Smuggler Grandmother Loses It With Customs Officers And Flips Off Camera | Full Episode | Customs UK

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[Music] in our ports and in our airports the uk border agency is fighting a constant battle against smugglers coming up a grandmother loses her cool after a suspect package is found in her laptop officers in birmingham stub out a couple's plan to make a quick buck uh you wear the cigarette restrictions from grand canyon i can i can tell by the face and high traces of cocaine are found in gatwick the minute that you mentioned drugs he was not happy at all so we're not transferring dogs jokes [Music] at gatwick airport a flight has just arrived from antigua suitcases from the flight are unloaded and checked by sniffer dogs before passengers collect them in the terminal one female passenger from the flight has raised suspicion after passing through immigration she was seen changing her clothes in the toilets so uk border agency officer george has stopped her for questioning she actually changed outfits from when i saw her down by immigration when she was getting her passport swiped when talking to her in the channels she actually said that it's because she had a long journey and she had some soggy clothes which we needed to change when she went available i noticed that she had a carry-on hold which sometimes they can actually sneak drugs through their holders the hold all and its contents are taken away to be x-rayed officers will be looking for any hidden concealment [Music] george continues his search of the woman's suitcase the hold all gets the all clear but the woman's laptop looks decidedly suspicious on the x-ray it's not uneven as it goes and it shows that there may be something inside yeah with concerns there may be drugs hidden in the laptop it's taken away to a workshop to be properly assessed okay what's happened yeah we've got clearer image and it shows it may seem brutal but the only way to find out if it does contain anything illegal is to break it open [Music] it looks like their hunch was right officers discover a package they suspect to be drugs stuffed inside the laptop a simple test will be able to confirm their suspicion at birmingham airport it's the start of a busy evening shift [Music] a flight has just come in from gran canaria and officer mike is scanning suitcases for excessive quantities of cigarettes we're x-raying the baggage through this felt scanner here looking primarily for cigarettes or tobacco but there is a chance we may find defensive weapons such as flick knives or throwing stars and things like that passengers arriving back from gran canaria have a strict allowance of just 200 cigarettes okay that one's got some square shapes in that may indicate tobacco [Music] having found a large quantity of cigarettes on the x-ray mike will be keen to ask the owner of the suitcases a few questions a man in shorts and a blue jumper collects one of the bags from the luggage carousel and as he proceeds through the nothing to declare channel mike steps in to intercept him oh there guys just step over this way a second just come over to the bench for me cover the key passports please not shopping with anyone else i'm not traveling with anyone else no just been a family holiday is it yeah have you been away for days yeah where to drink an area okay whose name was it built in who actually did the booking i thought you said you weren't with anyone else three of us i didn't even matter all right so you see that you were traveling with these people yeah yeah when you're right okay yeah you know what you can't bring in drugs guns knives weapons a decent signature stuff like that yeah okay uh you wear the cigarette restrictions from gran canaria i can i can tell by the face okay not sure okay something you want to tell me yeah cigarettes okay how many we got you don't know do you know how many you're allowed to have no 200 one sleeve one packet have we gone bust 200 sleeves so 200 sleeves okay i guess we'd better have a look the man confesses to being way over his allowance who are they for that fair enough i appreciate you're on the team first time you've been caught first time you've been called first time you've done it with three suitcases stuffed to the brim the man could feasibly be arrested back at gatwick officers are about to run tests on a package they suspect to be cocaine found in a woman's laptop we've pulled a package out from behind the screen all he's doing now is splitting it to take a small sample which we can test on this cocaine reagent here so which will give us an indication of what type of drug it is the reagent will turn blue if the substance is cocaine it is there with a positive identification for cocaine the news is now broken to the woman contamination of the laptop and we have found a wider substance here behind the screen we've carried out a field test for cocaine which has come up so the time is 10 19 we're arrested on suspicion of being involved [Music] do you understand as she's led off for further questioning officers take this opportunity to use the cocaine as a training aid for sniffer dogs we try and um educate the dogs on life we've walked on live concealment because we can't replicate that you know they've spent a lot of effort to sort of hide that concerns in that laptop we just can't do that with our training samples so now the dog's sort of learning curves just shot right up with the game now well and truly up the woman's attitude begins to change this is the hillary she may be laughing now but all that awaits her is an empty cell officers stay with the woman while her belongings are checked in and she's informed of her rights [Music] meanwhile george inspects the cocaine concealment further there's a lot of work which has gone into this this would be actually considered a deep concealment for a rudimentary way of trying to i suppose disguise it from an x-ray was by covering it in foil but um obviously it hasn't worked [Music] as the woman is checked into her cell she starts to vent her frustration just listen to me let us know if you need anything else right you want to see that she's getting a bit upset now when she was stopped even when the whole her computer was being extraordinary she was quite calm but everyone's different everyone reacts in different ways so there there is no way you can spot a drugstore they come in all shapes and sizes one thing left to find out is the weight of the drugs so that's coming in at around about 530 grams so depending on its purity it could actually be quite substantial with an estimated value of 25 000 pounds it's been a very successful day for the officers less so for the woman who will have plenty of time to contemplate her actions [Music] back at birmingham officers are counting the massive hall of cigarettes a man is brought back from gran canaria you did realize that there was a limit when you'd actually become in the rest of the fence okay and you're going to be close it depends on the value the man's friend who booked the tickets is also carrying three suitcases full of cigarettes it's now a question of what penalty they face we have 36 000 it's a rather impressive 35 600 over the limit because obviously the baby's not entitled to anything she's not yet 17. with the man's friend also carrying a further 36 000 the total haul is just under the amount where they would have been arrested that one is a warning there no obviously as you know you sell very close to the wind this time and there is no other sanction and seizure okay there's no fine there's no penalty there's nothing else uh the warning letter is there to say don't do it again because next time it may be more serious okay it's a lucky escape for the two men whose audacious attempt at smuggling cheap cigarettes would have netted them a profit of over two thousand pounds each quite happy did some checks on the people involved in both parties and myself and my colleague were happy that they were first-time offenders from a customer's point of view um the need to say that that will be the records will be maintained on them and should they try and make another attempt more punitive action may well be taken [Music] coming up a woman in gatwick struggles to explain a high drug hit coming from her suitcase [Music] coming up one man gets a bit economical with the truth in birmingham you've never been arrested right will our records show differently sir at gatwick airport a plane has just come in from kingston in jamaica a known source area for illegal drugs [Music] as the last of the passengers passed through the customs channels officers stop a woman who's just arrived home in the uk after a routine baggage search and an ion scan swap test of her suitcase traces have been found for despite the woman's protest a suitcase is taken away for further tests i've done an iron scan on the bag i mean she's adamant she hasn't come anywhere near drugs she's adamant there's nothing in there but i've got to find out why i've got to read him for 2.55 what do you do for a living for magazine what does your partner do he's a musician yeah what is the situation well i'm getting still getting readings for cocaine so you said you're traveling with your partner i need to have a chat with him as well to see if we can see if we can find out why we are getting the readings the woman starts to become agitated with the suggestion that she's been involved with cocaine i'm not saying you've got it all i'm saying is at the moment no actual cocaine well i haven't found any so that's that's good but i still need to find out why i am getting these readings it might be that your boyfriend will be able to throw some light on it i don't know until i've spoken to him but if he can't throw any lighting out what happens well at the moment well until i've spoken to him i can't say what's going to happen whilst waiting for the woman's boyfriend to arrive from immigration officers become intrigued by some prescription drugs in the woman's hand luggage to be answered the woman's rastafarian boyfriend is hurried through immigration but he too is less than happy at the suggestion he's been involved with cocaine it can happen from anything you could have touched something that somebody else just tells you but you don't know that you might have told me you listen to me you might have touched the other side you can pick up traces of drugs from anywhere you can pick them up from train seats you can pick them up from airline seats you can pick them up from being in nightclubs pubs bars anyway no but this is what i'm saying to you this is you can pick traces of drugs up okay and that can then contaminate the contents of your suitcase so what we need to do is we need to make sure that's all my regular okay with neither passenger offering an explanation further searches will be conducted to get to the bottom of the cocaine traces it's the middle of the day at birmingham airport a flight is due to depart to dubai and officers are using sniffer dogs to detect passengers carrying any quantities of cash we're under approaching the crime act 2002 anybody who's carrying more than a thousand pounds we're entitled to ask them about the origins of the money and what they intend to do with it hello so you're carrying cash on your body today yeah good boy we're trying to intercept criminal money going out before it commits a crime before they go out to buy drugs before they go out to buy cigarettes so would it hit them in the pocket and where it hurts none of us like losing our money if passengers can't provide evidence where the cash has come from or what it's going to be used for officers have the power to seize the money and investigate the individual further once shut your bags over here come this way a man waiting to board the flight to dubai has been pulled over for questioning he lives and works in the uk and claimed he was carrying just one thousand pounds on further questioning he revealed he's actually carrying four thousand pounds did you pack this bag he's not back people who packed the bag you packed a bag everything in here including the money belongs to you okay just want to give you a bag a quick check so okay yeah do you have any more money apart from the wallets any more money no i guess you hold that money okay with the flight about to board officers will have just minutes to decide what to do with the man and his cash it's just your coat yes any money in the coast no no money in the coast no no no no money in the country sometimes i think it's 100 pounds maybe sometimes is homeless it's very important you tell us about all the money sir i i said to you can you tell me about all the money then you remember jude more money in this bag now you've remembered you have more money in the coke do you have any more cash on you anywhere any more on your personality and your wallet there do you have your national insurance card yes i have it yeah can i see it please the man's dishonesty is ringing alarm bells now have you put your tax return in last year what this [Music] after confessing to not having completed a tax return officers will conduct background checks on the passenger for further information as long as you've done everything right everything will be fine can you take your money bill off just now sir and just show me all the money that's in the money belt you have yes yes with the threat of losing his money the passenger is starting to get upset with the interrogation reluctantly he shows the contents of his money belt and then here you say you have three thousand pounds yeah three thousand five yeah the money here is not bank rap sir so is it that's money you've taken from your shop yes shop yeah okay you know you're buying let's take a seat down there maybe as the last passengers board the flight the suspected tax evader looks unlikely to be leaving the country with this cash in gatwick the raster passenger is being decidedly candid so as a raster then do you use cannabis yeah you can have baseball can i have none neither but i just want to find traces of cannabis cause small cannabis but not had our jobs that's fine yeah we always abandon it we have good morning atlanta so we're not transferring but you see where you do your where you say that you're a reggae artist okay so where you do that there could be people there who smoke drugs yeah do you see what i'm saying yeah so you could have picked up traces of drugs from there you wouldn't know that you'd done it it's very hard for my lady officer hazel takes the man's suitcase to the x-ray but her colleague sam thinks she might have worked out what's causing the high traces of cocaine we just have to check your partner but what i think is happening is because of the drugs you're taking it's reacting for the cocaine test and that's probably all it is yeah but that's what it is i think that's what it is because you've got really strong medication and i think that's where it is because you're taking it when you sweat it goes into the into your pores and then it goes onto your clothing then you're putting the clothing in your suitcase and that's what's contaminated hazel's search of the man's suitcase comes back clear as well okay that's fine okay princess yes yeah moral christmas despite the questioning the couple are happy to accept that it's been a necessary interrogation by the officers thank you for being understanding sorry for delaying you thank you bye-bye okay all right bye-bye it was fine because i sprang him out the queue and he was absolutely fine he was charming chatty and the minute that you mentioned drugs cocaine specifically he was not happy at all he's rastafarian and to my understanding they use cannabis don't have much to do with cocaine but he got quite cross up here but then he called me princess so i figured it wasn't too bad nobody ever calls me princess i think they felt better when i said i think it's the medication yeah [Music] in birmingham officers have just minutes to decide what to do with the man carrying over four thousand pounds in cash having lied about the amount of money he was carrying background checks have been conducted which have brought up more lies do you know what are being arrested is no no you've never been arrested right well our records show differently sir and our records also show you had good seized at this airport as well you said you'd never been in trouble with customers no you don't remember that either okay just wait for them the pnc has got um checks coming back for bringing in cigarettes into birmingham airport and 1400 that was last year reporting despite his previous offenses today the main concern is the 4 000 pounds in cash which may be a legal income having failed to pay any taxes for the previous two years officers decide to seize the money as they suspect him of tax evasion we haven't got time now to talk about the money but you need to make a decision on whether you're gonna travel or whether you're going to stay here to answer further questions in relation to the money and miss your flat that's your decision you're free to go but the money's not free to go you understand you can miss your flight and stay to speak with us and you won't be flying today or you can fly today or or you can go on the flight now but your money will be staying here and we'll go before the magistrate in 48 hours so you have to make a decision sir do you want to fly or do you want to stay reluctantly he hands over all of his cash his case will go to court and he'll have the chance to appeal the seizure when he returns to the uk and that's the reasons why the money's been taken from me okay thank you with just seconds to spare the man and his wife catch their flight minus their cash if he hadn't done the last check about what taxes he'd paid what benefits he's been claiming he would have been on the flight with that money because we did the check we found out he hadn't paid his taxes which therefore is a proceeded crime so therefore his money's gone [Music] the woman caught smuggling 25 000 pounds worth of cocaine in her laptop was found guilty and sentenced to five and a half years in prison [Music] you
Channel: Cops In Action
Views: 969,044
Rating: 4.7977047 out of 5
Keywords: highway patrol cops, border control full episode, customs tv show, customs uk full episode, cops tv show, Smuggling, Border Security, border security tv show, miami water cops, arrested, possession, british airports, airport security, moterway cops, police tv show, uk border security, cops in action, cops in action full episode, man arrested for having drugs, border security drugs, drug smuggling, nothing to declare uk, nothing to declare full episode, border control tv show
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 58sec (1378 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 07 2020
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