UE5 Material Crystal Effect - Tutorial

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hello guys in this video I will show you how to create a crystal material in Unreal Engine now let's start it okay first we need some ISO Crystal textures we can create it in substance printer or download it in Bridge in Bridge we can search Frozen our eyes now we can see there are many surfaces and we use the frozen lake okay now let's create a material rename it I'm underline eyes and we need to put these Textures in material editor and connect them save the material in the level we use the material to static mesh now we can see it just a surface effect so we need to make some change to the crystal material first we need a camera vector this expression means the direction from the pixel to the camera and it often used to fake environment maps by connecting the camera Vector to component mask and using the X and Y channels of the camera Vector as texture coordinates just like what we are doing now let's previewing the node now we can see the fake environment map but it doesn't look very good so we need to transform the space add a transform Vector we need to change the source space to word and the destination space to tangent now it looks better we can either distort effect to the surface first we need a noise texture and multiply one and add one connect the output to the multiply B and connect the uas now we can see the distort effect we can change the multiplies value to control the distort intensity also we can add a panel to the noise texture to speed X and Y we can give it to 0.1 now we have a distort animation and connect the RGB to the emissive color in the level we can see the surface effect not bad let's keep going now we need to make it look more diverse so let's copy a texture and multiply 0.5 is cracks will be bigger also we can multiply two now its cracks will be smaller and now let's add these two textures and multiply a color we want to change the color in material instance so let's create a dynamic vector now let's create a material instance and use the material instance to the static mesh we can change the static mesh color in real time but it looks too bright so let's change it darker just power these two textures and add them also we can disconnect the base color no it looks more like a crystal now let's add some flickering cracks to the material also we need copier texture and Powerade the power exponent we need the dynamic value so let's add a 10. sign the time and the constant about scale makes the value to 0 to 1. and it's alerts value H2 B is 3. now we have a flipping cracks also we can multiply it to a color and add them to the emissive color now we can change the cracks and the surface color also we can add a nail effect to the material to make the static mesh edges shine aside for now and promote these values to parameters we can change these parameters in material instance now we can change the final effect now it looks too many cracks inside the material so we need to control the tiling of textures let's say the text call and add it to UE and we need to multiply text code and dynamic parameter to control the UV tiling the dynamic parameter we need a append vector or control the U tiling and G control the retailing and add it to camera vector and connect the add output to texture UVs now we can control the texture tiling in material instance okay that's all for this video hope you enjoyed bye
Channel: Alex Huang
Views: 8,091
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7s30TJfvE8M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 30sec (450 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 22 2023
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