs very clearly yeah it's very pleased almost like a bhagya I love the flavors and it has a bit of a Nutty flavor too I'm getting some spice now that I've had a big scoop of that lovely really good yeah it's really good this is the customized bowl and so we got cauliflower rice on the bottom there's some corn there's some bok choy broccoli oh there's even kimchi on the bottom there it kimchi was essential and then he said he also recommended the Miso mayonnaise oh it's stick oh there we go oh yeah you just kind of get a bit of everything all in one bite I want some of that cauliflower rice in the bottom too the Affinity of the kimchi is what makes it a little bit of like a smoked paprika kind of flavor to it lots of vegetables really healthy breakfast really good we were not even gonna order this but the next table ordered it and Ying said we had to try the toasty so we got the ham and cheese toasty oh it's so juicy oh the stack it has to be picked up there's so much ham and cheese and mustard look at that cheese [Music] [Laughter] oh wow [Music] the melted cheese the butter that's Gucci and Rich that's the type of sandwich you need to take a bath after you eat it look at that cheese do that oh we've got some jealous look at that cheese oh the pole oh it's going it's going oh my gosh whoa go to the roof [Music] [Laughter] they're called Lily pillies Lily pillies native Australian ingredient um people put them in cocktails they make jams out of them they were used as Snacks by First Nations Aboriginal people and they grow in so many Gardens and in the middle of the street and no one realizes I walked right past them so nice good on you with your eye gotta try it oh yeah it's like a almost like a rose Apple oh delicious sour native Australian ingredients street food yes fruit that's Street fruit that is literally above the bin literally Street fruit oh it's so good oh he likes them huh so sweet and juicy and sour yeah and a bit of dryness huh yeah a little yeah a little cottony yeah yeah like when you bite into a banana peel yep [Music] okay we're right here in the heart of Melbourne Federation Square going to a restaurant that serves food that I would not want to make this video without showcasing and so I wouldn't want to make a video about Australian food without acknowledging aboriginals the original the native people of Australia and unfortunately it's really not in in the cities maybe it's not that well represented it's only just becoming more represented now um thanks to places like big Esso um and noni Barrow who's the owner who unfortunately isn't here today but she's she's in hot demand because she's one of the only people um who has first Nations blood doing the food and learning about it herself as she goes it's probably worth pointing out that Melbourne is known as numb uh and you'll see that's the original name of Melbourne okay okay very cool very cool something that we try to acknowledge as we get around Melbourne and during events is that you know we were not here first and we are just enjoying it now and we're going to enjoy this food that's for sure there we've got to get that pepper Berry salt Bush fried crocodile pepper Leaf smoked emu flat fully hibiscus juice oh and also the native green ant Curry and as we're waiting for the food we're ordering a special drink so they're the ants are infusing [Music] green ants go in frame that right in there oh okay and if you can see it there's actually larvae in there as well oh nice thank you that's the the green ant teeny great antenna yes indeed thank you very much I'm extremely excited to try this green ant martini oh yeah I mean that's strong and cold and refreshing and the green ants I mean they're infused within the the Gin but I think they're giving off a little bit of a sourness that is strong and refreshing oh wow very excited I mean first time for Aboriginal Australian food and then also I think it will be my first time to try one of the one of the proteins that's on the table but first let's start with this fried crocodile seasoned with is it called salt Bush it is called salt Bush salt and Bush that's the urban Hub that's the grain plants so it's a really fragrant really fragrant herb yeah and salty naturally salty naturally oh that's salt bush good [Music] excellent deep fried crispy crocodile oh the shell bush is nice yeah it has this amazing like salinity to it very addictive especially with steak fried like that and crispy it's a snacking herb oh wow oh nice wow almost forgot about the spatchcock which is in a green ant sauce garfish in a beautiful sauce and these this is some of these dishes are specifically Torres Island yeah dishes as well no one is from Island oh and this was put down on the table we were told that this is how this is happy which is great let's try this emu first this is one of the dishes I'm most excited to try here the grilled emu oh nice juice there and especially all look how juicy it is um [Music] oh it's smoky and feels lean so juicy wow it's not gamey at all not like a bird that's delicious I think that might be my first time to try umu the chicken here oh you can see a lot of herbs in that sauce the ants on that that lemon maybe we should sprinkle lemon yeah get the lime on that and you smell the spices in here as well and this green on top that's a native um crawler almost like a Vine it's called greens and I'm gonna try oh look at that oily sauce [Music] um oh yeah there's a sourness from the green ants right the sourness maybe from their diet from the leaves that the ants eater from whatever the ant is eating that sauce you taste the lemongrass it's a very earthy tasting it's very I think oh man that's a good buttery and the spatchcock just melts in your mouth it's so tender okay I'm gonna move into these these mussels next the huge muscles coconut milk and that native Sam fire yep oh look at that how bright it is cheers yes oh no the richness the butteriness of the coconut milk I love that serious bear guess it just kind of pops with this salinity the ocean the flavor of the ocean big fresh meaty mussels oh that's probably have coconut milk dripping down my chin so good another muscle sweetness and Victoria's known for our muscles oh go New South Wales Sydney they get a lot more they're huge yeah they're big big muscles fat juicy and I love the color too it's really like vibrantly I don't remember which way it is but the orange ones are a one gender and the white or pale ones are apparently the other okay the scarfish I just have to pick up the whole thing you're gonna eat it like a corn cob yes oh yeah oh that's that's a lemon Myrtle which is a traditional Australian ingredient the sauce on it yeah it's French French style native Australian mer Island garfish oh my Island garfish hmm oh it's so good herbaceous oh the green chilies a little bit of a little bit of heat to it a little bit sour Smoky squeeze on a little bit of lime juice oh it's a little bit has a nice little spice to it um perfect for eating just slide your teeth right down the center bun and the fillet just comes off so perfectly what a fish what a dish really impressed with the flavors with the unique blend of ingredients oh look that Villa just popped off Sparkle grains so this is a really good version oh it's like dense a little bit dense okay to be dense it's always dense and you've got to have it with the golden syrup butter okay and add on some of this spread it's butter butter spread golden syrup golden syrup is what it's called okay that smells like my childhood oh my golden syrup all right yum mm-hmm I love that it's kind of sweet and a little bit salty but not that sweet and not that salty everything yeah yeah wow is that too much generous you want it to leave teeth marked yes nice what's your favorite dish the spatchcock is superb what a tender Rich clever historic modern dish brilliant I think all the food here is fantastic it would be you just should not choose a favorite actually yeah you're right you're right no but this is they're just all so good so we wanted to just end quickly this incredible meal with an ingredient that's native to Australia finger limes and so this is the whole lime so cool so squishy it feels like a bubble in your fingers and this is one sliced open every segment is self-contained and juicy and bubbly it's zesty it's sour that's that is really fun to squeeze very fun to squeeze yeah that is wow that that cleanses the ballot grind on fish great in a cocktail pretty good by itself amazingly poppy in your mouth what a fantastic meal incredible and I think definitely a new culinary experience oh sourness just went down my throat oh yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] and so we're just taking a walk down Melbourne's most iconic graffiti artistic streak so many colors [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] next up on this food tour in Melbourne about what Australian food is we are going to a classic Australian an Aussie Pub to eat one of the landmark one of the pillar iconic dishes so tell me about this place right we're at the Napier Hotel it's been here since 1866 so definitely a classic iconic event Cricket on the walls you'll see football clubs on the walls it's very very Australian and it's probably the most Australian Pub because you can get Kangaroo on everything awesome one question what is the significance of a pub style restaurant or Eatery in Australia it's our English Heritage so when we came over here as English men and women again it wasn't great in many ways we also brought the pub culture and so all of this is thanks to England gems directly from thanks to the UK so that's why we love a beer that's why we love chips wow the Bogan Burger okay this is something impressive something truly Majestic but we're going to come back to this we'll set this aside and we gotta we have to try the kangaroo Parma first all right let's go in for the is it okay if I just slice it down the center yeah yeah okay look at this it's huge I'm just going to slice it down the center we can get that cross section pull this apart oh look at the layers of that pretty generous pretty generous on the kangaroo yeah actually yeah there's a so the kangaroo steak is on top there oh it's so thick and juicy look at the the layers yeah the cheese [Music] at first I thought it might be kind of dry but it's actually juicy and like the juices from the chicken from the tomato sauce the kangaroo oh the kangaroo is like really tender and Smoky and yeah smoking that tastes like kangaroo pastrami that's what it is yeah absolutely cheers cheers okay next up we're gonna try just the straight up kangaroo steak I love how they just serve it on a mountain of chips look at the juiciness of it juicy slightly pink on the inside and you can see how lean it is look at that meat the quality of that meat um oh juicy Smoky nail the Chow it definitely does have a little bit of a stronger Aroma to it than beef but it's still quite neutral tasting and quite quite clean tasting yeah very clean tasting and whatever the other thing about kangaroo that people don't realize is it is a complete feral pest in Australia so over the populates destroys the natural environment um so it's one of those things where you can eat the problem so if more people were accepting of eating kangaroo it's getting there because it's in pubs now in supermarkets um it's just a really sustainable meat really lean meat and something that everyone should be eating a lot more of okay this is something gigantic something spectacular something almost intimidating what do we have here this is the Bogan Burger the Bogan Burger tell me what is a Bogan not necessarily like the best qualities sometimes sometimes more of the the Rowdy side of Australian culture possibly um and a combination of all sorts of Rowdy things maybe in in one package it's not always the most complementary term okay right it's the level of Pride oh okay okay so it's it's someone who is very Australian they sound less like me more like the crocodile hunter you know drink a lot of beer so like um sometimes kind of stereotypical or very stereotypical okay okay um have a few too many beverages a few too many burgers okay but they have a good time do we know everything that's in here um yes we do so there is a schnitzel schnitzel as well as some steak oh okay beef steak as well bacon bacon but the thing that makes a burger Australian is egg pineapple beetroot is this something you come here to eat often uh only when I'm really hung over okay oh this is it's impressive the way it holds together too like I thought it may just completely collapse upon picking it up and might need to be eaten with a fork but actually it's very structurally secure at this stage you want to extend your jaw as large as it possibly can go to get as much yes yes like a python yes yes oh man I don't wanna I need to warm up my jaw I don't want to dislocate my jaw in this here we go Gotta Get it all in one bite the drips oh my God hold up I got your managed to get a little bit of everything in one butt and slightly dislocate my jaw there's so much going on though oh the onions the Tomato in there makes it refreshing a creaminess of the mayonnaise and you've got the crispy cutlet you've got the ham or bacon in there bacon oh yeah that's bacon the beetroot okay the only thing I missed is the egg I definitely missed the egg on them again yeah that deserves another bite but look at that the beetroot in there the mayonnaise this is just the mother of all sandwich Burgers gigantic I'm gonna scoot yeah I know it's one of those things you can't let go you can't let go it's heavy okay we have some tomato we have a tomato situation it's gone between his legs not on his pants so we're okay we got a tomato down a tomato down oh wow that is it's actually really tasty though you've got the acidity of the the pineapple as well which kind of like balances all the meat I think one of the great things about something like this is just how fun it is to eat it's I mean it's not only food but it's entertainment [Laughter] okay what do we have lamb shank lamb shank pie it's a good it'll be good all right break into this I'm hoping it's chunky chunky meat in the middle it's like a lamb gravy one of the things you're supposed to do is they'll burn yourself right like I mean yeah it would not be a pie eating experience without slightly burning your your mouth I'd love to see all the footage of you where you've gone oh too hot too hot yes plenty plenty sometimes you have to do the air intake as you take a bite so that you get that air to cool something down smells beautiful I think it's just simple and good and hearty and meaty and then one more bite got to do the classic Parma so this is just with no extra meat on top so this has ham but no chicken ham no extra Kangaroo on top it's one it's dead correctly right there it does make you feel good the combination of all those ingredients the cheese and then washing it all down everything has been good here everything is just gigantic plates of food hearty fulfilling fantastic where are we going next to the bat in Melbourne that I don't want to tell everyone about it's my local it's called Geralds hello hello hey welcome thank you very much very nice to meet you home to piss and vinegar Benny um with lots of wine you know there's a bit of everything and then food as well and a full menu which changes every day we go to the markets every day we buy what's fresh what's in season and we cook it however we feel so it's a handwritten menu there's the menu for the day eight years ago we opened a bar in San Sebastian in Spain in the last country fantastic um just because you know I love it there and it's also called Gerald's in Santa fashion okay Gerald spark okay so to go with your bubbles oh we've just got these little anchovies which uh marinated in white wine vinegar yeah cheers cheers oh excellent oh that's so crisp qcqc [Music] oh yes anchovies oh the anchovies and I love them ghost peppers those pickled peppers that you'll find all over San Sebastian I think it's called the Hilda the Hilda Yash with the uh the skewer with these chilies that was one of my favorite bites in San Sebastian the fried pasta lime mayonnaise if they swim far enough do they become Australian are they grow into a king they're little white Lake from New Zealand white beet white base okay yeah all right King George Whiting which is not true if you Google okay room very good fried I love that squeeze of lime on top okay so Gerald just brought us one more dish uh this is a wallaby tartar with beetroot it's gonna be my first time to try wallaby that looks incredible with the yolk on top you stir in the yolk served with Crispy toast on the side yeah that looks incredible another one of the the daily Specialties for the day over there oh the wallaby just melting your mouth it's so tender I love that yolk just mixed in and it has this lovely tartness to it [Music] Gerald thank you very much thank you thank you so much thank you thank you foreign of Australia's population was born overseas there's an incredible diversity of people and ethnicities represented in Australia and you'll quickly discover that by the food from Turkish kebabs to Vietnamese bunmi you'll find food from around the world one of the great ethnic culinary Treasures is Melbourne's Chinatown established in 1854 it's the oldest and one of the biggest in Australia I wasn't going to leave Melbourne without going to one of the most iconic restaurants in Chinatown what's the story of this nice supper in though suffering has been open since 1977. okay which makes it significantly older than me uh it's open late night everybody who has a big night out in Melbourne comes here my dad used to come here after a night out chefs come here at 2 30 a.m open until 2 30 a.m every day and it's known for its EXO pippies oh okay okay there's a little cleanse right is that a little clams okay that's something we have to try so we're here at supper Inn Chinese restaurant iconic in Melbourne I even love the building you get down a laneway as well on a on a Stone Street here surrounded by all the buildings and then one of the iconic things is you got to go take the flight of stairs up to the restaurant a lot of chefs that have come here have signed or written on the wall I love this place already and we haven't even made it up the staircase yet almost we're almost there I love the atmosphere up here just a pretty small room actually but packed close tables friendly service and the full mostly Cantonese menu but what a cool atmosphere what a cool place thank you Christmas here we go starting with the crispy pork belly dip into the hoisin sauce wow so fatty and juicy oh yeah okay okay going for that that coil everybody is silent just munching on the coil hmm yeah oh wow oh the texture is incredible oh juicy and tender oh man that's good and the soy sauce the onions a little bit of chili in there I might do a little dip into them chili oil um oh it's delicious fried squid okay another one of the dishes that you have to eat here is the pippies and EXO sauce they're like clams who have the sauce and it has the Chinese the dose sticks fried dough sticks on the bottom coated in the sauce oh thank you Jeff gig the back it's all good oh man that EXO sauce the garlic in there the clams are sweet oh and that just like the dough stick fried dough stick is crispy and just absorbs that sauce wow wow thank you thank you okay so this dish is another dish she brought us it's scallops Ginger oh there's even shrimp in here with snow peas simple nice the scallop steamed scallop glass noodles on top [Laughter] so sweet oh wow yeah sweet yeah huge salty the preserved radish or something on it oh it's delicious Happy Happy you have to finish all the shoulder happy [Laughter] bye-bye bye thank you thank you bye-bye nice to meet you bye-bye coming out of the supper in stuffed since 1977 what a place oh that was so good legendary iconic supper in fantastic we just barely scratched the surface to answering what Australian food is and yet it was an amazing time here I learned a lot and I especially enjoyed my experience for the first time I was able to try Aboriginal Australian food from the Torres Straits which was very educational Australian food is about Native ingredients it's about the diversity of the population that translates and makes up the incredible food and I want to say a huge thank you to all of my local friends here for helping me out I'll have their information in the description box below and all of the restaurants that we ate at highly recommended I will have them all listed in the description box below as well that you can check out and I want to say a big thank you to you for watching this video please remember to give it a thumbs up if you enjoyed it leave a comment below I'd love to hear from you and if you're not already subscribed make sure you subscribe now for lots more food and travel videos good night from the beautiful city of Melbourne Australia and I will see you on the next video foreign
Channel: Mark Wiens
Views: 1,767,032
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Australian food, Australia, food, Australia food, Melbourne food, Melbourne best food, Melbourne street food, Australian street food, Mark Wiens Australia, things to do in Australia, best restaurants in Australia, food videos, food vlog, Mark Wiens in Australia, restaurants Australia, Melbourne Australia, Australia travel guide, Industry Beans, South Melbourne Market
Id: I3Bsemi7zIw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 14sec (3314 seconds)
Published: Sat May 27 2023
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