Create a sci-fi HOLOGRAM material shader in Unreal Engine 5 (FREE download)

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good morning today we will have a look at how you can create a very easy but also very cool sci-fi hologram uh Shader or material in Unwritten engine 5. let's go [Music] so first off you will need two textures you can use the textures in the content starter pack or you can download just a plain white texture and also a purlin noise which we'll be using in the material just right click and create a new material we will call this m underscore hologram and the first thing we'll change is the blend mode to translucent and we'll start off by creating the bands so right click and type World position and then create a scalar parameter and we'll call this spacing underscore one because we'll create three bands and set the default value on the parameter to 10 on this one and we can change this later if you want we'll drag this out and divide this with the scalar parameter and then drag this out again and create a component mask and here we only want the blue Channel and this will make the bands go vertically uh you can play with the other channels if you want for a weird effect then drag this out again and create a pattern node and this we will set to a y speed of two drag this out again and create a generated band change the input to the input coordinates and then create a new scalar parameter and we'll call this one line with one and then change the default value to 0.7 and there we have one line now we're going to duplicate this three times and change some things around [Music] so select all the notes Ctrl C Ctrl V duplicate we'll start by changing the line with to 0 0.2 sorry and then the default value to 0.5 for this one [Music] then select the Panner node and change the Y speed to 4. and then change this spacing from 0.1 to 0.2 and the default value to 20. then we will duplicate all of this a third time and create an even thinner line [Music] so rename this to free and then the spacing to also free and this will have a very very thin line so change the value to only one here and there we have it now we have three different lines going vertically so for the third part we'll create a fresnel effect on the edges of the mesh so right click and type in for Now function [Music] and here we will need a scalar parameter which will rename to glow power and hook this up to the power inputs and change the default value to 5. once again you can always change this later if you want then hold t for a texture and search for the Parlin noise which you either imported or use from the content starter pack then right click once again and create a Panner node we won't change anything on this one hold three for a constant 3 vector and hook this up to the speed and convert this to a parameter and rename this to Edge glow speed and change the value on the green channel to 0.05 and now we'll start to combine all of this so drag out from the result of the fresnel function into a multiply then hook up the texture sample [Music] and once again drag this out into a multiply and create a new scalar parameter rename this one glow size hook this up and then a default value of 30. drag out the generated band into a multiply and then let's move this just a bit and then drag out the results from the top one into an ADD we'll add these two together and then drag out the add into a blend overlay and the important thing here is that the input has to be the bottom one and not the top one otherwise your blunt colors will be inverted then once again drag out the results into a multiply and hook up the multiply from this one into the other multiply lots of multiplies here then drag this out into an ad [Music] and just for organization I will change the inputs and these don't really matter though and then hook up the ad into the emissive color and you will get an error but we will fix this in just a second then create a new scalar parameter and rename this to opacity and hook it up to the opacity and change the default value to 0.5 [Music] then once again hold free to create a constant free vector and change the color to a blue this will be the color of the Hologram so you can change this to whatever you want hold t for a texture sample and then right click and convert it to a parameter and we'll call this texture foreign [Music] once again we won't change anything here and then hold free once again to create a constant free vector and hook this up to the speed and change the red channel to 0.05 drag out the blue color into a multiply and hook up the texture and here you will change the texture to the default texture either from the content starter pack or a just plain regular white texture it doesn't really matter just a placeholder and then hook up the multiply into the blend overlay and once again very important that you input this into the top socket and just the final thing is to convert the constant free Vector into a parameter which we'll call texture speed and then compile save and apply and there you have it and now the Shader is complete foreign click the material and rename it to material instance underscore hologram and I'll add Earth because I'm going to create an earth hologram applied to your mesh and then go into the material instance properties now finally you can change some things around if you want uh you can change the texture I'm going to change my texture into an earth texture I downloaded and now you can adjust the speed if you want and it's just the speed of the texture the mesh or material isn't actually spinning it's just the illusion since we're moving the UVS around now you can also change the spacing if you want or the opacity whatever fits your hologram so there we have it also if you don't want to create the material from scratch I'll upload this to a gumroad page where you can download it for free if you want but yeah there you have it so I hope you learned something from this and have fun with your new hologram shaders and I'll see you in the next one bye
Channel: tiedtke.
Views: 8,262
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: social media marketing, red camera, tiedtke, content creator, videography, influencer, vlog, red raven, komondo, music video, fujifilm, xt3, fuji xt3, tutorial, cinema 4d, blender, vfx, editor, short film, films, director, shader, material, unreal, ue5, ue4, free download, shaders, lighting, td, textures, texture
Id: lWV52h-VHi8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 20sec (620 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 09 2022
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