UE5 Niagara Dissolve Edge Emitted Particle Effect - Tutorial

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hello guys in this video Let's create a effect a whole spawn particles at the edge of the dissolved material okay now we have a little material function it's very simple and we are going to use it to the charters material The Mask to the Charter's opacity mask and we are going to use the material parameter collection to control it Okay add a parameter and rename it to mask back to material and add a collection parameter we will use the parameter and we need a noise texture just use the tiling noise zero five okay now save the material and we can change the parameter value in MPC to control the effect of Charter's dissolution okay now let's create a network system and select empty template first we need a spawn rate and set the spawn rate to 10 000 oh yes we also use the gpuc bounce mode to fixed okay and spirit size to uniform and the value is one now add a sample skeletal mesh and the premium mesh is the mesh we are using okay now let's set particles position we need to use the sample skeletal mesh sample position to the particle's position now we can see the previous effect of course we want particles to be spawned on the surface of the skeletal mesh so let's use surface triangles okay this is what we want now let's add the sample texture to create a digital effect in Niagara the texture is the same as in the material and the texture you we need sample skeletal mesh sampled UAE okay now let's create a new module we need to use the texture in network to create the same dissolution effect in the module as in the material function so the parameters are the same texture and the mask also we can add a bios to control it and other ways to control the width of the edge okay now if texture greater than or equal mask add the Bells and less than or equal mask add Bells add ways and logic and also we need the if or select if true with output 1 and if Force we output 0. and add a float to receive it the name space to particle and rename it to Hill particles okay connect it and save the module go back to Negra and the texture we need sample textures sampled our Channel and with 0.1 mask is 0.5 and we are not use spells for now Okay add a kill particles set Group by fluid comparison we need to use the particles scale just created in our module if particle scale equal to zero we kill the particles just like we saw okay now let's say it in the level attach Network system to Charter and the left value of mask in MPC equal to Value mask in network system now we can see that particles are only spawned at the edge of the dissolved material let's set the particle's color our channel is 100. okay and make apply sampled rjba to particle Force okay we can see particles color is right it looks a little big okay now set Spirit size to 0.1 and spawn rate to 100 000. okay it looks better now we can copy this emitter and create a particle flying effect just add a current noise Force stress is 100 and the frequency 25 also we use pen noise field this is one okay the flying particles left time is too long we need to change it random one two two okay yes and let's add a scale speed size zero to one to zero use the template and add a scale color or you can copy the curve in scales with set and use it in scale RGB and scale Alpha okay it looks better now and we can add more particles to make the effect better so that's all for this video hope you enjoyed bye
Channel: Alex Huang
Views: 12,821
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Id: vo8MxBfibi8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 1sec (421 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 19 2023
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