Type "MINECRAFT" into Google for a big surprise.

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okay so before I show you what happens if you search up the term Minecraft on Google which is a celebration for 15 years and everyone's trying to tell me to do it pickaxe yeah I want to show you this incredible moment of brilliance by nmon a moyang Dev it's related to the whole piston debacle based on the feedback we are adjusting the crafting recipe of the Piston to match the sounds and over here you can see what they've done cuz we all know how Pistons are made in Minecraft we got three planks four Cobblestone an iron ingot and redstone but instead nmon has replaced the middle Plank with fish so this is exactly what a piston sounds like now and everyone seems to think that they sound like fish now or two wet fish slapping each other and honestly they're not very far off which explains why nimon is now announcing the brand new fishon except it still looks like a piston so I decided to fix it cuz we need planks Cobblestone iron ingot red stone and last but not least some raw fish so what the Planks on the left and right four Cobblestone iron ingots Redstone Dust except we don't fill that last slot with a plank we put a fish and there's our fish ton fishon and so here is our fish ton so it's just a regular piston but it's attached to a fish and we can power it like that and it's just a a fish on a pole it works just like a regular piston it's perhaps a little bit more compatible with the sound it's a associated with also this is glitching out because it's not meant to be like this and to finish that off we put a fish tin with a slime ball and we now have a sticky fish tin exactly the same but instead we've got a sticky fish it's it's a bit slimy well we have our 3x3 fiston I mean fishon door fishon attached to the blocks it works like a charm moving on there is this Minecraft 15E anniversary Easter egg on Google at the moment and I didn't really to make a dedicated video for it but because everyone's asking me to talk about [Music] it if you type in Minecraft on Google right now and you press enter you're going to be greeted with an icon popup down here which looks like an app so if you click it it takes you to a Minecraft game except it's on your browser and you can break anything you want so you got this hand right here and you've got a Crosshair instead of a mouse all you need to do is hit anything on the screen like this and it breaks and you're given a very janky screenshot of Minecraft but everything here is interactable so if you click on this wall block you break it you break another one and it works just like the game it's quite well made actually for what it is so you can break the leaves like that if you break a log you get a pickaxe ah you can just scroll down and break other things doesn't look like all of these are interconnected but I guess you can just break as many things as you want and then as you scroll down the page you sort of just descend along the Y AIS which means you start hitting cave systems and you can mine the relevant blocks to upgrade your pickaxe and I believe that is kind of the extent of what they've done here there are some Easter eggs like clicking on the lamp turns it on but don't expect too much with this for what it is it's a very well done concept that you didn't expect anything like this to happen but if you search up Minecraft you've got maybe a 5 minute fun time waster on your hands otherwise I'll be back here on Wednesday so you can tune in then if you like the twitch cape and if you don't care about the twitch Cape there's this Tik Tok one here for you
Channel: Phoenix SC
Views: 568,926
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Command, Blocks, Redstone, Phnixhamsta, phoenix, sc, tutorial, vanilla, mod, know, you, can, see, these, tags, datapack
Id: AGDF7fsbkKo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 0sec (240 seconds)
Published: Mon May 20 2024
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