UK Border Patrol Agents Arrest a Drunk & Catch a Smuggler | Locked up Abroad

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[Music] the UK Border Agency is at war with smugglers and the prize anything coming up officers in Manchester meet a man who isn't making much sense have you had a few drinks on the plane one or two I all right okay that explains a few planes a cigarette smuggling Gatwick is caught with his trousers down now you knew they were in there and you saw me put them back but you still didn't tell me I mean Gary questions a man on a student visa but I'm just at Manchester Airport the flight has just arrived from Dubai order officers and immigration have stopped a British man who's lost his passport they've let him into the country from among customs officers to speak to him he's turned off without a passport it came off to Dubai he's been drinking Annie's arrogance is the word they used I'm sure you'll be able to cope with that nine nine one five - Thank You Jeep with the man's rather unusual behavior border officers in immigration have suggested searching his barracks a machine Mack truck he looks clearly outlet yes sir all abilities is so you want to go to Salford yes solve it right well first of all you need to get out of here do you have anything to declare do you need to speak sorry I know wherever you write from right offices take a man aside for further questioning where did you lose your passport in the airport in Dubai no you don't know where you've lost is it a British passport right well I'm going to look inside your bags and I'm going to ask you some questions are these all your bags here yeah do you pack them yourself well did you pack them all yourself do you know what's inside the bags yeah has anyone given you anything to carry no nothing bad okay have you had a few drinks on the plane one or two all right okay that explains a few things all right what do you do do you work here or are you student where is your home flatly luckily like Michael Flatley but Lee Buckley yeah where which country is that right Bangladesh so you go home is in Bangladesh we're in England is your home right you went to Bangladesh to visit your family fun and how long have you been away how long I may be from four weeks four weeks for months a long shot but what my colleague asked was right do you work yeah in Manchester catering I question seems too much for this passenger could be a long afternoon for the officers a Gatwick Airport flavors just arrived from Nigeria East Africa is a known source for Class A drug smuggling and it's up to the UK border officers to stop and question any suspicious passengers on the bench for me sir please let's ask a few questions first of all okay so you've started your journey in Nigeria is that right right okay and how long will you stay in England for illuminants there will appear this vehicle not by me okay where are you flying on to the Netherlands to do that okay what's the reason for your trip to Amsterdam my patient is Charlie to you do you have friends or family in Amsterdam each observation and you're not traveling with anybody else okay what's your occupation in Nigeria I took my school and how usually believe you yes so from Amsterdam then where are you going going to Zurich okay so how how long will you stay in Amsterdam for and then you fly on Suze Yuri yes pickle train back to London how long will he stains Urich for one day I'm just trying to you know dancing hazel is alerted by the man's whistle stop tour of Europe as suspicions on my hand when she finds a chance for a substantial amount of money so who's Alex a friend of mine and is this sixteen thousand American dollars okay why why are you writing a check for sixteen thousand American dollars [Music] Hazel's not satisfied by the man's explanation so the offices swap this suitcase for drugs oh I won't be one minute okay so thank you we're just gonna see if there's been any contact with control drugs the one that this machine test for is cocaine or heroin so there's a reading come up a middle size or a medium reading for contact with both cocaine and heroin hazel there was a point five one reading for content with cocaine yellow say meat medium size middle size the machine we have tests for traces of drugs and what he just told me is that there was a background trace for cocaine have you ever been near any drug so no okay the man is adamant but hazel can't rule him out as a smuggler just yet it's got really hardly any luggage his trip is for seven days if we ever had swallowers that have come in off the du bonheur we have haven't they yeah I'm gonna set this further cuz I'm not I'm not happy with him at all I'll get permission for a search I think and then put them through the body scan in Manchester officers are still trying to get some sense out of the inebriated passenger okay what's this alright nothing but fruit yeah right you know you have too many cigarettes do you know that yeah you're not allowed three packets you're allowed an allowance right good I don't know okay the offices are used to dealing with all kinds this man had a bit too much to drink then I [Laughter] think because you've drunk too much I never never some girl obviously something bad right no this - I'm saying you've lost your passport so you might lose the cigarette so I'm sticking them in here okay don't loser that's all you've got left idealize put it in your pocket the man is keen to explain how and why he lost his passport I have nice play of a possible and then I can understand what I got past with me and someone saying that made me very bad in the plane they are drink obviously I have a good time nice flying no happy that is a warning officers send him on his way right left and right Oh watch yourself he'd had a pizza tree putting some ice fell in I think he had a bit of fruit and a few ciggies too many I just hope he finds his way home thank you bye at Gatwick Airport Hazel's still trying to verify the Nigerian man's story to work out why he's traveling with a check thousands of dollars and what is it you owe this man the $16,000 fights money you gave to me is in the u.s. I'm sending you back because I'm not traveling to the US I said well I'm in the UK I'll get a stamp put it on his I'm merely to the US but why did you borrow the money from him I'm not completely happy with what he's telling me and whether all this is just a smokescreen for the fact that he's bringing drugs here and he could have booked it and then cancelled it when he gets back I don't know he's been very cooperative so far I think he's likely to agree to a body scan so if you're happy I'd just like to put him through the machine okay so what I'll have to do we've got one last thing we can do okay and that is to just give you a quick x-ray the man is put through an x-ray to reveal whether he swallowed any packages on examination of the images it's clear the man has nothing inside him okay that's fine sir thank you very much for your time any cooperation despite the indicators the man is innocent and free to go and thanks to his cooperation he leaves with plenty of time to catch his connecting flight coming up a cigarette smuggler Gaborik is caught with his trousers down now you knew they were in there and you saw me put them back but you still didn't tell me coming up Gary questions a man on a student visa and something doesn't add up a Gallic airports it's rush hour as scores of holidaymakers arrived back from outside the EU husband-and-wife officers more than hazel are bracing themselves for a busy night hello hope you just arrived from traffic cigarettes will be their main aim as they look to intercept passengers do you have anything in excess if you do - free allowance 18 right okay you can only bring 200 back aged am I gonna guess right in saying you've got more cigarettes than that one as well so you could do my job thank you throw another one thank you okay I don't think I need to tell you you know you're in the wrong if you're found to be in possession of excess revenue goods again you could end up being prosecuted when tobacco seizures are already mounting up the next flight team is from old and lost ways alum plays out their cigarettes the passengers pick them up on this flight is sermon didn't know that people bring in quite a lot of cigarettes what's happened is there's only 27 passengers on this flight so the bags have all been delivered but there's no passengers in the reclaim at the moment so the bags will be coming around again so we'll have a second shot just to have a look at them outside it doesn't take long for Paul and Hazel to spot some dodgy bags and Sarah finds some sadly get my cigarettes few cigarettes Kars is here inside the suitcase but there's also a few that I can feel under the lining here just in there that's a few cigarettes under there and also in an expert to try and hide them there's actually some that I can feel in the bottom of here all heads back out to wait for the passenger to claim the bag with the green trousers hello hello yeah wherever you arrived from from more Dover okay if you'd like to bring your bags in all reminds the man about the rules there's allowances with regardless of cigarettes and tobacco do you understand that yeah you understand it and what you understand those allowances to be you don't know this it's 200 cigarettes but bullnose you've got a lot more than 200 okay so you've got 600 there which is three times what you're allowed yes it's three times what you're allowed for six hundred cigarettes yes do you understand that yeah so you're over by three yes three times three times the allowance yes have you got any other cigarettes or tobacco in here a couple more what cigarettes you know how many just those yeah maybe maybe more yeah why don't you tell me how many I don't know I think this as a souvenir I've never heard of a cigarette called a souvenir before so how many cigarettes have you got in total maybe anybody is secretive and you've hidden them inside the case why have you hidden them in the case they thought they told you to hide them Wyatt because you're not allowed to bring them maybe maybe you don't know okay the man is being evasive and he's yet to mention the cigarettes hidden in the weiners at Manchester airports the lighters just arrived for the understand it's from outside the EU so passengers here are also limited to just 200 cigarettes but the x-ray identifies a big box which officers suspect the electroscope before I even put it it's very thought the weight for the size is right as well and the density that right let's go the Box is put back on the belt and officer ass heads out to the claim area to see you fix it up well I'm going through your bags okay I'm going to x-ray your bags so this way are you traveling alone and where is it you're traveling from a young man dressing himself has claimed the box and ass takes him in for photo shooting it's bad news do you know what your Laos for cigarettes are it's 200 and 200 cigarettes want to leave the cigarettes I'm India company nine sleeves want to look inside all these bags now okay he's still sticking with nine alright did you open this for me please having seen the x-ray for himself knows he's carrying a lot more than nine sleeves oh so there's more than nine well I didn't say that right from the start the man realizes he's busted I'm going to seize the cigarettes because you're well oh of your allowance that's all you're allowed if you bring anything like this in you need to declare them you need to that's the customs officer no you've got more than 200 okay black they took money off you then who did as a matter of interest how much did you pay for these four it's for like just for what to pound you would have sold that they're about thirty yeah they're easily whatnot this son the man leaves without his cigarettes but will now be destroyed merely kill another passenger okay Stan has been brought down by immigration office they suspect he's breached his student visa by working when he should have been studying apparently the university or college papers studies given to the officers he thinks a little bit dodgy so the immigration officers just has to go on a bag to see if there's any other documentation up Axl's story up basically almost immediately Gary finds the man's UK lorry driving license unusual paperwork for a student if you are licensed for the large goods vehicle do you drive for someone no worries don't leave or I don't necessarily want to pass the test that much why would you want to process laws why would you want to learn to drive a big lorry in the UK national workers convinced he's been okay mark Gary presses demands for details is alleged University so in this college what's the name of the college that college 25 just make that up and what's the names of the people in the bus go me buy off starting now ooh it's a mess [Music] I'm gonna give you five good names a man wants to convince Gary his answers [Music] and Gatwick opposite Paul is still talking to the man from Moldova is hidden cigarettes in the cordon bleu trousers I see do you get a 200 cigarette allowance once you go over there allowance you forfeit the hell out once so all the items that you brought in today are going to be seized yet you understand that and I think you knew it before word in here that's why they were hidden here before as Paul finishes up his search of the man's bags officer Sarah takes inside or is it all that one back up back up bring it back up have you got cigarettes in the bottom of these you do know don't you because you did it so bring the other pair out yes yes yes now you knew they were in there and you saw me put them back but you still didn't tell me the G I think you do remember quite clearly all this far from impressed that the man has tried to deceive him hidden in the two pairs of trousers around one 200 cigarettes now is there anything else you want to tell me about no that's it is it it would have been just better if you'd have been honest with me at the beginning yes in all the man was trying to smuggle almost 3,000 cigarettes yeah I have to say I don't know I've never seen cigarette pack like this before this is the first time for me he'd hidden them on advice from his friends but I think he totally knew why was hiding them your passport and your freezer go back in Manchester Gary's team of almost finished searching the man suspected of breaching his student visa I mean this is like a photocopy of something that's been made oh it doesn't even not convince some dessert and it doesn't look good do you think he'll get laundered probably temporary admission to come back tomorrow but the rest of that proofs that he's been stabbed in and if he thinks you're onto him he just wouldn't come back more than that and the fact that is there's information there's bag of Oz he's taken HTV course in Drive and suggests him either he's obviously possibly could be working Gary then finds some suspicious credit cards the cast further doubts on the man's credibility it's all a bit strange person our customs issue but the searchers found no evidence of drugs so the man is taken back up to the immigration area he'll be given 24 hours to prove that he's returned to the UK to study or he'll be removed [Music] the next day the man suspected of reaching his visa by working in the UK returned [Music]
Channel: DangerTV
Views: 898,905
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Customs, Border, Border Agents, Customs Agents, Airports, UK, United Kingdom, London, Manchester, Gatwick, Heathrow, Smugglers, Smuggling, Drugs, Arrest, Drunk, Cash, Weapons, Danger, Extreme, border patrol, customs uk, border security, borders, locked up abroad, nothing to declare, illegal immigrants, border security force, heathrow airport, trafficking, uk border force, border force, contraband, airport patrol, documentary, uk customs, police, illegals, front line, caught, uk police, danger tv, uk
Id: Mzg8mYyU6bE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 3sec (1383 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 07 2019
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