Tyson Fury | How To Gain MOTIVATION Back

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He signed with Bob Arum to keep the Zionists away?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/WillieLee πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 24 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies


Transitioned from 5gs of coke a day at his peak to 5g of M-CAT

After 6 months of that he stuck purely to tequila and tren with 2 lines of M-CAT for brekky.

Now he only shelves a couple of baroccas each morning and does creatine before each workout. Enjoying the benefits of natty lifestyle.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/RoadmanFemi πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 24 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I’ve found this today and was deeply inspired. I think it’s amazing how he has turned his life around as I also am doing the same. Anyone who has been through it understands how difficult it is and some never make it back.

This helps me appreciate Fury that much more . I thought I would share it for anyone who needs some help or motivation

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Philligan123 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 24 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 25 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
I didn't have no motivation to do it zero motivation to do anything zero motivation to offer shave 0-2 brush your teeth even have a shower nothing I can't tell you in words how I felt how down I was when you lose control your own mind you're in a bad place I just wanted to show the world that a mental health could bring somebody's big as me and as strong as me and you know the stereotype heavyweight champion of the world Timmy knees then it could bring anybody to the knees and I thought to myself if I can show the world that you can come back for me and to get back in shape and get back to the top then anybody can do it I knew something is wrong in your life growing up as a child birth I feel alone and even when I was with other people I wasn't confident character what you see today was a very shy it was a skinny little whipping kid I was always told that I couldn't do stuff but I'll never do anything I'd never achieve anything so that made me worse basically [Music] I've experienced the highest highs and the lowest lows in life so we could work for my whole life and when I finally achieved it was like oh well that was a load of rubbish I wasn't expecting not to feel like this like I said before I just felt like a an emptiness a deep gaping hole of nothing darkness and gray clouds every day was great I felt like I had nothing to look forward to I was worthless it was just a horrible horrible feeling that people need to understand that many many people are in the same boat they don't have to be very successful sports athletes to feel like this anybody from day to day has the same feelings what does it all mean what has been a world champion really mean but what I was trying to say was what does it all really mean when I'm not well on the inside I was in a position of power I had glory fame achievements money a family all earthly assets that one could want but it meant nothing so they can understand why or disguise the repetitive thinking the same stuff day-in day-out he won't go away and the more I'm trying to think right I want to be positive negative negative negative negative and everyone always around was that negative 2 because of Amun this one on for 18 months or me battling my own self every day drinking music my body eating rubbish taking drugs everything I stand for didn't matter anymore I've never ever experienced anything in your life even though I had anxiety before this was the King daddy of all anxiety attacks this was I was so sure I was gonna die but nothing mattered I didn't care also one it was was a tone for me since I can't tell you in words how I felt how down I was when you lose control your own mind you're in a bad place [Music] on its a silent killer it's almost like carbon monoxide poison can't smell it jab tasty Jam via well you got way I explained mental alphas you ball up and blow up a bolt open and it just explodes you can't count bottle anymore and that's that's when you're having you you bad times and I was drinking every day something I've never done in my life to try and wash me sorrows away but it didn't come to a stage where that's one way of doing it but I'm going every and heavier I was gaining 380 390 400 pounds and I was very unhealthy I didn't fit in anything I owned anymore wasn't me anymore I had two bodies turning point walls I want out Halloween dressed as a rare skeleton in a fancy dress party about nine of all can expected to stare all and get smushed I had one drink all time I'm back normal again now there I'm like like thinking straight still drinking book think intense bullet and I called out to my wife it's a Paris here she doesn't what said tomorrow myself start to turn my life around I said I promise you I said how are you gonna do I'm definitely gonna do it I'm not date I got me trucks inked on in the morning and I was gonna room team I'll look about 200 yards and stopped and I thought right account I can't run I've run all my life I've always been a very good runner and I got 200 yards and I was totally gone I could fade me belly moving on it wasn't like a fat like jelly it was like solid brick it was it was horrible thing of okay I'm gonna walk the rest and a warmth and and every day I'd go out on the canal and I do a little warning me sweat saved and every day I get a little bit further until I was doing four or five mile again I know I come back and I worked my way back and we'll work repetitively day in day out day in day out and at that time I was still sleeping with a light on I would sleep in the dark you need to stimulate the mind and I think training is a perfect way to do it working out exercising well he can do a lot or a little you must do something I keep meself short term goals and long term goals and I planned things more now where if I'm just not going on the horizon I tend to wander on me mind goes hey but when I've got something called planned and I've got things going and I want to do this this and this even if it's you don't it doesn't have to be big things it can be smooth tightening on I mean something to you as a person as an individual I'm very very sure working out changing your life is is is the unsentimental elements I want you to know that every day for two years was very gray and dark for me but it will come back try again you will have sunshine days again rose-colored days war by the sword [Music] you
Channel: Video Advice
Views: 6,090,967
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: video advice, video advice motivation, tyson fury, tyson fury motivation, tyson fury mental health, zero motivation tyson fury, no motivation tyson fury, no motivation to do anything, no motivation to do anything depression, gain motivation back, motivation, tyson fury depression motivation, tyson fury depression, get motivated
Id: bOzk0OLz0Jc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 50sec (410 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 13 2018
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