Shepherd’s Chapel - What God expects you to do

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welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray wisdom is understanding god's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Arnold Murray good because you god bless him say welcome to the Shepherd's chapter welcome to this family Bible study our back in our fathers words a tenth chapter the great book of Matthew Christ is teaching his disciples here he's about to send them forth and then they become apostles that means sent ones and he's giving final warning as to what to expect how to be on guard in the eighteenth and nineteenth verse he said you're going to be brought before governors and kings as a testimony for me in the synagogues of naturally of Satan and he said take no thought they're going to in the verse 19 they're going to deliver you up don't thinking you thought about what you're going to speak because I'm gonna speak through you and if you ever want to know who the Holy Spirit truly is we'll find it in verse 20 which read for it is not ye that speak but the Spirit of your father which speaketh in you and actually that is the Holy Spirit there's the spirit of Almighty God and the son and that's when you deliver that the thing yeah I can give you a gate here really in the hour of temptation in that hour you know when that hour is that's when false messiah is here on earth not too many people teach that but that's what it amounts to that's why we're in a preceding verse there it says father's going away the children that before this one ranked and thinks is Jesus and they're rebelling because they know it's the false Christ and that and the old man thinks this is Jesus come to rapture him away because that's kind of his the Antichrist message and naturally the father the reason he betrays his children he thinks it's Christ and he goes and begs for for forgiveness for his children and naturally Satan will say well bring them on in and that's when Christ himself speaks through them through the Holy Spirit our Father does as well how precious it is with that thought in mind let's pick it up in verse 27 and continue on as Christ prepares the sentient ones and it reads verse 27 with that word of wisdom from our Father what I tell you in darkness that speak ye in light and what you hear in ear that preach ye upon the housetops always preach what God says that means captured by chapter and verse by verse it doesn't matter what men say their credentials won't quite match our fathers so always teach his word and you won't be lacking for students or for members they love the Word of God they love to hear it taught properly and respectfully verse 28 don't ever ever forget this verse it's extremely important listen to it carefully 28 and fear not them which kill the body but are not able to kill the soul well I didn't know you could kill a soul well why was it written that but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell to destroy means to cause it to perish man cannot kill a soul God can this is why it is written in Ezekiel 28 verses 18 and 19 that Satan will return to ashes from within he's not we're not in heaven with some big lake of fire out here burning forever and people are screaming and that's heaven there's not even a tear there there's nothing that offends so there is no late there God is a consuming fire you can document that in both the old and the new testament new testament documentation the last verse of Hebrews chapter 12 God is consuming you say what consume means God spoke and nothing became everything and God can speak and something can become nothing the Holy Spirit that that burns because he is a consuming fire warms our hearts but for the wicked it is a disbursement even of souls this dis da kyumin's that our heavenly father who he separates and says people to hell they won't be around you won't you won't even remember it when blotted out means they're even blotted from our minds those that don't make it we won't be grieving for them that's why there's no tears shed in heaven it is written in Revelation chapter 21 verse 29 are not two sparrows sold for a fourth one less than a penny and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your father without his knowledge without him knowing he knows every creature he cares then the situation is if you think he cares about the little sparrows what do you think he cares about you as child somebody created with different DNA different fingerprint you're unique why do you think he would want someone like you and not be very concerned about which way which path you take it is his desire that you love him and look and only gener God can't force love or you'd have a zombie love must generate within each and go out to him otherwise it won't exist verse 30 but the very hairs of your head are all numbered you think when you're delivered up for a testimonial is it R is it read back in verse 19 that he why would you fear every hair on your head is numbered when you enter God's elect he protects his own when they do it his way you wouldn't always remember that virtus God cares he truly does he loves those that love him verse 31 fear ye not therefore we are more value than many sparrows you probably love you that's why he created you was for the companionship you know you can read in the last verse of Revelation chapter 4 God created all things for his pleasure not yours his a pleasure but I guarantee you if you're pleasing him you will have pleasure yourself that's just automatic verse 32 through so ever therefore shall confess me before men him will I confess also before my father which is in heaven and and that that is as it is do you confess him before men many people today or kind of a shame too because Christianity is kind of put down people chuckle and smirk don't worry they don't be smirking wrong but always stand your ground you have a heritage that is beautiful and wonderful don't ever let anyone do met with darkness of Satan in your life let that light shine whereby people are drawn to the truth not necessarily to you but to the word that you breathe verse 33 but whosoever shall deny me before men him what I also deny before my Father which is in heaven this is why he would say depart from me I never knew you when some even would say there Joe Jesus revealed with your name but you were deceived by the false christ why we didn't teach God's Word so that you were deceived and you know if you have messed around with Satan and worshiped him thinking was Jesus you want me you will not take part in the very wedding of Christ himself when he comes back as the bridegroom to take a virgin bride right because you're no longer spiritually a virgin that's why it's really quite simple so we want to confess Christ not the false women the true one it's very important verse 34 to continue think not that I am come to send peace on earth I come not to send peace but it's so word not do you know what the sword of the Lord is you can you could read of it in Revelation chapter 1 verses 16 and 17 it's Christ's tongue and it's a two-edged sword it cuts both ways it's called the truth and he didn't come to bring peace at the cost of compromise with the devil he brought crews to cut off Satan to destroy anything you might bring the good stuffs so therefore naturally that sword or the truth sometimes will cause a little conflict it'll break peace at all costs because quite frankly if you think peace is worth it at all cost me compromise with the devil and you will never have peace your peace of mind just flew out the window and you're really not worth anything is in the eyes of God because you compromised stay true to the turn of Christ the word that comes forth the word that he gives us to teach excuse me verse 35 and for I am conscious set of man at variance against his father and the daughter against her mother and the daughter in law against her mother-in-law how could they say that why would Christ say that well naturally the subject is the false ones coming and you're going to be delivered up and we need that I want to fly away and never seem to study God's Word and just throw a few potatoes that'll sit and listen to anything men's traditions they feel they don't have to do anything they're going to fly away when Ezekiel 13 makes it very clear in God's Word on against those that teach my children to fly to save their souls he expects you to witness for him to stand for something so therefore naturally because there is division that's denominationalism that divides people that's what denominational means it divides then there are many people confused and there is one thing I'm sure that you have witnessed at one time or the other that one of your relatives would insist that you come to their church and you know all the you know from your heart that you do not believe what that church teaches and they would go way over backwards to deliver you to that church or to convert you to it we love of course yes but anything through love that would draw you away from the true sword of the Lord the truth is not good and certainly the only reason a relative a close relative that loved you were delivering you up is because they think they're doing you a favor right because their deceit there is a reason for this this is how God's elect become deliver that before the Antichrist the false messiah the false Jesus so that they came via so Christ through the Holy Spirit of the Living God can speak through them some people have a destiny in a purpose and if all children were taught that destiny and purpose there would be a lot less trouble in this world there would not be tuning around willing to take God out of the vocabulary of our people verse 36 and the man's foes shall be they of his own household asked household that would be true especially when this false wound returns because many people that are not learned from our father's word will be deceived to the point of following him that is sad but that's the way it is there he will he though they are taught we don't even have to study the book of Revelation because you're going to be gone and the word revelation and whatever language you wish to take it it means the unveiling or the uncovering image it means something you're supposed to know if you're a child of God and let people will listen to me and let men blind him I mean take the whole book of Revelation which is the light of the world and put a bushel over it saying you don't have to know that you're going to be gone and that of course is false because Christ doesn't return until the seventh drop the false one comes up to six if you've ever studied revelation a child can tell that can ruined so therefore amends household can become his own foe if they're deceived verse 37 he that loveth father and mother more than me is not worthy of me and he that loveth son or daughter more we is not worthy of me this of course applies to Luke 14 verse 26 where it says you must hate your mother brother and father which is a very poor poor translation he inscribed knows better the word in the Greek means love less not hate and so it is here you have to love your family less than you do Christ it does not mean you have to stop loving them you should love your family but your dedication and love basically should be headed toward God himself and and he should come first in your life he's your nearest relative he created your very being yourself your soul and certainly never let a relative draw you away from that truth it's well to be patient and be calm with the relative but do not ever let them draw you away from the Living Word of God that sword that divides and cuts both ways which delivers you and takes you into a very eternity with the three words from the Living God verse 38 and he that taketh not his cross and followeth after me is not worthy of me this doesn't mean wearing a cross around your neck or anything of that nature what did it mean to take up a cross and follow him what was a cost part was to crucify somebody in other words what he's saying is you must be so such a follower of mine that you would be willing to die to bring forth the truth especially when the false messiah is here not going to happen because the very hairs on your head or a number God knows them he takes care of his own you will be delivered that before death but that Satan's me documentation for it you'll find it in Hebrews chapter 2 verse 14 Christ came to this earth to die on the cross the same cost whereby he could destroy death which is to say the devil intends to do away with it verse 39 he that findeth his life shall lose it and he that loses his life shall live for my sake shall find it this is a this is a tourism converted to Greek and it kind of loses a little bit the word life here means kind of the self in the sense of selfishness even it and so and what it means is he that selfishly mind his life and lives for self in the world you're going to lose your soul and he that loses his life in other words in this world if you if you're you're selfish self if you lose that selfishness and put on the armor of God and follow him shalt find it in other words you will find peace of mind you will find purpose dignity and respect and the love of Almighty God verse 40 he that receiveth you we see with me and he that receiveth me receiveth him that sent me in other words just one family one spirit many well God with us our Heavenly Father came in the flesh whereby he this is why he would say in in the very book of Genesis let us create man in our image he included himself and this is why Christ would say if you've seen me you've seen the father and so it is as it is written in Isaiah chapter 7 verse 14 a virgin shall conceive and a male child shall be born and we will call him Immanuel being translated God with us verse 41 he that receiveth the prophet in the name of a prophet shall receive a Prophet's reward and he that receiveth the righteous man in the name of a righteous man shall receive a righteous man's reward we will say well this means there's a lot of prophets around there is always has been community they are not finding walking around today many times a prophet can be translated teacher we do have teachers but not prophets of old but because the prophets of old were seniors that brought us everything excuse me we got lots of them we got Isaiah we got Daniel we have even Moses was a prophet David was even a prophet and an unknown it goes you through the prophets you learn everything and be very aware be very careful some person comes to you claim to be a prophet sin of God okay it's all your sins the prophets if they have to tell us all pleadings we don't have any anymore right now now it is true that when the false messiah returns then as it is written in Acts chapter 2 taken from the Old Testament Malachi have one then son of whether two sons and daughters shall prophesy shall testify and there's the same testimony that we were speaking of back in verse 19 and 20 when you deliver that before the synagogue of satan' but it's not Jesus speak it's the voice of the author of the prophets which is to say the Living God so there's some if you were to read Hebrews chapter a second second rather second Peter chapter three making about verse two or three it says all things were told by the Apostles that's the cent ones after they were educated and the profits you cut it all in other words in the Word of God for it is his word that brings us that truth and to be able to discern the seers or the prophets let you know what tomorrow brings verse 42 and whosoever shall give to greek unto one of these little ones a cup of cold water only in the mean of a disciple that's a student really I say unto you he shall in no wise loses reward many people will take advantage of this but it is true Gazi necked always have compassion but what drink of water is that basically so living water in other words Christ is that living water it is water that once you partake of it you gain eternal life and how precious it is to sip of that cup which is that water that brings eternal life that is to say I am that I am and that is what he is is the living water of the very word of God we have some people that will even take advantage of the fact of leaving their family because you have to hate them to serve God and they show their ignorance what a poor scholar they are but they don't understand it means you got to love your family less when you do Christ you cannot dedicate your entire life to serving Christ and the people and play games it's a very serious charge if you want God's blessings that is to say but there are people that will do Baga bonds basically traveling around setting I left my family for love the Lord that won't cut it friend you're listening to a man that does not understand the Word of God chapter 11 verse 1 and it came to pass when Jesus had made an end of commanding his twelve disciples he departed thence to teach and to preach in their cities and to proclaim the truth of course verse two now when John had heard in the prison the works of the Christ he sent two of his disciples I mean he's already not beheaded yet but it is in prison because of Herod and yes a question verse three and he said unto Him art thou he that should come or do we look for another now this you have to handle quite carefully I want you to go back in your mind to the time that John the Baptist baptized Christ and the very heavens and the dove descended and the voice of the Living God spoke and John heard it this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased so God knew this was Messiah but what he's asking he's also gone was a scholar he was he was the son of a prophet of a priest rather Zacharias and his mother hears about the full-blood Aaron a daughter of Aaron and that means he was well trained in the scripture in the Word of God and he knew in Zechariah chapter nine verse nine that said there was a be a first advent and then in Zechariah chapter nine verse 10 there would be a second Advent and what he's asking here is this the time or is there another time yet because John had had the heavens opened and God spoke and John heard so what he wants to know oh there's just the first admin and are we going to go through the second is there another verse for jesus answered and said unto them go and show john again those things which you do hear and see go share it with them what things are that five the blind receive their sight and the lame walk the lepers are cleansed and the Deaf hear the dead are raised up in the poor have the gospel preached to them freely and openly verse six and blessed is he whosoever shall not be offended in me that is to say in the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ that he was being Messiah and this was being first edvena Zechariah chapter 9 verse 9 so stipulates and of course that's when he would write in writing the cult of an ass a little animal of of low degree so to speak but in verse 10 he comes in on a white stallion not a babe to be crucified but king of kings and Lord of lords second Advent we look forward to that even now on how precious it is and how blessed to know God's words and know God's truth and so it is don't ever be offended of standing against the false Christ and noting the truth it is we're salt whether you're worth it or not where you fit for can you be had of course you can't if you love him that's why you take up his cross it's final verse 7 and as they departed Jesus began to say into the multitudes concerning God never this is not just to the disciples we're talking to a large group what rent you out into the wilderness to see a man shaken I read shaken with the wind in other words somebody saying this five minutes and the next five minutes the wind changes a different direction and he bends and means this like John was straight on yay me no ifs no ands no law precedent but straight on yay or nay by the Word of God for saying and what meet you out for to see a man clothed in soft raiment that means something feminine or and John had on skins and he ain't locust behold they that wear soft clothing are in King's houses fluffy defi okay verse 9 that wasn't John verse 9 but what we drew out for to see a prophet yeah I'm saying to you and more than a prophet well why was John more than a prophet verse 10 for this is he of whom it is written behold I send my messenger before thy face which shall prepare thy way before thee and naturally we're talking here about Malachi chapter 3 verse 1 verse 11 really I'm saying to you among them that are born of women there has not risen a greater than John the Baptist notwithstanding he that is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he the refresh and blood can be enter the kingdom of heaven why because it's a different dimension but and so it is verse 12 and from the days of John the Baptist until now the Kingdom of Heaven suffereth violence and the violent take it by force the force will winds attempt to take it by force they will never succeed verse 13 for all the prophets and the law prophesied until unto what until John 14 and if you will receive it this is Elias that's a night job which was for to come but naturally as as you would read in Luke chapter 1 verse 17 John the Baptist came in the spirit of Elijah not that he was Elijah but what is this here this big word in so many people read got over that it's conditional what was the condition if you will receive it they be hating him what does that mean I'm not sure they didn't receive it they've been hitting him and so it is that we know then 1 John only came in the spirit of Elijah but not Elijah himself verse 15 you could have ears to hear that in here not everybody has ears to hear and that's a real sad state of affairs but that's God's plan 1 because you're accountable once you have ears to hear to see and know the knowledge that God prepares for us and brings forth and certainly that is not a difficult thing to understand concerning John the Baptist he was that poor runner as isaiah certainly brings forth one crying in the wilderness it gives us that example but John the Baptist as he was asking Luke 1 are you Elijah and he said no then who did come as it is written in Luke 1:17 he was in the spirit of Elijah that means anyone that turns the hearts of God's children back to the barbers plural that means to the true Christ and the father or to the fake because they can't handle the truth and so it is that they turn against John the Baptist and he was beheaded for because of a drunken stupor that kind of lets you know why he was not received you know our fathers word is so complete yes if you take the conditions that he brings forward that brings understanding with clarity simplifies the word where anyone can understand alright don't miss the next lecture brochure aren't you this in a moment would you please the mark of the beast on CD is our free introductory offer to you what is the mark of the beast many false teachers would have you believe it will be a tattoo on your forehead or a computer chip implanted under your skin it is getting late in the game you need to know what the mark of the beast is as it's written in Revelation chapter thirteen verse eight many will be deceived there is no need for you to be deceived Christ said in mark 13 23 behold I have foretold you all things Jesus indeed told us how not to be deceived in pastor Arnold Murray takes you on a step by step study of God's Word concerning this critical subject the mark of the beast the telephone call is free the CD is free we don't even ask for the shipping and handling it is free as well all you need to do is call 864 three four six four five to request your one time one per household copy of the mark of the beast you may also request your free CD by mailing your request to shepherd's chapel post office box 416 gravid Arkansas seven twenty seven thirty six don't be deceived by Satan and there we are back again let's have the 800 number please 1 864 three four six four five that number is good from porto rico throughout the u.s. alaska why all over Canada the spirit news and you've got a question you share it once you do that please never ask a question about a particular Reverend denomination or organization we will not judge people we have a judge it's our Father let me do the judging you do the learning and the teaching from Tyler's words and you'll be much much better off now those of you that listen by shortwave around the world it's always a pleasure here in communion your announcer at the end of the hour we'll give you our mailing address always a pleasure got a prayer request you don't need a number or an address why God knows what you're thinking right now he's a Cardian or in the Greek that means he knows your heart what you're thinking and you don't even have to say it out loud no one can ever prevent you from prayer because they would not even know you were praying if you were praying silently to yourself he hears that why because he loves you he made that possible don't ever let any man take that away from you let's go to his throne father around the world we come with the treaty guy direct father touch in Yeshua's precious name thanking God amen okay question time Carolyn from California when is Pentecost Pentecost is always fifteen days after the spring equinox on the solar calendar which is means the calendar of life that's that's the calendar by which God goes by okay it never changes man's calendar changes by moons every prophecy in God's Word concerning Satan is in moons which is to say months a MOOC is only twenty eight and a half days not regular some months have this and some months have that solar it's always right on so it's 15 days after the spring equinox is Passover and fifty days later is Pentecost all together there's by it by the old Hebrew solar calendar there are seven sets of fifty and that's three hundred and fifty days plus the 14 gives you your four year plus sometimes there would be one added when when the Sun would come up over the steps through the pillars through the into the Holy of Holies right to the altar it had to line up exact to be the civil year not the spiritual year David from Maine how did Lucifer gain and corrupt nine if Heaven is supposed to be peaceful and full of joy well this one you know so many people overlook the fact that heaven eventually will be peaceful and there will be nothing there that offends but there was there was war in Heaven's in the first earth aging there are there there are in this one you can read in one of them in Revelation chapter 12 verse 6 and 7 there's war between Michael and his angels and satan and the fallen angels and when there's war with angels it's not a small thing but the point being most people forget that God must give everyone free will and Lucifer or Satan the old serpent the devil whatever you want to call him it's all the same he started out real good he was called the king of pirates and Tyrus and the Hebrew tongue means rock not our rock the rock and he was good that God wouldn't say I made you the full pattern you didn't lack anything you and he worked himself up to where he was the cherub that covereth meaning one of the cherubs that projected the mercy seat the seat of God and he pride took him he stopped loving God and began loving self that's one of that verse in today's lecture should be very - you self-insured get in the way self-contained short-circuit all your ability to be blessed of God as far as teaching is concerned I'll say that again self can sort short-circuit all the knowledge that God would give you if you remain humble and realize where it comes from who's responsible our Father himself so Satan became very prideful and pride was his fault you stopped loving God that's that's how it happened and the main thing we must always remember and most people overlook they teach God can do anything well he could but he is supernaturally he wants what is natural he doesn't want a bunch of zombies he wants people that love him from their heart without any encouragement he won't port you can't force love you can't order love you can't buy it it's got to generate within each entity that's what love is it's very difficult for some people to understand that true love comes from within and moves outward therefore God we will never order it Satan she chose to love himself not God Debbie from California where is it in the Bible that it says Jesus will forgive you seven times seventy is this just the same no it's not Matthew chapter 18 verse 22 we'll be getting we're here before too long it's 490 times you know you'd have to be excuse me quite a singer to send that many times so you repent and it's erased and then he says I don't want to hear about it again Cheryl from Illinois I am wondering the birth of Christ begin being celebrated on December the 25th I've heard you say he was born on September 29 so how and when the Shepherd's chapel celebrate our saviors birth well when you must take all things into consideration on December 25th when the conception took place in Mary's womb and she immediately rushed to Elizabeth her cousin who was a full-blood daughter of Levi k-- as mary's mother was a Levite of the priesthood therefore making Christ both of the King Ryan and the priest line then what happened when merely approached on the day of conception to Elizabeth comes up in her womb why because he could feel the presence of the Holy Spirit so that when did the holy spirit begin blood began brawling with us December the 25th but the birth did not take place until nine months later you with containing Bibles you have the appendix number 179 and it will help you with that okay and but we here at shepherd's chapel we celebrate both the conception and the birth and we're going to make hay while the Sun shines because many times that's the only time little children ever hear of Christ is that the day of conception December the 25th night from Washington pastor oh no I recently overcame cake cake cocaine addiction lying lust and stealing addictions from a from a seed planning from shepherd's chapel on television since I am unable to tithe a sufficient amount at this time what would be a good way to start works for good I pray for strength and it think things I love you guys well we appreciated we return that love you're already doing the good work okay you overcame so you're a good witness a good testimony that you overcame this god word is so powerful God's Word is so all increasing and congratulations on beating the demons and be a servant of the Living God you have a guest in me in a purpose don't let anyone take that away from you and this would be this would be WB from Kentucky I understand this murder I'm familiar with it and I know some of your local churches there are saying forgive the murderer who viciously murdered this innocent person and it isn't what does God want with a murder he wasn't up there with the real trial takes place you can kind of know you want to own her their real trial doesn't start till they arrive with the father what are we supposed to do Deuteronomy 19 you're supposed to execute them he said don't you feel guilty because of it this is with two witnesses where you know he's guilty that it was premeditated it was not a crime of passion or something of that nature in taking a life but somebody that would viciously lie in wait and murder people God wants him up there and what he says is others will see and hear and these things will stop happening among you we don't do that and these things do happen so some churches are just ignorant you do not forgive a vicious murderer if you won't pray for and that's one thing but you must did it and he must pay the price okay well and gods right number 35 will give you the same message God moves him up there and not said well what about the New Testament Christ taught it in the book of Matthew we just covered it he said you have heard that said that those that that killed but I tell you they're in danger of judgment the word killed is fun yumps and the Greek and it means criminal homicide and and so it is capital punishment is very real in God's Word and was taught by Christ no good from Georgia I enjoy you and your son's teaching well thank you what does psalm 7121 mean I'm working no Remini my father gave it to me well Psalms 2171 21 God says there's going to be trouble in earth you're going to have some bad things happen there but he created us where we're pretty tough in his name and the word quicken as you will find it in that scripture means I'm going to make you back alive you don't have to worry it's going to be just fine father always takes care of his own okay Gail from Alabama when we are in the Millennium in our spiritual bodies well a thousand years be like a day to us like it is with God no it will it will be a thousand years why because we got a lot of work to do there are a lot of people that have never had an opportunity to learn the real truth and you must always take this equation it's a little deeper than a lot of people like really like to think but when we're God's elect chosen what we have I've chose you before the foundations of this earth well what kind of body were they in spiritual bodies they didn't have this flesh hang up when God gave them the break therefore in the Millennium again all in spiritual bodies and they should have that opportunity not to learn the full truth and then decide when Satan's released or they still going to follow him we've got a lot of work to do I need to take a thousand years Martha from Kentucky does it say in the Bible that's that specifically Satan comes at the sixth trunk please document well book a revelation the thick field the sixth truck and the sixth vial the sixth field you'll find in Revelation chapter six verse 12 the sixth Trump you're going to find in Revelation chapter 9 verse 13 and the sixth vial you're going to find in chapter 16 verse 12 each of those subjects is Satan returning or coming as the false messiah that's why it would tell you in Revelation 13 verse 18 his number is six six six six seal six truck six vial a child can pretty well count that the true Christ doesn't return until the seventh divine from California's someone asked a question about in the beginning what was the light I thought I heard you say the light was Jesus is that true what what is the living word it's the word have you ever read the first verse of Saint John the Gospel of John in the beginning was the word the Word was with God the Word was God okay this is why the every time you read in Genesis chapter 1 the word end begins at the police and enfin in the Hebrew language it means there's a great deal more being said than is written and it means and the Holy Spirit the redock the holy war walk moved upon the waters or up on the the soil he was there and and so it is that is the light the light being true Diana from North Carolina what's the node that she is singing with a group of people at nursing homes is this working for the Lord of course it is I'm bringing entertainment or God's message and song to elderly people in a nursing home is a good work Beverly from California just listing them is a good work nobody's in California do Christians that are serving Jesus go through tribulation or will they being raptured before the Antichrist comes there's no such thing as a rapture the word is not in God's Word the the delivering up is by God's only leg Christians and it happens that delivering up happens at the sixth Trump true Christ doesn't return until the seven then he's coming here to establish his kingdom we're not going anywhere the easiest way you can scripturally document this is second Thessalonians chapter 2 where Paul realized that his first letter could the Thessalonians had deceived them or have confused them in Chapter four about the returning of Christ and he told them I want to reiterate I want to bring again to you our discussion of our gathering back to Christ it is not going to happen don't let my first letter don't let some spirit or some man tell you otherwise Christ is not returning until after the son of perdition Satan staying in the holy place claiming to be God it couldn't be made me clear we're going to be here and we got work to do pastor Mary Cheyenne from Arkansas I'm nine years old I watched shepherd's chapel with my grandma why do people do bad well Cheyenne is for a very simple reason they take God out of our vocabulary in schools they stop prayer in schools and and many people have never been taught or know the beautiful truth of God's Word even from children up and therefore because Satan has strong influence we have bad people in the world I'm I would be the first to say a lot of it is our own fault that we do not punish those that are bad in the way that we should so that these things stop happening among us it's good to hear from you you keep studying Debra from Indiana if I keep planting seeds to my son-in-law does that that does not believe is this okay well don't drive them away don't overload is donkey it is written that you're not to cast your pearls before swine and I'm not calling your son and lost money but the saying is if the seed isn't growing then stop planning for a while you see you cannot make a seed grow only God can a grain of corn will give you the same example you can plant it you can water it but only God can make it grow germinate and grow and produce and so it is with the Word of God so just you have to you have to fish you know you finish you don't take a club or an inker and beat them with it you told you bring them in if they do ever bite them sink the hook but not until Carol from Washington from Virginia rather her son passed away and she had him cremated so when Jesus comes back does he need his body to go to heaven absolutely not he's already in heaven my love he's there how could you think had never read ecclesiastical 12 verse 6 and 7 what does it say there it says as soon as this clay pot breaks that means we die the silver cord parts and our spiritual body not this chunk of meat but our spiritual body instantly returns to the Father from whence it came I know it says spirit but what is your spirit it's the intellect of your soul meaning your soul and your spiritual body returns to the Father you can praise God because your son is already with you in paradise David from Texas Lucifer has one of was one of the cherubs who was guarding the Ark who was the other well we could assume from authority and it's just an educated guess but it you know as much as it is Michael in Revelation chapter 12 it casts Satan and his angels that it was saying that Michael has power over him most likely Michael stayed from California if Lucifer was perfect and God created him why did Lucifer want to be like God with perfect thoughts pride simply pride can destroy anyone Jim from Georgia I heard teaching of grief on the cross told the thief that today you would be with me in paradise I tell I tell thee he's 40 now I told you today you will be with me in paradise whenever the dead rise from the dead and he goes to be with Jesus then and the backing for that Jesus did not go to paradise that day it was three days later and then touched him and he said we're not clinking Mary I'm have not ascended to the Father yet what makes you think he didn't go to paradise the father isn't necessarily on one side of paradox he definitely isn't and it makes it very clear that he's not there and in Luke chapter 16 John chapter 1 verse I'm sorry first Peter chapter 3 verses 18 and 19 declare that while Jesus was in the pillion he went to Paradise and thought all the way back to Noah those that did not overcome and gave them the opportunity to accept Christ and find salvation why because God loves all of his children and if you read on in chapter 4 many of them overcame and then on the third after resurrection he returned to the father so he definitely was in paradise but on the opposite side work team Stanley from Alabama is it wrong to kill spiders and bees and wasps not if they're in the way God gave us authority to protect and control this world whereby it's a safe place soon from Kentucky I hope you don't get upset with me for asking the same question again we never get upset much okay but this is so interesting to me that I just can't understand what that mr. Bollinger makes comments I'm going to save that because I see I'm out of time dr. Bollinger died in 1915 and I feel I teach well enough from God's word that you know right from wrong so it's still one of the best Bibles and companion Bibles made I'm out of time I love you other have you enjoy studying God's Word chapter the chapter brief overs most of all God loves you for it makes his day when you make his day boys are going to make yours we are brought to you about your tithes and offerings if we have helped you keep coming to you what you do that you bless God he will always bless you most important though listen communion listen good you say his word every day in his word is a good day even with couple more why because Jesus Yahshua is the Living Word our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast audio tape our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study a tape catalog and a list of written reference works available through Shepards chaplain to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 866 4 5 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by writing to shepherd's chapel post office box for 1/6 gravity Arkansas 77236 once again that's shepherd's chapel post office box or 1/6 Gravatt artisan 7 2 7 3 6 we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and god bless you [Music] the book of Peter here we have two books first and second Peter that are absolutely fascinating that the book of Peter here we have two books first and second Peter that are absolutely fascinating that great old fisherman telling us leading us directing us guiding us going into the depth if you would in that second book into the three earth ages giving the most accurate recorded account of the events that transpire and document that there are three earth ages that there was one before this one this one and one to come Peter the great fisherman which in his gentleness and his kindness brings us two books the books of Peter that lead guy direct even in your daily life that teach and show you now here is pastor Murray all right good day to you god bless you welcome to the Shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study our praise God were back on that subject to the beast again our father is so good to us that he simplifies events he simplifies his word seems like we get some people that like to jump in there with both feet and muddy up the water until you can't see the clear bottom can't drink the clear fresh refreshing water that brings peace of mind and there you are people like that need to be kept out of the pool or at least don't break out of the same pool they're in go to the refreshing pool that clarity and the simplicity in which Christ taught is brought forth we just asked our Father for that word
Channel: NCPTV
Views: 280,584
Rating: 4.8146644 out of 5
Keywords:, Nashville TN, Lebanon TN, Wilson County TN
Id: VowDsBkr2f8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 0sec (3660 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 11 2017
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