THE CURE TO LAZINESS - Best Motivational Speech Compilation (Most Powerful Speeches 2021)

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/George_Oliveira 📅︎︎ Nov 21 2021 🗫︎ replies

gracias por compartir

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/akaplitz 📅︎︎ Dec 18 2021 🗫︎ replies

gracias por compartir

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/akaplitz 📅︎︎ Dec 18 2021 🗫︎ replies
live your life like you're the hero in your movie and right now pretend you're in the part of the movie that starts and it shows you as a loser if i got a fight to get you in the gym that's a problem i'm just saying for real some of you broke and you're still entertained i'm talking about those of you who are complaining about your job you ain't got no money and you're sitting here complaining about but then you're watching all the tv programs i'm never gonna feel like doing the things that are tough or difficult or uncertain or scary or new so i need to stop waiting until i feel like it we all have a habit of hesitating the idea isn't going to execute itself and and the book isn't going to write itself and the weights out in the gym they're not going to move themselves you have to do it and you have to do it now but there's a out there who wants what you have who wants the position you are who wants the job you have who wants the wife that you have or the husband there's someone not you're hungry it wants everything you can have but if you're lazy man i don't want to talk to you i won't deal with you you don't make me feel dumber you know you're going to lower my level i don't think so the reason why you're so lazy is not because you don't have the ability you're so lazy because your dreams so small i believe in myself every day i know i make mistakes i know i'm not perfect but i am not lazy you can keep sleeping imma keep working they say things like i'll start monday it's not my fault it's not fair i'm too damn tired or my personal favorite i don't have enough time they have a loser mentality through and through and until they recognize that the problem is them they'll never improve i know many talented people who had a great deal of potential but they never realized their greatness and they will end up going to their grave with all their good stuff still in them you will be tested and how you face that test and how you overcome that test determines the rest of your life you got to have something that is inside something that fires you up something that drives you something that gives you more power than you've ever had in your life your life comes down to your decisions and if you change your decisions you will change everything the best of the best they don't sleep they keep working what are you going to do where do i start and when's the best time to start i am very surprised [Music] here and now if you want something out of life you got to go after it rise up and stop being lazy stop being lazy on a day-to-day basis stop waking up with the wrong attitude lazy [Music] doesn't qualify it doesn't give you the things that you really truly need in your life it won't push you it won't make you better it'll just bring you down and make you weak [Music] why would you want to be lazy it's all business nothing personal if you want it go get it procrastination will assassinate your motivation and without motivation how can you reach your destination i'm not a lazy person i want to be stronger i want to be the best in myself every day of my life are you that person that says you don't like to get up in the morning you know you hear that a lot these days i'm not a person that likes to get up in the morning i'm not a morning person i say this often when that sun is on my face and not on my grave it's a blessing i don't need to be lazy i need to be determined i need to put in work i got a job to do i got responsibilities and one thing you must understand when it comes to success it's not waiting on you it's not thinking about you yeah there's going to be some obstacles when it comes to success but you got to continue down the path moving forward it's not going to be something that's going to happen overnight but even when you're tired find a way to be strong when you feel like you can't carry on find a way to carry on you're human we're all human and we have those days but it's a blessed day it's a good day but it's not a day to be lazy put your lazy aside don't wait for someone to hand you something don't put it aside and say well i'll do it tomorrow well i'm not gonna do it right now tomorrow i can take care of it tomorrow tomorrow is good i can do it tomorrow no you could do it now not tomorrow leave tomorrow alone and stop letting lazy dictate your life i don't agree with lazy i preach it every day if you want something out of life you got to go after it if you truly believe in yourself then continue to believe in yourself have more faith in yourself and put lazy aside because it's not going to get you where you want in life lazy is not going to get you that promotion on your job lazy is not going to help you to run a company lazy is not going to give you the opportunity to be a ceo that's not how it works your best players are champions right now your best players are the ones that's making it right now and the ones that are lazy they're not gonna get anything from me so i need you to stay determined i need you to stay driven and i need you to give it a hundred and ten percent of everything you've got be strong be powerful and from the bottom of my heart conduct your business motivation gets you going discipline commitment strong habits is what gets things done right it's very it's all up here whoa i feel good when it comes time to bring it into practice grounded action is what gets things done when you have built a habit it's ingrained in your nervous system in such a way that the brain doesn't even have to consider whether or not it'll get done it just gets done because you committed commit once this is important you guys need to write this down commit once you don't need to commit more than once you commit once to the thing that you're going to do and then you do it every single day so whatever it is that you're trying to achieve in life the critical component is getting things done and getting things done in a systematic way building the character that's associated with getting things done in a systematic way requires that you become disciplined oftentimes people will come to me for advice on fitness on building their businesses and their relationships whatever the case may be and often the place that they're dropping the ball is in bad habits or not building productive habits because it's very difficult to just get up and change your life just change the way you do things people like to say that all the time hey just stop doing this or start doing that they like to give advice but the the underlying factor is that our friend our individual whoever's asking the question is not disciplined enough to actually put that thing in action get that thing done so the thing that i have always told my students and my clients is to start with a small win begin with something small so for example if you want to lose weight i often tell people just start walking every single morning don't worry about counting calories don't worry about complex workout ideas don't worry about anything that anyone is selling you just get up and walk every morning right now it's not the walking that's actually going to make that person successful now it will add to your success because getting up and walking fresh air and exercise is going to support you and losing weight but we all know that there's far more factors to consider but what it will do is create the virtue of discipline commitment the fact that that small win associated with getting up every single morning is under your belt you're going to feel the courage the confidence and you'll have the ability to begin adding other things to your ability to to grow stronger so now that you know it's been 60 days 90 days and it's like you've got that pattern down pat you get up every morning you just walk that's it you don't think about it it's become a habit you now can use that tool of creating habits and instilling discipline with the next one basically what you're doing and i've mentioned this in videos before is you're getting comfortable with discomfort you've got to get comfortable in getting uncomfortable and the minute that discomfort begins to woo you you are no longer in control now the circumstances are so put yourself purposefully in uncomfortable situations there's no virtues developed in a vacuum essentially no virtue is developed in the absence of the practice the expression you've got to do the thing to have the power otherwise you would have reached it's been 10 years you're not go you're not a goal person and to be quite frank it's difficult for even myself at times if i don't have something nipping in my ass now why go after something right you've got to really like brainwash yourself to do that let's create a situation where you sink or swim and you'll learn how to swim you've got to place yourself in the midst of a storm and it's got to be a self-created storm otherwise you know most people have to wait until the ship comes crumbling down before they they take action in life i'm inviting you to create a storm for yourself so that you will be motivated by the wolf crying at the door by the dog nipping at your ass by the fire under your ass you want to know the real secret the real secret to a happy and fulfilled life let me give you a hint it's not how much money you have it's not what car you drive what house you live in or what what you wear it's not even how many friends you have or how many people love you it's one thing [Music] how mentally tough your mind is [Music] listen man no matter what you do in life you're gonna get haters you're gonna get people that don't understand what you're doing whether you're following your dreams or just going through the paces they're gonna beat it making themselves feel better about their failures and their fears by putting you down [Music] but when it comes to your dreams your ambitions their opinion is none of your business [Music] dreaming is good having goals is good but sooner or later there comes a time when you must act dreams without action that's the path to delusion without action these dreams and goals will fill your life with negative emotions things like anxiousness nervousness they will fester inside you and drain your energy i've met a lot of successful people and again my definition of success is how happy a person is with their life right now i've met a lot of them and there is one thing that they all have in common that i've found and that's all of them have trained their mind to deal with anything like frozen all of them know how to interpret the world around them and the things that happen you're actually training your mind to believe that you can't have the things that you want so i'm here to tell you today that you can have anything you want be anyone you want but you're gonna have to work hard work is the universe's great equalizer if you keep taking action in spite of all this stuff that might happen guess what sooner or later you're gonna start winning stop looking for the easy way stop looking for the shortcut because let me tell you there ain't one hard work is the thing that has leveled the playing field and given the average joe a shot of the crown train your mind train your mind not to focus on the problem and make it bigger but focus on the solution to solve it this will make the problem smaller and easier to deal with in your mind and then it will be solved quicker you have to work on this daily work on how you interpret problems and the things that happen around you stay positive stay focused and most importantly stay strong life is always going to throw in your way things that will test you things that will make or break you and you've got two options you can just stand there and take it or you can smash through them thing and move on with your life you have where you are right now and where you want to can be and there's only one road or one path that takes you there and that's hard work you have everything you need to have everything you want but you must get to work you can either be a victim of your life or the master of it the choice is yours i want you to put these two words together cause it's gonna change your life never settle never settle you gotta get this in your spirit no matter what never settle you've been in this place too long you've come into agreement with this place of brokenness procrastination laziness rip up the contract with your past and pursue your purpose and fulfill your destiny come to the resolve that you will never be this broke or broken again one thing i know about destiny is that it will avoid you until you are no longer willing to tolerate the place where you have settled the place called convenience settling is dangerous because it's basically an authorized intruder when you settle you're basically saying i'm willing to accept less than what i deserve stop settling for anything that is beneath you stop settling for anything that's not up to your standards you see you gotta stop disappointing you and the way you stop disappointing you is to put those two words together never settle for anything never settle for anybody you do not have to settle listen to me carefully you would not settle if you could see what was on the other side of hanging in there after a while it turns into regret after a while you start resenting the fact that you settled when you give up hope you stop dreaming my friend you stop believing can i ask you a question where did you stop hoping wouldn't you stop believing wouldn't you stop talking what did you stop dreaming what was the day what was the moment what happened because i'm here to tell you as a man thinks so is he don't you ever lose hope don't you ever give up your mindset your dream is worth fighting for if you desire to move from dreaming your dream to living your dream you must recognize your value and you have to be willing to hold out for what you deserve the moment i made up my mind my life will transform and i'm telling you right now if you get these two words in your spirit your life will be transformed as well my friend hear me never settle never accept anything less than the goal focus on everything that you have to gain now that you recognize your value now that you realize that you deserve more hear me get your hopes up and don't you ever settle never settle when we were young we sit in front of the class in elementary school and we would tell our friends i'm going to be rich i'm going to be a business guy i want to travel the world i'm going to be an athlete i'm going to be an entertainer i'm going to be a doctor i'm going to be a lawyer you never slept in front of that class and said hey i'm going to be average never settle they say they say a a mind is a terrible thing to waste [Music] the mind is so powerful it's so unique it can do many things and you are the one that is responsible for the thoughts that enter your mind [Music] how do we how do we as individuals as people get away from missing away from misery how do we allow ourselves to elevate the game to go higher than we've ever gone gone before how do we escape from the misery because misery [Music] has no place in your life misery is exactly what it is [Music] misery doesn't bring happiness misery is on a mission to take everything away from you what is misery doing for you what has misery done for you lately has it given you everything that you need has it made you a better person do you feel that all you know is sorrow why do you allow misery to handcuff you to chain you down the mind is a powerful weapon it belongs to you and everything that you think therefore you shall be be greater than your fears be stronger than your doubts because your mind is very powerful bring in the goodness absorb the right energy moving with a purpose conditioning your mind is what this is about every day it's not going to be a good day but every day is a blessed day because you are above the ground you are walking tall there is no time for sorrow there's no time to give up this is the opportunity and opportunity of a lifetime of a lifetime there is a light inside of every one of us an ember that burns and begs us to become more than what we have ever been it's our aspirations that must become our allies i noticed that everything that i have accomplished over the course of my life i accomplished with a new set of beliefs and a new set of habits i noticed i was able to make things happen when i destroyed the door in the room see i don't care what your goal is it could be relationships it could be to lose weight it could be to make more money it could be to become something nobody in your family has ever been the moment that you destroy the door the way out in the room of your dream that's when you make it happen what you do while you are in pain will echo through the ages scrape the grill of your past and get all that junk out of there of every memory of every failure you need to unplug from everybody and everything that is telling you that you cannot have your future that you cannot have this goal that you can't do what's on your heart to do you gotta unplug unplug unplug unplug unplug unplug there are too many people in your life that keep telling you that you are not qualified that you don't have what it takes that you will never be able to accomplish because your resume ain't long enough because you don't have the experience because you are unfixed and so you gotta unplug from all the negative voices you gotta unplug from everything and everybody that's telling you you cannot have that dream that you are not qualified to have that dream you gotta unplug gotta unplug it may hurt because there are some people that you're gonna have to let go of there's some people that that can't come with you to the next level they're not qualified to fly at the frequency that you're flying at they cannot come and you got to get in touch with you so you can't have the dream unless you know you everybody wants this dream everybody wants this lifestyle but they don't know themselves and so you need to take some physical evaluation some emotional and psychological evaluations spiritual evaluation and you got to figure out okay what works and what does it and and what are my boundaries and what are my limitations and what am i capable of and what do i need to work on and then you need to connect with the people that believe in your dream life moves at the speed of your relationships connections and circles you need to ask for forgiveness you need to forgive yourself you need to re-prioritize your activities everybody wants the dream to come true but nobody wants to re-prioritize their activities nobody wants to hack into their habitual nature and build new habits that are going to give you the future that you seek that you seek after if not now then when dream big start small we got to dream big start small act now dream big start small act now stop waiting for the temperature to change stop waiting for your feelings to be in check stop waiting for everything to line up it's never gonna line up it's never gonna be perfect you just gotta jump you just have to jump there are no roses without rain if you can remember that then you will always see adversity as advantage and obstacle as opportunity know this that your process may be messy but your mess will become your message so what is your why because if your why is powerful enough then you can persevere through the process what is it find it define it be reminded that you can you will you must never give up the actions that you take the moves that you make will echo throughout the ages as there was a generation of people who are attached to your why and if you don't succeed they'll never believe so make it happen [Music] i've heard it all my career [Music] all the excuses and the lies people tell themselves they say things like i'll start monday it's not my fault it's not fair i'm too damn tired or my personal favorite i don't have enough time if you have something to change if you want to change something change it your heart your life your happiness is your responsibility and your responsibility alone tough love gets the job done but being liked doesn't get you a raise life is not a game life is living life is hard life is tough but it's those that can persevere it's those that can overcome it's those that push through it's those that power through all the setbacks all the failures all the suck of their life to go to another level see we all have a story but the only way your story is ever told the only way your story is ever heard is if you overcome whatever it is that you're going through as you go through the challenges of life and you look at it and embrace whatever comes to you don't run from it step toward it don't try and duck it like most people do see most people want it easy see if you easy come easy what easy go see but when you go at what you're going to deal with and you deal with the difficulties of it when you handle those hard things close at hand making those hard decisions right now that you don't want to make learning those things that you don't like to do but you know that in order for you to get where you want to go this is one of the hoops that you have to flip through and i'm saying to you whatever you got to do do it because if you don't life is going to whoop you until you surrender and i let loose i let loose on the world all the aggravation all the bullying all the setbacks all the failures all the people that told me i couldn't do it all the fear i let it go you will never exceed your highest expectation never that's a guarantee you used to dream my friend when did you stop you should have hope my friend when did you stop came by the day to give you a little boost i came by the day to reach out of hand as a friend and pull you up sometimes when you're down you need a hand of a friend to pull you up i'm not coming here to put you down i'm coming here to build you up cause all you need is a little nudge i know how you've been wired i know how you've been created i know you've been sucker punched i've been sucker punched you but get up but not out down but not out here's the definition of down downward going in a direction downward being at a low position or on the ground floor or bottom here's the good news about being down you are already on a solid foundation if you can look up you can get up you are down but not out how long will you be down my friend it's a temporary condition it's up to you how long it lasts it doesn't have to be a life sentence being on the bottom is temporary down but not defeated down but not out [Music] you feel sorry for yourself here you dwell on it here but do you like it here if you like the bottom i can't help you if you hate the bottom we can work if you hate the bottom i got you [Music] because if you got you there you can get you to the top it takes time to get to the bottom in other words it's a process even falling is a process it's not instant failing is a process and so is success sailing is a process failing is a process but so is success in fact failure does not happen overnight it takes time to fail but success doesn't happen overnight it takes time to be successful can i ask you the question [Music] when you are down once you get back up the same way you get to the bottom is the same when you get to the top constant activity constant activity will get you to the top and constant activity will get you to the bottom doing nothing is an activity being lazy is an activity just sit on the couch it's an activity to not want to work is an activity in fact you spend time trying to get out of work instead of finding work you try to get out of work instead of finding work here's the truth to get to the top requires consistency getting to the bottom does too getting to the top requires consistency getting to the bottom does too i have never seen a hard-working person on the bottom i have never seen a hard-working person on the bottom your condition is temporary only you can make it perfect only you can change the momentum at any moment you can shift at any moment you can change direction you got to create habits to get a harvest but if you don't like your harvest you got to change the seed if you don't like your harvest you gotta change the seed on a daily basis what kind of seeds are you planting can i ask you a question what are you working on right now are you working your way to the bottom are you working your way to the top either way you're gonna get a harvest my friend we can't stop the harvest all we can do is control what kind of harvest we get are you working on a successful harvest are you working on a harvest of failure i mean every day you're working on something it's one thing to be down it's another thing to be out you hear the term all the towns down and out those are two different things i'm not worried about you being down i've been down myself i'm not worried about you being down you've been down before we all been down there's nothing new but that out is what i worry about out means you gave up out me you lost hope it's okay to be down my friend it happens to all of us but it's not okay to be out don't you ever give yourself permission to be out you may be down but you're never out you got to start talking to yourself the best way to motivate you is you got to start talking to yourself repeat these words after me no one can stop me but me no one can stop me with me here's the truth no one can stop you but you you need to talk to yourself you need to encourage yourself you need to strengthen yourself start waiting for other people stop waiting for other people and you start encouraging you and saying to yourself it's gonna work out it's gonna be okay i'm down right now but i'm not out my condition is temporary only i can make it permanent don't you ever confuse the temporary with permanent every car has a spare tire and every now and then you gotta use it but it's not designed for long term use a spare tire it's temporary do you feel like you want to spare tire right now i get it but we got to take that spare tire off and we got to get you something permanent we got to get you some support we got to get you some encouragement we got to get something that can handle the load take that spare tire off take that discouragement off take that depression off take that fear off it's going to be temporary but we can't make it permanent it's going to be temporary but we can't make it permanent you weren't designed to be down my friend you weren't designed to be down long open up your mouth and talk to yourself open up your mouth and talk to you open up your mouth and motivate you say it out loud i may be down but i'm not out as long as it's breath in my body i'm not out get up right now and move around get up right now and get your body moving get up right now and go for a walk and look at the birds and the trees and the dirt and the grass and the moon and the sun light keeps moving life keeps happening only you stood still and that's how you get down we need some activity activity will get you to the top and activity will get to the bottom what kind of activity are you working on what kind of harvest are you preparing for move around move around to get your imagination you will love again you will thrive again you will smile again if you give yourself permission you will win again if you give yourself a mission you will breathe again if you give yourself permission you will hope again if you give yourself permission you will dream again if you only give yourself permission you know what down feels like but i want to encourage you to be stronger you tell people i used to be down but not anymore now i'm wiser my heart is healing i'm better for it it might have hurt but now i know what love is i know what it hurts i know what success is all i got to do is mount up once again and i won't be denied this time you can get motivated my friend but you gotta learn how to motivate yourself if you live long enough i guarantee you one thing about life you're gonna have some loves you will have some doubts too it's called life it's okay to be down my friend but it's never okay to be out your condition is temporary only you can make it permanent down but not out down but not out you might be down but you're never out your condition is temporary and only you can make it permanent i want you to make the declaration right now i want you to make that announcement right now i'm back i don't care if you got to walk around your house just say i'm back call all your friends and say i was down but i'm back let everybody know i'm down i was down let everybody know oh i was down you saw me but i'm back here i come and everyone who knows [Music] but now i'm back i'm up but now i'm back i'm ready to attack and now i'm up and i'm ready to be on top [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Motiversity
Views: 1,414,755
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivation, motivational, motivational video, motivational speech, speech, success, best motivation, best motivational speech, best motivational video, stop being lazy, the cure to laziness, lazy, lazy motivation, Best Motivational Video Speeches Compilation, Most Powerful Speeches 2021, most eye opening speeches, motivation compilation, the cure to laziness motivation, stop being lazy motivation, motiversity, motiversity lazy, speeches compilation, inspirational, discipline, rise
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 18sec (2418 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 23 2021
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